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WORST vs BEST Rated Flight Simulators In ROBLOX

Mar 27, 2024
this is a flying game with a 92% rating on Roblox and it has the most hyper-realistic planes ever seen and I will show you the difference between this and a flying game with a rating of 83%, a flying game with a rating of 64 % up to a Flying Game with a 53% rating and I will also try to make a Butter Landon in each game. The first game we will play is the airport airplane


simulator. This game has a rate of 53% and generally ranges between 100 and 200 players. You can see that there are three different airports that we can choose from.
worst vs best rated flight simulators in roblox
There's a small one, a decent looking one and an even bigger one. It looks military with the barracks. This airport is an island in itself and there is literally nothing else nearby. okay, I see a generator here, I think it's a generator, uh, I think I'm going to use the Boeing 737, this plane, I mean, it doesn't look bad, like the mod isn't super accurate or super detailed anyway, let's hope this The hatches don't come off the plane when we're flying it, oh so you turn it on, what the hell is going on? I am brother. How very realistic so far.
worst vs best rated flight simulators in roblox

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worst vs best rated flight simulators in roblox...

Remember I still need to make a butter landing in this game. I mean, I am. I'm not sure how successful I'm going to be at that, okay, full speed ahead, let's try to take off. I mean, I don't think anyone is doing ATC right now, so we should be fine, okay, now we're in heaven, so far physics. I feel good, the plane feels very stable for some reason, I'm the


pilot you can imagine, by the way, okay, that was a very nice turn, very realistic and I think we're going to have a good landing, oh, I'm stagnant.
worst vs best rated flight simulators in roblox
Now why did he just steal randomly? Oh my gosh, I wasn't paying attention to my speed and that was our Landon butter in the first game. Let's see what the next one has to offer. Make sure you keep watching until the end because I still have the most realistic


time in Roblox as well as the most popular flights. Our next game is Aviation Airfield. This game has a rating of 64% and also has more than 100 players. Usually for some reason it just became like cloudy weather so I guess this game already has time oh my god the map is a lot more detailed or at least there are a lot more things on the map than the previous game , so we have a Boeing 747. 30 minutes.
worst vs best rated flight simulators in roblox
I'm clicking and nothing appears. What about this? I see a secret little thing here oh he just gave me a badge ok a giant F35 what omg 239 Robux look how big this thing is oh there's the 73700 ok let's spawn that omg This is an old plane. How long is the jet engine and okay, how do I fly? why does my plane disappear? Brother, why is the track so bumpy? Oh, that worries me about landing anyway, let's take off here. No, oh, there is no animation for the gears on this plane. That sucks. There's an aircraft carrier here and I'm really wondering if I should try to land.
There with the plane, okay, let's do a U-turn and try to land this thing. I hope I don't stop the game at random and enter the water. I'm really trying to have a nice clean earth here, I mean the focus is not very clean if you were on this plane you'd probably file a complaint anyway let's break up let's get rid of all our stuff oh my god no it's okay, that was a very clean landing, wait, we can eject what's the button to eject V oh oh, that was a We ejected cleanly right there and managed to stop the plane.
Well, that was the second game. Let's see what the next game has to offer. Now we have one of my favorite flying games on Roblox, this is Aerona and this game has so many features that I'm surprised it only has 83% R and only 100-300 players on average, so here we are at the International Airport Clarence, one of the biggest airports in this game, and you can see on the left there's so many things you can see. The most important thing I can see in this game is that I think jobs are one of the most important parts of this game, so for example, I have an A380 at this airport, so it is giving me a lot of transportation jobs, however if you had a fighter jet or an SR71 you would get different missions like b bomb or surveillance etc and those are so sick if you remember in the name of the game it said train that's because you need to train to get a driver's license a specific level of aircraft and you must pay to obtain that license.
I mean, the plane models don't look very detailed, but they are accurate and get the job done. This is my Airbus A380, which I got for free from a very kind person, that's why I have They didn't change the delivery they had, I can also notice that there is fuel and maintenance in this game, which is good, look how majestic this plane looks and we're going full speed, oh my god this plane is so slow by the way, because it's so heavy it also looks ridiculous, I mean imagine if someone with this big forehead was looking at you trying to make a point.
I also just noticed that there is no animation for the gears which is kind of disappointing anyway, I think it's time to try and make one last comment, well here we are. We're coming for the butter. Landing okay, it looks good this time, come on, there you go, we landed okay all gears except oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, the plane doesn't stop, please, stop, please please, stop. Anyway, we have our butter. Landing on this game, let's look at the next one. If you don't want your plane door to explode on your next flight, be sure to subscribe or I'll make it happen and for one of the highest


games in this video. we have flight project, this game has a rating of 92% which is the same as the


game, however it has less players, you can see that this menu already looks very impressive, this game has traffic control mode air, which is paid, there is also a ground crew mode that is coming soon and let's just click this button fly now.
You can see that there is only free flight at this time. Let's free fly and see what planes we have reserved for us. There's the Airbus. There are four Airbus planes. There are four Boeings. There are also some fighter planes. We're going to use a Boeing 737 again and you can see that this model is so slick as they made sure all of this was as accurate as possible and you can see how many liveries this game has. In any of the games, you can of course create a custom livery, but you can choose one from all of these real-life liars.
I was very surprised when I saw the damn Moroccan airline here too, however, I am. I'm going to go with Ryan Air because we all know how I fly airplanes, there are seven different airports you can spawn at. I think I'm going to go through gate 208 and thankfully it's empty, however SP Wings looks a little suspicious. here and here we are inside the game, let's start the engine, let's go to this jet engine starting, wait which one, oh, the one on the left, the one on the right, start first, there you go, you can see it's starting, oh my god , that's absolutely sick AB.
I'm being hypnotized by the jet engine right now also to control the plane you press a and it starts using the mouse controls which is sick I really like that okay so we're on the runway we have to take off let's see the controls I want to do my flaps there you go I just press F I think there you go oh you can see your flaps here anyway let's go with um uh take off and we're going full speed I don't know what these arrows mean here I think it's like an escape plan in case there's an Emer, also let me know in the comments below what your favorite plane is, oh my gosh there's a simple landing, wait I need to take off, uh let's do the gears okay , there are gear animations and they look very realistic, okay. alright, let's check the autopilot so you can change your altitude when you press it, it puts it at your current altitude speed and so on and we can set this up and it controls the throttle to say at the speed I set it to, okay.
Turn around and try to land this thing, we're going on our flaps, we're doing Landon flaps, oh wait, I forgot my gears. I don't want to stop the engine, turn off the engine, come on, there you go, we just left, oh, he said. the butter, so actually, oh, I just messed up the landing, so it was a really good landing. Let me know in the comments below what your


landing is in this game. Let me know the exact number and let me know if my landing was real. Well, let's go to the final game now to see the best gameplay in this video pilot training flight simulator.
This game has a 92% rating, but it is the most popular flying game on Roblox, it easily gets 000 or more players most of the time anyway. this is the main menu you can see you can just play or do tutorials and other things we're going to play and look at this map this is an absolutely crazy map it's very big there's a ton of things you can do here okay ? here we are, we generate the airport, oh my god this airport is pretty big and the map is even bigger which is crazy. I mean, we're literally in the middle of nowhere anyway, let's see what kind of planes we can generate, there's a lot of stuff. you can spawn so there are the airliners however I want to spawn a military plane there are a ton of fighter planes here some of them are game passes and we are going to spawn the f35b which is a game pass and we are going to spawn to generate the one for the Marines anyway, this is the Marines F35.
I'm not going to lie, it's not as detailed as some of the lower


games like the second game in this Ved ooh, this plane has vertical takeoff, okay, that's actually so sick. look at this we can remove our gears oh there are no gear animations well that sucks anyway we are flying the plane now let's remove the vertical take off and we are already using After Burner wait maybe we can do a jump to back like this. oh no I just turned off the engine by accident okay we just got to the big one oh my god I almost crashed into that plane what the hell there was a city here and soon we are going to land?
I need to check it. the controls, although I honestly don't know how I can slow this plane down to land, dude this is so incredibly fast there isn't even crash physics in this game. Now I'm starting to wonder why this game is so popular anyway. we get out of the plane, let's spawn a Boeing and try to land it and go with bionaire. I mean the plane models, uh, aren't as good as the project flight, however, some people don't want super realistic flight sims, so maybe they'd prefer this. game because it's a little bit simpler and for some reason it's very difficult to drive on land so I'm going to take off from here and the engine sounds like my car when it's broken or something so I would say the engine sounds are It's not as good as Project Flight, let me know what you think in the comments, but which one do you prefer and why do you prefer the plane models, plane selection, plane sounds, what do you prefer about this game?
Okay, we are. Coming for a land here let's avoid theft like some of the previous games uh are we brother? I'm almost touching the ground, wait bro, oh my god, I'm actually touching the lights right there, no, please don't stop. Don't stop, don't stop there, oh my gosh, that was such a good landing right there.

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