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Will Vintage Guitars Be Worthless When Boomers Are Gone?

Apr 10, 2024
I had removed and and um, and the lid was nice, but it was offset, yeah, it was flamed


it was offset and um, of course, Keith told me he said, "Well, I should do it." I painted it red to make it look like Harrison and I thought, oh yeah, so I took it back to a gold cover. A restaurateur friend of mine made it and it's funny because that guitar, you know, I had that guitar


I was 12, I bought it at a show with my dad, an '83 or '84. Wow, and you know, I was a great guitarist back then and I couldn't afford a 58-59 Les Paul, my dad had two. in the '70s and we had sold them both and even in the '70s those


were hard to find, it wasn't even like you knew, it wasn't like you just opened a piece of paper, oh there's a flurry of 59s, yeah, it's Like, man, you.
will vintage guitars be worthless when boomers are gone
I had to walk through the bushes to find it right, it's like the story that red told where he played with four of the Carters over time, yes, and only one was the combination of a good upper right, it's an upper really nice, but then it's attached to a really surprising part. mahogany piece because that's really where most of the resonance comes from, it's that mahogany neck that you know and then as we all know they were all hand made


so they were all different, each neck was different , they're all different, but look, I'm I guess atypical in the sense that I don't care about the top at all, in fact, with maple guitars I don't like flamed maple guitars at all.
will vintage guitars be worthless when boomers are gone

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will vintage guitars be worthless when boomers are gone...

I don't want them either, but I want the most. You should sit here. I mean, no. I can't go any way with that, but it's um you know, sonically there's no yeah, but that's what for me is I couldn't have cared less what that guitar looked like, it could have been painted, you know, safety cone yellow for the only thing I cared about was that it sounded and played incredibly good and it did it was like the purest form the best way I could describe it was like the purest form of les paul I've ever had the chance to do that's like that okay that's it is now The yardstick for judging all other Les Pauls is the one I played in Carter, yeah, um, and I would dare say all guitars, whether


or not, we talked about this the other day, I don't. you hit the guitar really hard, you hit it a lot harder than me, you hit it even harder, but yeah, so the three guitars that would be perfect for each of the guitars would be perfect, they're three very different guitars, definitely, so that It's something else, it's not.
will vintage guitars be worthless when boomers are gone
Just this is an exceptional Les Paul, it was really cool the way it plays well, um and that's another thing, I think in the future there


be enough people interested in this stuff that


keep the values ​​high. I agree yes as long as the music exists that existed when they were hot they will never die, but now that we are talking about player grade, player grade things will be in big flux because at that point, yeah, buy a reissue because it's pretty much the same right now, so you know, but super clean high end stuff will always bring in money, they've never failed, honestly, and I've seen it over the last 40 years, I mean, I remember it. one blew up for three thousand so sure and that was a lot of money I should have bought it.
will vintage guitars be worthless when boomers are gone
Oh, we did it right and I sold it right in the recent Van Halen video. I tell the story where he said he bought two of the standard 259 and I'm embarrassed to say he spent 10 grand, yeah, yeah, well wait, someone in the comments can do the math, so what year would it have been? 80 was 1980 80. Okay, whatever 10,000 was in 1980. We'll be back. To everyone with that, yes I'm curious to see what people think, yes that's right. If these values ​​work well at the end of the day, I'm serious, no matter how good a guitar you have, it won't make you a better guitarist physically. but it might help you mentally, but that's it, that's really where it is, though there you do it, so yeah, and at the end of the day play whatever makes you happy, but there you do it, eh, but my signature guitar you should probably check it out , Yes Yes Yes.
If you do, it's a good investment, yeah, and if you don't call him later and say, "Hey, well, don't call Rick because we started this on the darkest possible note when Keith and Rick left, yeah, yeah , anything goes, yes, of course, yes, really." well yeah that's a wrap well thank you all for hanging out and thank you of course thanks for dinner thanks for dinner thanks for dinner illy yeah thanks for filming thanks penny for be so good, so good, so good girl, subscribe to five. watt world, let's get it over two hundred thousand, yeah, tonight, um, sure, yeah, rick's okay, he's got enough subscribers, follow uh dave on instagram, yeah, follow uh dave on instagram, uh, repair guitar dojo and uh subscribe here if you haven't already thanks so much guys for watching and uh let's do this again cool yeah definitely thanks

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