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Windwaker but all the items are in the wrong spots

May 30, 2021
no problem, let's go fight the boss, let's finish this dungeon by hand, eye, bus, nice, this music is interesting, oh, hello, so clearly, this doesn't work, just be faster, faster with it that, oh, oh, there he is, he is angry, my lord, thank you. you, mister bomb, think and like a third of your health, okay, there's another one, roll well, one two, okay, whoa, you don't have any health left, you don't have any health left, you can see it well, just a reminder . I'm not healthy sir, it's okay last night, the way can now be open, ah, yes, the way, oh, is this the container of the heart?
windwaker but all the items are in the wrong spots
What will be the container of the heart? It's always going to be money, uh, let's end all the windfalls and then we'll know we only have dungeons. it went really well so now that we have the color pictobox, all we have to do is set it to be night and take a photo of the moon when it's full, but now we can show the photo to this guy, yeah, linda and anton, what are linda and anton?, take a photo of linda. and show it to anton she was blinking this girl beautiful pictograph i take a photo of her now and give it to her perfect what erased it i wanted to show her if i send a beautiful photo to myself to the one i was capturing my heart will blossom leave it to me it's okay all the body take a photo yeah okay okay now for you well it's literally just dungeons left wind or earth wind earth wind earth wind earth a slight majority for us so we'll start with earth and then we'll end with wind okay then You're saying this has a dungeon, huh, okay, let's go to the great earth temple, is this the earth temple? just a big hole in the ground, this is the bottom of the well, oh. hey yeah this looks like a temple, this background noise is like what i think when someone says australia, can we drop it and control it somehow? oh now I'm her okay apparently fade it up come on here we go good stuff okay come on. me, the light or just some stairs oh well, that didn't work, what the hell am I here for?
windwaker but all the items are in the wrong spots

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windwaker but all the items are in the wrong spots...

Oh, I see what I'm supposed to do there, come on, that'll work better, okay, I'll catch you, little buddy. that's smart use these guys make her fly I don't need it I can just do this hey guys that works I guess you push these down apparently they disappeared or something and it lifted me up it works for me are you ready to feel the act of falling in love? oh she moved out of the way, damn she wanted to crush her body, I never thought about that, that should open the door, yeah, now why is this a thing?
windwaker but all the items are in the wrong spots
What does this? Well, please be good, give me something excellent. That's at least not a treasure letter three dead yeah ah ah no no no okay, well I have the key at least it sounds like an undead elephant, that's true, it sounds like a baby elephant, take it with you, okay or No, you don't have to take it with you, that's right. okay, boss fight, mini boss, okay, boss ready, okay, he's under the floor, no, nevermind, he was inside me, that's so strange, how does he not do anything there anyway, he's dead , it's just that they're there more, okay, there's more spin attacks, I guess.
windwaker but all the items are in the wrong spots
I might not have done that yet oh he's spinning attacking calm down whatever I killed him this way it works it worked ah 10 rupees perfect practically nothing I love it at least there's no graph yeah the graphics are literally useless, so fair enough. Now we have to go this way because I haven't been here yet. Alright. Invisible chest. There is a fairly obvious light. And there is the light. Okay, but this should be a good item. We just need one more piece of the Triforce. Come on. I feel that. There's a chest around here, especially considering it says end of the fog room with the floor masters.
Isn't this the end of the room? No, no, maybe it's here, bring it to the floor teachers. Ah, I guess they're just big hands, that makes sense. oh wow okay that's scary so there should be a chest here at the end of the room with the floor masters and there is the last piece of the triforce we can go to Hyrule but now we can't beat the game because we need one more thing. arrows of light uh this looks like fun no, don't play tag with my bird girl, hey give her back, get her back, don't play tag with my bird girl, hey no, give her back, don't give my bird back, just They're playing fast, turn her back, stop, no, they're just pulling her, stop, they don't see her run, no, give her the play back, walk away, no, you know what I should've done, I should've left her in the room, I should've walked away gone. and she would have reappeared at the door as I come in here, she will be standing here, she is fine, bird girl, are you ready to catch, I thought she fell into the pot, where is the button?
I think she might need to control her button up. here please she should make some light look beautiful. What can I point out? I guess this is a start, okay this should be another mirror, how the hell do I shoot light at that wall? Wait, can I remove the medley? Maybe the button is missing. You don't always have to press it, oh yes, you don't always have to press the button. Look, I don't need to aim. No, they demand me. Come on. I can make this go away. Now there is another statue. First I'm going to check what this chest has, give me the master sword or the big key.
Okay, we can finish the dungeon now if we really want to, but we should probably do the rest of the stuff. Well, we illuminate it. Last chest. in this dungeon what's going to be garbage, it's going to be garbage, okay, last time, let's do it, what a drug boy, wait, wait, we can do a spin attack, stop, there you go, this works great. Only one thing left, I swear if one of them turns. on this big guy that doesn't make any sense, okay, the boss is finished, easy boss, right now of course he won't drop anything, yeah, just a useless feather, what a nice boss, but that's another dungeon finished and We only have one left. wind temple this is the one i still have never used these iron boots use them in a useful way go away oh at least we don't need to deal with bird girl anymore omg that was exhausting let's wait now we have to deal with seed boy well , that's not fun, these dungeons are all, oh, what you just planned, bird girl, no, this is definitely a button, right?
Do I need to start it? That does everything I see and then this will eat me, okay, what? Can I plant it or something? He also walks even slower oh my god okay give me the master sword upgrade so I don't need to finish the dungeon or the key to get to the end of the dungeon here we go do whatever you want. pizza is, oh, I deserve it, what did I expect again? What did you expect? There is a chest in the middle of the central room. I imagine it is this dungeon map. Okay, oh, I don't have magic.
I'm sorry I broke your knees. Well, let's see what it is. In this door, I guess I choose a pipe, of course, my favorite. Alright. Well, let's start by killing this different spawn depending on the hole you fell through. That's weird. Please tell me this is the way up. I'm not going to break my head. the ceiling is really cool yeah I have a chest if I fall through all of them I feel like this room is going to take a hot minute I'm a genius I'm a fucking genius come on oh see you nerds I don't need to fight any of you accidentally strategizing fast running and then deliberately doing the fast running straps once I realize what I'm doing I love it I love it there's a hole in the back there's a hole in the back actually now I'm still looking at it , but I'm going to try this by just throwing it, let's go with light arrows, finally, yeah, that's a big exaggeration, okay, master sword upgrade and then we can just finish the game, master sword upgrade, we could finish the I play correctly.
Yeah, we could just end the game now. Okay, let's ruin this dungeon. Save and exit. Alright. So where is the end? We have to go to the Tower of the Gods. Okay grandma, I need some soup before I go save the world, Hi grandma. give me some soup yes please we have the soup let's go oh apparently that's getting us down this seems like a calm place okay ignore me wow there are a lot of angry guys down here and of course there are no barriers because we have everything we need. there's no barrier because we have everything we need I thought it wouldn't be there okay we're good now like there's no reason to fight anyone so we'll just cross over here the big red guy I'll fight him for fun.
Well look, it's easy, I've managed to remember when I died or almost died from one of those like at the beginning of this, it's a little ridiculous how much things have changed, let's see what a big old dungeon it looks like, huh, how about we just Let's go? straight to the end bye guys oh hi he's dead oops I did that I thought the ending was supposed to be hard to guess they weren't meant to have light arrows I still don't, yeah I don't think they're supposed to have light arrows I have arrows light Oops, I'm going to throw this big sword at him oh, I missed it oh, this is embarrassing oh god, oh, what have I done oh no, ah, no, oh no, a big creepy door, what am I going to do?
I got lost, try again I got lost again oh my god, oh my god, so why isn't it open? Wait, I have to kill everyone in this room. I didn't realize that you have to kill everyone in this wait. Oh, now it's opened. Okay, what do we do now? where I don't even know where we are what we're doing I don't know how this apparently this is how it ends this isn't the final boss fight it's I'm a sniper guy I'm a cutout sniper I bet you can do this no don't take the awakening out of the wind, this is not the time, yes, there you go, it's cutting you, I'm going to fall into the ground, here we go soon, where did you guys come from, into the ground? sir, he's still wagging his dangling tail, I don't know, buddy, wait, that has to be with a glow arrow, looks like it has to be with a glow arrow, okay, let's bring the others too, here we go, there's another one shot, more completely calm bats. okay last shot let's set it up it was a little close we had it sniff buddy no problem and now it's a chandelier with six lights oh apparently I didn't like that oops check it out it seems a little close this might function. here we go, third shot, there's another one, the worm, there's one, come on, I grabbed it, wasn't there a rope?
There it is, well, it was easy, no, what are you doing? What is a rope? No, why grab the rope, grab it, grab it? rope, I swear to God, okay, and this is the final boss, yeah, this is the final boss, I'm just going to brute force through it, it really does a lot of damage, isn't it the soup, I'm in the en middle of something gannon I have grandma's strength on my side ah well no longer we don't have it who wears magic armor loser you can't hit me you're not doing any harm zelda get back up oh oh I'm out of magic now it's okay, uh- oh, distract him, okay, I think it worked, I think it's time, I think we just won, yeah, well that's it, the Wind Waker randomizer took me 14 and a half hours, but it was fun, what a brutal death . through the head friend

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