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Will the mini jeep make it to Moab? Ep2: The journey begins

Jun 01, 2024
starting wish I was dead here's a tripod shot to help you appreciate what I'm putting myself through and no I really don't care if you think this shot is uncomfortably long I want you to feel my pain after hours and hours and almost 100 Mil of lonely desolation I appeared over a hill and saw my first sign that humans still inhabit this planet, a train. I slowly made my way W before discovering another sign of modern life, a smooth dirt road that was quite a surprise to Me, so I'm almost on the train and then I come across this level road that's not on any map.
will the mini jeep make it to moab ep2 the journey begins
I'm talking about this here and why didn't you tell me before? Correction, it's on a map. I just didn't realize it. and uh yeah, I'm in a really bad mood because I think one of my kidneys is falling out right at home, things were looking good, the surface was now smooth enough that I was only moderately worried about the prolapse and I was about to see something interesting. If we tank a good time to flip the switch under the hood and continue using the currently half-empty tank and continue well today had gone surprisingly well, things considered so it's time for a celebratory Altoid that requires two hands to open and eat, but there is no time to waste, I have been following this train line for 2 hours now and I would like to find a place to camp before sunset, so I


continue in my happy little world, slowly, through Utah.
will the mini jeep make it to moab ep2 the journey begins

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will the mini jeep make it to moab ep2 the journey begins...

Oh, and schuth, if you want. I'm seeing this. I still love my 6 year old E1 helmet but it's getting to the age where it has trouble keeping it up, can I get a new one? Over the next few hours, light appeared and a twist finally appeared. and I was able to set up camp for the night with my bed made. I quickly inspected the remaining fuel. I got a little worried about how little I had left before I entered my tent. I worried about getting to a safe place. I can wait until morning. Good morning. I've already done it.
will the mini jeep make it to moab ep2 the journey begins
I haven't seen my reflection in like 2 days so god knows what I'm starting to look like I'm about to get up and go uh all my batteries are charged, memory cards backed up and um yeah that's what I can't smell fuel like that which I hope Willie isn't leaking everywhere um and uh yeah I think I have about 2 gallons left which means we have a range of about 60M and I think the city is 50m away based on my route so if it's easy to go I'll


it if it's not easy to go I could run out of fuel and I could be walking um I didn't anticipate how barren and empty this place is I haven't seen a single human um in all of yesterday I didn't hear anyone last night um like that yes, wish me luck.
will the mini jeep make it to moab ep2 the journey begins
I'm going to get up and uh yeah, leave so there's no chance of help of any kind and what don't you want to happen, well here's a reason why don't have all your eggs in one basket this is my only container of water my gallon bottle and I was realizing things were getting wet amazing camera work and here are my balls turns out it actually has a pinhole there you see how much I can decant into my bottles that aren't full of junk and, yes, I cross my fingers, I don't let all the water escape. I'm out of bottles so I guess I'll just keep it upside down and start drinking this one should be fine smelling pretty ripe now this pant leg is barely a pant leg anymore it's kind of hanging there I'll ruin it another request from Shameless if you sell gear motorcyclist and you would like, Jesus, for millions of people to see me. using your gear i need new pants check the camg field nothing left let's roll we'll


it with the fuel we have oh wish me luck eventually these runs they're going to destroy Willie coration Jesus well that's the main tank done which means now we're Going to Final Reserve feels a little light, it's not written, that's wet, okay, few, yeah, that was actually quite stressful because this is where I haven't seen a human right yet, well, that's the last one gal and I'm so sorry.
For anyone who's really metric, basically like me, everything I'm buying is in gallons, so I'm hoping these last three .8Ls get me back to civilization. The discharged battery again turns out that the UPS can also flatten it, so the generator simply can't keep up. Yeah, and after 2 days and 170 miles of loneliness, I finally saw a sign of life that had been shot and then I saw a lot of signs of life, there were cars and townhouses, people, gas, food, water, a bathroom, all I need. Fuel station done. to a gas station I guess I'm in Nevada now there's a drunk person on the road and the casino did it and to say I was cutting it with my gas is an understatement, how much did I do it with? not much, yeah it's pretty close with 7 gallons of fuel inside my 7 gallon fuel tank.
I headed out to get another huge dose of calories and find a comfy seat, Jesus, and inside I backed up my camera footage and prepared for the next leg of the adventure hello and welcome to a boat in the middle of the Ocean Atlantic hello and welcome to the mainland I hope you enjoyed the video and thanks for watching I'm sorry this one was a little delayed in being released, in fact I had to spend 3 weeks working on Sea to get some money instead of editing, for That was delayed a bit. However, it leads to an awkward moment where I ask if you'd like to support the channel so I can spend more time editing. and make videos instead of having to work, so yes, if you want to support independent film making without ad breaks etc, then you can send PayPal donations to the adventures of Edmar C90. I also sell t-shirts.
I have two different designs and hoodies, and my award-winning feature film is also available for sale at C90 Adventures. um if you're completely skinned then if you like this video and make sure to subscribe I hope my laptop isn't broken because you're going to need a lot of donations yeah then yeah if you just like it and subscribe then that too . help support the channel and yes thank you so much for watching and if even just a fraction of the people who watch this donate then it means I can do this full time and I don't need to keep taking all these breaks so thank you.
Lots to watch and yeah, I'll see you in the next episode where I really got told off for camping on unexploded bombs, so yeah, until then.

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