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Woman Who Can't Feel Pain Eats One of the Hottest Chillies | This Morning

Jun 04, 2021
so whether it's physical or emotional ajan what would life be like with any Pam what's any pentosa I don't hate


ting I'll stop stopping okay our first guest Joe Cameron she's an amazing


she's like something about the xxxx man, I mean yeah, she is the only person in the world with


condition, which means she doesn't


the birth surgery, she even has broken limbs which we'll talk about, which didn't cause you anything, that No, what did you break? when I was skating and I came into the house I didn't tell anyone and three days later my mother said your arm looks a little strange, it's too clear to see what you've done and I broke it and I didn't do it.
woman who can t feel pain eats one of the hottest chillies this morning
I know I didn't


that. I found a doctor. Zoe is here, of course, and we'll look at the medical side of


. What I find extraordinary, Jase, you won't diagnose it and not until you're sixty, because I am what I am. no one notices someone without


yes and I no I didn't think I just thought everything maybe I was very healthy and everyone says I was clumsy because I always had marks and bumps on my own but there is a child you don't look at the child who cries thinking I would like to have a pain like that he can look and say I would have a bike like that but you're not envious you are what you are no A question I didn't question and people thought your parents and teachers, they all thought you were a tough kid if you fell and got scraped knee.
woman who can t feel pain eats one of the hottest chillies this morning

More Interesting Facts About,

woman who can t feel pain eats one of the hottest chillies this morning...

Well, there are kids who just got up. He was very loving, but it's a matter of... Anyway, my father died 30 years ago, so we can't verify this, but looking back I think maybe he was just like me because everyone said when I was a kid, you You seem at your father's disposal, it could be dad, you are happy in blah. blah blah, and I think maybe that's where it came from, but people don't know, doctors don't know, if you don't even feel pain, there are so many people that feel pain, they are the ones that looked and realized, but when You were, when you had, you thought about your children, yes, so you know, women experience pain and childbirth, so surely at that moment, Evander, I understand the childhood thing, but in childbirth, well, there is the thought that This


does not expect any pain.
woman who can t feel pain eats one of the hottest chillies this morning
Extraordinary I had my first child and I was 30 I'm a second at 42 for no reason it just didn't happen and at that time my 30s each of my friends had had babies and they all said take everything that's going on it's all gone don I wouldn't be a martyr, so in my head I went into labor thinking I would take everything that was going on and the whole time I was in labor I thought when I'm in pain, I'm taking something when I'm in pain, but he never was. It became painful and because they are in a delay meeting, there are so many other women who require that no one notices, no one got upset because maybe I didn't ask for anything and for me it was normal, but in my head I am the second son, But when I had the first child I didn't realize that it was abnormal and I went on to the second.
woman who can t feel pain eats one of the hottest chillies this morning
I'm thinking when it's painful. I am not a martyr. I just thought that first you are lucky because you are so normal. You are excellent, normal, she is fascinated with you. You will be taken to an X-Men high school. Six years of experimentation. Why would his condition be of such interest? Yeah, I mean, Jill's condition is absolutely fascinating because, above all, scientists are interested. it means it opens up a whole new journey to explore painkillers, especially in people with post-operative pain who have chronic pain and also anxiety and depression because she also eliminated those and there is no fear, there is no stress because this has something to do with the distant gene and it's the mutation of that, so how can you explain that?
Yes, people like me know that we all have a lot of genes and when something goes wrong with the gene we tend to think that it is something bad because that means things don't work as they should and with Joe that is the case, there are two separate genes that do not they work like they should so basically it means that they are not able to produce proteins in the right way, the right behaviors or something like that they affect the pain receptors so in Joe Oh's case the nerves are fine so when we put our hands In this water she will feel the cold but for your brain to register the pain they ask to travel through the nerves and almost through several doors and in you you know that the doors are open and closed mostly open, but they can be closed in Joe, those doors are closed all the time, they're never open and that's because genes make proteins that keep those doors closed.
You see, Ruth has this condition. completely backwards, it must be said that it is the other way around, it is not my producer, it has nothing to do with me and no one was hurt during the making of this program, we should say that my producer says that this is a Scottish hat, that it is a form of chili which is the


thing known on planet Earth apparently if you eat this kind of stuff and apparently you can't so we are and I mean you are a doctor here this will increase your blood pressure this will hurt you a lot this well my producer told me to have one with Raymond.
I told him no, so he looks at even a piece. Are you seriously, seriously going to chew this? I only ate one before, that's that video. I will try well and everyone will be happy with their happy time just a little bit is a little bit then it would be like this if you can't taste the burning in your month and if you swallowed the man but you could swallow him and then swim down your esophagus to your son oh my words What Oh, weird, yeah, that's probably enough, so what do you feel? We would literally be on fire now.
I might as well get sick. I have a pleasant sensation of increasing heat in my mouth. That's all. However, this could be dangerous, so I guess. that we felt wine to keep us safe and I think if you think about our ancestors, they don't feel pain or fear, it would have been very dangerous, you know, they wouldn't survive. I was in today's world, actually, it's kind of a superpower to not feel pain, but it's not without its dangers, so you know you've enjoyed it. You may need to know what kind of things are going well for you.
I just went. My second child was about six months old. I was going to the hairdresser and I put her in the car back to the parking lot the car to the hairdresser and I got out of the car I took out the bag of boots I closed and opened the back door she locked the rest of the car so I could I just closed the door when she was inside so I wouldn't have to fiddle with the keys, I put the key in my pocket, I took it out, I had her in my arms and they went to close the door, but I forgot to remove my finger and I slammed the door shut. finger you can see the against my finger on the door so I sat down I stood in the parking lot and I said excuse me excuse me but I have my hand out I have Charlie could you take the keys out of my pocket? location because my fingers stuck here, you know what you need, you need some ice water, so what we have is four big barrier tubs of ice water, oh, it's very, very cold, as you can see, there's a lot of ice stuff here and ideas.
We have a commercial break when we'll see how long each of them can put our hands on, they say you'll probably give up first, so here we are, we have a clock on the screen and everyone is ready to dive in. Here we go, yeah, there are parts of you that turn blue, you're okay, okay, I'll tell you what, let's take a break and see if anything has fallen, I should tell one of our guests, here's a former gladiator, which It's true, the other is alone. Joo Cameron, who is 71 years old and from Inverness, feels no pain and his hands have been in ice water for about six minutes and you feel cold, cold, just cold, you feel a little bit cold, so what do you feel? ?
I saw, we felt, I feel like my hand is stuck in a bunch of glass shards, it's very cold and very, very painful, but you think you can do it simply because you have the mentality of a gladiator, but eventually your hand will turn blue and it will fall. Well, I think, to be honest, I think the water would be warmed to tolerate the pain. Well, I stuck my hand in there for two seconds and my fingers are still cold. Maybe it's enough money to freeze me, but it's an interesting thing to do. it's just saying that it's a little cold it's very uncomfortable it's very in fact it was more uncomfortable and now it's not a towel to try it hmm listen oh my god that feeding was great this genetic mutation makes you very happy a very happy person yes me Yes, I produce seven times more than other people.
I was produced this way when I had my hip replacement. Yeah, people didn't know about this at the time and they automatically give it to you. that slow release question turning into the ocean, yeah, yeah, within minutes of having it, I got really sick, y'all, oh my hip didn't stop, maybe there were two days I was in Mesa, get yourself together, now you realize that they must have given me an overdose. I already used your system, yes, and tell me they gave me what you couldn't have overdosed on. They only know me. I'm Rafi, I mean, just lovely aliens.
They had hip surgery. Yes, you just took paracetamol. No, almost no medicine, but thank you. you

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