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World’s *CRAZIEST* Coincidences! (HOW!?)

May 16, 2024
We find the



in the


, like these people wearing yellow t-shirts, these people are wearing red and it matches the t-shirts the people in the car are wearing, which keeps your eye on the beach ball on the other side. Well, not only did it start to disappear, but the door opens. There is a ghost in this pool. Welcome to the Australian Red Cross Blood Service, where one of the cars is the vampire with a number plate. I don't think I would trust going. to this place I love a good mini golf clip it's up come right back at it smash bounces no way what is this if it's Frozen no it's not miles away how I found the end of a rainbow it's like a double rainbow it's a The brightest rainbow the


has ever seen Where is the end?
world s craziest coincidences how
What's at the end? Wait on a bench. Point actually under the bench. That's what I'm saying. You will find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. This cup arrived broken. and the part that broke literally says oh no written on it this is if I knew it was going to break how to fix a tv there is no way it could be a fork going into the tv not only does it not leave a mark but it apparently fixed it this person is on Google Maps like they're literally wearing the same clothes and how strange that is, oh my god, imagine walking through an art gallery and you see a painting that is literally a replica of you, except for the paintings that are like 150 years.
world s craziest coincidences how

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world s craziest coincidences how...

How are they accidental and surprising captures? Here we have a guy sitting with a cookie on his back and here, monster, wait for a second Cookie Monster. I wouldn't have believed it, then what, wait, wait, it landed on him again, it held. He has to be one in a billion trillion. Wait, this guy has had this tattoo for years and they go to a pet store and find a pet toy version. You have to admit, this one is a lot cuter. I would prefer to tattoo it. The same three trunks with the blinders synchronized, what, what, what, in the name of


, has happened there, did they plan for me to go to my annual medical checkup? 10 10.
world s craziest coincidences how
Okay, look at the painting at ten past ten, what is the world trying to tell you something? Imagine you are a news reporter and you are quickly told that there is a search for a thief and the corresponding identity will appear on the screen behind you and you don't know that it is literally a replica of your face, surely the rest of the news team had to do it. Trolling the host here, they are identical. This person spent a year trying to capture the incredible lightning strike on camera and he did, but the crazy thing is if you zoom in on this ship here, the ship is called perfect timing and that's it. what you need to capture an image like that maybe it was good luck that I needed these guys are casually enjoying the subway with a mug that apparently doesn't want to fall like what the hell are we going to kick it what look they mark 69-69 with 69 seconds and the white shirts add up to 69. how many 69 are there in this picture this pole has fallen and has not avoided a single car but look at this it has fallen perfectly next to this car and if you look at the end it is even wrapped around the part top, as if that hadn't hit the card.
world s craziest coincidences how
That's incredibly lucky. Of all the places they could have parked in their parking lot, they chose to park under the leak like I don't even know if. You could drive that car again. No way, not only did someone find Ron Harry and Hermione together in real life, but I swear it has to be Ed Sheeran. Tell me Ed Sheeran is secretly Ron Weasley. My mind is blown right now. Pay a lot of attention. This ball is thrown against the net and lands in the machine directly back to one hand. Look at this again, how can people get so lucky?
This is a photo of a newly engaged couple who thought they met in college, however, family photos reveal that these two actually met on a family vacation as children and got married. Actually, it's a beautiful coincidence. An unexpected return. He swings over the side. It is a coincidence. You don't want it to happen to you. Crossbar Challenge, but this guy better fall. and it slides it's one two three four bars I won't have to do that again if I try no, the license plate of this car is hidden and it says I see you, how do these coincidences happen and how do they end up next to each other in the highway this person took this guy's hat gave it a heat and it landed perfectly on that kid's head just got a free hat buddy kid Amber Alert white Nissan Sentra license plate e y b982 I think we found the person who arrested them. propose to her girlfriend in front of a bunch of people and all the pigeons decide to jump in at the same time as if they knew he had just gotten engaged to her. um we fit in yeah I don't know about you buddy but there's a size limit on this bridge and uh yeah I don't think you're going to go over that bridge properly bro you're probably going to have to go ahead and cross that off the back of your truck.
I can't believe I caught this on video okay I got a fan that's a nice Vibe honey dude they just sang completely by accident they got a vibe okay show me what you got dude let's go to basketball who lined up behind the red line and oh man I don't think you wanted to score on that but hey. It worked, wait, don't tell me it'll do it again. There is no way he is hitting each other back to back. What do you imagine driving and the mountain range fits perfectly into the back of the truck in front of you like it's fish, fish, fish?
I don't know how you ended up here, but we'll catch you and catch someone else out of nowhere. Where did he come from? He left to try to save his partner. Windy. Oh wow wow dude, no, literally. I'd feel like Thor from the Avengers if I managed to catch a branch in the air like this, this guy breathes fire, but if you imagine that fire is actually a dragon with an eye and a mouth, it looks like he's kissing a fire dragon, that is the best. What I've ever seen in my life, oh, this is incredible.
You know, you might like to fight people with different games on the plane. This guy is playing battleships, but the guy against him doesn't realize that the person behind him can see every ship and where they are. The easiest victory in the world What are they doing? Put on some Boba tea. Why did it play at the exact moment she put it on? This guy just left a package like he always does as he walks away. no, oh no, it's windy, oh, the map hits, that package will never be found again, wait, what the hell, this is an eagle sign, it has the greatest victory, oh, the wings may be huge, but Look at this, there are two eagles on top. the eagle sign, I think they sat there on purpose, anything but a football game, passing it, hitting it, oh what the fuck, how far was the ball, I mean, it's going to land here, it must be a crazy wind, the other team must be furious.
One person had this image as their phone wallpaper for two years and then went on vacation to Italy and found the exact same mountain by accident, dude, get rid of that old photo, take a new one in person, even better background , what the hell planned this? by the way, the ocean lines up perfectly with the top of him, even the sand, the sky, everything, how did he do that? Well, I don't know how you can do this. I had never before seen a bull travel over a table and then land. in the hole look at this they're playing golf in a storm he hits the ball and the ball is hit by lightning look look flying in the air bam it doesn't even touch the ground and it was caught on video that's one in a billion moments okay, now all these names are going crazy Taylor Swift I think these two just drive around together all day waiting for people to take pictures somehow two amazing moments in a row of this crazy guy Dodge going backwards and then look at this streamer is going to hit, They're all there and back off if that's my exact face right now.
How is it possible that this person was reading about a bird and then the exact same bird landed in her book. That bird wanted to be seen that day. What the hell? a lot of flamingo shaped flamingos is that normal do they always try to look like flamingos? What are the chances of that happening? I always like to have good reflections, but those are good reflections. Look at this image, the head of a zebra. each of the colors lines up perfectly with the body of the zebra behind him oh no, this door is completely smashed into the ground and the door on the left was just embarrassing him, it's like he knew the other door was going to be destroyed stay close Watch out for this guy in the background.
I don't know why they're hitting the guy in the middle, but the bad guy got the worst of it. What the hell? A Swedish Guy Accidentally Captures a Green Meteorite on Camera While He's Trying to Find the Northern Lights Guy Who Looks like some sort of Rift Gates will open and an alien spaceship will invade, but it's getting even stranger. There is a very small chance that the cloud will turn into a circle and it happened in Japan. It was so strange that everyone nearby took a photo. I mean, honestly, it sends me alien vibes too, to be honest, wait, what the hell?
This is not one image, it is actually two separate images. You can see the line in the middle, they time themselves perfectly to make it look like they were in the same picture, that's weird, imagine being a bus stop, a new one, three, three people, all wearing the exact same t-shirt, do something cool, do something cool, oh roll, how did it time so well? And he even has the glasses, wait, which apparently got struck by lightning. The crash event outside the house went through all the pipes and out of the toilet and completely exploded. Can you imagine if you were sitting on the toilet while this was happening?
Oh my God, this would be your face, not happy, oh my God, this guy is floating here. in the water he is three miles from shore. They dragged me outside because it was so windy and I was trapped for 24 hours. This was the last ship to leave the port. They literally saved this man's life. Is incredible. Someone heard a noise. The DVDs had fallen. but perfectly fallen in a way that they didn't actually touch the ground. I don't think you can make that way of DVD if you try to do it on purpose. What is this real?
The lightning followed the path of the rainbow and went up the The rainbow is not a physical thing, how did that happen? Well, generally I don't know if everyone wants to do this, but they push it directly into the hole in the ground, they want to do that. How incredible this part. of the word doesn't work and this part of the word doesn't work but the part that's left still spells restaurant that's lucky oh a bubble landed on a cactus but it didn't explode how did they have enough time to take a photo of this oh bubble giant like a cool cocktail and oh another bubble just to get lucky everyone is filming and straight to the other person's car and today God decided to bless this dog with the perfect ray of light making him the most blessed dog in the world.
The world is right, this is getting out of control now that we have Dot and we're bonding, are these guys driving together on purpose too? Okay, this dog has a crazy sixth sense, decides to move on and pushes the owner out of the way. When a branch falls, how did he know? Imagine your order number is 666 and a balanced Jew is 777. It's a strange coincidence, but things can get even crazier. This video is one of the


odds in the world of things happening. Click on it to not Don't miss it, I'll see you there.

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