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Wie viel Vermögen sollte man in Thailand haben?

May 06, 2024
How much wealth should you have in Thailand today we will see this question from the audience, hello guys, Mario from Thailand and I have to say that this is a very good question that also carries certain risks, for all those who have greater assets in Thailand. , but first we also have to look at why people have assets in Thailand, why do they need assets in Thailand? There are several reasons for the visa, on the one hand, there are visa categories for long-term visas. , especially when you have to deposit larger assets in a Thai bank account, for example, the 50 ox visa, which is a 10 year or maybe 5 year visa that is issued and you certainly need amounts of money that must be deposited in the account. you don't need to pay them somewhere but they stay in your bank account but you just have to prove that you have a certain amount of assets to be able to get this long term over 50 visa in Thailand and there are several other visa categories where this is also possible and that is why we have the first point here about why people also have higher assets in Thailand.
wie viel verm gen sollte man in thailand haben
Of course we also have real estate like me, I have a house behind me, we also have land, my wife and I also have assets here in real estate in Thailand. Yes, of course, there are other reasons too, such as people trading stocks in Thailand, a Thai stock exchange or people who want to benefit from the lower tax rate in Thailand and have just transferred. your assets from Europe to Thailand, so what should be the maximum amount of assets you have in Thailand? Of course, there is no general answer, that always comes up. It depends on the purpose you need and how much money. of the opinion that you should have as few assets as possible in Thailand and, especially if you have emigrated to Thailand, you should also have a bank account in Europe where you can store some of your assets.
wie viel verm gen sollte man in thailand haben

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wie viel verm gen sollte man in thailand haben...

I have deposited what are the reasons for this. Now I will go into details because it is actually very risky to have a lot of money in Thailand. The reason it is risky is not the banks in Thailand, which I actually think are very good and also relatively safe compared to others. banks, if we compare it with Switzerland, with the UBS banking crisis and the Keditswis bankruptcy, in recent decades we have not had similar cases in Thailand in the largest banks, so there is no reason to fear that Thailand will soon make them disappear. bankrupt, but there are other reasons, especially legal, that can be very, very problematic in Thailand, like in Europe, if you have assets in a bank account in your own name and that's what I always recommend you do if you do it.
wie viel verm gen sollte man in thailand haben
I want to be sure that you are not being cheated in some way by your life partner or something or by someone else and that you have your money in your account in his or her name, but the problem here is of course in case of death. when you die the bank account is frozen it means that your descendants or your relatives can only get the money through a court, which was then confiscated or frozen in this sense and that means that your relatives have to travel to Thailand to hire a lawyer to prove it in Judge that they are his relatives and that they have the right to the money he still had in a Thai bank account.
wie viel verm gen sollte man in thailand haben
Of course, you can also hire someone here, for example a law firm, to obtain a power of attorney and take care of it, but think. about how difficult it is for relatives in Europe who have nothing to do with Thailand. When chasing this money and especially with smaller amounts, you often see that people don't do that at all, that they have no interest in making such a big effort. And, above all, the nerves to demand the return of these amounts. They will probably also flow into the Thai state treasury. The same applies of course to real estate, even if you die, here in Thailand you will still have real estate and here too.
Legally it is very complicated because normally the land and the house have been rented. It's been bought. However, also in this case the relatives have to check the legal situation, probably through a lawyer, in order to obtain profits from the property by selling it. , but of course that is not easy for relatives, so here as an emigrant you also have to think carefully if you think about it. I personally think about it a lot and that's why, of course, there are various models of how to do it. You can divide everything so that, on the one hand, it is easier for your relatives to reach your RB, but they also come looking for you if something goes wrong and you have problems in Thailand; see, for example, the current example of the Swiss. who is said to have thrown out a Thai doctor there, whose residence permit was canceled relatively quickly in a few weeks and also had his elephant sanctuary or business visa canceled and yes, he can no longer work there, he has no more He will have no income, he will have to leave the country as soon as the verdict was announced and he will no longer be able to get a visa for Thailand, so it's all over overnight.
It's all together and therefore of course you need to prepare for such scenarios and How do I do it. I want to give you a quick example, yes, but that doesn't mean you have to be afraid to leave Thailand immediately or you'll be kicked out. So I don't want to paint. It is a horror on the wall scenario, but you are still a foreigner in a foreign country where not everything works as in Europe and legal security exists to a certain extent, but not completely as we know it in Europe. And that's why Of course, you should prepare or think about it if you want to protect yourself, and how can you do it now, for example, without having too much wealth in Thailand, divide it all?
There are many people who? Let's say, among other things, I also have in a Thai bank account only the money necessary to live in Thailand or the money necessary for the visa, pensioners or married people know that, yes, pensioners 800,000 B in The Thai bank account is married with 400,000 bad and then, of course, those with long term, why do these amounts have to be here, but there is also interest, which obviously tends to be even better than in Europe and yes, then there is the money you need. Live The question often arises: Would you trade stocks in Thailand?
So use your money there. I personally don't do that. I don't think it's a good idea. I'd rather be in the Swiss or stock markets. Germany, of course, also via a bank account in Switzerland or Germany, wherever you are. And for me, the point is that most of the money remains in Europe to clarify this question immediately to those who always ask, yes. Should I take all the coal to Thailand or leave some in Europe? Because of course if you die in Thailand, anything still in your accounts or shares in Europe will be sold frozen and passed on to your relatives or bequeathed to them without them having to go through the complicated procedure in Thailand, which of course Of course this is the case in Europe.
It's then automatically distributed through the authorities there via notifications etc, as it should be, which is why I'm still a fan. of having assets in Europe and really only what you absolutely need to live or for that Visa only in Thailand to keep it in a bank account and another point that you should also take into account is communication if you have any problems in Europe with a. money transfer or with banks etc., you can talk to an employee in German and try it. To solve the problem, the same in Thailand. If you have a problem here, you have to do it in Thai.
If you're lucky, you'll have someone on the phone or at the counter who speaks English pretty well if you can then resolve the issue there. This is often a burden for many people, especially when larger or even existential amounts are involved. , when something with money in Thailand is not going as it should and then you can't even talk to someone about the problem in your local language or try to solve the problem. Finally, as I said, I personally still support leaving most of the assets in Europe, also for security reasons, such as security and, as already mentioned several times in this video, transferring to Thailand only what is needed for the property for the visa and for life and more, the will, of course, is also something you should think about if you have a lot of money in Thailand I already made a video about that, so that's all for today, see you in the next video If you want, stay healthy and greetings Thailand.

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