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Wunschpunsch Staffel 1 Folge 1 Der Punsch Der Pünsche

Mar 30, 2024
Behind the dark walls of Nightmare Villa, the evil magic wheel and her witch aunt unleash the terrible and terrible blow of blows, Cat and Raven bravely try to save the world, but only two friends beat them. Did you just visit Amalia? Okay, you know what Jakob reminds me of the first time we met on New Year's Eve exactly 5 years ago. A strong snow storm devastated the park just like today. Irwi was preparing a magic tank which he called Elixir Number. 92 and wanted to deliver it to the city's supermarkets, there it would be sold under the name of Muntermann's diet.
wunschpunsch staffel 1 folge 1 der punsch der p nsche
If people drank it, from then on they would believe that everything Irwi would produce would serve humanity, then something that would never be forgotten appeared as if from the nothing suddenly this horrible brother of course we had no idea who he was back then I have the pleasure of the secret magic wheel Professor Irwit you have the pleasure and you are my name is made maledikt when you make a gesture and what do you want here mr maledtus I am going on behalf of their boss, the highly respected Minister of Outer Darkness, who is extremely dissatisfied with them because they have not fulfilled their contractual obligations this year.
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They haven't eliminated enough animal species, they haven't poisoned enough rivers and lakes. and seas, and I have not modeled any misery on the people of Micropolis, but on all the blacks in the universe D I have to ask for one, I assure you Professor Irzer, the minister never makes mistakes Elixir 9 is almost ready and I guarantee it that is the timid 92 is a poor brew for the poor who have until midnight of the remaining Bat year to write a dark curse that will satisfy the Minister to some extent. I will return at midnight and ask you about your progress.
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If you fail, I will. I assure you that Minister Höch himself will pay a visit to you and your clumsy aunt and my aunt. I didn't know that at the time that Irwitzer has an aunt, he had never talked about her. What do I do with all the tumors and torture? What do I do? The only thing that can help me is the magic scroll. I'll probably have to visit my Aunt Tyrannia with all the smelly tinctures. I really hate disturbances. No matter who you are, I'm not buying anything. I'm not going to buy anything, but I'm not going to buy anything, but you can also catch death and a cold before you open the door.
wunschpunsch staffel 1 folge 1 der punsch der p nsche
What a nice greeting, strange bird, you yourself have no manners. for you chatterschnabel chatterschnabel my name is Jakob krel I am Maurizio di Mauro I come from a family of Neapolitan knights my first ancestors go back to miaudericht the great my family tree goes back to renessance and inig as you know is the home of all the great Singer yes yes M M M M M sounds more like you come from an old stocktauberfösche family Take that back, you wretched bat, clean yourself up or you're dead, eh I B you FL, wouldn't you better, otherwise I'll take the lard from you?
Oh please forgive me, Jakob Krakel. I'm sorry too. I want to be open with you, Mauritio. I am a spy for the High Council of Animals. You understand. My lady is Tyrania WAMP, your master's aunt, a wicked witch who is on her way here at this very moment, but I am also a spy for Aunt Noa's Animal Wheel. That's exactly why I'm here, we should keep them. You say here comes a lover. Yes, your master and my lady are quite bad. alone but if they get together it will be quite dark for the world what do you mean they have nothing?
I mean good things in mind, I feel like on my old wings, the only problem is that I don't know. exactly what they are doing, my Master not yet, he can't find you here, come on, oh, that annoying old visitor is here and you know. Also who then looks persistently knock knock BBI my dear little nöffe I am so happy to see Freiche's little face, which you have lost here, leave that and I just missed you my dear nephew, why do you think I usually go out on such a horrible night, That's exactly what surprises me too?
On a night like this you wouldn't visit anyone, especially me. What do you really want for me? I'll be honest, that was the first lie. I'm here to give you half of the parchment I need to prepare. wishing punch satanarcolgin jalkohellish, I will pay you any price for it, Bubi, come on, old woman, I know you have the other half of the magic scroll but my half is not for sale and I also know that a certain One is with you today. He also had some things around here. I have other information tools. You are in trouble?
Aunt, please don't be stupid. I had never been in trouble before. of the parchment and say what you want in return Unfortunately, I no longer lost the parchment Lüner burned in the fire no no the mothers ate it liar it's okay, Bubi, I'll tell you the truth or I want to. Being struck by lightning on the spot, so I threatened myself if I didn't do it before midnight tonight. I fulfilled my contract and poisoned the world with evil curses. The Minister of Outer Darkness will pay me a visit personally. A sad history. I will lend you my half of the scroll, but only if together we spread a wish strike curse and get the gold and I also take jewels.
Oh, thank you, diri, thank you, thank you, thank you, honey. The power of 66 reverse tabs shows fake or real parts that come from a complete formula from the moment the night shows your power. F they fly and move together under Don and Flames Aung ready and K heen and moans of desire not to close and say. first let's back off, then our flight takes off after the caldera shakes, the world will feel a shock, they will just have to pass hours without any incident, then our FL will last forever like us and FL, the air will ignite and now GI and dirty I should die. air soon the ya Z and die and wither soon in the rooted trees zthousands of wishes fulfilled and we hear those magical wishes allch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch that doesn't look good at all from Jakob it's even scary and don't panic we We couldn't help that the magicians pronounced the flight, but we can still go with Aunt Noah, the boss of the high wheel of animals.
Yes, our job was just to keep an eye on the two villains, but now that we have their darkness, don't worry. able to prevent it, the Animal Council has to act. Aunt Nour always knows a way out, come to Maurizio, that was pretty close Jakob, what happened to the river is completely poisoned and this morning I drank fresh, clear water, look at it The trees under the curse of the magicians must have killed a very air thick is that the whole world will go to hell if we don't do something to break this evil curse it really is a huge disaster that the two of them have endured I think our evil flight works nephew I just hope it's dark enough to satisfy this disgusting m but don't tell him that I helped you I don't want to get in trouble with him don't be afraid in SE hours the curse will be irreversible and no one will be able to do anything about it happy new year everyone 6 hours ago Karl I know I'm just practicing something that night so wonderful fresh, clear air Aunt Noah I'm Jakob Krakel well, hello Jakob Krakel and who can see my sore eyes Little Mauritius is here too My God, you're hard to see with the fat animal in the air, you two also take good care of the magicians like they swore, well, actually that's why we're going to see you Aunt Noah.
Tyran and Beelzebub brought their two halves of the scroll of wishes together. They caused this environmental pollution in the world. Z The bottom line is that if we do nothing, this is the day the Animal High Council has always feared. Now it's up to you two to stop the evil curse, it's up to us how we should do it with a wise puzzle wheel A puzzle wheel does exactly that: you put an end to the magic of the heights where angels and demons clash. spoil the old year's punch with the ringing of a new year's bell, I wish you good luck guys, we trust you, don't let us down, what did you mean?
We find them Solution in gigantic heights where angels and demons confront each other how much time do we have left for Mauricio 3 hours and 15 minutes to midnight and at the end of the world that was probably almost the end of me thanks even these statues that I heard can no longer support the air pollution angels and devils angels and demons that's Maurizio that's the solution honestly the cathedral at the top up angels and demons you will find the solution in the galactic heights where angels and demons confront each other well but what about the rest of the puzzle I have?
I have no idea, but there are bells in cathedrals, maybe we just have to ring the bells before midnight and then the magic is broken, you can't breathe, water can't drink, snow trees can't fly, trees They rot, I think I will. Don't you think Bubi is more than satisfied? Oh, yes, and if he will be satisfied Auntie, wait a minute, that's right, that's our park. ? Year, we need a new year bell to break the new year curse, but it's too late, Jacob, we definitely have to reverse the curse before midnight. I know it's completely impossible now that it's still the old year, oh we have to outsmart it somehow.
Now, you little rascals, you probably want to play a little joke on me, excuse me, but who are you really? ST New Year's Eve, who else do I come here once a year, on my name day, to check that everything is in order? the world has to be in order. This affects space and time as much as the end of the old year, but now is not the right time for a conference. My job is to welcome the new year later and make sure no one touches the tower. They ring before midnight, not even in an absolute emergency.
You see, if we don't put an end to evil before midnight, the world will remain in a dark mess forever, well, yes, yes, I understand what you mean. What should we do, what should we do? Wait, I have an idea that might help you. Hurry up, it's almost midnight, what did you want to have a bell tone or well here is a New Year's bell tone now? you can spoil this punch with it thank you dear ST New Year's Eve now we just have to go back to the laboratory and pour the tone into the magic potion come before midnight.
But how are we supposed to get home on time? minute You two just fly to the sound of the bell. Then they will be home in a few seconds. They just have to hug each other all the time. On behalf of both of us, I love him. Thank you. A thousand times, dear ST New Year's Eve, we will definitely not disappoint you. I hope no one notices that a note is missing from the New Year's bell concert. Jacob, have you done something to yourself? , What are you waiting for? Jakob put it in there, oh now I see his beak is completely frozen, say that now, we'll make it, what's the point?
I don't know what's happening all of a sudden. I don't know, escaping the curse didn't really make me take shit anymore, you never said he was with you too, you never asked then, so it's your fault the curse failed you, wooden-headed Santa, and no. you do it. you think you can get my gold and the jewels keep it, you calcified, stupid, effeminate loser, we did it, we saved the world, you know what, Maurizio, you're not that bad for a cat and you're not that bad for a grumpy gallows bird , but there is a part of the story that you have forgotten You have Maurizio, how angry I was with the magicians back then because of me, keep your gold and the jewels but it was your mistake aunt not mine, the only mistake I made was ask for help with a bottle like you, can I interrupt you briefly?
So that you can prepare your magic bullets more accurately in the future, I can announce that you devilish losers and I completely deserve to be connected forever. No, everything is pale, you're right Jacob, that was really the best part, at least for us, otherwise we would never be such friends.

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