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Jun 09, 2021


be better? Oh, I get that question a lot from people sending me pictures of their cars. Hey, I just had an accident. Hey, someone just hit my bumper. Hey, I just got


scratch. What can I do to fix it right? In


video today. I'm going to show you guys what you can do to polish it, which basically means I'm going to show you how to take care of the scratches. I'll show you how to take care of accidents or little things like this. If you have this, you


know exactly what to do and I will help you do it.
will this buff out
They can do it without breaking the bank. So this is my friend's Nissan. He accidentally crashed into a pole while he was. Driving around so the rear bumper is gone, they're fixing it and they're repainting it, but the side of the car over here also got hit by that stupid post, so what I'm going to try to do today is take care of all the scratches you're on. Seeing here, I'm also going to try to remove all the swirl marks that are in the paint, so you can see all of this. These are just normal scratches because you don't know how to wash them too gently, but this right here, all of this I wouldn't see.
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If we can remove it or at least make it look like it's not so bad, it starts from the back of the driver's side door and works all the way to the back of the car, so I'll try to do that. a couple of things so I'm going to split this into three different sections so you have these two separate and I'm going to do another one right here so what we're going to try to do is three different things so the first one is going to use a magic eraser . I'm going to see if that's going to be able to remove all of these scratches and all of the paint transfer and all of these scratches that would leak into the door of this center section here.
will this buff out
What I'm going to start doing is polishing right away and trying to cut through all of this to see if we can remove all of these scratches. Finally, in this section, I'll start with the wet sanding and then move on to that. polishing and cutting this section here so we can restore the shine to it, so let's start with this side, see what we can do here, the tools we'll use for the left side of this little area. It's going to be pretty cheap, so although we're really going to need it's what you can find at home, so if you have a mr.
will this buff out
Clean Magic Eraser with a little water and a microfiber towel, you can do it without problems if you also have a blowgun, this one that is connected to an air compressor makes drying it and inspecting the paint a little easier once we have gone . go ahead and use the magic eraser so you can spray this here and we'll see how we can remove some of this paint transfer or dirt or whatever you want to call it so you can see there's a lot of marks here that you can make. Rub a little back and forth to see if this comes out now.
Something to keep in mind is that if you use a magic eraser like this one I have and start rubbing each of these panels, keep in mind that it is an abrasive. So you're actually going to scratch the paint after doing each of these routes, you're going to need to follow up with some polishing, so you need to restore the shine because we're basically scratching and rubbing whatever is on the panel. Go in more, try to keep this wet and we'll see what it can do, then the paint looks a little better, it doesn't seem to be as noticeable, but there are still some marks here, so I'm going to continue again with that magic eraser and see if we can remove more When inspecting the paint, it's pretty safe to say that the magic eraser does not remove scratches, all of this will serve to remove paint transfer from the car, so if you've ever scuffed something and you have another color on your car, you can remove it relatively easily without spending a lot of money using this guy here, this cost me two dollars, a waterless towel that I have at home, so this is a very easy DIY. option to make it look like it's not that bad now, if you think it's good enough then that's it, but we'll go one step further and see if we can physically remove the scratches and blemishes that are on the car, that's what we'll go through to the next step and we will work on the center section of the back panel.
This dual action polisher is made of groups and is by far one of the best dual action polishers. Action polishers that you can find on the market. This machine is handmade in Italy. It's an amazing tool and I'll use it whenever I need to detail a car, so if I need to repair scratches or paint blemishes on a panel, this is my go-to. machine now, this is pretty expensive as far as tools go, so this guy here sells for four hundred and forty dollars, which is pretty expensive now. I completely understand that not everyone can justify spending that money on something they will only use, say, once. or twice if you are a detailer, this is by far the best tool you can buy, but if you are just someone who wants to fix the scratch without having to spend a lot of money, I have something else for you, that's why I had this inside this bag.
I have a dual action polisher that won't break the bank so this guy is a dual action polisher that is very similar to the roots. It's a double action, meaning it rotates and oscillates and it also has a 15 millimeter reach, which is fantastic. To safely remove paint scratches, most dual action polishers you will see on the market have a small reach so they won't be able to go from here to here, it will probably be about half that distance now that the amount of outreach you can perform. I have that means how much paint can be safely reduced, so the larger the throw, the better the machine.
Now my ceilings are 21 millimeters. Now you can also get a 15-millimeter dual-action roof polisher. This one is 15 millimeters and costs less. More than half of what one of the roofs costs now. This guy comes with a bag, it comes with a handle if you want to use it for the machine and it has a really nice storage bag for it, so if you want to put it away, you can put it away. keep it here and you have the company there along with the machine so this guy here is what we're going to use today to remove those scratches so this shine polisher for Mac is not made in Italy and it's not handmade , it is made in China, but that is why this costs a lot less than the Rs.
Now you have the same type of mechanism if it works the same way. There are some small differences between the two, but at this price, how? Can you say no to this if you're not detailing every day and need the top of the line tool? This is a no-brainer. This is definitely the way to go. I use this exact same tool to clean the front. To finish this Nissan, polish it and remove the scratches, so I'm going to use this along with the cutting compound and a microfiber cutting pad to restore the paint on the back, so we'll use this guy here for center section of that panel , so if I were to tackle this I will use a cutting pound along with a microfiber cutting pad to be able to remove and pick up a lot of this transfer and you will also be able to refine the paint. and we removed the scratches so we're going to put some polish on top here and we're going to see what we can do with the panel after a minute of polishing, you can see that its scratches are still there but they're not.
As noticeable as the scratches we have here when you come into the light, you can definitely see that they are here, definitely not as much, so not only did we remove a good amount of that paint transfer, but the scratches are gone as well. Now we can work this a little more to remove more and that's exactly what we're going to do after the second pass. I can say it definitely looks much better, but you can tell there are still scratches. paint, so this isn't exactly a 100% solution, but it looks much better. Doing this here costs a little more than just doing a magic eraser on everything, however the results speak for themselves, as you can see here.
There aren't actually many scratches left on the paint, obviously in the area of ​​the transfer part, but there aren't that many on this side here, although look at the squirrels, so there's still a big difference between here. and now what we're going to try to do next is see that we can eliminate this completely for the next section. I'm going to start with a high grit sandpaper so you can choose to use a hand method or a power tool method so you can use a sanding disc like this one that attaches to your dual action polisher so you can use a 3000 grit like this, stick it right on and you can use it to sand and remove all those deep scratches that you have now on the clear coat.
If you don't want to buy them they can be a little expensive, you can make them by hand, as long as you use a foam sanding block inside the senate paper you will be fine, so what you are basically doing is sanding and removing the scratches that there's in the clear coat now, whatever method you choose to use, you want to use it with water, so the water will be the lubrication in this step and will make you get a nice even, consistent sanding on the panel, so just take the water and spray it on the panel and then use the sandpaper to make an even pass, so if it is on the machine, use it carefully and slowly, don't rush it too much, but If you are using paper or normal sandpaper like This one, what I would suggest is to go slow, don't press too hard and let the sandpaper do its job.
You shouldn't have to press the clear coat too hard for either one. With the manual or machine method, you have to let the sandpaper do its job now. If you're new to this, I would do it a little at a time, so hold for about 15 20 seconds, wipe it off and see what you end up with. Do it again, see what you have left. The reason I would do this is because you can't add clear coat back to the car, but if you take it slow you can remove it safely. This sandpaper is coarser. than the amount of paint you have on your car, so be careful when doing this and take your time after cleaning the panel, grab an air compressor and dry the panel so you can see the areas you still need to ship.
With everything wet it is very difficult to distinguish what has been sanded and what has not, so if you blow on it all that water will evaporate and you will see what you have to do next, if the scratch is still visible keep sanding it. but otherwise you can stop right there after it's time to further refine those scratches and remove all that matting that you have on the paint, so right now because we sanded it, it doesn't have a shine, but we're going to We need our microfiber cutting pad and our polish that we used earlier to get that shine back.
The difference between where we are now and where we were before is that the scratch itself, the deep scratches from the impact, will be removed because we sand them away. When you go straight to the cutting pad, you won't be able to remove or eliminate every one of those scratches, which is why the sanding stage is very important, spread the polish over the panel and polish. I have a question for you: will it be polished? You will see that the panel looks good, the scratches are gone, but we still have some light scratches in the area.
Now we will be able to restore those scratches using a foam polishing pad and a finer polishing compound, so this here is going to be much better, it will be able to sue all that. Take off the old pad, put this new one on, spread some polish on there and you'll be left with a painting that looks amazing. What I find funny is that when I did this step, the camera's autofocus setting couldn't even pick up the clear coat because it was so bright that the camera was trying to focus on the reflection through the paint instead of on the paint. same.
You may be able to see a Newt mine or mine with scratches here and there, but this looks much better than before, so we compare this to this side. You can see that there are still scratches on the surface. Now, this is still better than this year. I would absolutely say that if we work from left to right, you can see it getting better and better after you finish removing all the scratches that are on the car. It's not such a bad idea to put some kind of protection on the paint so that there's a little bit of something to protect from dirt and scratches and everything else, so I've got a really good cable wax here, it's relatively inexpensive, you can get it for 10 15 dollars, this is quartz, it is a ceramic coating, this will cost. you about $70, both will protect the car, both someone will do the same, but one of them will last longer than the other, if you are going to go to all this effort to make the paint look good, it's not even half of it, but a idea. make sure it still looks good with some type of protection now after watching this video if you know anyone or even if your car is that damaged or has some type of paint transfer or has scratches or scrapes on there you will know exactly what do, you will know how to approach it and you will be able to know if it can be fixed, if it can't or if you just want to touch it up slightly at the end of the date, your budget will be the biggest difference. between following each of these steps, now the skill is there, but if I were you, I would learn from theRob's mistakes.
If you hit a pole, don't pay someone to fix the car with the polisher. Or for the things you need to fix it, do it yourself and then you will have that tool to fix it again if something else happens or you can do it for a friend and charge you a couple of dollars. I used this mate. polish to remove imperfections in the paint, both these swirl marks and the damage and scratches that were found in the clear coat. Now if you compare this to roofs, do roofs come with the bag? No, yes, are the ceilings coming? the handle of the tool no, no, the ceiling stool comes with the toilet attached so that the top rotates freely no, no, it costs a hundred and seventy dollars no, no, but this one here does that and one tells me if it's worth the shame if you want to find any of the tools that I used in this video, you can find links in the description box.
I have links directly to Amazon if you want to find the polisher. I want to find the polishing pads or even the polisher itself. Everything will be down there. Easy links that direct your writing to Amazon anyway. I have to get back to the car. I need to finish the middle section in the left section and I need to remove all that heavy debris if you found this video helpful and give it a thumbs up share it with your friends but otherwise if you have any more questions the comment section is there below. I review everything and will be happy to help you.
Guys, out anyway, thank you very much for watching. I'll see you in the next peace.

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