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YO MAMA - Last Jokes! Karen

Jun 08, 2021
Hey Zack James bug mom follow me on Instagram for sneak peeks of all future videos like tomorrow's new joke enjoy one of the latest


mom mom you're such a pug when she's the manager I don't even Karen wants to talk to her. I need to talk to your manager um no, no, you don't trust me, your mom is so ugly that she makes blind children cry. I'm pretty sure it's a hate crime. Oh, mom is so stupid that she thought fruit punch was a gay boxer. Did someone say Kay? Oh, mom. so fat every time she turns around it's her birthday so stay behind her you don't have to give her any gifts genius I'm a fucking genius mom is so ugly when she looked out the window she got arrested for dreaming it was your Face, huh, that's what everyone says, get in the car, mom, so her first word was the first word: fire, fire, fire, mom is so stupid when the doctor told her to burn some calories, she said, a fat person on fire mom is so fat when she went on a diet she ended world hunger for just a penny a day you too can put one of these fat african kids on a treadmill yo mom is so thin when she I shook her hand she gave me a paper cut I'm glad to have you on the team mom you know we'll help you get started ah Wow oh God it's gushing out it's a lot of blood.
yo mama   last jokes karen
America, you make your mom the Soviet Raj, your mom strangled me, no, Brody is so stupid, he's not your mom. The


were funny, oh come on they're hilarious and current yes you're five years old mom is so ugly she made the Joker stop laughing no mom is so stupid she spent 20 minutes looking at a carton of orange juice because It's a Karcher, come on man, my mom hired you too. I did a backflip, I dug God in the face, what the hell was that, mom? Then Karen asked for the manager, manager and then I need to talk to the president of her.
yo mama   last jokes karen

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yo mama last jokes karen...

Oh, in case it's a moment, yes, did anyone ask her? I need to talk to her. God, go help your mom, she is so short that she fought the coronavirus with her first. I'm just asking for some directions to the nearest body. Oh, I told you we should have stayed six feet away. Your mom is so American that she wouldn't let you play one. because that was Spanish ah damn it backwards oh you guys playing goldfish oh we're playing no you're playing what we're playing oh but I was so close to winning yo mom is so ugly when she cries her tears rolled down to the back of her look in the head I'm sorry, but yes, you are ugly, oh no, please don't cry, with your face behind your head, guys, behind your head, look, even they agree with me, mom is so Gorda that the belt was an asteroid belt, oh, that was


season. - made of planets, what is happening to everyone, Ron, Ron and very strong panic, hey brothers, add me in three five, hey, study with me in an epic battle, oh yes, put the link in the description, download the game and add me today mom so my review.
yo mama   last jokes karen
His ancestor was the Statue of Liberty haha ​​pee that means you're French and you tell people they're not Americans hey get in the taxi mom is so poor Nigerian scammers wire her money that's my dream, come, dad, so that both people can use their heads. like a mirror hey, hey, wait a minute, who's that handsome man?, hey, that's me, mom is so short, a drop of rain soaked her oh no, you need to get my lilies, come on little ones, you can't let you drown, hey lady, you better get into your daddy, so hairy The Addams family thought it was cousin, cousin, your hair looks more delicious every day, thanks man, decided to skip that third shower of the week.
yo mama   last jokes karen
Wow buddy, my hair clog came to life. Yo mom is so rich that her money is not. growing on trees, isn't it beautiful lady? I'm just here to water the tree oh yeah, just make sure you put it on, come on, I'm here to water the tree da-da-da-da-da no no no no no me mom, so ugly, so strong, we, mom, She is the reason Batman fights crime at night. I'm Batman, I fight crime, I save people, but only at night, when he's a toy, I can't have that ugly mom fight with me, oh, I thought you couldn't.
Look at me at night, she let it be over, can you still see me? Okay, photo bombs, with real balls, okay, make sure you have a big smile like this, a perfect calm rest, wait, get out of here, this is perfect for the shop assistants, your mom is so complete that she made Sonic. Heart, go, sonic speed, lady, you are the most beautiful thing in the world. I would know and I literally saw the whole thing in 3.8 seconds. Yes, I just double-checked and can confirm that your mom is so horribly ugly that the Terminator told you I won't be coming back. even LaVista ugly, momma's so fat she doesn't smoke weed, she fries it, my Brody's got tingly but it smells amazing, can I have some, oh boy, what if, what if Brody and his bongs had a spin-off, mom she's so good?
She turned the marshmallow into a s'more Hello, I just want to fly with spores so high, Mom, so even Chucky didn't want to play with her. Hi, I'm Chucky, I want to play, what keeps me from this ugly guy? This is that ugly - Egon Chucky, wait. Herbie, dad is so drunk that his breath gave you liver failure hey buddy, yes they knew you but I think I want to meet you, we would be great friends, possibly brothers, ah you've already fallen in love with me, mom is so slimy, her type of blood is swamp. The water doesn't care where my swamp water is bleating swamp water I don't know I think I like it it's like a found water except they're shading it yo momma she's so fat North Korea uses her farts as bombs boo boo boo desk big enemy fire we tried this, your mom's short man thought she was an ant, come on, who are you?, your mom is so ugly, she's the reason SpongeBob lives in a pineapple under the sea, right? do you think he will leave soon?
I hope so, because I have to pee Oh, mom is such a pirate, well, the only book she reads are the Y pages. I can't sleep well, tell me a bedtime story, of course, honey, just know the one from my favorite book , oh no, no, yay, chapter 1 of Luigi's M, James. Aronson 7 to 6 1 Carrie Lane's Phone Number ok, I think I'm officially too old for bedtime stories, get out of my room. Next is Sarah Abraham's phone number one six five five Nile Street in the United States, trick-or-treating, try a cartridge. me, something good, day in Soviet Russia, candy, trick or treat for you, oh no, what's going on, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Brodie pop, oh, just one, my mom's teeth They are so yellow or smile, slow down, driver, do you know him?
We're not supposed to speed through the yellow light, right, buddy? Why was it just an ugly lady? Yes, yes, lately excuse me, get out of your car, she comes into my care, mom, so she called him super just to move around the house. oh man I'm starving, well hey where can I take you to the kitchen alone? I need a snack, okay, we're here, mom is so ugly that she made the baby shark sing, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, go, go, baby shark, why do sharks attack everyone? Get out of the water, luckily mom, they all go back to the ocean, go back to the ocean, none of this is original

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