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World's *DUMBEST* people! (LOL)

Apr 23, 2024
These are the



on the internet, let's see what they are doing to search for the keys, oh you won't find them anywhere inside the car my friend, in fact at this rate, they will steal your car keys, breaking a egg. in a mouthwash for pain, that's disgusting, back to the bottle, no, no, get the trash can, you have your bag, you're going to put your bag in the trash, you cut, I use, this is, it's the maximum stupidity, this guy can't escape being stupid, oh god. oh there's no way there's no way she's going to do this you know at the end of this video we're going to decide who was the


person and so far she's taken the number one spot.
world s dumbest people lol
I bought my friend four pregnancy tests and they all came back positive, congratulations. You're pregnant but she's crying now. She asked me how I am going to afford to feed four children. Oh my God, what nonsense. I hit my head really hard. He may be Caucasian. My back is killing me. I think I understood Arthur well. Oh my God, oh no, no, no, no, what's fake? What are you thinking? No, my girlfriend in a virtual reality fight, oh man, what's up with


playing in virtual reality? Oh my gosh, shouldn't you just miss fighting the wall he took it out if you thought you'd had a bad day, is he going to go around the hole? oh oh, he's furious, look he got so angry he'll never be usable again, why is this guy holding the monkey's hand but the monkey isn't?
world s dumbest people lol

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world s dumbest people lol...

Don't I think the monkey thinks he's holding his mom's hand and says, wait, that's my mom over there holding my hand? No one in the history of humans has been this far down with their umbrella, hit the like button to tell me you are. not so dumb if you don't hit it then I don't know you could be as dumb as this guy oh it's time out who's going to catch the bouquet oh she's got it she's staring into his eyes my friend oh this It's brilliant look at this cat who's trying to go through this, oh, oh, oh, oh, I don't know what he's been doing on his adventures, but he's put up a wood and look what happens when it closes, he starts fighting the door, it's your fault. not the door oh no oh you know what's going to happen I'm cooling it right now keep an eye on this phone here let's walk around my office I'll say it quietly but my wife did this to his phone let's see if he crushes it picking it up lifting it up oh can you see can you see oh it is oh dude it's literally folded chicken permission yeah right go ahead it's chicken parmigiana that's what I meant I'm the dumb person I think that's what they wanted say.
world s dumbest people lol
I swear someone needs to invent socks for our hands. My hands always get cold. They are called gloves. It's not as stupid as a sock in our hands. Seriously, this might be the dumbest person yet. Okay, I just took the. Oh, you know, which makes this so much better. He took the. first I'm only 115. oh what are you doing, what are you doing, what are you, what did you think was going to happen, my husband, oh my god, I hope he's okay, oh, I was trying to go down the stairs, what where are you? Where are they eating?
world s dumbest people lol
Oh, I can tell she's thinking this was trying to be a nice, sweet date. She has food on her. Oh, that's so cute. That mom is a big dog. Come on, smash it. Oh, that's a solid jump to be fair. It just went wrong, what the hell, what a trick, oh no, oh, oh my god, you had a job, okay, all he's doing is beating the drum, oh man, he's just a mess, she's furious too, He even got off the stage, here they are, oh oh my me. I'm surprised they don't go after him to beat him up, you know what they can't because if they go after him they'll ruin it too.
He just looks at this guy. He'd never seen someone so stupid, but then again. you care about everything you look amazing oh you look amazing if you put something in the cats face by the way they just don't like it look he's oh no oh god wait oh no why does he jump i didn't expect that what are you doing that the kind of Silly things I would do in a store, that's funny, this cute little dog meets the snow for the first time, go, my friend, play, oh God, that is very thick snow, poor little dog, this is a silly crocodile, the Zebra has crossed this lake, so slowly, very slowly, then the crocodile decides to attack, he is furious, look at this, have you ever seen a crocodile get angry by quitting?
Now, oh my god, you're taking a sip, oh dear friend, oh what I don't understand, it's like his friend is literally pushing the drinks. about what's wrong with your friend we gotta cross the ice bridge dude this looks sick oh oh you gotta commit to coming back or moving on oh oh everything broke these guys are having a race for a new xbox the guy says yeah this is easy oh, he cheated oh look that's still that's the face of a man who just won a new xbox because his friend is dumb oh no, this is dumb this is dumb he forgot to open the cover oh oh, that's the top three silly dad so far I don't know if there's anything to do with the balloons this guy is coming back from a night out maybe he has the balloons for the kids wife the balloons are gone why don't you hold on tight?
Are you kidding me like a balloon? one there goes balloon two oh my god look at that face there is nothing you can do you can't fly my friend you are stupid why doesn't my power strip turn on? I got it all plugged in yeah you plugged it into the completely wrong Blazey Wally how did Beyoncé get to number one in a hundred countries when there are only seven in Africa, Europe and Asia? I can't remember the rest, oh yeah, it's so stupid these Roman numerals are about to be good, ah, Roman numerals, brother, I'm dead for the fourth time, piercing my nose forward fourth time the best time to pierce your nose my son doesn't like chicken omg he could be a vet yeah he loves working with animals which could actually be a reason for him not liking chicken to be fair so maybe this person be smarter than us.
I thought why are there drinking fountains in Europe that you wipe your butt with? I had never used one of them before. Today we do not have them in all of Europe. We don't really have them in England, but don't drink outside. them, why is there a car inside the bank? there is no way this is real there is no way this person has been gone their whole life and doesn't know about reflexes chances of this person sleeping oh god what's going to happen what's going to happen wait I just found the dumbest people of them 81 if you are not subscribed to instantly go from dumb to super smart just hit the subscribe button it's free what are you waiting for?
If you hit subscribe right now, you won't be as dumb as this person trying to escape into a pool of melting ice. Know? What's more impressive is the fact that it hasn't fallen yet. I knew this would happen. What are you doing? Why does grease turn off the fan? Moron. I actually did it with 41 inches. of snow mate, snow hits differently when it's not in England, come on, cap, I know what's going to happen ah, we've lost Carter, save it, oh poor thing, oh, look at it moments before you instantly regret it, poor kitty, it's okay , doing a little yoga, that is.
Not even his dogs just wandered around oh not only did all his clothes get wet it stayed where his phone I think he survived oh cute little dog that's a sick garden what are you doing what are you destroying? I like the fact that I just didn't even care what funny dog ​​destroyed my yard, no, oh she's legit, she ticks and put her phone in the microwave, this is this, this is the number one fucking place 100, that phone is not there, that phone does not survive. You guys have a fun and safe day, and you, like you, need to be more grateful because this earth is like 2014 years old, how old is the earth?
There goes 4.5 billion years, just a little bit outside of there, my friend, I was chatting. In my target with this guy he was supposedly from England and I speak American fluently, so there is a bit of a language barrier. If she was talking to me, it would be difficult, it would be very difficult, but he knew English very well. I was talking to him about this game I wanted because I was hoping he would buy it and he was Sims 3 Generations and I really wanted that expansion pack. It's claire and me in another life where claire is american and me.
I'm buying him the Sims and he said he supposedly wanted them too and I said, "Well, why don't you buy it?" and he says, "Because it's too much." There's a bit of a language barrier because I asked how much it costs, not how much 15 pounds weighs. My brain just hurts. I just can not. There is a bit of a language barrier. We overcame that jump, but the thing. I wonder why it weighs so much, so it's a challenge, you go down the stairs, you skip a step with this, you have to look, no, this is so silly, look at that person's toes, I'll just say it right now.
Don't go downstairs guys, having a camera doesn't make you a paragraph, no, no, it doesn't make you a paragraph. I need male puppy name suggestions, is it a boy or a girl? Ugh guys, anyone get vanilla salmon? of chicken that's not fully cooked, yeah, I wouldn't eat that, don't eat that, if it's chicken, you'll get salmon and vanilla, oh my gosh, look at this, look at this, look at this, two, three, four, five, six dishes of food, look at this. That's six meals, oh what was I thinking, what was I thinking, why would you put them in a container?
I've never seen this before. Phone on autopilot. Walk, yes, without looking where you are going. You literally get into a car. It's time to kick. Oh, you know, to be fair, why is he walking ahead of them? Who is the fool? That's the question, looking for a new hiding place. Oh my God, what's going on down there? Look, I've never seen cat paws fly like that. that, oh poor thing, help him, oh my god, oh my god, yeah, I'm never going down there again and the dumbest person award goes to this lady here for heating up your phone in the microwave.
I'm never going to go over that. More videos on the screen, click to continue. in seeing I will see you there

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