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Wild Kratts | Rainforest Stew | Full Episode | Season 2

May 10, 2024
On Adventures with the Coolest Creatures From the Oceans to the Trees The Crack Brothers Go to Places You'll Never See Hanging Out with the Creatures Friends Make Yourself Rainforest Stew So How Many Do We Have Now? Let's see, we have met 28,268 creatures. So far, we still have at least 14 million 999 670 left. Oh, I have a lot to do in this place. This is where we can find some of the most hidden strange creatures of all. Yes, we are talking about the remote and intelligent Chris. We are trying to land nearby. you, but there's a little problem, we have no idea where you are, what is that crazy place, from the looks of it, Forest doesn't match anything in my habitat database with the world, well this is a pretty secret habitat that not many people know. he or the creatures that live here is like a different planet wow that's weird your shaft wow a lot of your Roxas wait a second how big are you guys now?
wild kratts rainforest stew full episode season 2
What do they mean? I knew it, I knew it, they're the size of a beetle and that's it. a creature's fur is not a habitat oh, you're right, it is a creature's fur and we are miniaturized, but it is also a habitat, a microhabitat that hundreds of insects call home. Look, a lot of them can chew on the seaweed the crows have right here. the fur that is the ultimate creature links one creature leads to another creature okay, okay, okay, we have to know what creature it is, who are you on? Oh, here you are welcome to the planet.
wild kratts rainforest stew full episode season 2

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wild kratts rainforest stew full episode season 2...

Three-toed sloth, now he looks like an alien, yes, but cute, yes. sloths today is going to be pretty easy because it's a creature that knows how to relax, relax, yeah, relax and relax, relax, look, that's how you relax, ah, relax, yeah, that'll work, that's what we'll call it, relax , oh, slow and steady, such is the lazy person. Oh yeah, we're about to hit top speed, he's in high gear now he's heading for that jump, relax, come on, time, oh good job, less than a sixth of a kilometer per hour, that's a record time for the slowest mammal in the world.
wild kratts rainforest stew full episode season 2
That was amazing, Aviva. You have to make this guy a suit. Because? What is the power? I mean, they're not that big, less than two kilometers per hour compared to cheetahs, 110 kilometers per hour. I think all of us can climb faster than that, even me, the suit would do it. slow us down exactly they know how to hang out, that's good enough for me, my kind of creature, come on please, okay Jay-Z, I'll do it for you, just stop looking at me like that, hey, we'll help you with that suit back to normal size this is what you need to know one of the reasons sloths are so slow is that they have adopted a strategy to conserve energy.
wild kratts rainforest stew full episode season 2
The leaves don't have much energy and other animals that eat them have to spend most of their time eating. Instead of eating a lot, sloths just slow down so they can use less energy and hey, it works for spider monkeys and these guys are totally different, they eat fruit, it's high in energy so these guys can move around. and look at another creature. They both depend on these trees for food, they just eat different parts. It's grabby, hey, grabby, you know that spider monkey hairstyle you gave me last time, could you do it again? Wait, you're not done yet, hey, grumpy, wait for me while Martin fixes his hair.
There is one more creature here. I would like to see so many different creatures crowded together in the


. Sloths and monkeys eat from the same tree. habitat on Earth, yes,


s only take up a small part of the planet, but they have more than half of the animals and plants on Earth, that is an important habitat, yes, especially since my soulmate, chillax, lives over there. The time I come up with a new recipe for rare, endangered animals, they try to screw it up like I'm blinking in my soup. Well, not this time. I'll secretly use them to help me find all the ingredients on my shopping list, ah, rainforest


, my best recipe.
So far it looks like a bathroom break. Look, the monkey droppings are


of seeds from that Inga tree. The monkeys were eating it with the sloth, so you monkeys are actually helping to spread the seeds of the same trees that you eat from now on. New England trees might grow here in a different part of the forest, well, that's one ingredient that captured you. Rainforest creatures really depend on each other, don't they? Hey, spider monkeys, grabbers, where did everyone go? It was something I said hmm I guess when they move, they move Barton Come quickly, something strange is happening here on my way, relax, this is something dangerous, are you sure there are jaguars down here?
And believe me, you can't escape one of those. Come on, let's get out of here and into the trees. Sorry, I didn't realize you were there. going to the bathroom, you know, it's kind of a mystery to people why sloths go down to the ground to go to the bathroom. Scientists believe it is to fertilize their home tree and that they are actually helping the tree that feeds them grow. Alright oh no Jaguar oh it's hey Chris what's going on hmm oh sorry relax Martin do you see any jaguars no jaguars are floss worst enemies yeah another creature, link this one, dangerous to the sloth, gradient number two, one bushel,


cat kibble, look, what was that, I don't know? but I'll check, you already have it, aha, a famous lazy moth, that's where you were hiding on the left shoulder, you're the one who was looking for another one for the life list and a crazy creature link, what is that link?
Well, the sloth moth lives on the sloth's hairy algae. She then lays her eggs in the sloth's droppings when the eggs hatch. The young larvae of the moth wither. I know it's disgusting, but they will eat the sloth's dung. Well, now this is getting weird, that's one. One of the strangest creature relationships I've ever heard of sloths may be slow but they're not boring and Chris if you're ready to relax I've got just the record it needs a quick test you're moving right now huh ? Rainforced also rainforest


made with you and you and you uh, yeah, oh, leave that, oh, I'm cooking you real good.
I'll take you there later. I have more ingredients to collect. What is my chance? I'm coming for you, oh. well, don't manipulate the ingredients, second help with a sticky dough, okay, oh, I smelled your stash there, you forget the power of this nose to sniff out any smell, ah corband, you can't poach animals for a rainforest stew, This place is so interconnected that everyone depends on someone else to survive and I depend on these animals for my recipes there is no animal too important to me now wait here I have more animals to find oh no don't worry we will get out of this somehow way, okay?
You're going to be here for a while, as good a place as any to test out the suit, ready Turtle, oh, okay, relax, let's do this, activate the work power, oh, so this works, it's slow, it's ok, very funny, chris talks normally, please what could be hung up forever? with these strange arms and clothes oh Chris maybe being a sloth is not as relaxing as I thought Cokey what is that bird Harper Eagle one of the most powerful eagles in the world says that they hunt monkeys and mainly sloths here sloths carried by an eagle Martin's Still missing, we're in trouble guys, oh look, I told you I'm not a real sloth, oh great, you've got eggs, chicks on the way and they'll need to eat your creature.
The link with the sloth is a predatory prey. No more sloths and harpy eagles. nothing to eat eh sloth broth Gourmand eagle egg oh no, not the eggs chillax gormand will chase you next. You better get back there before he does. There's no more time to relax Jimmy, we have a crisis here, the whole forest could be in trouble, huh. If Gourmand gets his place, he will be ready to cook and we have to save all those creatures. We need a creature power that's fast, powerful, and able to tangle with Gourmand, and that harpy eagle is just the odd bit.
I knew I smelled lazy. up here and no shit Brother inside yeah the final ingredient now I cook in the secret kitchen I knew I'd find you before he made that crazy Crouton oh no you didn't I got there before him with enough time to miniaturize him He'll take me to his secret kitchen without even knowing it, wait buddy it's going to be a bumpy ride. Sorry for a stew, just slurp it and chew weird animals. There are many ready for my pots. I'll let you try it when it's ready. It will be delicious. I will end up selling it all over the world.
No way Gourmand, are you kidding? No rainforest stew for me. Listen, you poach all these creatures and you have no idea how that will affect all the other creatures in the rainforest. Look at that spider monkey he helps. grow those peas by spreading their seeds without them the ingotry would be in trouble and the sloth fertilizes those same trees and has hundreds of insects that live off of him depend on him if the sloths leave they all leave don't forget the jaguars and the eagles, uh oh yeah and don't forget that without the sloths and monkeys the amazing eagles and jaguars will have nothing to feed their babies and that's just a small part of what's happening in the rainforest. creature links and not only will you lose the creatures, but you will lose the rainforest as we know it, the rainforest is, I know it's a stew, a rainforest stew, now where's my recipe?
Let's try. Said? Oh, wait a second, Chris, hey, Martin, is that him? He's gone, yeah, nice hiding place, bro, I had to hide here. Lazy bus style just to find Gourmand's hideout. Thanks Chillax Chris, we have to figure out how to get these guys out of here and fast. Gourmand will be back soon. Aviva, come in, we need your help. the recipe now i'll start with my pretty face simmered sloth broth and then build from there hey where did my sauce go? hmm, how far could that lazy creature of God go? Oh, no chillax, it's gone, but it's part of our escape plan, yes, we.
I need everyone to do this together look at a newborn sloth moth looking for a sloth to live that's my ticket to Planet Sloth if anyone can find a sloth a sloth moth camp oh hi Gourmand um your shoelace is untied oh his boots there are no shoe laces oh sorry there you are thanks for getting me up buddy hmm now let's see oh yeah that's perfect it could work oh yeah you're right where you need to be relaxed here are some tasty leaves buddy right here that's it oh yeah Bullseye okay monkey meat get off me and now it's my chance to see there, I hope it's right, hey Jaguar, give me your best shot, wow, it worked, easy, it's me Martin, thanks for the rescue and now I'll shine, hey, are you ready to give up? sweet tooth never come here I'll have my rainforest friend take out wait oh I don't need this harpy eagle you're just in time feather It doesn't matter if I activate the power of the harpy eagle let's fly These wings are amazing powerful fast spin amazing hey what was that Chris , Hey, what are you doing? power, yes, the power of the sloth, hanging and hanging, get ready, brother, catch the last road, Chris, the jaguar, and I'm ready for him, hey, you're not a Jaguar, he caught him, Chris left me.
Ok, oh, I, uh, I was leaving, oh yeah, now it's a rainforest-sized creature rescue. Okay, I'm leaving, I'm leaving, oh yeah, mission accomplished, all the creatures are safe and the balance of the rainforest is restored. Those creature links blew me away. oh yeah, and that's just a small part of it, this rainforest is packed with amazing creatures, all connected and depending on each other to survive, we even have a bunch of cool new ones for the life list. Lazy moths, lazy beetles, turn it into cruel creatures, where is it? Chillax chilling with Jimmy, where else can we all chill now?
Thank you.

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