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World's Most Relatable School TikToks! (Funny)

May 15, 2024
these are the funniest


tik toks we can all relate to like oh no you can't do that to someone that's what you get dude he threw his book out the window oh my god bro has his own car in the AMG


with the gear shift and your whole rule just bending on the speed arm to go up, you've done a good job there, public school paper towels oh no, yeah, good luck, good luck, why why are they so crispy? It's like using wrapping paper, they're useless, you know what? We should bring our own kitchen paper from home if you want to clear something up, it only makes it worse.
world s most relatable school tiktoks funny
I swear there's not enough school roll that can clean it up. You had two exams. Oh two exams I took you had a 53 and a 60 you can cheat it's online I cheated we still have a 53 and a 60 wait wait wait wait father is telling daughter to cheat in what kind of reverse


we're now when you're at school but you forgot your bag was open last night oh no oh no wait whoa whoa who literally put Kitt in class and Zach, you started us oh Z so for my present oh oh oh lagging behind a little there oh god mine oh my the best way to skip a presentation pretend you have problems with the internet, what the hell, oh, oh, oh wait, that's one way to wake up your kid in the morning.
world s most relatable school tiktoks funny

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world s most relatable school tiktoks funny...

I'm surprised the kids would take it so well if someone dragged me out of bed and splashed cold water on my face. I will be furious, I think my brother is going to be amputated, oh my God, my brother's finger has lost all color. How long has he been asleep, but his fingers look like that guy? Wake him up and save his hand. This is your cue to make a fish pond in class oh brother, he's sick, he even used math paper. Now you have fish, but the cat you brought from home can play with it in class.
world s most relatable school tiktoks funny
It's perfect how dad behaves when you miss the bus. What do you do at home? boss oh no oh no again again it's not like I have to be at work right now I could be late my boss is totally fine with that you know this comes from being lazy this is pure laziness you know what I think it would be so I have afraid if I miss the school bus. I'll end up walking to school. This matter took me hours. I couldn't face my parents when you and your matate start laughing in class and the teacher looks at you like that.
world s most relatable school tiktoks funny
Oh no, oh God. God, the worst thing is when they tell you not to laugh and then you look at your friend and his mouth is shaking you can't help but laugh young man, future problems, okay, come on in, I work here, where are you? I work here, bus, I work here, oh. OMG I just KNOW a giant sign on a chest that says I'm a teacher, this school had enough and locked up the smokers, wait wait, bro already locked up everyone in the smoking area, what do they have to get out? , friend, oh. Oh my god, hey, that would teach you not to smoke, bad student, super try it, okay, and what do you mean you're going to text me, bro, why do I have a gallon in the gas tank, huh, oh , what are you saying?
I'm doing my job, what are you talking about? Okay, I'm done rushing, so be late for class. You're not literally trying to get 100%. Some people are too smart. I'm telling you, no one. I draw a fire. Brother is really acting right now. he's doing dance moves and going up on the catwalk the school is burning down dude oh the teacher's not happy we're going to die we're going to die the teacher doesn't even stop them they're just here filming tik toks scaring the kids at school hey whoever is here is raising R oh oh oh my god, I didn't realize how many people hid the bathrooms during class to skip school, but there are a lot of them, I walk to school knowing that I haven't done my Homework, oh friend, life is fine, life is fine, you failed the test, oh no, and you couldn't educate me, oh, are you answering? the calculator, the phone holder and the wireless charger, it is the


ADV school book I have ever seen.
I want one. I don't even go to school. Your parents said they went to school across the desert walking a million miles. so hard swimming through oceans tracking forests carrying our giant backpacks all the way here fighting tigers I fought a tiger all the way bye bye they got to school for the finale Bell I think your parents are lying about how they got to school oh you got and F oh, you got an A+, you gotta see oh, you got an A+, you got a D minus oh, you got an A+, you got a 41 and you were late, oh, you got an A+ and a date, this cat did all that cat is a genius You got added to that school group chat, bro.
Look, I love a group chat that appears sometimes too much. It gets annoying wearing Crocs to school, oh my god it's so weird in America to see people wear whatever they want to school. I had to wear a school uniform if I wore Crocs to school the teacher would kill me oh oh this person tried to make his own little fish tank and what is his plan for when class ends? The brothers made boats, oh my god I actually crushed it, shout out to the person sitting in front of her who is covering this so the teacher doesn't know what's going on.
That's an awesome day in the life of having your mom as a teacher. Oh, what is this about her letting me in before all the other students? I'm the best, this is a cosmic brownie because he was hungry. I want a cosmic brownie. I'm outside right now because I asked for extra recess. You only have recess whenever you want when your mom is a teacher and now I am. I'm stealing stuff from the staff fridge, you can go to the staff areas and get food back from the staff, maybe it would make up for how early and late you'd have to get to school, maybe, oh yeah bro, I'm dying, right? why are there so many? stairs my mother getting ready for bed after a 12 hour shift oh, long day, 12 year old me came to tell her about a project I've known about for months during the morning, but again, that's me, it's like a costume the next day and no I don't have clothes for it but I need something now why do I always leave things to the last minute bro if you click me?
No, you can't do that even as a teacher. Yes, many teachers like that. Sh no no you're clicking that's rude you can't be doing that yeah that's good when the teacher says ooh you know you've done something good oh no oh no buddy a little wine flying, bro, started getting excited wa W whoo whoo whoo Whoa whoo, what's going on here buddy, they're being zombies, what the hell is going on? Look, if that's a drama or acting class, I'll let you get away with it, anything else. I don't know, find a box of bread that's been there for a year, oh my God, bro, don't open it, no, don't open it, it's going to be gross.
Oh, that's the moldiest bread I've ever had. I can't help you with that. Sorry, okay guys, time's up, here we go. It's time to play, let's save your n uhoh you finished fast you already did it wow that was fast are you sure you finished well if a teacher says are you sure you finished? That's not a good sign wow no no no no hey guys listen take your time it's not about how fast you can do this test bro that's what your teacher says after you hand in a test you're screwed see you around next year, we won't be here next year, the biggest lack of respect from teachers, what teachers are like. taking a test oh no bro, it's the worst when your teacher comes and looks over your shoulder um excuse me, yes miss, would you like to share that with the whole class?
No, that's why I was whispering, brother, I talked about this and I swear. I'm going to slap you, excuse me young man, why are you here so early? We just started school 15 minutes ago, your head hurts, did you have any breakfast? That's why I'm going to go ahead and give you breakfast, you eat it and come back. to class we can't let you go home because of that, at all, Jennifer, why are you here? You have crowns. I'm going to go ahead and give you this ice pack, you lie down for 20 minutes and you put it on your stomach, you know? your mom won't pick you up so we won't even bother calling her we can't let you go home alone Jennifer is not Olivia at all but this guy has it all right he's delivering breakfast diagnosing stomach problems great school nurse me one of Teachers on the rise oh no, what the hell, what the hell just tried and hi, why are you late, yeah, remember when you told me yesterday that the bell doesn't fire you, I fire you, yeah, what if the bell doesn't ? saying goodbye doesn't tell me when to get here on time that's it to the principal's office now well can I go to the bathroom on the way why open the Chamber of Secrets what do you think my pass flew away wait what what oh brother you just finished of missing your exam you will never see him again last year I spent my extra graduation card for a group of celebrities actually answer wait people answer no what Michel Jord what do I mean they are all taken in the same carpet, so it's the same person Dr. mik opens the C.
I sent him a video. Who would have thought to send graduation photos to celebrities to make them actually work? This is what teachers teach in class. This is what they put into the task a little more. complicated, difficult, yes, yes, wao, and this is the proof, they are not facts, yes, brother, you better not do it, how do we get from that to that? I don't know, never forget when this boxer Iris won a gold medal in euros and came. Back to school bro he's a school celebrity holy shit everyone's like I know who you are you're a legend and I'm never going to fight you because he's literally a gold medal boxer so this happened at my school today. oh oh what's up holy moly bro watch out someone catch the deer that deer is trying to be a student on the last day of school in 2017 wa holy moly one oh yeah bro that's depressing No?
I want to be there, throw papers at everyone. bro the moment is whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my god, oh my god, I know what the game is, but it looks like fun, oh, you're leaning, are you sure you're not going to break your hip? No, my hips are actually better. way your hips want to tell me why it's like that I don't know maybe it's because I work out and you don't that student got roasted oh god this guy is making butter at school he put all the ingredients together apparently you just shake the glass this guy he makes food every day at school wait where is the butter? what wait wait wait wait literally made butter in the middle of school handing out homework instead of doing a fun activity because they don't know how to act oh damn you know, that teacher's piss where she drops it so hard, he has it for your class, gum before school, bro, never bring that much gum, right?
You're not coming home with any of that, I mean, I'm surprised you have so much. I'll be honest. Take out some of that gum. The whole class is asking for some. You always have to pretend that you don't have as much as you really do. My God, your school is a pawn jump. for the elderly, what brother, everyone's leg, oh what seems like the best way to end a year through a laptop, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, no, why did you throw away your laptop ? She is completely destroyed. They are just realizing that the laptop was thrown. just another day of school and no way is he in the know any way oh my god guys for more


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