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World's Most EVIL KIDS..

Mar 21, 2024
the meanest kid in the


, okay I'm ready, I stopped him in the perfect frame, why did you take the iPad? oh oh, sorry, sorry, Timmy doesn't mean you have to hit my car with what he's hitting it with, oh yeah, he actually scratched it, oh no way, wait, what's that? Because I wanted the stuffed animal because it's even worse, oh, it has the hey, did you see that, oh, this kid is a brat, there's no way he's coming up to scratch your car. more God, this is going to be an annoying video, these damn


, oh God, okay, next video, okay, playing football, soccer, whatever you want to call it in a store.
world s most evil kids
I already know exactly what's going to happen, this computer is just going to work. his face is probably going to break or something is going to break dude, why did he do that? I mean, honestly, a big kick. I don't really watch a lot of sports, but hey, that looked pretty cool, okay, oh no, wait what just happened, okay, it's like 17 pixels. my screen but let's see what happens I think it's an engagement ring and the kid grabs it and good job you know what I'm doing hey little Jimmy drop my ring don't propose to no body. from the water people haven't learned this you can't jump It's for shaking oh and the baby starts crying okay I just I just I just I don't want to have children This video will definitely make me not want to have children Always before the next video, I want to show you something really cool.
world s most evil kids

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world s most evil kids...

Check out the Like button. You can be on your phone on a PC when I say smash that like button. It lights up, it's not so sickly, so hit the like button. Alright. New feature. It's sick all I can say too is relax and you should shine too it's a weird mistake but anyway yeah leave a like have


they said it'll be fun they said okay kids just They celebrate, it's like a shot in the head, I mean, hey, good aim. but the reason I don't have kids is so random. I like how the mother didn't react and she just shows it.
world s most evil kids
She's been through some things. She looks like she is in public at a restaurant or something. Do I pay attention to um? Oh, in your food, the flip flop just comes right out to your food. Dirty flip flops and that's it, yeah, he likes to push her and says okay, it's done. I hope it's not a stranger. Oh, I didn't even think about that. Oh yeah that's a stranger that sucks dude kids man why are you flipping your shoe? I mean, can you hug each other? Can you act like you love brothers? Sibling rivalry, come on, oh, leave it alone, she doesn't like it.
world s most evil kids
How funny look at this little boy climbs straight into the claw machine, the machine is turning into one of the toys. I wonder if you could grab it. No, there is no way because every claw machine can't pick up anything. It's literally like that. There was no way we just went up there, how did he get the strength to get up? Although it is a very big drop, they have to open this. Oh, he's going to take out all the toys. Oh, he's out again, pretty sick friend, good job, he's thinking outside the. box, so far he only has one, but he was able to get them all.
I was speechless. Can? Can I bring it to your house? No, you're going to leave it here, no, you're going to cook it, oh, I thought she was going to be it, you know? a whole cute pet, chicken, yay, friend, carnivore, that young man, something strange, if you think about it, why is the child thinking about that?, that young man. I see a cute little animal that won't want to cook it. That's crazy in virtual reality. Oh no, you already know. you just know this doesn't go where you're running oh that's so unfortunate dude vrs are so expensive and he just hey i get it man i get it you get stuck in the 3d


and it looks real and you start to think. everything is real, that will be the future Apple Vision Pro, yes I ordered one but I just wanted to try it.
Ro took it seriously, oh oh, a one year old gave you a body and has some power that could have been one of those slapping competitions, have you seen the ones where people just like it, but Can Baby Edition kids be so random sometimes? Oh no, what is he going to do? What are you going to do? Dad, you've had too much screen time. I just kicked, it was kind of a crazy kick, lowy, right, that's pretty high, how do you do that? I wonder if he was going for the face or the phone, that was a pretty awesome kick as well, yeah, that's such a good video.
Damn, what's wrong with the kids? Mom invited the neighbor's son to lunch to go to the bathroom. It's okay, they won't cancel any cameramen. How do I not know this limp? I do not like you. Oh, there's no way I'm getting too old for the Internet. I've seen a dilapidated toilet, right, but oh, get rid of who says that, jeez, man, oh no, you know this is bad when there's an escalator, oh, what's it going to do, what's it going to do? , or she, is she going to go down for him? escalator on her scooter oh, she stopped the escalator because she thought it would be funny, you know, it's probably like a little joke.
Make it stop. So she has to get down, but I guess he didn't realize that she would probably lose her balance. oh oh, the escalators are also so pointy that that's going to hurt like hell. What is she doing? She tries to turn them back on very quickly. How did she even know about the secret little button down there? What the hell, oh god, hoverboard action, this is never good, oh no. oh it's creating a gap to another dimension oh my god the screaming oh I love the comments Intensified interstellar theme okay look at this kid here are you ready?
So there are monkeys around, bro, he tried to kill the damn monkey, what's going on? The boy wants to eat the chicken. This one hates monkeys. I would be careful with this child. It's a little weird. Why do that? Fortunately, the monkey is fast and has quick reflexes. Very slow kid, keep him away from the damn zoo. No, he's a monkey. You're going to say: Don't bully the monkey. Yeah, what the heck are they so cute? What's the matter? Damn Phillip. God, get him out of here. You are grounded from the zoo. you, this ring with the edge, oh my god, he's saying stop and get married, oh yeah, you know, maybe he's right, maybe the kid's right, maybe he listens to the kid, why the child would be, she, she, too, is hitting?, the child is hitting him well. in the damn flow, stop yelling what's wrong, okay, you know what I get, even though at that moment you're a kid and that ball is your life, so I get it, you know you're so young, you know which one.
Some of you may be so young, but don't just scream, it's okay. I know screaming is good, it's fun, but why don't they need to look at the kid behind her covering her ears? That's how they know it's bad, my God, daughter. love Sprite, yeah, yeah, not a single drop of Sprite went in there, by the way, not a single what, how, oh, oh, yeah, okay, okay, oh, just pour it in, yeah, there you go, yeah , just drink it from the bottle, drink it. from the bottle just drink it from the bottle I don't think you need the C okay we have another um 10 not even 10 maybe eight pixels and okay let's see what's going on okay new game on the block so it has to do it. try to dodge it, uh, okay, don't try that, it doesn't look like much fun, one of the others gets hurt, you know, ruette, my main question is what are you filming?
That could be such poor quality, that's my main concern, oh. Look, oh no, buddy, no, what are you doing? Okay, the alligator is apparently just a remote-controlled fake alligator. Okay, don't worry for a second, there I was, I was a little worried alligator, he just rushed in, geez, dude, that got me, oh, no, dude, oh. There's no boy by the ledge boy by the ledge, what's he going to do oh ledge, yeah, let me jump off it? Oh, why look how happy he looks? Ah, look at this, a little ledge, let's jump off it, friend, the father, that's the savior.
The day the father found out, he looks, he saw that he opened the door very quickly and said: "no, I can't believe the child says: what are you doing?" that's Karma Instant Karma she somehow hit the chair damn loser why did you come to hit me why did you come to hit me H kids just don't care they're just hitting and jumping things and kicking things and the violent man Lenny for Lenny, stop, stop , let your brother drive slide when he tells you where you went, hey, wow, be serious, come on, seriously, this is exactly my brother.
Dynamic too like me. I was the youngest and they just left without me. I wouldn't be so bold, though I'd probably just cry, but stop it, she said, calm down, brother, stop it, unbutton and let it go, let it go, hey, let me do it here, honey, these kids are slapping you, you're not going to slap him. oh let's try to say what's going to happen little tricycle stairs yeah he's going to fall down the stairs but I don't know why I know from above it looks like oh this is going to be sick. I'm going to go so fast and just roll down and it'll be cool, think about going through a little more Timmy please Jimmy no, oh look at him he's thinking about it and he's like oh yeah here we go okay the child is completely fine. actually the mom said she was totally fine luckily but god how stupid coming back oh okay little trip oh everyone's going to trip no way mate how many are in there?
They're doubling up on the last kid, literally. It was like why is everyone tripping? Well, me too, he just wanted to fit in. Oh my god, there are no stairs and he's on a tricycle. Stop putting your children's tricycle next to the stairs. You don't have a tricycle. There is no way. Mom of the damn year. you joke, that was crazy, she was in the kitchen, look at this, he's al


down already, that was awesome, I think he's mad, I think he's actually mad, is L standing there, he's like mad, there's no way , friend, you saved my life.
I wanted to get off the trike and go 500 mph mom yeah I'm definitely not going to use the camera speaker to talk to my son go back to your bed he thought it was Satan I guess that's okay that's it OMG What are you shouting, friend, God? oh God, the worst, oh, how a child screams like that, he's very piercing, he just didn't expect it, he's fine, so what agitated him? I guess he's going to open it, oh holy, he's everywhere, he's fine. It was definitely more than I bargained for, that's for sure, Jesus, create a fucking nuke that's crazy, cleaning that up, get it M, get it, get it, you know, this is K, two points for Quinn Quin, hey, I mean, she's serious.
It's okay, don't be on her platform, it's okay, because she's going to win, get out of here, baby, that's so good when you're playing and you have to verse like the little minions before the boss, like you know, yeah , understands. out of here that deafening scream is a rebellious child on a transatlantic flight to New York passengers describe an 8 hour flight from hell8 888 oh wow, there is no way 8 hours how can he be screaming for so long and with his nerves tense , screaming and complaining, they even covered their ears to drown out the sound Hello parents, I blame you, oh God, old man, your mother was heard saying that the ATT flight brings a child to a troublesome passenger.
Shane Townley shot the video this way, she's as professional as a screaming child, she was running and down the halls there's nothing she can do, oh nothing. Buckle it up, I don't know. I mean, obviously, she's still going to scream, but you can definitely do something. Don't know. She tapes his mouth shut and opens the plane window. Don't know. It's pretty simple anyway, that was hard to watch, God man, hit the subscribe button, on the way to 25 million, thanks for watching.

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