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Women Wear Instagram Makeup For A Week • Ladylike

May 29, 2021
- Do you know that some people have no sense of smell? I have no idea when my eyebrows are too bold. (laughs) I'll keep going until it's dark as midnight. (upbeat music) - This


we will use


from Instagram. - For me, Instagram


is like, oops! - If you have ever looked at your explore page. - Extreme contour. - Ugh, ugh, ugh! - There are many very talented


and men who do their makeup to perfection. - Matte lip with the liner, with the Cupid's bow highlighted. - Oh! - Extreme highlight. - If you don't have false eyelashes you should leave.
women wear instagram makeup for a week ladylike
The explore page. - I'm just worried about not looking like myself, looking like a clown and that it took me two hours to achieve that look. - What makes me nervous the most are false eyelashes. That's something I'm not really used to, and in fact, I don't know how to do it. -The last time I tried to put on my own lashes, it took about 20 minutes for one lash to fall off four minutes later. - I am excited to learn how to make eyeshadows. Because that's something I've avoided for a long time. - I hope to learn how to make eyebrows from scratch to a perfect ombre so you like the hair down on the side. -I hope that by the end of the


I will feel a little more comfortable putting on lashes and feel like I can put them on for a night out or date night. - Okay, let's do it.
women wear instagram makeup for a week ladylike

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women wear instagram makeup for a week ladylike...

Let's get ready, you know, all that, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, kah! - My name is Nicole and I am a makeup artist. And today I'm going to teach girls how to do makeup for Instagram. Instagram makeup is creative. It's dramatic. I don't think it's hard for girls to learn this. I think it will be a really fun experience for them to really see how much goes into makeup on Instagram. They may not understand it the first day, but I think for the rest of the week they will do very well. We always want to start with a new canvas.
women wear instagram makeup for a week ladylike
We want to remove all that dirt and oils, you know. We are girls, we can naturally sweat. So we want to make sure we get everything out of our faces. (upbeat music) - It will take me all day to fix my eyes. - Oh, I've never used concealer, this is amazing. - So with highlights and contouring, the general rule of thumb is to highlight the areas that we want to highlight the most. And then the contour is for those areas that we necessarily want to push back or we want to hide more and not show as much. - The contour of the forehead is doubtful to me because my baby's hair is very intense. - Now it's time to bake.
women wear instagram makeup for a week ladylike
You are basically applying your translucent where your highlighter was. (clock ticks) - So, we've got our eyes, we've done our highlights, we've done our contour, we've got our blush, let's work on our eyeliner. So first I'll create the line. - I had never started with the queue before. - Me neither. - This is crazy. - Very good, do you have your eyelashes? Yes, so place it where you want and then you can maneuver the edges. - I think this is surprisingly good. - I think we're finally done. I'm hot and a little confused about what time it is, I don't know? (upbeat music) (camera click) - I hope you make yourself proud this week on Instagram. - Yes, I'm excited to see it. - We will tag you in each photo. - I love your set of eyelashes, you're about to blink and blow me away right now. - Yeah! - Well. -It's a lot more makeup, especially on the upper part of the eye, than I'm used to.
It's fun and looks cool when you look at it for a second. - I feel like this is like glamor makeup. - Yeah! - I want to give you, like a boa, and then some dazzling earrings. (upbeat music) - Wandering around the mall, I didn't know what to do today. I wasn't expecting to go out, but I feel like I put on makeup, so I probably should. So we decided to buy soup dumplings. In fact, I almost fell asleep in this makeup, which would have been horrible. I'm about to take this makeup off, it's going to be a search. - So I'm at home and my eyelash is hanging by a thread. - It looks completely crazy, but it's also strangely satisfying to take off all that makeup. - So.
A lot. Make up. - So now I have to do makeup for Instagram for the first time alone and I don't know where to start, I'm stressed. -Chantel is way ahead of me, how is she doing? She-she Is she going. - As you can see, I didn't have time for the crease cut today, but it still took me 50 minutes from when I started doing false eyelashes. - Fred and I are deliberating over which brush is which, we don't know which is which, so now I'm turning to the Internet. - So it's an hour and 40 minutes later. - Pointed concealer.
It is a pointed concealer. -My eyelashes feel a little delicate, like they could fall out at any moment, but we just keep going. - The color is definitely not as strong as when we did it with Nicole. Now I see the appeal of a sal-lad because I had a sal-lad and I only really messed up my lipstick, everything else is pretty much in good shape. - Your eyelashes are, (laughs) they are very present. - I would definitely equate all this makeup with art, however, the sad thing is that you don't have one product forever. You do all this work and at the end of the day you just delete it. - I'm about to go to a shoot in about ten minutes.
I don't have time to do the whole nine. I'm going to do my eyebrows, I'll come back and finish it. - I don't have time today. I have no time. - Are you doing Instagram makeup? - Yes. I don't have time to do a cut crease and that's a real thing. - So this is my calendar. I don't have time to spend an hour and a half doing makeup. There is simply no time. - So, I'm halfway through the contour and I realized I forgot to put on foundation. So. - Freddie, I just looked and you look like an angry ghost.
This whole week has been so much fun experimenting with eyeshadows and I feel like a little eyeshadow experimenter. My eyelashes, although they are decorated with mascara, do not have false eyelashes and that is because yesterday I got glue in my eye and it hurt a lot. - It's windy and I feel like my eyelashes are going to come out. - I'm going to take off my makeup as soon as I get home just to give my skin a little break. I'm going to have a funeral for my makeup because RIP this look that I really liked. - Okay, this will be my first attempt at putting on makeup before work.
I'm going to see if I can knock it out in an hour because that's the only time I have. - I think this is the closest I've been all week to the original look. I'm pretty proud of what I did. I don't think it's perfect, I think I can definitely work a little on the crease of the cut, but it's close, it's close. - And I put on the concealer and everything and now I don't remember what comes next, I think it's, I think I go straight to the eye shadow. - I came very close to achieving this in an hour and of course the lashes added 25 more minutes.
So I'm at an hour and 25 minutes. - I definitely didn't arrive on time and now I'm 10 minutes late for work. I think I was a little less self-conscious with the product, although I did leave my lashes off. - I should have known, today would be a difficult day since I also only have one earring. Bad whiplash, an earring, it's just a day. - But I have all this makeup on my face and it worked today because we're doing our fashion show for the clothes we made, so we'll be walking down that runway in a moment. - I spent a lot of time putting on my makeup today and I'm sad to have to take it off, so I'm like in the bathroom procrastinating, you know, waiting. - So I'm about to put on my makeup on the last day of Instagram and I'm already tired. - I know my shadow is pretty discreet today and that's not Instagram makeup, Instagram makeup is the opposite of discreet, but since a lot of other things happen to me, this wig and this blood in my nose, I had to keep it quiet. . - Freddie just criticized me for not


ing my eyelashes and she was like, "Oh, so you don't have any?" and I said, "No, I have some." I just stopped using them. - Eating is very difficult, because you meet this guy. - So we were looking at the sun trying to take selfies and look what happened to my damn eyeshadow. - I didn't give myself enough time to do all this makeup.
I definitely made it faster than ever, but I still don't have enough time and I'm late. - I think I literally got glue in my eyes. - I think I might be getting better at applying eyelashes. Wow! That just took many days. So we tried Instagram makeup for a week. - A long week. - And it was... - Dehydrating. - It was exhausting, I just always felt tired after doing it. - One day I was out of breath. - Breathless? From hitting your face? - I was out of breath from hitting my face. - I thought it was 79% funny. - As I was doing it, I thought, I just don't feel like that's who I am.
But I had fun learning how to do it. - I'm going to continue doing this. Not every day, but sometimes. - There are definitely a lot of things I learned that I will implement, maybe different skills on different days and not all skills in one day. - Yes. - Tested lady. - The lady will do something sometimes. - I don't know, you guys are crazy, I feel frustrated. - You are screwed. - Yes. - Well, thank you. - Hello everyone, click on that post over there to see more videos from our channel. - Some of our favorites are there. - And some we like just fine. - But look anyway. - Because we love you. - Yes. - We love you. - I'm sleepy. (upbeat music)

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