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Why Was Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 SO AWESOME?!

Jun 09, 2021
I can't think of much, honestly. In some of the scenes, if you slow them down, you can clearly see that they were weak in certain areas. But unless you were making a video about this shit like me, you probably wouldn't notice. Some parts of the campaign are a little over the top, but they're not so ridiculous that they take you out of the story. But you know, a lot happens during the rest of the game and I would love to talk about it all, even though it took me 5 hours to complete, it would take me forever to go through mission by mission. and I talk about everything I think is good, everything I love.
why was call of duty black ops 1 so awesome
So here's a relatively quick summary of what I think is most important. I love the concept of Mason being programmed to kill JFK, but Reznov was so angry at these MEN... that he somehow reprogrammed his own revenge agenda into Mason. Can you trust your leaders to destroy it... or do you think they will use it? The flag may be different, but the methods are the same. One of the finer details is at certain points in the campaign, mainly when Reznov appears after his actual death, you can hear the sequence of numbers in the background. Effectively showing the player how Mason's mind is conflicted between being a programmed sleeper agent and a programmed vessel of revenge.
why was call of duty black ops 1 so awesome

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why was call of duty black ops 1 so awesome...

These two ideas collide and that is a recurring theme in Black Ops. We are brothers, Mason… We are equal. It's pretty brilliant and I love how the game doesn't need to tell us everything explicitly. Leave some things to the imagination. What amazes me is how Treyarch was able to write the story in a way that you feel like Alex Mason and can connect with him, but at times you are also detached and look at Alex Mason as if he were his own person. Also how they managed to foreshadow and show you these subtle details leading up to the final two twists near the end.
why was call of duty black ops 1 so awesome
If you pay close enough attention, there is a line that reveals the identity of one of the interrogators. What about Dragovich? You remember? Give us what we want and we guarantee your safety. We can do this all day. We have many windows. Or you can give us what we want and we guarantee your safety. And you'll also notice that when Mason introduces Reznov to Bowman and Woods, they don't pay attention to him at all. Are these your men? Forest. Goalkeeper. I'm Reznov... Viktor. What took you so long, Mason? That information had better be worth it... So as the story progresses, it becomes more and more clear that something is wrong...
why was call of duty black ops 1 so awesome
Another thing is that when you meet JFK, things slow down and you see footage of his funeral in the background, photographs of Lee Harvey Oswald. and that's just... Wow! Great attention to detail! To quickly talk about the gameplay, I think it's a big improvement over World at War. Which, mind you, was already good. Nade's spam has been significantly reduced and the game feels much fairer. There are a lot of tricks, unique stages and all that good stuff. The COD campaigns are very linear and formulaic, but you should already know if you like what these games have to offer, because if you do, you'll love Black Ops 1.
I'd also like to point out how amazing the collectibles and computer in the game are. interrogation room. Both of these things provide MEANINGFUL and fascinating details about the game's backstory, the events that happened, and the character arcs. Just by looking at them, you can see that a lot of effort was put into them. Unlike the WWII collectibles...OMG, those were embarrassing. And it was great fan service to play AS Viktor Reznov. Return to World War II even if it is for a single mission. And it's amazing that they brought back Dimitri Petrenko, the soldier you played in the Russian missions in World at War.
But now the perspective has changed. And the players' enthusiasm for his return is short-lived. And you see him suffer from the Nova 6 gas like a guinea pig; betrayed by their leaders. Dimitri Petrenko was one of the bravest men I have ever met. He fought at my side from the siege of Stalingrad to the fall of Berlin. The wounds he suffered to secure our victory should have earned him a hero's welcome in Russia. But Stalin did not need heroes. That damn quote is so powerful, man... Right before he kills Dragovich, he makes fun of Kennedy's death. You tried to turn me against mine!
You tried to make me kill my own president! Did he try? And after saving the day, there's a truly sinister ending. Like, shit, they're hinting at the possibility that Mason was the one who killed JFK because of Dragovich, Steiner, and Kravchenko's programming of him. And that gives me chills man, what an ending! In fact, there is a theory that there were two armed men and if you look at it that way, Mason was the second one who was never caught... Without a doubt, Black Ops 1 has a fantastic campaign, I would say the best in the series. series. games I have played what are these.
It immerses you and captivates you from start to finish and the historical context of these events gives it such impact because this really happened. Modern Warfare 1 changed everything when it came to online shooters and the COD series in general. Modern Warfare 2 refined those important elements, and Black Ops 1 delivers the same greatness in a period we've never seen before in Call of Duty. So when it comes to multiplayer, to this day I'm still impressed by what Black Ops 1 has to offer. And you know, some people say, "Mact Maaaan, it's the same shit every year and Black Ops is no different!" " I, I, here's the thing.
I totally agree with COD's formulaic design from year to year, because it has a winning formula. VICTORIOUS! BUT ONLY if it gives me something new on top of everything I play these games for. Quality maps that are always fun to play with unique tricks, layouts and designs that allow for a multitude of strategies. Interesting weapons that are satisfying to shoot, look and sound great. Progression that makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something. Customization that offers many options but is not too complicated. Killstreaks that are so much fun and make me feel amazing. Black Ops 1 has all that butter.
But you need some examples, huh? Now... you need a little convincing. Look no further than Gun Game, one of the most creative and fun game modes ever conceived by a human being! It's a six player free-for-all game with one capture, each kill gives you a new weapon, stabbing people makes them reverse 1 weapon backwards. The first person to get 20 kills wins. It's the ULTIMATE test of sandbox mastery that Black Ops 1 has. And each map cuts certain paths and changes when you play Gun Game. We were playing this with 12 people and OMG it was so much fun! Then you also had betting games, you could bet your in-game currency BEFORE THEY MONETIZE THIS MALARKEY'S DINGO PUSSIES!
You can come first, second, third or lose all your shit. They even have high roller mode for people who want to have fun, man! Oh yeah, that's another point, Black Ops overhauled customization by adding these points and allowing you to buy what you wanted whenever you wanted, with a level cap on some weapons and kill streaks. You would no longer have to level up to get the weapons you wanted after gaining prestige, you could just buy them directly. Thanks, Treyarch. Thanks for saving a friend's time. Man, using weapons like the crossbow or ballistic knife is a challenge in itself, but it's very satisfying if you can actually hit your targets.
And what is this?! A theater mode? Record your favorite clips? Take screenshots and share them? I don't care if they took this idea from Halo, every first person shooter needs a theater mode. Damn, this game kept innovating, REMEMBER WHEN COD FORGOT TO DO NEW THINGS? LIKE THE VIDEO IF YOU ARE NOSTALGIC! Then you have player cards that give you detailed stats on basi


y everything. Heat maps, where you hit your targets, where you die, your accuracy, what you've killed the most people with. So you can show off your sweet Kraft Dinner ratio that no one will care about.
LOOK AT MINE, BAYBEE! It's not bad at all! There were also customizable emblems that allowed for a lot of creativity and uh... You could do offensive things... Look, I made mine, a Kirby, from an old YouTube tutorial from a while ago. And wait a second… Interactive map design?! This is what COD is supposed to do year after year. Advances that keep things fresh, you know? They even offered 15 prestige levels, which is a little extreme if you ask me, but it gives hardcore fans a lot to do! The campaign had so many diverse scenes and locations that they crossed over into multiplayer.
You have a stealth mission in the snow, so there is a wide open snowy map. You go to Cuba and there's a tropical-themed missile facility. You are imprisoned by Viet Kong and fight in a Vietnamese prison. You get the idea... Oh yeah, and I can't forget Nuketown. One of the brightest and SOMEHOW successful maps. Honestly, it's a very small map with 3 lanes and it's really fun to play on. Probably because the design is simplistic and allows for constant action no matter what mode it is. Not only are all the maps great to play, but their locations are reflected in the single-player mode and makes the campaign and multiplayer feel connected.
I think a very good argument could be made that Black Ops has the best, or even one of the top 3 multiplayer in the Call of Duty franchise. However, there is one MAJOR flaw... Something that weighs down the game in all aspects. It's the sound design. And you might be thinking, “boy! It's a pretty harmless thing to complain about! But GOOD LORD! They recycle the same explosion and shotgun effects that start to pop into your mind the more you play. Ohhhh god how many times have I heard that!? With how polished this game is in basi


y every aspect, I'm flabbergasted, yes, flabbergasted at how lazy the sound design is.
As far as I know, there are like 3 explosion sounds and 4 of the shotguns sound the same. This can really distract from an otherwise great game. But despite that, the overall multiplayer is pretty good! Black Ops announced the return of World at War's Nazi zombies, but oh, they didn't just give you a somewhat basic map, NAH MAN. They gave you two that were MUCH better than the original! Kino Der Toten is definitely one of the top 3 or 4 Zombies maps of all time, set in a run down German theater. And FIVE is set in the Pentagon. Oh honey, and Treyarch might have thought ehhhh, two new Zombies maps aren't enough.
Did you know? WE HAVE TO GIVE MORE TO THE FANS. HERE YOU HAVE! Here you have! Take this, it's Dead Ops arcade! And we thought, "you didn't have to give us this <3." Just like every other area of ​​Black Ops we've discussed so far, the game also innovated on zombies! Adding things like fire traps, Nova Zombies, thunder, and of course a whole new sandbox with weapons to kill Zomboids. Throughout the DLC we would get a lot of new perks like PHD Flopper, Stamin-up, Deadshot Daiquiri and CLUTCH AF Mule Kick. Then of course you have your monkeys, semtex grenades, the Pentagon Thief, Matryoshka dolls and much more, lots of new!
If you want to play Zombies, Black Ops 1 with its DLC is the ultimate game to play, because it also includes all the World at War maps with the Black Ops weapons. Now, it's a little ridiculous to have to spend another $60 to get all this cool stuff, but if you really like zombies, they'll provide you with endless hours of entertainment. But damn, SET IT FREE NOW, CHRIST! Activision…Microsoft…I don't know who it is but someone is fucking around! You know, I usually don't praise DLC that much after the fact, especially a game like Black Ops with four $15 map packs.
But I think it's because they give you more of exactly what you want, that I praise it. And even if you don't buy any DLC, Kino Der Toten, Five, and Dead Ops arcade come with the game and that's enough content to hold you for sure. You know, there can be frustration when you get hit twice and go down immediately. One good thing I will say about COD WWII zombies is to give players three hits before they go down. So it was a little fairer. However, the fact that it can be such a brutal punishment when you get all the benefits is what makes it so intense.
Because you have nothing to bail you out other than your teammates. And those moments when you wake up in the middle of a round with no advantages are some of the most stressful moments you can experience in zombies. The fact that when you get knocked down and get so angry after losing your perks shows how much you care about doing well in this mode. And just like quality Zombies maps, Kino and FIVE have incredible designs. It's actually addictive, I mean, what more can I say? It's everything World at War Zombies was, but better. Better! And that's a hard thing to do, it really is!
Constant improvement, expansion of variety. And almost every weapon is viable for a big hit, which I love. Even things like Dragonuv, China Lake or the law that people always tell me is bullshit, bitch I can do well with that baby! Give me some Mule Kick and I'll kick the shit out of you!Zombie's butt! All the classic characters you love return in Kino Der Toten, Ascension, Moon and Call of the Dead in an unexpected way... Also the fact that they have George Romero, Robert Englund, Danny Trejo, Michael Rooker and damn. Buffy the Vampire Slayer in a zombie game with an ensemble cast?
She just blows me away. FIVE is also


because the concept of JFK, Richard Nixon, Fidel Casto and Robert McNamara fighting waves of zombies in the Pentagon is so ridiculous and cool! Once again, by tying the zombies into the setting of the Black Ops story and campaign, everything is connected. The Dead Ops arcade is also surprisingly fun and plays completely differently than normal zombies. It has a top-down perspective and, as the name suggests, is very arcadey. Your goal, of course, is to get as many points as possible. With lots of


new power-ups and some familiar weapons we've seen before in zombies.
It's a perfect little mode that's fun to return to from time to time, and up to 4 players can join in the mayhem! I think it's funny because it was completely unnecessary to add it. Black Ops would still be a great game without Dead Ops. But it shows the level of dedication Treyarch had. With all the new features, maps, and DLC, Black Ops 1 easily has the best variety and bang for the buck in the series when it comes to zombies, man. And to this day, I remain in awe of everything Treyarch gave us. All in all, Call of Duty Black Ops 1 is one of the best games in this huge franchise.
Because of the way his campaign builds on World at War and continues that story. The intensity, mystery and wonder of playing through Black Operations, Mason's journey, his revelations, the historical value it has in connecting with the Cold War, the Vietnam War and the Cuban Missile Crisis and so many others events and places. The writing, characters, and overall story are fantastic. The multiplayer has some of the best maps in the franchise, with great customization and everything. What made Modern Warfare 1 and 2 so great is here and improved. In addition to the numerous innovations introduced. And just from the sheer amount of content Treyarch gave us, this game definitely left people speechless when it came out and will always be something you can come back to.
And that's why Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 was SO AWESOME! Mason. It's over... We won. For now…

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