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World's Most Mysterious Places: Gate to Hell & Places of Rituals | Czech Republic | Free Documentary

Mar 18, 2024
It is said that the Czech Republic is the place where a


meteorite landed in the past and created an energy field so strong that the entire territory of the country is literally dotted with



of various natures. The public of the Czech Republic associates with a concentration of energetically powerful


capable of healing and scaring with mysterious castles numerous mystical and esoteric SES or with frequent occurrences of extraterrestrial activities when you visit the HOSA Castle you will feel chills down your spine you may not sleep for some nights you will feel nauseous other places are imbued with a pleasant and mysterious energy, like the Shumova mountains, which can be felt by everyone who is a little sensitive and if you visit Prague you find yourself in one of the


mysterious cities in the


, so let's get into the Czech Republic and first. of an entire place that has not been open to the general public for decades.
world s most mysterious places gate to hell places of rituals czech republic free documentary
First we visit the mysterious rocky region where the HOSA Castle is located. The Czech poet Carell hinek Mara wrote to a friend in 1836 that he went to this castle where he traveled. through time and was found in 2006, which was revealed to him by a girl he met in the future Castle of legend or truth HOSA there are places where you definitely don't want to be alone, but there is only one place where you have a very good reason This is not the case of Hoska castle founded in the 13th century. We're talking about a place associated with the darkest and scariest things.
world s most mysterious places gate to hell places of rituals czech republic free documentary

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world s most mysterious places gate to hell places of rituals czech republic free documentary...

There is a problem with Hoska Castle. The border is unknown. No Trad is known in the surrounding settlement. Nothing is known about that. The pagans call it Darkness. Christians call it


and you don't have to be a believer to feel the supernatural power of the place. The castle is there to prevent anything from entering the outside


. The castle has a second name, the


hole to




way to other worlds. During the reconstruction of the castle in the 19th century, one of the workers was doing maintenance work when he suddenly heard strange voices coming from the castle chapel. castle, there was no one there and the voices seemed to come from the walls, the worker, understandably, felt terrified and fled the scene in this place where we are.
world s most mysterious places gate to hell places of rituals czech republic free documentary
The Earth should have cracked. The rock should have burst the crack so deep that they called it the hole, the gate to hell, and through that opening they separated. from the sulfurous smell the beings had to ascend to the light of God and were called beasts from hell Devils taking inhuman form half animals half humans were called Inhumans dead then the worker was able to describe his experience and voices speaking in an unknown language reminded him of the SF word s sarap is a celestial being mentioned in the Old Testament according to Christianity the seraps are of the order of angels that surround God himself, so is there a battle of Good and Evil in HOSA cm is HOSA as they say the door input?
world s most mysterious places gate to hell places of rituals czech republic free documentary
Hell, who are the guardian angels? Is it the devil himself who opposes them? According to legend, the builders of the original Gothic castle decided to explore the gorge even before sealing the hole into which they were supposed to lower a prisoner. He says it was an AR. and one such murderer who agreed but halfway there he changed his mind and said that the hell under hoska was much worse than the punishment that awaited him supposedly they were lowering a young man there but an old man brought back up people who had stayed in the castle in recent years have experienced phenomena that are difficult to believe, for example they heard the jingling of tools in the fireplace or were unable to get through doors that cannot be locked when one night there was a suicide attempt by jumping out of a window . because the adventurous nights in the castle were denied no one wanted to awaken the darkness of depression in the visitors how is it possible that there is always an orange glow in the camera image at different points of the castle and nowhere else during the entire filming ?
It is possible that in a room without windows unknown particles would always fly in different directions and it is not only the underground that shows its mystery in the attic the ravages of time create a suffering face from cobwebs Hoska castle has a really special energy and We are not the only ones who have noticed strange things at Hoska Castle in the past. The paranormal team noticed strange problems and noises in 2014. During the investigation at Hoska Castle, we found several anomalies that mainly affected the team. It happened very often. The radios went off. The camera that had a fully charged battery suddenly counted 4 3 2 1 and turned off after a check.
I felt a burning sensation in my chest and blisters broke out, something that had never happened to me before. It was Mr. Marish who was in charge of the chapel and as far as the chapel was concerned, he was supposed to have experienced and even recorded on camera pounding on the floor as if someone was hitting the floor with a mallet and that is what it sounded like on the recording. Legend has it that this place is guarded by a figure dressed in black, she wears a black cloak and a black hood and has no face, she is not evil, she is just keeping watch.
HOSA Castle was built as a Gothic residence on the site of a wooden fortress, we can only assume that it happened here in pagan times, it is possible that this peak of the Dupa Hills became a place of


and magical initiations in ancient times Whether we call them elders or witches, their connection to the underworld was intuitive in pagan times, it didn't have much to do with logic, however, when supernatural powers are exercised, the temptations tend to be great, especially where they prevail. dark energies in places of power, our ancestors were afraid of this hole or the door to hell and decided to seal it, they covered it when it could not be filled and built a chapel over it like a giant seal.
They entrusted Archangel Michael, who is the counterweight to the other side before he protested against the almighty threatened to bring about the fall of Man. We soon learn that Hoska Castle even attracted occult-obsessed Nazis during World War II. II the Germans stored occult literature here they had masonic books Kabal they did magic here it remains a mystery why the corpses of the Nazis were found outside the castle after the war when there was never any fighting in the castle who killed them why they died Where were they buried under the wooden floor? They weren't gravity, they were just below the floor.
Furthermore, historical documents reveal that the castle was supposed to be a breeding place for representatives of the Aryan race. I am convinced that we do put it here. in quotes they wanted to produce those Nutters, those Berserkers who only listen to go go go go, fear nothing and move on the graves were found after the war by children who came for a day of convalescence the buried wore strange uniforms if you work hard dark sooner or later later it will destroy you it will kill you the imprisoned Poles and the Russian women were said to have never left the castle they succumbed to the sacrificial


as the buried Nazis the Germans said they wanted to decide the war from this castle there was also a man in the castle who claimed hoska was a place for time teleportation this is a man who claimed to be irish and know that hitler had teleported from here find out for yourself the irish man attended a mysterious conference in the castle and convinced Alexandra McKenzie, a clinical hypnotherapist, also experienced something unexpected here thanks to her extraordinary spiritual abilities.
I had an impulse, you should go to Huska Castle, there is a chapel in the castle, there is an entrance to the chapel and both my husband and I. I stopped and wouldn't let us enter. I had a strong feeling that we had to get out of the cast and suddenly the wind blew and uh my hair flew in my face at that moment I entered another dimension at another time I think there are There are two ways to travel in time, one is on a technology level, but personally I am very inspired by the books of David Bown, who describes a kind of holographic universe in the sense that, for example, by electrochemical stimulation of the brain, memories of the past can be recalled. past or even the future one really perceives perfectly The experience of the past in all the details or the future as if one were in it right now.
I turned around and became a priestess and we discovered that in that particular place at the lookout pagan ceremonies were being held for a rich harvest. I look at myself and think it's strange. She was wearing a clean linen dress and a belt that I later painted because I saw it in detail. It had flowers embroidered on it. He was tied up. everything we actually observe can be called a kind of hologram meaning if we observe a hologram of the present moment in exactly the same way; In my opinion, Consciousness can be tuned in the same way to observe a hologram in the past and, furthermore, None of us are really able to distinguish which of the holograms I am observing at the moment and I walked down the hill like a priestess in procession .
There were still some young women there. I went down and wanted to enter the castle from one side and that's it. When I realized it I thought oh maybe they are going to sacrifice me I saw that the priestess's dress had fallen like that and she was standing there naked they entrusted the grain to chaos and the Harvest press laid the furrow and the Prince of the Harvest on She didn't want to know what was going to happen next, it was interesting to see the inside of the castle, although obviously something was happening in some kind of ritual, whether positive or negative, she couldn't.
I'm not saying that physically, as a person, you won't go anywhere; spiritual particles move from the past to the future and antiparticles move from the future to the past, yes, so the arrow of time doesn't really play any role in terms of physics. or quantum theory, all processes are actually reversible, since anything can move into the future or into the past, the wind that blew in my hair, the way it made me spin, made me change in time to another place, another person, whether it was my past life. I don't know, but it was someone else's story Einstein Einstein's theory of relativity about time travel is supported by default What if centuries ago a place was found in northern Bohemia that had been a portal to enormous energetic power since pagan times?
The message. was that now is the time when feminine energy must be reactivated. HOSA was a place that with the advent of Christianity was legitimately interpreted as a door to hell or even a place where you can travel in time were the manifestations of magical forces and Paranormal phenomena evoked by pagan sorcerers are the main and perhaps the only reason for the construction of the Gothic fortress. There are some places that do not scare but heal. Prague is an absolutely unique mystical place in the center of Europe. According to occult tradition, it belongs to the domain of Leo just as, for example, the Greek Deli or Italian Rome is a place that seems to have emerged from a fantasy saga of hidden secrets Angels and Demons the mother of the cities the Golden the Centurion these are its other names.
The same name refers to a place where one passes from one dimension to another, a place supposedly chosen by a psychic in ancient times, part of which was built a few centuries later following the model of Jerusalem, nowhere else. place you feel such a thin line between the material and spiritual world as in Prague. One of the


surprising secrets of Prague is found in the Rani Carlite monastery. It is the mummified figure of a woman sitting on a wooden chair. In the Christian world she is known as Mary, the chooser of Jesus, and her story is truly extraordinary.
Her name was Maria. Electa Electa means chosen and probably points to the fact that the officials who gave her the name must have perceived her as special in some way, even in her childhood Marie was called the Holy Girl, many considered her one of the greatest mystics of her time. Saint is a person who during his life was close to God in some extraordinary way and the people around him somehow perceived that the holiness of God, the goodness of God, the beauty of God or the courage of God was manifested in them after the death of his father, to whom he had a very strong attachment.
Marie Electa was so shocked that in her deep grief she was able to achieve a quite extraordinary state of consciousness. She reportedly heard the voice of God comforting her with the words: do not be afraid, from now on I will be your father, we knew it. that Mother Electa was received upon her arrival in Prague by enthusiastic crowds of Prague citizens who already knew her and considered her a saint in monastic silence. Solitude, contemplation and deprivation of individual senses, she may have been able to repeatedly connect with God. Spiritual growth was completely universal. Before Nick died he had his diary burned because he did it.
We can only guess that what hasSurvived are some letters from confessors or spiritual directors and these reveal the great depth and intensity of his spiritual life on January 1. Reportedly, on the 14th of 1663 there was a great frost and a Mor froze, perhaps that is why the Freemasons used boiling water to bury Maria Lecta in the tomb cavity. The water flowed not only into the grave but also into the coffin. No one knew about the use of impregnation. and preservative agents in the treatment of the body of the deceased before burial no mention of mummification was found anywhere there was a strange glow coming from the tomb and even strange voices were heard in the monastery a nun went to the tomb to ease her pain head.
It seemed to her that Maria Electa had obtained the power to heal after her death. Miracles began to happen and this led to a decision quite unique for that time, 3 years after the burial of Prioress Maria Electa, more precisely on January 14, 1666, the new Mother Superior. Fasia de Jesús gave her consent to open the tomb. Surviving written testimonies confirm that one of the reasons for this unusual decision was the extremely strong smell of violets around Elor's tomb, although none grew there. After the three nuns re-excavated the grave and discovered the coffin lid, a shocking revelation was made.
The body was found to be intact, so a medical meeting was called. These were the most prominent doctors of the time and they confirmed the integrity of the body and described it as something miraculous and beyond all power. Preservation of the body is a test. of Holiness because the body decomposes because of sins. Cases of such preserved bodies are known mainly in the so-called Christian environment. Some Roman martyrs were preserved in this way. It is not exclusively about saints or people in church circles. Of course, even bodies that do not decompose were of different concern: fear of vampires, etc., but in this case it is an upper layer of spirituality somewhere elevated above which his body was exhumed and vetted by experts for 14 years.
It may be that even after death the person bears signs of divine proximity or of a certain divine action and that the body does not decompose and remains preserved. It is a miracle, it is the same as the case of Saint Cecilia in the trust when it was unearthed. It is a miracle anyway true in reality it is when many physical and other causes come together at a single point in a single type of node and suddenly something happens that normally does not happen. The commission wrote a report that is still preserved today and that states only one thing in 2003 under the direction of Dr.
Emanuel Vette, Marie Electa's body was further examined and even then they confirmed in their report that the phenomenon was extremely notable. And weird. um Electa was a prominent charité, she was not an intellectual, but she also lived a rich contemplative life and that was the reason. for the preservation of the body little known for example that she suffered terrible pain for 30 years she had severe liver therosis and other diseases but she through the power of her faith was able to somehow rise above her body above the pain that she tuned into that inner force that then turned outwards this is how that energy can be transmitted today Maria Lea's body is mobile in the joints of the shoulders, elbows and knees María Electa is sitting in a chair without support, you can still come and admire her well preserved body and ask the calite for intervention, we keep in our files hundreds of testimonies from people who say they have or are experiencing Mother Electa's help whether in health, work, housing or relationships.
I prayed to Maria Alecta to help me and the surgery happened. Well, and although my platelet count was still not normal, it was half the lower limit of normal. They took me off the medication and I continue to have checkups, it's been more than 5 years. Believers claim that miracles still happen today through her intervention. When you love God, miracles can happen and it is said that Mary Lea was a person who was in close communion with God. I have always listened to Mary Electa, she asked me to fast and pray. Thank you so much. It will be possible to visit Mother Electa. and pray with her in the space that will be created under the church in the Crypt we are planning to build a museum here if all goes well it will be in 2024 it was Maria Lecta a spiritual being with quite extraordinary abilities it is not just for Marie Electa that it will be built a new dry church near Prague there is another mystery related to the carites that attracts hundreds of thousands of believers each year the world knows it as Bambino di Prague the wax statue of the child was donated to the Carmelite Church of Our Lady of the Victory for Lovitz's film, so of course the story is shrouded in the mystery of the unknown.
The fact that Jesus began to be portrayed as a child I believe is related to the beginning of the second Millennium, there would be nothing strange about a seemingly ordinary gift of mysterious and inexplicable origin from an orthodox Catholic if the statue of Jesus had not been accompanied because of the reputation of something miraculous to me it is a mystery how the baby Jesus became so famous throughout the world that one would think it would be an ordinary statue, I think there are two things: one, the statue is really valuable from the point of artistic view and the second, for these people, at least as I see it, is that they experience something that I would describe as a loss of fear of God.
Here you see God represented as a small child, the Bambo of Prague came to the temple from Spain and over the centuries has earned a reputation in many ways similar to that of the French lords, the Portuguese Fatima or the Bosnian Magori we came to thank to the baby Jesus for the arrival of our my son Sebastián, who was born when we were 41 years old and after we were told that we could no longer have children, thank you Jacqueline Hermes and Sebastián de Costa, the baby Jesus is not a miracle in itself, Christ actually works through him, he is a kind of Door to Heaven, the baby Jesus is something extraordinary, not like a warrior of God, but a defenseless child, he is the supreme power.
Quite a few people here have experienced such an agreement. Many people come here as childless couples and ask for the gift of a child. We have documented many cases. where this has been successful thousands of people came to the Statue to pray to ask for a miracle for a cure and other benefits in May 2012 we came here to pray for the blessing of a child our prayers were answered with the birth of our daughter Anna she came with us to Prague for the second time to thank Baby Jesus for this Grace Anna is our greatest blessing from God William Heidi and Anna Kelly from USA 2019 people were here to pray to Bow and then to testify that they had been healed . from some incurable disease when the doctors did not give them many chances when it seemed hopeless any cancer it was our son Johan had a very serious accident when he was 5 years old and it was very likely that he would die it was Baby Jesús who saved the family Bastos Castillos de Paraguay 2019 Amino of Prague was to miraculously heal countless people and save the old city of Prague from the Swedish sacking in 1639 but miracles still happen today thanks to the Bambino deag tragically a ship carrying oil was shipwrecked on the genua, it was a great concern that the oil was leaked and caused a big fire, in the end the tanker sank without the oil escaping, the people considered it an answered prayer to the baby Jesus and then they placed a statue of the baby Jesus in the tanker.
The statue has been copied countless times and you can find more or less faithful copies of it in all parts of the world. The dress is seen as an expression of respect for the statue. They began to be collected here from different donors and that is why the child began to be venerated. Jesus has become an important part of the church and today has more than 250 vestments and dresses according to the lurgic festivals. I like him better when he doesn't wear a dress at Christmas, for example, we leave him without elegant clothes fulfilling wishes. of the faithful, the miracles associated with the Baby Jesus were eventually noted by Pope Benedict XVI, who personally gave him a Golden Crown and the baby Jesus has his own personal prayer so that we can look behind the altar.
It's a really beautiful place for me. It is the most beautiful place in the church is where we gather as a community for prayer and meditation when I pray I don't say anything or I don't pray to anything contemplation is for


inner space and that is what I perceive as an encounter with God something liberating what is above also has a world below not everyone knows what mysterious things are hidden beneath the Church of Our Lady of Victory Tombs and other mummies these are images unknown to the crowds waiting for a miracle Prague hides so many secrets shumova mountains Let's start a long time ago with the remains of the walls of the so-called Giants' Castle, according to historians it was probably built by the Celts and was the most important place of worship in Bohemia.
Once upon a time a bone almost 3m long was said to have been found here glowing in the dark. Legend has it that it was not the only one and that locals once built a footbridge over the nearby Loanit Creek and it was even said to glow at night, over time the giant bones succumbed to the elements. and disintegrated the suggestion that they could be rare dinosaur bones does not hold water, but the Giants gave rise to the name Castle of the Giants. If these Giants were indeed visitors from outer space, the Hill Fort protected a sacred site and archaeologists have not found any fragments or vessels. or production tools within the Mounds, none of that, nothing to suggest that the castle was inhabited by humans, the castle was eventually demolished mysteriously and judging by the state of the ruins, it was a destructive force, what force no one discovered never if it was a guarded area. place where Close Encounters of the Third Kind took place the question arises why here in the same way that our ancestors built megalithic structures at certain specific points because that is where, let's say, the extraterrestrial energy emanated, so maybe the extraterrestrials are looking for similar places, similar places where they can gather energy, perhaps to recharge their flying sources, if our pagan ancestors could harness unknown cosmic forces or was it all due to the presence of gold, radon and uranium in shumova, was the castle destroyed by the way or the technology hidden in the The escape from the castle with the alien civilization or they were tall and mysterious beings that appeared in shumova and we have credible evidence of this we swear that the spore hill rises 845 m above sea level above the town of suit, the gateway to shumova, just at that time every year there was a CR Circle Pat here in the suit exactly more than 20 years ago Vladimir and his girlfriend lived in the watchtower at that time he worked in the nearby Suit city as a professional driver there is a military transmitter there is a television transmitter in the back a tower I don't know if this is an interesting place for them if it's because of the transmitters.
I was walking to work after 5:00 in the morning and I walked out the door here and as I approached the stairs I had a strange feeling that something was happening. looking at me strangely shivering I walked to my car and still there on those steps I noticed something strange in that corner of the parking lot I got to the car and there I could see them there were two of them standing in front of me they were terribly high maybe 2 m maybe 3 m something transparent weird I didn't follow them for long, of course, I put my feet on my shoulders and ran back and showed myself in the bathroom.
They had this elongated head very similar to a cone and they had big, strange eyes, it was more like they had a helmet on. I don't really know how to describe it, but the estimate is really about 3 m. A being without a suit. They glowed because they stood out in the dark. That's why I noticed them. if someone was dressed in dark clothing, you wouldn't notice it at first. I was really afraid that the contact they were picking up was going to be taken somewhere, I was just scared, so I ran back to the house and looked out the little window.
This is, of course, I closed the door. door and I was quite shaky there it was like they weren't standing they were on the ground they were completely floating maybe they were beings of light my friends and I were investigating there used to be a big clearing here so we found Prince there maybe it was his ship the that hit the ground and suddenly disappeared, it was like that, it's like I was transported back in time. I ventured out to the car for about 15 minutes and the car that always started at 100% wouldn't start so I pushed it down. hill and drove to Odena, which is the town.
Under the watchtower I kept trying to start it despite the gear change and only there the car started in an incomprehensible way, the car actually started on the first try every time I didn't tell my girlfriend until 5 days laterI needed to talk about it I didn't want to repress it half the people believe you I think you're crazy then the tabloid journalists came and I didn't do any interviews with them I didn't even want to when they offered me money I didn't want to be in the middle the media says that there is a campground just down the road from up here often and a lady had an experience there and saw some EOS as well.
There is a scout camp near the tower in In July 1996, one of the leaders experienced a duel that he would hardly forget while the camp slept. He saw from his tent three extremely tall figures, transparent but clearly outlined at the edge of the camp. He didn't even dare to leave the cabin. He just studied the figures. Those who supposedly had no discernible destiny were the same creatures that visited the nearby Giant's Causeway centuries ago, however, there are many more testimonies of people who lived in Shumova or Pumi and there were and are more anomalous phenomena associated with UFOs, for example, sightings of unexplained phenomena and movement of objects in the sky and also the formation of crop circles.
One of them was discovered by a local resident. We didn't find out until we were on our way to work. I don't think it would have been visible any other way. From this driveway it was beautiful, you can see that the circles had curly straws in a way that normally couldn't be done and when we went to look even closer it looked as if something had actually landed there, we discovered that they contain geometry e.g. , or there is a form of astronomical mathematics and there is some kind of message that those who create it are trying to communicate with us.
Examples of this are the circles in Chill Bolton or in Crabwood, which are very specific and are actually coded using a binary code, then people became interested in it they went there, but at the beginning, when we first saw it , there were no signs of a person walking by and doing it. I wasn't very interested in it, but I heard that there was something similar in the town of Shop and that something was happening in Spore, something even more surprising was witnessed by an environmental expert. I cycled from the end of the road for about 3 hours at night in mid-July, so quiet in nature, nice silence, I came to a lime. tree and I thought wow, this K is different, strange time, Cal.
I was looking at what was going on. It was dark so I couldn't see the object, but it looked like a bracelet and was made up of windows or plates and red lights on it. The plates were being put on and taken off little by little and I have to say I felt tense, so I got on my bike and went home. I got under the covers and thought, "Oh, that's cool, the devil knows what it was," but it was strange and two days later, the media reported that in the Suitsu region, near Job's village, there was a distinctive crop circle of unknown origin, so there is a large gold deposit in Shumova, Kashar Mountains, it is in the bedrock, there is a radon area, there are elements of the radon series, so it could probably be the reason why there are also interesting energy sites there God Stones umanets B and there are many energy sites here, that is probably the reason why maybe the shum of a region attracts UFOs directly.
Everyone here has a story about a former airplane mechanic who also saw the UFO. and he bravely used his mobile phone and sat there in that corner. I'm sitting here and I see these beautiful blocks of ice spinning over this little valley, they're going around and around so I thought I had to take a photo of it so I took a photo on my mobile phone so people would believe me when I arrived I was no longer home. They're talking about what's called mission-controlled technology. It's like a two-way street and it's something that aliens have had for a long time. dominated and that it seems to me that the aliens have technology that can erase photos from cell phones and cameras huge 30 m blocks that rotated around six of them were G going around and around like those 30 m beautifully regular at least I was very surprised that something This is how it appeared and I personally know that most of the objects are cigarettes or disfigured there, as it is a valley, it was exactly in the stomach.
It was 9:30 at night. It suddenly disappeared and naturally I was afraid to return home. Afterwards, I was still looking at my cell phone. looking at it so people would believe it wasn't crazy when I got home to show the kids the photos had disappeared the biggest appearance of aliens in the early afternoon or early morning could be explained by a change in the Earth's frequency in the surface of the planet earth there was a strange silence naturally it was shaking and it was as if the ground was shaking like an earthquake no one believed me franek pitz de schra almost entered into a personal conflict with an extraterrestrial civilization, but at the moment of the crash his weapon became shattered and the flint stopped working.
He was shooting wild pigs. This is the neighbors field and then a flying sorcerer came and landed right in the middle of this field between two villages and this is where. The sorcerer landed I took my rifle I leaned it against the pine and I looked at them I wanted to see them up close I was looking through the scope and I thought what if I take a live one? I just wanted to be a hero to have that test as the first man, I couldn't do it anyway because I thought I would just alarm them, pick up my rifle shot in the air and then fire that one, maybe hit it with the butt of my gun, but the rifle stopped working, so I escaped through the woods home.
I got into bed and sweated so much I had to change. 2 hours later I thought if it was real or not and then I went to a gunsmith in the city who looked at my rifle and said what have you done with that rifle it was all fused together inside I couldn't even open it to take out the cartridges it was all completely cooked and I was paralyzed There have been cases described where soldiers have attacked alien ships, but it usually ends in one of two scenarios: the missile turned towards them or the missile was essentially absorbed when they left the ship.
One of the boys saw me because he had his sights on him. I also wondered why. were they here if it's because of the radon here if they were carrying the plate then they came out and looked around or if they were here to see the ancestors the old Kels were here there is a reference to 16 cabins I returned the next day and saw footprints as I ran broken branches the grass was just a motherboard bear just as it sat in the grass I had a feeling of hopelessness a fear I had never had before that it was hopeless and that you don't stand a chance against this force and ​Your enemies were recently seen in Schuma up close by a whole group of witnesses, including a man who has long been interested in extraterrestrial civilizations and has made programs about them.
I have currently been involved in a series for two years called Eupo Top Secret Projects Declassified Declassified that we produce for Sky History and Netflix where we map the world UFO scene. What I learned about UFOs about laboratories about alien civilizations about reverse engineering has reinforced to me that there are crafted objects that I can't explain being out there, they are truly unidentifiable. Shumova is a very magical place and at that time there were about 12 of us walking here and there was a herd of cows near this place, no one understood why there were 100 cows. crowded here from all sides of the meadow looking in this direction I couldn't think of anything else because things come to you intuitively that if there were cows crowded here like that there must be a UFO somewhere.
I turned in that direction and there was a black graphite diamond hanging about 6 feet in the air and it slowly rose, floated and then disappeared into the horizon. It has a very interesting shape. It reminded us of the Cash Landrum case from the United States, where exactly the same object as these objects described was described. all over the world they have different shapes cigar shapes triangular rectangular it seems that the antigravity propulsion that these ships have may not be consistent with aerodynamics and these ships move instantly from one place to another at any speed there were people here who did not believe such a thing It could exist, we speculated about whether it was possible that it was a drone or whatever, but those of us who saw it are convinced that it was of extraterrestrial origin.
Of course, when you see a UFO, you don't see it every day, but when you see it fully conscious as a concrete reality, it was Saturday. In the afternoon the sun was shining, it was a beautiful day and when you were like 12 people, you have no doubt that you saw an object that does not belong to our Ordinary World. The strange thing was that we were not afraid, we had no emotion, none of us took our mobile phones. because we were all shocked by what we were seeing, the feeling was very pleasant and calm and then, when I asked the others how they felt about it, they said that we saw a UFO, we know that UFOs exist, we must remember that such an apparition Frequent UFO sightings here in the Bohemian Forest is just proof that extraterrestrial civilizations are interested in our planet, apparently they want to save our incredibly diverse flora and the FAA our incredibly diverse world their interest. in our unique DNA, full of emotion and experience, and water is a source of life, they are turning off our nuclear weapons, guarding our nuclear power plants, worried that we are capable of destroying our wonderful Planet, what else does a country in the center of Europe?
We will definitely return to Bohemia.

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