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World's Largest Experiment!

Mar 20, 2024
In today's video, we try to survive the most extreme


s ever performed, from nuclear fusion to a giant volcano and a tunnel made of TNT. For this first challenge, the kids have to survive a massive nuclear meltdown and get to the ship first. They die if you don't survive you have to bungee jump off a bridge what not, the meltdown begins I'm out, wait, are we sure this is the right way? Not Carl and we have to get to the boat. I can not see. I just got blasphemed oh I'm stuck in a hole there's radiation falling from the sky oh dear god oh it landed on me zombies I'm stuck in a hole jimmy they screwed me I can't move I'm dead Chris now has the bungee jump where's the boat?
world s largest experiment
Does anyone want to tell me where the ship is? Good thing, I'm taking a lot of damage right now. Who's going bungee jumping with Chris? No, I died two down, where is the ship riddle? I'm at the boat rental place oh my gosh I see it yes I see it I'm about to get to the boat taylor is about to do it I made it no bungee jumping for me baby I'm on a boat congratulations Chandler Carl, don't you do it I have to jump of a bridge I am very afraid. Screw the Minecraft voice. See that giant dam behind you?
world s largest experiment

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world s largest experiment...

Yes, it's holding back a literal ocean and it's about to break if you die. You have to wear 10 layers of merchandise in the next challenge. towards the high ground oh look at the water gushing out ew okay it's coming oh I'm following carl hit me forward I'm trying oh you're too fast slow down oh let's catch up he's catching up to the ladder , come on, come on, come on. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, oh, they do it, they'll make it, I can't see the water, yeah, we're live, we almost all did it, that's hot, that's not it How does this work, robbed, I have to put on 10 layers of merch I got punched okay, put this on me now the hoodies are the last one and now it has 10 pieces of merch are you hot?
world s largest experiment
I'm sexier than Carl's mom in the next round the guys have to run through a crazy obstacle course and if you win you get five thousand dollars okay come on this map has cheez-its and pringles we got it because they are the sponsor of the video you are watching the building contest for a better in Minecraft, you can build a playground. In Minecraft, take a photo and submit it, the winning design will be used as inspiration to build a real playground in real life, bro, I'm so far behind, how are you moving so fast? Jesus and Pringles have also launched a promotion where you can get it for free.
world s largest experiment
Note the coins, that's a lot of cheddar as cheez; no joke they have these rice krispies creeper treats oh man minecraft cheez even minecraft pringles taste great all you have to do is buy one of the participating products and you will get 350 minecoins for minecraft I'm so far in Nola, where are you? I'm still in the pigs head to go to minecraft or click the description to send your build to your playground and redeem your minecoins jimmy, you ate me, I lost, congratulations chris I'm going to win five thousand dollars Next, this huge tunnel is made entirely of TNT and if you can make it out alive you win, if you don't survive you'll have to eat a soggy hot dog, eww, no chance and before you leave, I just want you to know that you have a jump during this video.
Start the tnt oh the tnt is exploding oh it's just stuff it doesn't look survivable I just fell I'm pretty sure nolan is dead oh he's behind me. getting louder I'm going to skip this one don't you want to eat a soggy hot dog I don't think I'm going to skip this chandler is using his skip come on I'm doing it come on oh my god Chris they're on the edge oh that's not fair yeah yeah I'm so amazing gentlemen I'm making two soggy hot dogs take this hot dog all the way it's cold it's really not that bad that's the most disgusting thing ever Have you ever done that?
Now you are trapped in a room. Look at that arrow, every time it hits something, it multiplies. Oh, if you die, you have to put a banana peel on your head. Only one of you will live. There is nowhere to hide. I just saw Nolan. killed there's a button above me maybe the button will save me I'm going to hit people behind corners like what is this I'm not really hiding in a corner I'm imagining I'm doing this I forgot I was there I got it It's just that everyone moved to a different part of the map.
You are all being cowards. I have two hearts left. What do you mean? Oh no, Chandler will get a banana. Remember that the last one left does not have a banana head. I'm going to run down the middle. I'm invincible, you, Nolan? I died, Carl, how many hearts do you have? I have one heart left, I'm tired of Carl winning, Chris, win this for the boys, Carl, keep moving, I'm moving, I'll keep moving, okay, hey, me. you didn't suck this time guys, you didn't suck at Minecraft here you go, there's your banana peel, oh my gosh, okay, there's your banana, I'm ready to play, there you go, the next


is if a gas leak in the laboratory is toxic. gas and try to survive this time I'm competing you guys say when to start and tell me what my punishment is.
Start, Jimmy is literally right behind you, bro, wait, what's my punishment? They have to put a hot dog in a banana peel and drink. one bite and you have to do it at Walmart in public, okay you know I'm not going to die, jimmy, you're so dead, jimmy, you know it sucked if it started snowing, oh God, it's snowing, oh, I hate you, oh, It is not like this. wait no it's sinking yeah that's powder snow you fall bro this ain't even a challenge that wasn't me go jimmy joe no chris played a bunch of snow and then i was left stuck you're just falling in the snow which is not us hello guys future jimmy here i have been very busy because we are recreating willy wonka's chocolate factory in real life so i will do this punishment in the future when i have more time enjoy the video For this next challenge you have to use his jump before he reveals the punishment do any of you want to skip it?
Yeah, since it's jumping, they don't even have to compete. What you have to do to survive the spread of a dangerous mutant virus. The punishment for dying in this challenge is. you have to take a bath and start with water for hot dog oh oh god I'm getting it come on carl come on you're behind me hit me if you're behind me hit me come on trailer thanks guys have you ever wondered what a pass is? water for hot dogs like why are you hitting me jimmy stop the water for hot dogs please I'll see you in the bathtub oh it's so fast I'm still alive I'm still alive oh no hot dark water carl is still alive carl will make it Yeah yeah , Carl survived.
I'm really good and guys, I made it too, so yeah. Hey Chris, you made it to the bathtub. See you there. I hate everyone. This next experiment is to see if you can escape this giant erupting volcano and make it to the boat escape if you are going to jump you must do it before I tell you the punishment we only have three challenges left so be careful we won't use our jumps, Jim Jam, if you die in this challenge, you have to show us the last. you googled my mom look at these gentlemen of good luck oh there is also lightning go go go ahead we have to protect our internet browsing history oh god I can't miss this one oh look at the volcano oh , it's noises, I'm doing this for my browsing history, wait. what what there's a giant hole in front of me i made the bridge made the bridge wait i was too fast oh carl you got it oh that's so fucked up omg i'm suffering so much damage i'm on the dock i'm on the dock oh good traveler parkour no no no no no no I'm not in the duck I'm going to live oh chris why is this blue come on let's go oh yes yes chris the volcano is coming, get out of here ah how strange why did I jump chris fell what an idiot no nolan they just crashed you uh come on chris i did it i will do it this time yes alive it seems carlos the only church story we are reviewing children creator next door, okay and now that we saw what you were looking for, remember that they both had jumps, that was the last challenge, thanks for look, goodbye.

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