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Women Are Attracted To Sexually Disciplined Men (& Why It’s Important)

Apr 08, 2024
Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel if you are new here. I'm Courtney Ryan and today we're going to talk about a topic that many of you have asked me about and surprisingly I've never covered in the 400 videos. that are on my channel and that have to do with sexual discipline, specifically why sexual discipline is so


and attractive. There are many videos on the internet about nofap semen retention. No, not in November, since we are entering November. I thought this was a pretty appropriate topic, so obviously let's talk about the elephant in the room. I can't give you a man's point of view on why sexual discipline is


again from a man's point of view because I haven't experienced it, but I can tell you why it is attractive and important from a woman's point of view. and why you know how to practice sexual discipline and the things that come with it are so attractive to


and I coincidentally had this video planned and I was on Tick Tock looking for content and I came across This, so I'm going to show you this quick little video that will put us everyone on the same page and then I will share my thoughts with all of you.
women are attracted to sexually disciplined men why it s important
My man is not



and he is so immersed in sex and wanting to watch porn and wanting. do this a man who has sexual discipline is probably one of the most important characteristics a man can have or at least a man who is interested in cultivating sexual discipline now what sexual discipline looks like it looks like a man who does not look at corn , he seems like a man who is not begging or thirsting for intimacy from random


or you, a man who has standards and is not just going to have intimate relationships with any woman who approaches him, he seems like a man who is interested. by creating a healthy sexuality with your partner and not simply repackaging the internalized patriarchy that is basically corn and the things we see in corn without these qualities a man is completely weakened, unreliable and cannot be trusted, also probably it will hurt him by cheating or expecting too much from you and being misogynistic, okay, there were some things that were a little dramatic, maybe some things in there that were a little dramatic for me.
women are attracted to sexually disciplined men why it s important

More Interesting Facts About,

women are attracted to sexually disciplined men why it s important...

I think it makes a lot of sense and I'm going to break this down and talk about a few different points and why it's so important and attractive for men to have it again from a woman's point of view. The first reason I want to talk is about self-control. Let me start by saying that men who are thirsty and desperate for sex specifically. I mean, I think men being thirsty and desperate in general is a big turnoff for women and also specifically when we talk about sex this is a big turnoff for women as well. They could be men who have the hookup culture or the casual one night stand type of stuff, this video doesn't apply to you, that's not what I do on this channel.
women are attracted to sexually disciplined men why it s important
I do not promote hookup culture or casual sex. I don't think it's healthy for anyone, huh, so yeah, that's it. That's not what we're talking about here, I'm talking about wanting to attract a woman who will have a healthy and happy relationship with you. You won't get a great woman if you have an X-rated dating profile or say anything. sexual like the first message you sent her I promise it shows a lack of discipline for yourself and also a lack of self control it makes women think oh this is all he is looking for or oh how many other women are saying this to think with your brain, friends, the one up here, so why this attractive?
women are attracted to sexually disciplined men why it s important
Showing self-control and discipline makes women respect you and this applies to more than just intimacy specifically, working out, eating healthy, your job, your success, all of these areas of your life generally flourish when you have self-control and discipline around you. and these are all things that are sexy and desirable to women and I want to read you a little excerpt here that says that the ability to override short-term impulses that conflict with long-term goals is a hallmark research of successful people. has shown that people with strong self-control have better health, financial, and career relationships, and then another one here that says attraction and desire are beautiful and real, but understanding the benefits of self-control communicates that you are committed to it and the long term relationship and I think when a man lacks self control and discipline in sex women think he will cheat again, as the woman mentioned in the video he can't be trusted because he can't even do it.
Trust yourself and know that men and women are different. I don't want to ignore that aspect, but I think when a man feeds on these very short-term impulses, it can be scary for women, especially as a woman when you're thinking about a guy you want to marry a guy you want to marry. spend a lifetime who is husband material this guy has self control and self discipline and is able to control those impulses you know you can say what you want about high value men can cheat and all this but that's like the one percent of the population again.
This video doesn't apply to people who are just into casual sex or hookup culture because you're not looking for anything serious or long term, so why would you care? If a man has self-control and self-discipline because you don't have them either as a woman, I don't think you can say you want that in a man if you don't even do it yourself, but if you are a woman who is very serious about finding a husband or finding someone to spend your life with and marry. You don't want a guy here to lose self-control and self-discipline because of short-term impulses.
No, it is attractive and sexy when a guy has self-control and discipline in every area of ​​his life again, intimacy is also included. Another aspect of this is delayed gratification. Among Us's successful delayed gratification chases what's meaningful, not what's convenient, and this, my friends, can be applied to every area of ​​your life. It's probably a lot easier to stop at McDonald's on the way home and get some nice macaroni and fries that have thousands of calories, but you'll feel a lot better and look a lot better if you go home and cook a nice nutritious meal, but when It's about sex specifically here.
I think leaving a little room for desire is attractive. Not rushing into this on the first date or again the first time you message her on Tinder will build tension and sexual attraction and actually make her feel more



. For you, it's crazy how that works when you show discipline and again leave a little room for mystery. That makes women want you a lot more because they don't think, oh, any girl could have done that, and again the men who don't show self-control and the ones who can't think long term are often the men who cheat and the men who take bad decisions.
I was also reading some articles when I was researching for this video that sounded more like the scientific research behind this and I realized that's not the case. The nofap movement and semen retention are actually two totally different things. I didn't necessarily want to talk about that because I'm not an expert in that area and I'm not a man either, so I don't really know what that is. like it would be like if a guy was talking about what a period is like, unless you're a gynecologist you should probably do it, like I'm self-aware enough to know it was interesting because there were so many like contrasting articles and data based ​just on the whole nofap or semen retention thing because there have also been a lot of studies that have shown that you know how masturbation is healthy and good for you, but also when you think about porn and the negative impacts of that and addiction What can happen there is obviously not healthy, so again it was really interesting.
I feel like it would be a completely different video because it's based more on scientific research and not just attraction, so I think it was interesting. Let me know what you think. guys, think below if you have any experience with that. I would love to hear your stories if you would be willing to share them again. You know I'm not a man, so I'd love to hear from you about that, but it's another big one. The aspect of this video I wanted to talk about is pornography and how it negatively impacts men and women and I found this statistic that blew my mind: it says that pornography makes more money than NBA Major League Baseball and the NFL combined.
Just don't think you can listen to that statistic and act like porn is no big deal because it clearly is, so when we talk about nofap, I realize it's actually different than semen retention, so nofap if you guys they are. I'm not familiar with this, I just want to explain it real quick to make sure we're all on the same page. Nofap is an internet community dedicated to undoing the damage caused by porn addiction and masturbation addiction for many men and some women, so I think that's a very good thing. I think if you're a person who realizes you have an addiction to something, finding a community or getting the help you need or just quitting cold turkey is sometimes the only way people can do it. move on and get over it and again, I don't think we can sit here and say that porn doesn't negatively affect men and women because you know very clearly, we've talked about there are a lot of men who feel lonely and single and then, in return they turn to things like just fans or, you know, chatting with women online or paying, you know, for online porn, just fans specifically is the one I've referenced the most, we call it solo fans, but they're wasting so much money they are spending so much money because they are completely addicted because as humans we just want to feel loved and connected to each other, like humans are meant to connect and when you are so alone it gets to a point where you are paying a random stranger in line to talk to you, message you and send you nudes, whatever it is, you guys are paying for farts in a jar.
I mean, it's questionable, it's really questionable what some of you are paying for, um. That lets me know there is a problem, if you are paying for farts in a jar, there is a problem in our society, we can't discuss that, imagine being so alone, feeling so alone, I have felt alone at times in my life. I feel lonely, but I will never, ever know what this level of loneliness is like paying a stranger on the internet, and I don't say that to judge. I'm not really saying that coming from a place where you know I'm bad.
I say coming from a place of sadness like that is very sad for me and I think social media in general has warped the way men and women view each other and pornography is included in that aspect of social media , uh, Internet, you know? And I also think it causes a lot of men to objectify women and women to objectify themselves. It's really destructive and I don't think it's healthy. I think it also makes a lot of women feel like they need to be performative with sex and it just really negatively impacts intimacy and I could make a completely different video about porn.
I've done a fan-only video where I covered a lot of that, but it's very interesting and I think you know, delving into the research and the science behind it. and really going into more detail could be helpful for anyone who is struggling but I think you know the nofap thing is a big thing for a lot of people again because realizing that you have an addiction is a huge thing in itself you know if that Ya Whether it's drugs, alcohol or sex, there are a lot of vices that people use that can turn into full-blown addictions, so getting the help you need for that is really important and it affects your intimate relationships in your life and your romantic relationships, so you know how to work with that.
I think it's really important to talk to yourself and figure it out, so I know I covered a lot of different things in this video, but really my point was to cover why sexual discipline is so important and attractive from a woman's point of view. In fact, it can help you a lot when you are in the conversation stages or you are meeting women for the first time or interacting with women to check yourself, really think here. I know it's hard, I mean, I don't really know what it's like. but I imagine it's difficult for you, but I really believe that even if you are someone who struggles with this, actively working on it and developing sexual discipline can benefit you in many different areas of your life, not just intimacy or relationships or a sex addiction like I truly believe can impact you in so many different ways, so again I just wanted to share why it's important and attractive to women.
I hope you like this video and find it useful,If they did, be sure to give it the thumbs up. Please subscribe and subscribe to my channel to stay up to date when I release new content, if you haven't already be sure to follow me on Instagram at Courtney Christine Ryan. I love connecting with all of you there, as always. Thank you all so much for watching and I will see you all next time abroad.

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