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YOU ARE ENOUGH - Powerful Motivational Speech Video (Featuring Lisa Nichols)

Apr 29, 2024
You'll have to become someone you've never been before You want to go somewhere you've never been You have to do something you've never done You have to say something you've never said You have to go to a place in yourself you've never even been You can redesign you are your michelangelo you are your greatest sculpture and you can re-carve and level up anything you need you are not sentenced to this life this way you chose it you get to choose anything you want you can design it any way you choose no you're sentenced to your future you have a chance at your future what you want and how you want it and if that doesn't make you a little scared then you're not playing big


your knees are supposed to knock a little your teeth are supposed to chatter a little there's supposed to be at least two butterflies in your stomach at least because if you're not playing within your comfort zone and we confuse the fact that we're supposed to be comfortable 24/7 week.
you are enough   powerful motivational speech video featuring lisa nichols
Well, let me tell you, comfortable equals accommodating. I will choose inconvenience every day, any day, to make a difference on the planet. I don't mind. It's a mild to moderate to significant inconvenience to leave my fingerprints on this planet, so I'm just here to talk to game changers and change agents who are willing to confront any part of you that isn't talking about you. incredibly amazing future. I'm here. in my greatness I own my light I own my brilliance I am bold I am brave I am perfect in my imperfection this is my moment this is my moment I am bright


I am old enough I am young enough I have enough experience I am wise enough I understand that I am master of myself ask yourself what is my dream what is my dream I came to challenge you to play on the biggest field you have ever played on I came for you to challenge the fear that might be inside you and to redesign and reprogram it you look at it long enough you are with it intimately enough and it has to dissipate you are the designer of your destiny you are the author of your autobiography you write the story of your life no one can write your financial story no one can write your spiritual story no one can write your story emotional but you the pen has always been in your hand the pen has always been in your hand I say write a story that will be very good for read and ask yourself what is my dream what are you willing to do that you have never done before what are you willing to say that you have never said before are you willing, are you willing to do that thing that you have never done before?
you are enough   powerful motivational speech video featuring lisa nichols

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you are enough powerful motivational speech video featuring lisa nichols...

Are you willing to stand on the edge of your own greatness? Are you willing to look at your fears? Are you willing to acknowledge that you may be afraid? Are you willing to look at the fact that there is always healing to come, there is always growth to come? without arrival you are willing and then in the space of that you are still willing to lean towards the edge feel the breeze of possibility without knowing if you will fly or fall are you willing are you willing to not really know what is there but that something is there? there's more than you're willing to save my life has to make a big difference have you heard me say this before that there's a birthday and a transition day and in the middle that's all the opportunity in the world that's that script that script that He says are you willing to alter my life? you're not here you're not here to leave my life alone you're here to be an interruption to my life you're here to make me want to be someone I've never done something I've never done because you crossed my path.
you are enough   powerful motivational speech video featuring lisa nichols
Are you willing to show it to me? It will take you more time than you thought. It will cost you a lot more money than you thought. you would invest, it will cost you some friends who couldn't make the whole trip with you, it will cost you that feeling of oh my God, I have to go, I have to die to the old me to allow the new me to be born in my future it is going to cost you something this This is the year to reset This is the year to reset This is the year to rekindle This is the year to repeat the things you love This is the year to recommit This is the year to redesign This is the year to recommit This It's the year to reset This is that year I passed to light your fire I passed to make you face fear I passed to see what it has cost you and to make a bold statement The next time it rises, you rise a little higher what it says.
you are enough   powerful motivational speech video featuring lisa nichols
I stopped by so that you no longer make fear your enemy, make fear your fuel. I came here to redefine fear, to redefine it because fear is an emotion like any other emotion. an emotion like love like compassion fear is an emotion we just gave it more power we just gave it more power compassion that's all nice fear that we created we gave it a meaning and some of you know you've heard this before that fear is evidence false seems real now is the time to literally biohack the impact that fear has had on you that fear no longer becomes your strength fear becomes your fuel fear is what pushes you forward fear is what keeps you remember oh I need to go find more information oh fear will keep you up at night studying fear will lead you to a cultural mentor fear will make you eat a piece of humility pie repeat after me I'm ready for my next best season because I know that I am the author of my autobiography.
I am the designer of my own destiny. I am writing my life story and I am writing a life story that I will love to read and that will inspire others. On one page you will read my fear and on the next. You'll know I did it anyway I promise to hold fear in one hand and passion in the other and jump and jump and jump every time I ask each of you to hold me accountable for my contribution to this planet turn to someone and say don't let me off the hook

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