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Apr 21, 2024
So today we are going to see the fast


in the world ignore my voice, I don't know what the hell happened to him, let's do this, oh God, I sound terrible, okay, what we have, oh, look at this, no, how? I'm going to make them like this look okay look at the


in the back they're slowly removing these things like one at a time well this person and then look at that look at the face look look at the face look at the face they're like They were looking at the other workers. It's like everyone needs to pick up the pace.
worlds fastest workers insane
Keep in that way. Come on, keep up after this fur. Oh that's good. I like it. Yes, you have a meaning. one, yes, you have to put them on his plate, oh, my voice sounds terrible, let's continue, well, what we have, I like it, I like my son to eat a lot of apples, this would be good, you don't want to give apple skins to the Small children. because like they can joke about that, so that's pretty cool, what is this, bro? Ah, that's not right, Ah, that's not right, that's not right look look look okay look at this pizza here look, would you like to cut the pizza in the center look where this cuts, it cuts it up here, the top slices will be this big, damn, look at this, look at this, look at this, look at this, it cuts it up there, it's supposed to be in the center, whoever it is.
worlds fastest workers insane

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worlds fastest workers insane...

Eat this top piece it's going to be sad no, this is a failure, I don't care how fast you do it, you better do it right, yeah, I'm saying it, oh buddy, speaking of fast things, hit quick, oh, what is this? Well, this plays quickly. the like button below the video if you can press it fast enough but it will turn blue what does that mean? Just hit the like button, my mouth asks, okay this guy is literally on another level, what is this lady? It's not that serious. What is this? She is blindfolded. Do not do this.
worlds fastest workers insane
Don't do this at home. You won't have fingers. I don't know what I'm saying, okay, today is my third attempt at breaking the Guinness World Record for the


person to drink 500 milliliters of water. The record is set at 1.75 seconds. No, guys, don't do this at home, you might drown. I don't think so. Don't do it, this is very dangerous, it can enter your lungs and hurt you in a second, how did you just do that? Don't try that at home, it's probably dangerous, no, he was sick, it's okay, he's cutting them, everything is fine, fruit.
worlds fastest workers insane
Cutters, how much of that did you waste trying to be fast? I see you waste food I see you don't waste that way Give back the food we have I have more food This is like a fast food race it's just a big thing of dough what is it that's a green dough what does that mean okay I don't know what oh oh but what is that is that like oh are they it's pasta they're making pasta I knew that oh that's sick that's a lot of pasta is it pasta? Don't know. I sound like an idiot guys, if you think I'm an idiot hit the like button, what does that mean?
Oh, my voice sounds terrible, please improve, okay, oh my god, you got it. down to a science, oh, I've ever seen this one break, now what else are you going to do?, oh, another one, another one, how many plays have you broken in your career? Hey, don't lie, you don't have any dishes, oh, that's it? Sick, I like that you need to put mortar in, even though that's going to crumble, you'll have plants growing through it. What do you want a garden? Okay, what we have, why do you feel like you have to shoot a three-pointer?
Because? Why is this what you have to do? Why do you have to shoot a three-pointer with the cheese or whatever? What is this? You realize those bars will probably burn everything you love. He's literally throwing around these molten steel bars like it's nothing. look at this I like this this is teamwork pineapples oh that's cool if one person makes a mistake the whole line backs up and then you have people holding a bunch of pineapples that's cool okay what we have good, he is cutting another tomato. The Cotto guy is able to skin something so fast it's cool oh what is this oh god oh what are you doing to that shirt, what are you doing to that pillowcase, what is that, what are you doing?
I won't follow this, you better be cool, you're going to hold on What's that? Did you just fix what we have here? Oh wow, that's sick like that conveyor belt is moving fat. What is this? Hey, what are you doing? You are doing well cleaning a table. I mean, that's pretty sick even if you clean that up. so fast, that's pretty good, oh god, oh god guys, don't use a nail gun at home, that shit, yeah, that'll hurt. What is this? Make the toilet paper wait. Says when toilet paper comes in a giant roll like that.
What size is your? The butt has to be like that for the roll to be so big. What are you going to do with that final part? I could use that for Kleenex. Let me understand that in part. The kids haven't tried this at home yet. I know I've said it like a billion times that little saw over there is crazy Sharp like it's sharp enough to cut toilet paper oh dough, okay, okay, you're spilling the dough, it looks like it's not you, you're fine, cutting it. I see you, well, I see you. It looks good you're making mozzarella sticks because I'm mozzarella sticking the mozzarella what are you doing oh god it's not that big of a deal oh you're rolling them oh I see you what the hell are you doing?
That's sick Dude, people who do old stuff for a long time get really good at it when I, when will I become a good YouTuber? I forget what they're called, okay, I'm not in the next one, oh my god, what's all this Duty that's sick oh, what are you cooking, buddy? This is just about food. Like, what is this? Okay, you have some eggs and tomato. I like tomato eggs, how fast it cooks there, this is crazy, look how big, let's make it, what is it doing? Look, that was amazing, oh shit, like kravis, this crab is living, he's making himself an igloo, okay bro? leave you alone no, no, this is teamwork, look at him, the only guy putting the cement plaster in the middle and starting, that's sick.
I like it, I like it, I like the ones where there is teamwork because you have to work together if one person fails. the other yells yes ah my voice is fine two it's not that serious why do you have boxes so quickly take a break oh that's cement if you ruin it that cement will have footprints forever oh they're fine you're ripping tiles off a house , okay, yeah, nothing like raking shingles, you know, you know, your parents tell you to rake the garden, not rake the roof, oh God, I need to stop talking, brother, what are you doing, what did you just do?
Did you just staple a piece of paper like 50 times or stamp it? Are you giving your seal of approval? I approve it, I prove it, we understand it. Okay, okay, not more shingles, that was our shingles. I'm an idiot, those are bricks, wait, that's the coolest machine I've ever seen, did you see that clip where that guy was throwing the bricks really fast, this creates a giant road instantly, dude, that's it amazing, oh, that's sick, I want to think, guys, if you want if you want me to do like a reaction of uh, the most satisfying things, I'll do that too, that was sick, it was like one of those satisfying things, oh God, no put a knife, what is that lady, what are you? doing why do you put why do you put meat in toilet paper lady what are you doing lady we want to eat you want to cook it don't you want to put it in toilet paper it's not a booger oh God what is this what is that on your back uh oh that's the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life oh this is sick these NASCAR drivers look how fast because these NASCAR drivers are in a race right look how fast they change these tires this is crazy look not even NASCAR I'm an idiot but you know you get the idea that it was like a second, they just completely changed all those tires in a second and then this guy will drive like 300 miles an hour, you trust everyone, you trust everyone. that, uh, you change, I don't trust it, maybe you want to do it, you want to walk around the vehicle and kick the tires, hey, they're making another one, this is crazy, what the hell do the jeans your friends make?
Listen, you don't need to do this to your friends, they have machines, oh God, what is it? What are they doing? Did you expect a very quick summary? This guy here is holding a bowl. This guy is throwing a bowl at him while. he throws his bowl at him and throws a bowl at him while he throws a bowl at him look look at this they're throwing bulls back and forth that's amazing okay what is that? It's like a giant orange no, that's a grapefruit how do people do this? He's not even looking He was looking at the camera Don't look at me Look at you You're going to cut your finger But don't look at me Look at you You have a sharp knife Your fingers don't Look at me crazy, these people are crazy, that's so good, are you good?
Oh look, he's getting a little bit off the top and he's doing little bulls, that fast guy, that's cool, look how many bowls he's done, that was awesome, we got those. big nails have also been so easy he's sick he's okay guys we're back with another video. Today we are going to try to be one of the


workers in the world. This is Nico evolved, he helps put these videos together, so basically us. We will try to open the Pokémon cards in record time. They are ready? This is a world record here abroad. They can't even open the package.
It's very difficult, but believe me, guys. I am one of the best in the world that I can. No, I just can't take that, okay, yeah, no, we got it, we got it, it's been 22 seconds. I think it's probably like that. It's boom time. 39 seconds, that has to be a world record. Thank you all, thank you for watching. I do not do it. I don't look at his eyes approaching guys, hit the like button if you haven't enjoyed it, that was beautiful.

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