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WHY You're Told You Can't Have More Solar Panels Fitted

Apr 17, 2024
If you


come across today's video it is because an electrician or


installer has recently


you that you cannot


an inverter larger than 3.68 kilowatts or that you cannot have


than four kilowatts of


energy on your roof and if you are looking at your ceiling thinking well I can fit


than that I can see it and you want to know why they don't fit well today video we are going to be telling you the real reasons why electricians don't fit Before we address the main reason why most Installers offer you smaller arrangements, there are some genuine reasons why you may not be able to have a larger arrangement than you really want and the main reason could simply be you. you don't have a big enough roof, you may have a small roof, you may live in a small house that may only have a small variety depending on the size of the roof you actually have, you are currently in the shadows or you are permanently covered by another building and only one of the roofs you want to use is actually in an ideal location.
why you re told you can t have more solar panels fitted
These are valid reasons now, if that is a valid reason just check what wattage the


have because you can get different wattages on different sized


. and obviously the higher the efficiency of the panel, the higher the wattage of that panel for that size, the more expensive it will be, so if the electrician quotes you for a very large panel with a very, very low wattage, there is the possibility of trying to avoid installation. You have a larger range because of the last point in this video. One reason they can give you is that you don't want to generate more and export the energy because they pay very well.
why you re told you can t have more solar panels fitted

More Interesting Facts About,

why you re told you can t have more solar panels fitted...

There is a partial argument for this, but we'll get to the reasons. that's not completely true in a minute, plus in winter you will generate less, so you will want larger panels than what you are going to use in summer because you want to know how to use things when they are less efficient in the In winter, you can also store it in a home storage battery for users at night when you know it's not sunny, so there are many reasons why you want to generate excess solar energy. There are also some reasons why you might not know what Expo adds to the grid and we'll get to why it doesn't really matter if you export more because you might use more energy in the future.
why you re told you can t have more solar panels fitted
You may not have electric cars now. You might get two electric cars. Three electric cars you wish you could install. as slow as possible because the price of the panels and the price of the inverter are relatively cheap. It's that initial call for the engineer, the electrician, to come install it and the initial cost of the scaffolding is what drives up the cost of electricity. Why do you avoid installing additional panels? So if you were


that you shouldn't have any more because you shouldn't have any panels in your Easter or Western set, we'll explain this to you in a minute.
why you re told you can t have more solar panels fitted
I'm sure I'm not teaching. Someone has some science here, but the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Obviously, now you don't want any panels in the North set. It makes no sense to have panels in the North. It will practically never point direct sunlight. that and it would be a waste of money, but if you have an East South and West roof, cover all those parts of the roof with solar, you will get the most benefit from the south array, obviously the South put up as many panels as possible. The South may be the best part of the generation, especially if you have battery storage, but if you don't have battery storage or want the best amount of power profile, the East array will generate all the power you need for your home. in the morning, that could be turning on the kettle, taking a morning shower, the Easter egg will have direct sun when it arrives and will generate the most energy as the rest of the day progresses, you will go south and As you are in the southern zone, the east and south highways will still generate power together and when the sun sets in the west, you might come home from work, plug in the car, turn on the oven, take a shower, you know, depending. about what you do, where your life works so that the west and the south Ray generate that energy at the best times for you when you are working and you get that balanced profile, so why the hell are they telling you that you can't have more solar energy ? admin is the answer, it's literally just admin, now let me quickly explain to you if you have a four kilowatt solar panel, you won't generate four kilowatts of solar energy, other than a few Goldilocks days, you will generate less, so what tends to happen is that four kilowatts fit. matrix and a 3.68 kilowatt inverter and the 3.68 which we'll come back to in a minute because this is the important part of the administration, but basically if you have six and seven kilowatts of solar energy and your inverter invested is 3.68 , you are wasting your solar energy, your inverter should be larger than that and many solar installations will accommodate larger solar panels.
Many solar panels are fine, they may fit a lot of solar power, but they will only fit a 3.6 kilowatt inverter and they may give you an excuse that they have done it. They've monitored the roof soil, so you make 3.68 all year round, okay, even in the winter, which is true. You know you will generate less in winter, but you are wasting it in summer. You have this huge variety and only one small inverter, so why do they only install a 3.68 kilowatt inverter? In the UK we have something called dno which is a distribution network operator your dno is in charge of your local electricity network so you have the National Grid and then you have got your dno well over here it's North West Electric if you have power solar less than 3.68 just do a g98 app a g98 app i installed it only in this house it is currently active and the dno goes thank you very much for telling us we will put that in our file and make sure the network can cope with that area local.
If you're doing more than 3.68, now you're doing the same way you have to do a solar farm, that's a big way, it's a very complicated way because it's designed for really big arrays and if you're only installing five and six kilowatts, you can It may seem like an overly complicated form, especially for a small electrician or a small solar business to fill out one of these big, really complicated forms, it also has a few problems, it has additional costs that we'll get to in a minute, and it has a 12-week timeline that a lot of engineers may be discouraged and may need an upfront deposit before submitting a g99 because there is a lot of administrative work for them to fill out that form and they may feel a little scared asking for that money up front or saying, uh, we have to do the g99 application, you will have to pay me to complete it. the form in an admin and by the way they may say no which means I would have paid the engineer for a g99 app and they may say no but in my opinion they should give the client the option and I would love to know What do you think the comments should give you the option to make a g99 or just send you the g98 as a small set and never give you the option of a larger solar?
Let me know in the comments what you think would be best. preferable option for you go back to additional costs additional costs how it works you do it all your neighbors have solar energy so let's see that you are on a street of 10 and you are the tenth house and the nine with your neighbors have solar, you could make a G9 application for 4.5 kilowatts of inverter, you know, a set of five kilowatts and six kilowatts, and the dno might say, well, we're oversubscribed in your area because everyone has solar, so we need to improve the street and you say, great !
You are going to improve the street, the problem is that because you did the g90, they think that you want solar energy, that's why they give you the bill to improve your entire street for all your neighbors and that is wrong, it is wrong, everything is wrong, like this I think two things should happen, first of all, the dnos should now start seeing that everyone wants solar and upgrade the whole street and maybe create a new form for solar that goes up to five and six kilowatts and say there are an application fee of I don't. knowing a thousand pounds per app being added to everyone's price and that would improve the street means everyone can have a bigger variety and it would mean the cost is split equally for everyone rather than just being the last person who put up the one more app broad because what could happen is that you could do a g99, they would accept you and then your neighbor would ask you for a g99 and they could be rejected and ring the bell, and this is not fair because now everyone is going to have solar energy for two reasons.
The price of electricity is through the roof and if you have an electric car, many people on my channel are going to want to install solar energy because the price of charging at home and on the street, public charging is higher than ever. and that's why I think you should watch this video

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