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May 30, 2021
Hello everyone, it's me, Alex and different food Archie, today's video is a


Hall. I have done many of these. I


$500 on what kind of videos, but this is definitely the biggest


collection I've ever shown in a


video. right guys, this is a wish


batch, it's a test batch and I'm very very excited because I ordered some interesting and unusual pieces of clothing. My thought process was a couple of weeks ago when I was looking for wishes, how about I give you the Wish to try express shipping, so everything I chose I sorted only by express shipping and then I only chose the things that could arrive within the week.
wish haul i spent 600 on wish clothing huge try on haul 2019
Everything I bought had an estimated arrival time of about a week from the day I bought it. And? Later on I'm going to show you how I buy these things so you can see what I chose and then you can see when things showed up so I filtered by express shipping so on the left here is a little filter that clicked on express . shipping I'm very interested to see if these things actually appear in a timely manner. These things usually take months and months and months to arrive, so this will be an interesting test from the start.
wish haul i spent 600 on wish clothing huge try on haul 2019

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wish haul i spent 600 on wish clothing huge try on haul 2019...

I can see a pretty nice one. looking good I'm going to open these things in new lashes a Bane mascara a Shiba hoodie oh that's adorable but it's $32 I like that they have a big zero percent right there like you can't 0% with too often. This is very cute and interesting women loose lace off shoulder long sleeve blouse tops black and white colors so let's go with a small one in white and that cost $12 shipping and the top cost $11 ,fifty. Star Print Sheer Mesh Mini Dress Casual Evening Party Dress for Ladies Beach is verified to have blue mark unlike me $11 26 shipping again but arriving next Wednesday I would honestly prefer shipping to say free and simply add that amount to the price of the clothes in my head I would prefer that, what's wrong?
wish haul i spent 600 on wish clothing huge try on haul 2019
It's not for me and the list is long. What do these sizes mean? This arrow size chart twelve months six years let's go six in pink would cost $24. Do I really want to spend $24 on something? that would fit a six year old with the hope that it will possibly fit me as a crop top. Yes, the cart costs $223. I was willing to spend 250 though, so I'm going to take a look at this page for a bit. a little closer I might add a couple more things to cut, stand there and watch, so I may or may not have ended up adding a bunch of really, really, really weird clothes.
wish haul i spent 600 on wish clothing huge try on haul 2019
This video just took on a crazy tone because these things are crazy. I finished. with scrunchies a mesh top a crazy cape dress a beautiful pink coat a corduroy jacket an elegant skirt a wedding dress an elegant miss dress a papa hoodie a strawberry dress a nautical dress a doll skirt mata a vintage looking dress one cute skirt another cute skirt another cute skirt jeans crazy pants a jumpsuit jeans cargo pants a bralette a toddler sweater a fitted black tub a Sheba hoodie a mesh top a peasant shirt and a mesh top too now it's also $581 now we just have to see how long it takes for these things to arrive so it's October 28th and most of these things were express shipping most of them said they should arrive next wednesday so I'll see you in just over a week or you'll see me guys just taking a moment to talk to you about today's sponsor which is audible if you don't already know audible is an amazing audiobook app that I love.
Normally when I talk about audible I tell you about incredible novels that I have been listening to, but this time. In honor of a recent video of mine that gained me a lot of subscribers, it was a video where I only eat food from 7-eleven in Japan for a week and a lot of new people subscribed and I know those people love panning and travel. And maybe you're interested in learning some Japanese, so I just wanted to share with you an audiobook I've been listening to called Learn Japanese in Your Car. The complete language course, this audiobook offers three levels of learning, from beginner to intermediate and advanced. and teaches pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, if you want to try it right now, for a limited time only, you can get audible for three months for only 695 a month, you get a free audiobook and two free audible originals, absolutely free, that's over. half the normal price if you don't know what an audible original is, their audio titles created exclusively for audible listeners, so if you want to try it for yourself, visit and type enough pie or text enough pie to five hundred and five hundred if you're in the United States, Christmas is right around the corner, so if you want to treat yourself to an Audible subscription to help you get through those long trips to visit your family and friends during the holidays, I promise you. will love it.
So if you want to try it for yourself, just head over to, type Pretty Pastel or text Pretty Pastel to 500 500 and with that, let's check out these Wish Apparel Okay guys, it's Wednesday the 6th and it's supposed to that everything had been here today it's 5 p.m. if any package was going to be delivered, it would have already happened, so the only things that have shown up are two things and that's it, and we're not off to a good start because I took this out of the bag and I was like I don't remember ordering anything Brown, after some research I found out that this is indeed the pink coat.
I'm going to have to contact Wish support and get a refund because if it's not pink it sucks, this was a $50 coat and shipping for this one was nine bucks so for $50 you would expect it to show up on the correct color but it wasn't and also for $50 I would have expected it to have felt much better than this, this is obviously what you should. Expect that when you place an order, don't get your hopes up and think you're getting a great value garment. If it seems too good to be true, chances are it is too good to be true.
If I saw this in a store I would just buy this. I would pay $15 for it. It has lots of buttons all over the front and at least it comes with a belt, so it's not that bad, let's try it. Well, guys, it's not the best here. Flattering Oh, it has pockets though Wow, okay, so it might be the most terrible jacket in the world, but if it had pockets I'd still wear it. I don't think it's flattering in the least. If it were pink, it would be very visible. Better, the belt is actually very strange, it doesn't actually have a proper belt mechanism.
It's this clip here, usually when there's a clasp like this, it's attached at the end, but this is just a free-floating clasp when you put it on. belt through this buckle you're left with these crossed pieces of fabric like this, sorry, they're supposed to be in the front here, but then what are they doing in the picture? They seem to go everywhere. On the back, wow, that's going to be a delivery. I thought it might have been a wish package, but they're just my real baits, so this is a good transition to going to lunch. Okay, so I'm done with lunch.
I had some time to examine the expectations photo, so I basically made this as close to the picture as possible, so in the picture it looks like they have a very high neckline, they have all the buttons done up. I found that with the belt it's easier to tie it in the back, that's basically all I can do with it to make it look like the belt in the photos. I noticed that in the expectation photo, the skirt is much more voluminous, it has pleats. On it, this type of drop hangs a bit sadly, so if you fail by $50, I contacted Wish support.
I had to take a photo of the coat without buttons. I had to take a photo of the coat and send it. to wish support so I hope they give me a refund because if I don't get a refund I will feel extremely ripped off paying $50 for a non pink coast that looks very sad. I look like a 50s budget detective cop show and the only other item of clothing that has turned up so far is this white dress that looked so beautiful in the photos. I was so excited about it, you know, the lace isn't that bad, it has these little pieces of lace on the sleeve. here it has a v neck it has a zipper that goes all the way to the back I can see some loose threads in this stitch here it doesn't look as long as in the photos and it doesn't look as bulky this one It was $32 and I paid nine dollars shipping so let's say about 40 until I put it on, not sure if it's worth $40 if it looks like the pictures, it's definitely worth it in the expectations pictures.
It had buttons. running all the way to the end of the zipper and it also had a very pretty train which definitely doesn't happen here, thumbs are not for eating okay, so while this is definitely not the dress in the photos, the one in the photos is glorious , I think so. It might even be a wedding dress. I want to make a video where I try on Wish wedding dresses, but I have a feeling that if I did that, they would all turn out something like this. You see the inspiration photo they have. from rough taken that they have copied it not even the best they can it is as if they did not even try I really like these sleeves I love sleeves like this one I like the level but the V neckline fits I like the belt here the back is well you can see my bra here so you probably need to invest in a strapless bra with a dress like this, the length is really perfect it just touches my feet and when i wear heels it's at a really really nice level.
I'm sure you could get a beautiful dress like this on a website other than Wish, which is a much more reputable website. If you've seen dresses like this somewhere, let me know in the comments below because I'd love to get one that's a little prettier. Better quality, considering it's only $40. I think $40 is worth it. In fact, I would pay $40 if I walked into a store and picked this up off the shelf. I felt it. I thought it was a beautiful dress. I would gladly pay $40 for this, so this is, I'm going to say a wedding. In fact, I am very, very happy, this makes up for the failure of the previous one.
Now I just have to wait and see what else shows up in the next few days, it's all assumed. I'm already here, so let's see what happens in the next few days. Well guys, it's already November 14th, so more than a week from the expected delivery date of my desired items and something unexpected happened. I went to the post office. to check it out and all of this was there, so it all arrived this morning and it all came together and there's a lot of clothes in all these packages. What I find strange is that if you bought it on Wish before, you'll know. normally the packages come one at a time, but the fact that I can see that there are multiple items stacked in each of these packages, they are all together, so why did I pay shipping for each individual item?
Anyway, let's open with a big package and inside this package there are many small puzzles. There were seven in that package. I can't understand why it all came together. The only thing I can think of is that maybe all the clothes came from the same factory, hence the first item. This is the black jumpsuit that looks very, very, very long, it also has a belt, so this one was $25 with six dollars shipping. My first impressions, this actually feels very very good, it doesn't feel like it's poorly made at all. I don't see any loose stitches anywhere the fabric is very soft and it doesn't look dull either sometimes when you order black clothing items I wish they showed up and you could see through them this doesn't look like that's going to happen I don't know how I feel about this , on the one hand, I actually think it's kind of elegant.
I really like the one shoulder thing, this is a little difficult here because it keeps sliding down and if you go with a strapless dress. bra or something, you'll probably have to hold it there so it doesn't fall off, also depending on the length of your torso, there's an interesting situation with camel toe, that's because my torso is too long for this, The pants are actually quite long on me when I walk, they only adorn the top of my feet, so when wearing shoes they come off the ground with high heels. Wherever the original on this is an issue, it's probably a very very nice jumpsuit, the fabric is pretty good, it's not too see-through, I just wish the torso length was a little longer and I also wish the belt had more straw because in the expectation photo the belt is quite thick and this is also a thick piece of Fabric but the problem is that it folds back on itself and doesn't want to stay thick so I feel like it definitely needs a more structured belt around the waist, but other than that, this one gets a couple of points.
It doesn't get great points, but it gets a couple points for being a very good effort. Well, next are these red pants. I'm quite surprised, they don't feel bad at all, they feel a little thin, unusual fabric, very soft and silky. but it also feels very synthetic, they have this very strange detail down here as a detailmesh mesh. They also have a lot of zippers everywhere, from the looks of it, there's one zipper in the center and then you have two. the zippers are real pockets the pockets are fake the pockets these pants are $22 with $4 shipping nice shade of red like under Archie's wings the same red is fine so this is the closest I can get to what I I was wearing the model because this is the only black bralette I have.
Dan told me he thinks I look like I'm about to go skiing. I think skiing and potentially raving at the same time. That's what I would say. I really like the details of the zippers everywhere. It looks really cool. I can't think of a time when I would do it. I've worn this before, but I really like the length of the pants. I feel like if I unbuttoned them at the bottom, they would be very, very baggy cargo pants, which I would really enjoy. I actually love the mesh details. I do not know where it is.
It's not originally my style like I said, but if you like this style and you like these offensive red pants and you want to look like a firefighter who's going to ski and rave at the same time, I would definitely recommend these. Next is this pinup style dress. This one was $24 with six dollars shipping. I'm not impressed by his touch. The fabric is very very thick, it doesn't have a nice texture at all. Plus, it looks like it's pretty big. I don't believe it. this is going to hug my waist in the photos it looks like it's really tight it definitely doesn't look like it's going to be tight i won't know until i put it on although it also has these two little little straps that tie around the neck.
I wish it was just some kind of elastic, some kind of halter neck that you could pull on. There have been some accidents in the past with bad people pulling the lasso, you know, the rest is fine. So as I suspected, with this one the fit is really off, there's a lot of excess fabric here, so this one could use some alterations. I would probably have to pin it in the back so the skirt doesn't look too flattering. The way it falls is not as pretty as in the photos. I think it is as a dress and as a style.
It's actually a very nice look. I love the nautical theme. It's very Marilyn Monroe, unfortunately the size, the feet and the shape. the Falls skirt just isn't right for me, plus it feels very cheap, it's very poor quality, I'm not happy with the way it feels in the slightest, these straps are very thin, I don't feel like they're going to be very durable, so I'm very sad, I thought this could have been much better than it is. These camera pants are twenty-four dollars with four dollars shipping. They look good. I see some loose stitches, but they actually feel like pants I bought as dolls. kill, they even feel like pants I bought from a deadbeat.
I wouldn't think these were from a wish if they belonged to a friend and I saw them. I don't think they would want pants, they actually feel pretty good, this is very out of character. from my usual style, but obviously because I was only purchasing from the Wish Express shipping tab. I was a little limited with my clothing selection, but it's fun to try new things. I used to live in camouflage pants. He lived with them. Very sorry. that's not green camouflage, I won't mix with you, sorry, okay, here are the camouflage pants. I was wearing them and I saw Daniel a second ago and Dan felt them and said he thought they felt really cheap, but to me.
I've bought camera pants like this, ah, cargo pants that feel like they're out of something cute, boohoo dolls kill, they all feel relatively similar, it's like a soft standard, how do you know what this is called? It's not that bad, no, it's actually nice, it's very comfortable. It's parachute material, almost like windproof material, a kind of fabric with a sticky feel. I think they are super comfortable and I love the way they fit. I think with this white blouse and boots they look really cool. I'm not the biggest fan of charging. pants that fit around the ankles, but surprisingly I don't care the way they do it, I love this look, it's not particularly my style but at least the way they are black and white, I can get away with wearing pastel colors with this if I wanted I love that there are these pockets over here and there are pockets on the side and they are real pockets and they are also very, very deep pockets, so these are a big hit here, this is the children's sweater, this It's potentially going to fit me well, this one cost $25 with five dollars shipping.
It feels very good. I am very surprised. There are no words. All I can say is that it feels excellent like the fabric. It is a very heavy fabric. Really very well done. I do not see. some loose threads sometimes with these cheap knits you're worried about the threads pulling in strange places it's very heavy it feels like it's going to be too hot it's not incredibly soft but I feel like after a couple of washes it will soften the color it's perfect guys I'm shaken to the core, it fits me well and it's lovely, let me be sorry, I know I'm causing a lot of people right now to zip up, this is soft, it's comfortable, it has a beautiful turtleneck, the turtleneck is so tall.
I actually really like that the sleeves are short, obviously they are short because it is intended for six year olds. It's very strange to me that they did it so incredibly well and it's from the children's section. I firmly believe that products made for young children who wish are better quality than products made for adults it's like we don't want to play with kids kids get the good stuff if you're dumb enough to buy wish you'll get what you get but kids know you can't mess with kids this is one of the best shades of pink in a top I have I have a big row of I need to show you I have all my sweaters here and this pink is the cutest pink none of the sweaters behind me There are as pretty ones as this pink one.
If I went to a store and saw this for a hundred dollars, I would buy it. I'm not even kidding. I never expected this to be as good as it is. I thought so. It was going to be rubbish. I didn't think pink would be a pretty shade of pink. I thought there would be loose stitches and everything everywhere. I wish you could swipe the screen and feel this because it feels great. Let me understand. a second opinion might be crazy Oh husband, it's very well written, well woven, that's right, do you know where it's from?
Sorry, it's from Nova fashion, this is the medieval dress that we have very long sleeves, it's very Cersei from Game of Thrones. the hoodie has the drawstring detail on the front, this one was $25 but had $19 shipping and came in the same package as all the others so this is just a testament to the fact that the shipping is stupid for want because if you're paying $20 shipping, you'd think there would be a reason for that, but if it comes in the same package, it just comes from the same place, so they actually just put whatever price they want on shipping so that the price The item looks more attractive when I saw the photo.
I thought, Wow, $25 for that, that's a bargain, it's actually 40 something, but you know what? Although it is a bit thin, I have high hopes. I think this could really work. alright, can I listen to guttural throat singing in Hue please, so I can't tell if I feel like I'm from Game of Thrones or if I feel like I'm from a cult or if I'm from Skyrim, potentially? I'll tell you what, I think this is one of my favorite purchases. I think the colors are beautiful. I love this royal blue one, it's so cute, it has lace up details on the front, a lovely big hood.
I really feel like the mother of birds, let me summon my familiar, tell me if you would wear this for Halloween because when I was looking for Halloween wish stuff, this came up as a Halloween costume and I thought, I don't think it's good enough to be a Halloween. costume, tell me if you would wear something like this to a Halloween party or tell me what other occasion you would wear this. I guess maybe like a photo shoot in a misty forest or something that would be cute, which I like the most. This is the neckline.
I think the neckline is actually very, very flattering now, obviously I can't wear this for social occasions. This is going to sit in my costume pile for a while, but I want a reason to wear this and the only reason I can think of is to make a video where I wore crazy clothes from Wish for a week. I could go to the supermarket wearing this for a video. Give this video a thumbs up if you would like to see it. the video gets like 20,000 likes. I'll wear it in public and wander around maybe I'll even wear it for a week who knows what you think of he's dead you loved it it was really cool I think it's sick the candles dim the lights and get red light candles I don't like the smoke machine working well so we need red light we need a smoke machine we need candles and now I can sing in Latin next we have this pink tulle skirt this cost $23 with five dollars shipping the color is a little not green the color is different than what I was hoping in the best possible way this is a beautiful baby pink there is a lot of volume here it is not very long although it seems quite short this may only reach a little past my knees but in the photos I thought it was a little longer, either It has a belt.
They had like a black belt around your Ruby. I am very impressed by the color. I have a pink skirt like this one from Dolls Kill and that one. it was a very expensive skirt so $25 $5 shipping so let's call it 30 it looks like it might be worth it so this skirt I'm more than happy with this skirt. I like it so much better than the cold skirt I bought from Dolls Kill and this is a fraction of the price of that one this is awesome I love the color pink I feel like a princess or like a Barbie that's why I'm wearing my Bobby turtleneck here I don't know if the turtleneck necessarily goes with What would you pair with a skirt like this?
I feel like a very leather-like blouse varies very well because there is a lot of volume down here. I actually really like the length of this one, it looks super cute with high heels. I'm going to wear this so often you'll see it on my Instagram, which is pretty pastel. By the way, if you want to follow me there, you can stalk my wish sets and all my other stuff. I recommend this one if you want to get a really cute jewel skirt. You would never think you would find one out of desire. I didn't expect this to come out and be as pretty as it is.
I think some people would say it's cheap and it looks cheap. and they don't like it, this is my personal preference, my choice, the way I see it, in fact, I really like it, okay, on to the next possum, now come here, one, three things in this package, denim, we have jeans and it's real denim i don't think so i bought a pair of jeans in my last videos on my chien


. I got jeans and my friend Tasha got jeans but they were fake denim and my way in the video too I have two pairs of jeans please look promising these are $28 with $8 shipping.
Now the jeans, the fashion jeans were like 35 US dollars, so maybe like almost 50 Australian dollars, so they're significantly cheaper. I don't expect them to be as good as the fashion over jeans, they look a little, these will be too short for me. I love life, what I love. Long jeans are not long enough. I can see it right away, but we have a lot of buttons. They have pockets in the front pockets pockets in the back these look very promising oh guys the jeans here actually don't look that bad do they look good if you take them from up here nice high waisted lots? of buttons I prefer buttons to having a fly because it's easier to notice when it comes undone compared to a fly, but the problem here is the length, they are the most horrible length ever, not like the ones in the photos, on the photos looked long.
With a big flared bottom at the base, these cut at a really awkward height and the flared bottom is not a proper flare, it's embarrassing. I don't know if I could ever use these. I can't imagine how they'll work, but what I'm tempted to do is cut them off here and just have shorts, you know, three-quarter shorts or something. I feel like that's the best option for me because as they are now I could never use them, but I will say. the denim, the quality of the denim and the brand of the jeans in terms of just looking at them from up here, like fashion versus jeans and they're cheaper, but the problem is yeah, that length is a great value, it's okay, we have the jacket.
Not what I thought it was this was corduroy but it's like denim it feels like tenem blue it's softer than denim but I'm pretty sure it's denim this was $26 with six dollars shipping this looks very promising now I'm pretty I'm sure this is vague, oh, for monkey or some kind of fashion brand like a knock-off, but again, this is another one that I wouldn't have thought came from desire. I would definitely think this was a lazy exaggeration if I saw this posted on A Friend's Wardrobe looks so promising I was worried it was going to show up.
It's a terrible expectation. The reality would have been good now, but I am very, very happy that it is exactly whatI expected. We have pockets. the front bucket in the actual front pockets, well need I say more. I thought they were going to be real buttons, but they stand out great if you're a party animal and want to just take it off and twirl it around your head. this is one of my favorite purchases of all time no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no buttons this is very comfortable the fabrics the denim I think it's denim it's lovely it's very soft it's very mobile it's warm it prints the design the colors everything about this is amazing.
I'm going to wear this out so much you have no idea no no no I don't mean I want to leave it on and keep talking about it but Archie just wants to consume let me get in the way and say that say what I need to say about this excuse excuse me and tell me what do you think about this jacket. but I love it, this is one of the best jackets in any of my full videos, it's super cheap and I'm sure if you wanted to get this same style at a store like Lazy Oh for Monkey or something you'd be interested. easily one hundred and twenty dollars.
I bought a jean jacket in a salsa video a while ago, no, no, no, yeah, and it had Hello Kitty all over it and that was like a hundred and fifty or even 200 dollars, I think I could iron it. on some Hello Kitty patches everywhere you know what I think I like just do that. I know, no, I don't really want to ruin it because I like it the way it is. No, you can't have the buttons. No me too. excited, okay, so this is that mermaid dress for salsa dancing, forty dollars and eight dollars shipping, it's not what I expected, it's interesting, it looks so luxurious in the photos, it's definitely just a very cheap copy, I don't know how it will look until I put it on this is not stretchy I don't think much no no my shot my shoulders aren't going to fit my shoulders aren't going to fit here like oh wait just let me okay ah sorry don't mind me I'm just trying to get out of a straitjacket here if Hulk, uh, yeah, I was trying to give Hulk a little extra room to pull on my shoulders, but it hurts, so I see where this one was going.
I see what they were trying to do with him. Terrible. execution I think I know you saw a size smaller or medium and I mean I'm really struggling here, this is so tight if only this top was stretchy, now I think I could cut it down the back maybe and put lace on it. to have a little more room along the length, it's a good length, definitely the expected rotor had a lot more volume in the skirt, it looked like a real dance skirt, this one doesn't fit as well as I would like the lace to be. a very cheap lace copy of the original, this is a really


flop unfortunately and I think it was quite expensive from memory so I'm not very happy with the hiss.
This next castle is big, let's see how many there are. Here the 12:12 packages just came out of that big puzzle. Consider that there are 12 shipping lots individually that I just paid for all of that to come in the same package. Can you imagine buying fashion and paying a shipping cost? each individual item you receive in your package this is eight dollars with six dollar shipping this feels shocking Wow, okay, I feel like it looked good, it should look good, but these little things here, this is Also, I thought this was going to be metal but it's plastic it feels atrocious Read cheap this is also that kind of very very transparent black fabric that I was talking about before I can see the camera through this.
I can see myself on the camera screen through this. I don't have high hopes, yeah. Know what guys, I'm actually very surprised by this t-shirt, it's super comfortable from a distance, you would never know that these are the most horrendous, horrible, disgusting plastic fake o-rings you've ever seen in your life, they're terrible, but Since the distance you would never know. I love this design. The designer has cold shoulders and I thought it was going to be see-through, but you can't see my bra underneath. In fact, I am very pleasantly surprised. It's not worth it when you consider how cheap it is and the fact that you can probably find a top like this in a normal store if you like the style you know, buy it if you want, but also keep in mind that it feels really terrible, so don't do it.
Don't get too close let people admire you from a distance if one of your friends wants to give you a hug just tell them you're not feeling well and keep them a couple of meters away ok we have the yellow skirt $10 with shipping Four dollars seems pretty good. It actually looks very good. The ring is metal. I thought it might end up being plastic or something you never know. Unfortunately, this doesn't have an elastic waistband, which is a shame. I like skirts with elastic waistbands because you know. If you have a smaller or slightly wider waist the skirt will still look good, unfortunately this is just straight fabric throughout.
That was a great trick you just pulled. RT, you should join the circus, this guy is actually. one of my favorite things about this video, it fits me very very well, it's not stretchy around the waist like I said but the way it fits me is really perfect, it's very comfortable, it doesn't squeeze my legs too much. I can walk without problems. Very good height too, it's very, very good, just here. I can bend over easily and I'm not going to show anyone. I could sit and not show anyone from the front. The o-ring is really nice.
The zipper works perfectly. I wish there was. a pocket or two but that's just me, obviously I just have a pocket fetish I guess because I just need pockets on everything I own but other than that I'm very happy, do you know what if this comes in other colors ? I'm going to buy it, go online and see if there are other versions of this skirt because it's probably one of the best plaid skirts I've literally tried in any of my videos in terms of fit and length, so this one gets a five Full stars from me and I don't give out stars very easily, so it's a big success.
I have no idea what this is. I didn't order this. There's only one thing I can think of: this is it. and it's the Daisy skirt $13 with five dollars shipping for the Daisy skirt and I remember there were other prints available. I selected the Daisy print, maybe they were sold out of the Daisy prints and they just sent me this one. It looks horrible. actually an update so I contacted Wish support about the coat and the next day they gave me a full refund so I guess I'll have to take a picture of this and say this is not the color I ordered.
I wanted the Daisy one and I'm pretty sure they'll give me a refund. It was a great disappointment. I was really looking forward to it arriving to me. That's good. Obviously not the one I ordered. I wasn't expecting this atrocious print, but now that I'm wearing it and I'm wearing it with a black top. I don't care, it's not terrible, it's not the Daisy, although I did want the Daisy, so if you know where I can find a gorgeous skirt like the Daisy skirt, let me know. in the comments below because I love margaritas, you may remember from my Hot Topic call, just hit a bunch of margaritas, which is a motto in life for me.
I don't think sticking daisies on this skirt is going to help. everything, but I'll tell you what it's easy to wear, it's soft, not too short, it's pretty, it plays well, it's not a heavy, sticky type of fabric. In fact, I'm pleasantly surprised by its length, although I probably wouldn't use it. so this is probably one for the donation bin because I think if someone found this at a thrift store, I think someone would really love it because it's not bad, okay, so this is the peasant style top, it doesn't come with laces. your favorite, that one is $12 with seven dollar shipping, it doesn't feel like it's worth it, it definitely doesn't feel like a five dollar top, okay, so I feel like this one has potential, you just have to run the rope through the holes in the lace. maybe and then it's supposed to be tied so give me a minute, oh no, I want to be able to help me tie this, but there's too much rope, you're going to have to fly to be able to tie this, uh, almost.
Well this one is definitely unusual now that it's done, it's a bit messy on the front because they don't give you any set gap to be able to get the rope through, we just guessed it, my husband helped me do it. tying it up and it took forever and you just have to guess where it's supposed to go so we did the best we could but it would have been so much better if it was already done in the front and had a zipper in the back so you could pull it up, You know, up and down and leaving the front perfectly fit, that would have been so much prettier and besides I can't lift my arms higher than this.
I tried to put my hair on. up before and like this it's on, that's the farthest I can lift my arms so this one's not as good. I got the potato hoodie $14 with $3 shipping look at this little guy, it's me, he's my spirit animal, he's a potato, but he could also be a turd or a Diglett. This feels very, very cheap. It's not a nice fabric at all. I can literally see the camera through this. That's how transparent it is, but it's so cute. I love him. Okay, so I'm really interested in the daddy hoodie. Listen to what my husband has to say about this because Dan, a hoodie expert, has a very large collection of critical role hoodies that are lovely, so Daniel is really cheap, he feels cheap, you think he feels cheap, yeah, it's okay.
I'm glad you said he smells like the things we need. You start sweating and it just absorbs all the odors and it's really disgusting. Yes, $12, $5, shipping a bunch of scrunchies if you want to go visco. Girl what is this bothers me, you put a scrunchie in your hair and people say you're trying to be a v/s go, girl yeah it bothers me. I've been wearing scrunchies for four years before VSCO was a thing, so really ESCO girls are trying to be pretty personal girls. I see two here of particular interest, one for Mumba and one for baby, which do you like best?
Oh, excuse me, okay, are we going to swap today? You'll use that one and I'll use this one? is that I'm going to use this one, these are really cute little scrunchies, they're so cute, they're the perfect size. I was a little worried because the only option he gave me didn't let you choose the colors you wanted. I wanted and was really worried that there wouldn't be a purple one in there and there wouldn't be any pink eyes like they all showed up and they were just black and brown or something, no there's literally every color you could ever want. there's purple and blue, red, light green, there's vibrant green, yes that's why it's pink, black, red, orange, dark green, brown, hot pink, white, this is my favorite purchase, this is literally my favorite purchase from Wish always, if you buy anything from today's video, buy a big a bunch of scrunchies ah, we have a strapless bra for two dollars worth two dollars shipping.
It does not have small built-in cups. I was really hoping there would be some cups built in there, but there aren't, so it's literally just a tiny little bit of pink. band doesn't have, no, no, so sometimes you can get these and they have like a little slot and you can put your own glasses in there. I can't put any glass in this, I don't know how much where. Actually I'll go with this, no I'll be able to wear this because when I have really deep V neck things and if you want to cover up you can put something like this underneath so it actually looks like a really good buy this is not what I expected, This dress was $19 with five dollars shipping and I thought this was going to remind you of my video.
I'm wearing clothes from Wish for a week and I had a vintage blue halter neck dress that I LOVE. I thought this was going to be the same fabric but it's not, if it's really horrible how do I describe this? It's not satin. I wish I knew what kind of fabric it was. It's like that. So you, but no. I'm not. in a good way, in a very cheap feeling, it comes with a belt, although I think this could look nice, so I don't like this one in the slightest, the only thing it has going for it is that it has green birds on it, so I guess we are happy with that, yes it is very long, it goes to my knees, there is no structure to the dress in the photos, it had a lot of structure, it looked very very pretty, but there is something about this horrible fabric and the The way it fits and it's very thin just gives off cheap vibes.
I wouldn't feel safe wearing this in public. It feels unpleasant. The skirt has a lot of volume to it so maybe if you wore some sort of petticoat underneath it could possibly save it, but I personally don't think there is anything that could save this and it wasn't worth the money. I thought you know that blue dress I bought in that other wish video was five dollars. and that's one of the prettiest dresses ever and I was really hoping it would be like that, but it's not right, so this mesh top was seven dollars with two dollars shipping.
It is advertised as the same top they sell at Dolls Kill. that I have so I took it out to compare this is significantly darker it actually feels very soft I always worry about mesh because I wish it would get scratched a lot this feels very comfortable you know it was pretty cheap it could be worth it I've seen these tops mesh are cheaper in othersplaces, like chien and romwe Aliexpress, you can get them super cheap. I mean, it's not expensive, it's about $14 or something with shipping, so it's okay. I hope my head goes through this hole.
Okay, so here it is. This is the one from Wish and this is the one it's supposed to be. It's a copy of this one from Dolls Kill. You can obviously see a big difference in the color. Dolls Kill. One is a very, very light blue. This one is obviously very dark. blue this one is suffocating the life out of me it's so tight and so uncomfortable I'm literally not going to be able to wear it there's literally no way the dolls kill one it has letters cut out around the sleeve this one doesn't feel anything similar the dolls kill the leggings much softer , although that's not to say this one isn't soft, this one is just a lot softer, so it was very, very cheap, although I think this one at least is. like thirty or forty dollars, whereas this was like 110 or something, so weigh your eyes if you want the locker or similar look.
I would still recommend it, but I don't know what I can do about it, but I know I couldn't use this. It's just a way to die, you wore my shirt, that's what's wrong. I'm very excited about this. It cost $19 with three dollars shipping. It is a vintage pinup skirt. It looks very, very pretty, a little transparent, but I think this is literally the one in the photos. I mean, I don't have the image in front of me as I look at this, I have the image on the screen there, it looks very, very similar, I have no idea how I'm going to style this as well.
I think this is supposed to be high waisted but it won't fit my waist it's going to be too loose this could have been a big hit from what it looks like it could have been really really good it may end up being a bit of a miss but this actually It's wide enough that it won't fit my customs, but I could possibly wear this like this. Maybe I could even wear it as a dress, so just like I predicted, I can't wear this as a skirt because this part that's supposed to fit on my waist is so big that I can't do it, so I'll wear it like this for now, but I will What I'll do is get some pins and I'll tie it in the back so I can show you what it looks like full length, it's a really pretty length, I love the details at the bottom, there's a little bit of a burrow here that you're supposed to tie, but there isn't enough rope to make a proper cut, I think I love the white polka dots.
This combined with a black top and small heels is very elegant, very vintage. I just don't know what to do with the size. I'm going to try it on the sewing machine, I'm probably not good at sewing but it's something I want to get better at so maybe I can try to tailor this one to fit nicely in the back so I can wear it as a skirt because this one definitely has potential. Well, this one was very, very skeptical. this strawberry dress because they had a photo of the model and then they just touched it up in a lot of different colors.
It was $12 with $3 shipping. It feels very cheap. It's the same material as that floral dress. But. This feels shocking. It feels really bad. how open that is isn't even going to cover anything so I can't help but feel like I'm doing something wrong here because to be fair this looks terrible in the expectation photo she was wearing a belt so I don't know . If that somehow fixed the situation, this is just strange. I feel like it's intentional. I guess you're more than a bird in this department. You could fill it out really well and it might look more deliberate, but I just look like a kid swimming in his mother's dress I don't know if there's much to say about this the fabric is terrible the fit is terrible at least it's like the picture a bit they all touched up those colors in that photo of expectation and It's blue, it appeared in blue.
I guess it's very similar to the Photoshop version. I'm really going to have to work with this one if I want to be able to use it outside the home right now. I'm not going to be able to get it here, we're out of this, but points for the strawberries. I'm guessing it's this blouse that cost $13 with six dollars shipping. It looks beautiful and is very well made. This is another one that doesn't seem like it. out of desire this feels like it's from a store it feels like it could be forever 21 H&M Zara even oh I'm so excited to wear this it looks lovely okay I'm really torn by this top when I picked it up I thought What It was beautiful now that I have it on it's a little uncomfortable so it has mesh sleeves but the mesh part goes all the way down here so you can see the bra straps which is a shame I feel like it's just the sleeve. part of it was mesh and the rest was solid color which would be totally fine.
I left it out, but I think tucked in this should look pretty good, don't break that fish? Don't do it right, so get in? I like it a little more it's definitely very comfortable and feels very well made. I think the colors are lovely. I had a couple of different color options. No texture. Unfortunately, I love the turtleneck. I think it's interesting how it has these kinds of folds. from the turtleneck it's very pretty I like the length of the sleeves it's very stretchy it's very comfortable the fabric is wearing out a little although you can't get away with it on a hot day because this type of synthetic fabric makes people sweat, this one is perfect for the job.
I never thought I'd say I could find a job if I wanted to, but I would happily use this to work. I think it's very, very sophisticated. Okay, this one was five dollars with five dollars shipping. a very long black mesh almost dress and it has stars all over it. I wonder if the stars are linked because, oh oh, they are. I had a black mesh blouse from Aliexpress and would love the little mesh details and fell off this one. They are actually united. I have no idea what I'm going to wear under this, no idea at all.
I'll put something together, but tell me how you guys would use this kind of thing, so I really had no idea how to style it. this one, so I wore a black skirt underneath with a black bralette, it's so comfortable I'm so happy because in my Aliexpress hole when I tried on that black mesh top it was really itchy. I tore it off inside like Within a minute of putting it on, I could easily wear it all day. It's very, very comfortable. I like that it's so long. You could wear it over a bunch of different dresses or you could wear it as a shirt dress on top. and you can only see the mesh under the dress, it's actually very cute.
I like the model. I think it's a Tiger Mist model, so this could be a design copied from Tiger Mist. If you know the original, let me know in the comments below, but this was cheap and it's cute and I feel like I'm going to get a lot of wear out of it, so I'm actually very, very happy with this one and we're on to the last pack now, the sweatshirt Shiba Inu hoodie, this is very nice fabric, it's very warm, it has this little Sheba on the front, here he is so cute, this is what I expected dad's one to be, it's much better quality, this one was $ 28 with $13 shipping, that's quite a lot.
I'm so sorry, it actually seems worth it. You know, if you went to a store, you could literally buy a hoodie like this one from Nike or Adidas. adidas as Americans call it. The Shiba is so cute. I don't know where this original design is from. comes from I highly doubt the intended seller was the original creator of this. This is going to be very warm. I can already feel that this is going to be very warm. Maybe not in a good way, although it doesn't seem like that will be the case. breathe, this feels like something humid and warm, but it seems to be worth the price so far.
Well, here is the Sheba hoodie. She is incredibly comfortable. I can not believe it. It actually has a double layer, so I can feel inside that there is a very very. soft plush layer on the inside that keeps you really nice and toasty and then the outside is equally soft it's definitely a different fabric but it's equally soft it's very easy to put on it's a little young for me but you know what to wear whatever you want whenever you want at any age you want I will definitely use this a lot at home going to friends houses.
I can't imagine how I would wear a Shiba Inu hoodie. I mean, I'm just using There's a little black school there right now, but it's worth every penny. I am very impressed with the quality of this. It feels like it's from an established store. It feels like something you'd probably pay forty or fifty dollars for. I don't know if anyone in their right mind would pay $50 for a Shiba Inu hoodie. Do you have a nice big hoodie? Sometimes it worries me. I've ordered hoodies from cheap websites in the past and the hood is so small you can't actually pull it over your head. a very, very comfortable hood, it's so cute.
I am very, very happy with this. In fact, I've seen this exact hoodie advertised on Facebook many times, so maybe it was just ingrained in the back of my head that I needed to buy it. That's it, guys, that's it. I hope you liked this wish tour. If you like me making these wish clothing videos, please let me know. Leave your articles in the comments below. Tell me what you want me to try next. I have a shoe


of wishes. I have a desire for wedding dresses soon. I want prom dresses of all kinds of things so like this video if you enjoyed it don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already you can find me. on Instagram it's pretty pastel please, so thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you next time.

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