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Why Was Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 SO MEDIOCRE?!

Jun 06, 2021
Call of



ops 3 is the 12th game in the main Call of Duty franchise. And those of you who have ever enjoyed South Park Family Guy, SpongeBob SquarePants, The Simpsons, or pretty much any other television show, know that after season 10 is when the series begins. lose its charm Yeah Baby, as in the case of Black Ops 3, well, what kind of basic information do we need to know about this improved mobility? Shooter was the second game created within Activision's 3-year development cycle, the first being Advanced Warfare. So with an extra year in the bag you'd expect it to benefit hugely and now I have all the problems the previous games could have had. , but if you thought you would be.
why was call of duty black ops 3 so mediocre
There are so many things wrong with Black Ops 3, but at the same time it does things. Well, I've never had so much conflict with a cod game before and that's why for the first time. I'm not giving a bad review or even an amazing one. I'm doing a


review. I guess you can make


jokes in the comments section below. That's what I deserve for seeing the progress. I could tell something was up, the reveal was so fucking generic. Little did I realize that being generic would be the least of Black Ops 3's problems. The single-player mode would show the surprising reality that the developers simply didn't know where to take the series anymore, or at least showed that they didn't know how to structure it. properly.
why was call of duty black ops 3 so mediocre

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why was call of duty black ops 3 so mediocre...

But this trailer shows Ember, that's another story, check it out. This phrase is packed with so many possibilities for powerful storytelling. It looks like a war quote of the kind you'd see when you died in the older Call of Duty games. So why isn't the fucking story about this? This is like the Halo 5 trailers with Locke in the lead, expertly done, vivid, memorable, iconic. Everything the story should have been but wasn't. Black Ops 3 was still a very successful game. You'd expect almost every entry in the franchise to be, but was it successful? Did this game sell brand recognition with the Blackops name?
why was call of duty black ops 3 so mediocre
How can I even begin to describe your campaign? Black Ops 3 innovated in a good way like the first two games and with zombies mode continued to cater to hardcore fans and leave casuals in the dust. Well, what the hell is going on? Alright, let's see what's going on. Okay, and then we'll be fine. I didn't have mushrooms today. What the fuck? Fuck it. Let's take every drug known to man, go on a spiritual journey and try to understand what in God's name is happening. You may not believe me when I say this, but I got the scoop on what goes on behind the scenes of


development. ops 3 which from Treyarch?
why was call of duty black ops 3 so mediocre
Employees told me this is how the game was presented at the board meeting. It was something like this Hello kids. Did you like




world at war? Did you love Black Ops 1? Did you love Black Ops 2? Then you're going to fucking hate Call of Duty Black Ops 3. Okay, so this didn't really happen. I don't want to get sued, but Jesus Christmas, I might as well have. Not since the Paper Mario sticker appeared in Halo 4. I've seen a sequel that deviates from what people loved about a series like Black Ops 3. What do I mean? Well, shit, it'll take some time to explain, but let's start with the single-player campaign.
This story is a complete disaster. It affects my psychological state. Well, it starts when you choose a genre and Black Ops 3 makes a statement that there are only two. Aha, I knew it. Tumblr users and polygon writers take note of this. If you haven't, we'll need you to complain endlessly about this unimportant little detail. The opening scene tells us that biological augmentation has become commonplace in the world. world and there has been a disaster, what? Oh no, super storms destroyed buildings and displaced residents. Oh my gosh, when you give me information like this through flat exposition.
Guess what? I don't care And we will never understand why there are enemies or what their goals are. We are then introduced to Hendrix, who continues to rack up exposition, and then we are thrown into Ethiopia of all places. Good and Hendricks. he is pulling a bait and switch to shoot down a helicopter. Now here's the first of our recurring problems with the story at this point. I really don't know why I'm here. This is the Egyptian minister, he even says. Taken hostage by NRC forces two days ago. Why are we fighting against NRC? What is the NRC?
What do they do? And what is his name? Who is this Minister Saeed? Because it is important? Why are we going to rescue him? Why was he captured in the first place? How come he doesn't appear in any other missions? But this train goes boom Black Ops 3 has the most fucking confusing campaign in the series and it's partly because the game constantly throws us into these conflicts without establishing the basics. Check out the last two Black Ops games. It's pretty clear from the beginning what you're doing and why they're interrogating Alex for information about the numbers now, we don't know why the numbers are so important right now, but it gives us a clear goal for the entire game.
Everything Alex is questioned about is meant to reveal the events leading up to this point even though he switches between multiple characters and time periods. This story is engaging, fun and easy to follow and explains everything near the end. The same goes for Black Ops 2: it changes. between time periods It's nothing shocking because your objectives are always clear right now a billion people believe that Raúl Menéndez is their savior. You better deal with it pretty quickly. I think I'm going to coin the term Halo 5 syndrome because this is the kind of writing that Battlefront had for EA.
Halo 5 had it and now in Black Ops 3 there's always a disconnect between your character, what you're doing and why, and this. makes it impossible to get involved in the game's events. Anyway, we go find Minister Saeed and we get to see other prisoners being tortured, you know, we exchange cameras and it's cool. But as I just explained, who are these prisoners? Why are they here? What connection do they have with Hendricks, Tailor, Saeed, Khalil? So we get on an elevator, get trapped by NRC forces and then we're saved by a guy named Taylor, then Hendricks and Taylor have a mundane conversation at a very inappropriate time, we're different.
We're still seeing Rachel. Yes friend. You still see Rachel say it. Tell me about your relationship After we just killed 70 people and they're still warm, there are dead bodies lying around us. Are you still fucking that bitch or women? There are more shots, more dialogue. And then, wow, robots! Where is this terminator? Me robot, then Taylor and Hendrix start arguing about your cliche. Hey, we have to save those other people, but it's not part of our orders. You suck. It's okay, it's okay. We'll rescue them and then they'll take us to the most ridiculous turret section I've ever seen.
I'll talk about the game in action. Later, but shit, this thing fires explosive rounds or something. Either that or everything in Ethiopia is built with dynamite. Look how crazy this section is. Some other things happen and as our character moves to evacuate, we are ambushed by robots. Oh damn. Oh my Jesus, I don't know if I can see this with our character losing his limbs and left to die and bleed out, the mission ends. But it turns out that Taylor rescued us and we went under the operating table to save our lives and give us cybernetic enhancements That black ops 3 is based on Taylor yes Do you know what's happening to you?
I'm playing a shitty game. So once again the game starts dropping all these names and locations, we know nothing about the Coalescent corporation, the Winslow Agreement, the 54 Immortals, etc. And Taylor tells us about the technology known as DNI, which is a pretty cool concept. It is a system that is surgi


y implanted. in people that allows them to interact with and take control of other technological systems, this includes hacking into terminals, disabling drones, and a variety of other neat little tricks. DNI also allows a person to leave their mind with another experience that they have experienced this connection through DNI. last hours days weeks months, but in real time it happens in a few moments, it's a pretty interesting concept that we'll talk about later, so we show up on a train and start talking to Taylor about technology and dreams and that kind of stuff.
Black Ops 3's plot in this whole train sequence borrows a lot of ideas from the movie's source code, by the way, it's a really good movie. Which is about a guy who has to go back in time again and again until he can. saving a train from the explosion sounds familiar and in Black Ops 3 it was said that the terrorists blew up the train who these terrorists were what their names were what their objective was who gives a shit, but what it does explain to the audience is Train go boom and and perfectly sums up the campaign and the story.
We have this vast, cool futuristic universe with mind games ID drones warbots futuristic weapons a society that depends on technology and how do we explain it all? To the audience, train, boom. Essentially, the second mission is here to teach us about DNI, our new skills, introduce us to some characters we won't care about, and set the stage for tech warfare. We're about to experience One thing I noticed right away was the player character whose name in the subtitles is literally the player's name. That's what I'll call it. The player is probably the least relatable protagonist we've seen in the series ever. he talks I want to ingest large amounts of cyanide something about his voice actor It just bothers me and I can never take him seriously because his dialogue is written so horribly And he acts like it's all a big deal when he has no reason to invest in any of that and, therefore, neither am I?
So our next objective is to hunt down some random terrorists in a hoodie. Who's who doesn't even have a name? Besides? He's a fucking terrorist. Durka Allah Muhammad. Jihad Anyway, we had to go to Singapore to investigate some missing CIA agents and from here we learned that Taylor and his group were the last ones here. So player Hendricks and Kane connect the dots and assume he's responsible for killing like six, folks, apparently this is enough. The motivation for the rest of the game revolves around tracking down and killing Taylor and his team. We'll just go over the fact that we've killed about 800 people up to this point.
So Taylor is supposed to be our villain. The problem: Do we never have a concrete reason to hate him or stop his evil plans? Whatever they are or if he has any, there was never a time where I was rooting for a player and the other characters to overcome a challenge or where I was. encouraging them to defeat a villain and when I was happy when they did it. In fact this game doesn't really have a villain Taylor Hendricks the 54 immortals none of them are tangible because we hardly see them do anything bad and when we do we don't understand why because the game doesn't tell us what motivates the 54 immortals what they are only drug and gun dealers Okay, why do they hate the little cordon of the wind?
In fact, what is the slow wind agreement? What are you trying to achieve? Why is there an uprising in Cairo and what is its ultimate goal? What is something trango? Wow Raúl, Menéndez was a bad guy, you could see that he was always there to ruin your day. You saw him doing terrible things to the characters. You liked him. He killed people, he manipulated them. She understood his motivations and where his burning hatred came from, even if she couldn't relate to him. Raúl was an antagonist that he wanted to defeat. So why did Taylor kill these CIA agents?
Because a voice in his head told him: I guess people's reason and motivation, Black Ops 3 has none of that. In fact, the game barely has any connection to the previous entries. Raul. Menendez is mentioned in a couple of throwaway lines and Nova Six Gas shows up for some reason and there's a line reminiscent of what Hudson said in the first game. But honestly, there is no reason for this game to be called Black Ops 3, it just gives the false information. Impression that will be based on the stories we liked and experienced before. I just don't care about the people in the story because I don't understand what motivates them.
It's another classic case of show, don't tell, they can't show us. How is the world affected by all this technology, these disasters, and what role do all these factions play in it? They have to tell it to us as if it were a fucking boring history lesson. I don't give a shit about your uprising. Yeah, did you say that Hendrix? That's exactly what I feel. Hey, remember that scene in the original modern war when we witnessed a fucking nuclear bomb go off. Yes, it's one of the most memorable scenes in video game history. It was almost as if we were there witnessing a disaster or being told about a disaster.
Which one do you prefer more?a videogame? The game shows people being killed and all that. But they don't give us a reason to sympathize with them because we don't. have a character that represents or relates to people who are suffering, let me explain what I mean and this applies to all forms of storytelling See in Avatar The Last Airbender We have the main character, Aang, who wakes up hundreds of years old late after fleeing. of his destiny to bring balance to the world. The story shows and tells us his tragic story and because he tries to maintain this positive, optimistic and carefree attitude, we sympathize with Aang as he is just trying to enjoy his childhood, but we never saw him remember his past But we never saw it arrive. to the reality that all his people are dead as a direct result of him abandoning his duty.
We wouldn't worry about the Airbenders because no one would be affected by him disappearing on a personal level, the reason we give a shit about the Airbenders isn't just because Aang is the last one. But since we care about Aang, I really am The Last Airbender. At no point in Black Ops 3 is there any kind of emotional connection or attachment created between us and the other characters or between the other characters. You could say Taylor and Kane had a thing. romantic interest But we have no idea what that interest was or why they loved each other, why they cared about each other.
Everyone talks as if something big is at stake, whether the CIA's safe house is being leaked to their enemies or a war has broken out. or a big disaster. But it's all so far away, another of the biggest problems with Black Ops 3's stories, the way it treats violence now that I know regarding calling it a duty. You may not think this is true, but it is. Violence is a tool, it's a means to tell a story and when it's not treated that way, that's when we realize the real shit. So when you see the invasion of Normandy in Saving Private Ryan, do you notice?
Whether or not, extreme violence is being used as a way to ground the story in the context of World War II and show how screwed up it is. It allows you to get a sense of how horrible war really is to the point where it's hard to watch and even harder for you to put yourself in the shoes of a soldier on that beach, aside from the scene where the player is mutilated. by a black robot. ops 3 treats violence as spectacle, nothing more than shock value. Now contrast this masterpiece of a scene with some violence in black ops 3.
Well, there's a part where the 54 immortals are capturing people and Hendrix tells us that they run a slave trade. The Immortals run a well-established trade in human flesh. Well. So what happens next? They'll just leave them, buddy. What what? Uh oh, I guess slaves are more valuable if you blow their heads off, but seriously, what was the point of this scene? Are we supposed to hate the 54 Immortals because they just killed a couple of random civilians? What should we feel? Don't know. Similarly, there's a point where Goji Jeong, whatever his name is, is the leader if the 54 Immortals get his hand cut off and then his face melts off and it's like who was this character again?
What does all of this accomplish without comparing this game's violent depictions to Black Ops 2? Again, Raúl Menéndez does not shoot kneecaps and slit people's throats for no reason, he does it because he has a burning hatred within him and an insatiable desire to see the people who destroy everything He loves, bring some down to his level. men. I just want to see the bad world. So with the characters we have no desire to connect with a poorly explained plot told through tedious exposition, a futuristic setting that is as distant as the stars in the sky, and a villain with unclear motivations. that we cannot understand.
Treyarch begins. throwing all this weird shit on top of everything, plus all the tragedies that are apparently happening. There is also a virus called Corvis that infects people's eyes and causes them to go lost and do crazy things. And that's why Taylor killed those CIA agents. . I trained to go boom. Well, in the second half of the game we would be transported to the frozen forest, a place that is constantly referenced to the point of absurdity, so we walk through it and it's pretty cool. Do we find a baby? What the hell is that? Okay, so when we connected with Sarah Hall we were taken back to World War II because she studied it.
This is Bastogne. I studied it at the academy. I cited it in my final article and we are probably living the memories of it. But she was never there and everyone is still using weapons from the year 2080, what the fuck is going on? What in God's name is going on except to show that we can experience other people's memories? Why not choose something that pleases us and reveals something about Sarah Hall's character? Why doesn't the game take this opportunity to do interesting things and establish some sort of theme, moral, or tone that encapsulates or connects the story as a whole? the other games in the series There's no point in an onion and then we start fighting zombies in the single player campaign What kind of drugs were they taking when they made this crap?
Alright, so let's skip to the ending and the twist because nothing else is really important. I could complain and complain about that all day. Okay, so the twist is after that robot mutilated you after undergoing surgery to have your ID inserted. You died shortly after and would you guess where this was revealed at the end of the game? No, it was revealed in the fast scrolling text. That's basically unreadable in this report from John Taylor at the beginning of the game, so the twist is that everything you're doing, you're doing in John Taylor's shoes now to be fair in Black Ops 3.
Arguably he has the best and most interesting premise of any Call of Duty campaign: the player experiences the events of the story by interacting with John Taylor and reliving his memories while his real-life character lies in the medical bay waiting for surgery and such. in real time We experience all of John Taylor's memories leading up to this point and that of his team and just a few moments before the character dies, that's great, but the problem is when you hide critical plot points, twists and the characters within a comic o When scrolling through text that goes by too quickly, you have to search the Internet for an explanation or record the footage or find some way to slow it down and pause it so you can read it.
Now into a series of games with mass market appeal for most casuals. hearings. Yeah, don't fuck with me. People are not going to understand your story. I mean, there are some interesting things throughout the game, the characters try to keep you focused on what is happening. Hey, you're still with us, stay with me, Hendricks, you're still with us. You are still there. Hey, are you still with us? Taylor Are you still with me? They keep snapping their fingers and saying hello, with me. Are you still almost like a paramedic trying to stay awake? Trying to stay alive and conscious Far from the light and the concept that the frozen forest is a place to comfort you before death is interesting, as balls, the idea that the final mission is for the player's mind to find closure before of death.
The ideas, here are just Very brilliant, but the execution is lacking. Now, while the complexity is intriguing, the visceral images fuck with your head in a good way and make you wonder, What's really going on? Despite having all the answers now my question for you is what was the point? I don't know. I don't know why this story was told. I don't know what I was supposed to get out of her, other than a moment of mental shit when I looked her up online and realized the truth. I don't know what I was supposed to take out.
I feel like what Black Ops 3 should have done is have Taylor keep a journal about his experiences, his missions, and his descent into feeling like an expendable piece of technology. This would give a general message about how in the future humans could be seen as just another tool. to be expanded and used for the benefit of an organization or group. It could have explored the ideas of how far technology will take us before we become disconnected from reality the more we use and depend on it. The final twist at the end should have been something Taylor talked about in this diary.
So the audience wouldn't be forced to look for it, you know. He would lament the fact that the player died so quickly and end it on the note. of him Wondering what our last moments were like and if we experienced anything, the point of the story would have been the tragic story of a soldier who was injured in battle and was hoping that technology could save him, but even though it doesn't save his life , DNI technology allows you to find comfort and closure in some way. That would have been impossible without him and when you apply this idea to all the millions of soldiers in this universe, it ends on a pretty depressing note and that would have stuck with us.
But instead everything feels forced, with nothing really memorable except trango boom black ops 3 story Exemplifies creative writing but poor storytelling. The ideas and concepts are brilliant, but the vague and ambiguous presentation makes it incomprehensible to the average gamer. We can't get attached to the characters. I couldn't describe any of their personalities to you much less what each of them was supposed to represent or what they wanted despite how great the graphics are. How unique and aesthetically pleasing these sections are. how cool it is to experience these mind games and see mountains moving everywhere. And shit, despite all the incredible visuals and psychedelic nature of the story.
The problem with these sections is that none of them make sense when you play them. So it seems useless. It lacks substance. When you compare this game to Black Ops 1, the flaws are exemplified. Sure the story jumps around all the time, but at the end of each mission, we return to the present in real time, to the interrogation room. Topics were explored about covert covert operations, the lengths to which countries and organizations will go to achieve their goals. He explored the idea of ​​brainwashing soldiers and how code phrases or a number sequence could be implanted in people to control them.
The twist at the end made sense because the game showed you what was really happening and there were little details scattered throughout that gave those aha moments when you think about them, nothing was confusing, it all came together at the end of Black Ops 1 and, Most importantly, we had characters we liked and wanted to see them succeed and we had villains we wanted to defeat. They all substantiated the story. and made it feel real no character in black ops 3 has this kind of consistency his motivations are unclear and constantly changing which leaves players guessing everything that is happening and takes what would otherwise be an interesting look at the psychological and technological aspects of war and throws it in the dumpster.
Instead of a character like Alex Mason whose struggles are clear, Black Ops 3 simply plays too many mind games for the story to be anything but a disappointment. If this were Treyarch, it would give Stanislaus another year under his belt. I can't say he's surprised. They're not going to make one for Black Ops 4. Now that my long rant about the story is over, what's the gameplay like? It sucks, it sucks. In keeping with the tradition of mediocrity, Treyarch made some interesting innovations while removing the best parts of Black Ops 2. There are still no multi-layered divergent options or narratives in this game.
It's great. We have this mini hub area before each mission, which allows you to do things like change your appearance. Looking at collectibles, your service record, customizing loadouts if you're interested in any of that, and one thing that's interesting is the way they come together. Personalization. So no matter what loadouts you play, you're unlocking things, leveling up, and getting experience points, the cosmetics you unlock by playing the campaign. Multiplayer and zombies can be used in each of those modes. The game allows you to create classes before each one. mission like Black Ops 2 and it has commendations, scores and leaderboards, which is always a nice touch, but whatever you do, you never do it?
Choose a shotgun as your starting weapon. They'll bust your ass so much you'll want to restart the game. The difficulty is pretty fair. Unhardened never had any spam grenade PTSD in the world at war. So it's cool that we can also fight robots, people and all kinds of gigantic gadgets and devices. Boss battles are something Call of Duty has never done, but they're actually pretty fun here. The game features some cool visor mechanics where you can highlight how far away enemies are if local areas are dangerous or exactly how big the explosion radius of a grenade is?
There's like a night vision mode that does exactly what you think it would do and these new additions really spiced up the classic game.Call of Duty. I just wish the campaign took them away from the player more. They often make you trust him at first. and then strip you of your tactical advantage. You know what added some tension that way? I don't know what else to say, to be honest it's pretty generic and forgettable for the most part, it was kind of cool in the parts of the frozen forest where enemies and civilians would disappear when shot, they would appear out of nowhere as if they were.
Make this a dream. I love the way the civilians on the train fall back in their seats and disappear. A line of dialogue near the beginning caught my attention. No, no, friend. It doesn't encapsulate the ideology of the tracks. In this game, the crazier, cooler futuristic shit you can do, the better. The game will be fun because I rarely use these abilities as intended. I just went back to shooting like it was any other cod game and that's it. Honestly, despite some of the interesting piece placements and unique art style, we can. I don't really get into the game because the story is so horrible.
I admit that I suffered during this campaign to do this review and I would not do it again. But how does Black Ops 3 handle its multiplayer? Advance Warfare introduced the new. Movement mechanics that we're all sick of right now and this game had a chance to flesh them out. However, this multiplayer mode is the definition of mediocre on the one hand, the gliding jet packs and specialized abilities. Give the game some style and fun tricks. Tango Down, I'm not going to lie. I had fun with the multiplayer at first, perhaps because I was looking to scratch that Call of Duty itch.
Since I took a break from Call of Duty and haven't done it. I haven't gotten into multiplayer since Black Ops 1. The weapons are unique and fun to use on a basic level. It's a fun game that's always fun to pull a sucker out of the sky or use a specialist skill to rack up. There are some kills and the specialists add a bit more variety and tactics to the game for better or worse, although the core gameplay suffers immensely due to to some crippling flaws, and this has become especially evident after replaying Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer in previous games. primary weapons had clear benefits, tradeoffs, and movement penalties associated with them.
Light machine guns were bulky and slower to aim. But there was no better option if you wanted to set a goal. Machine guns were good for a hit and run style that allowed you to surprise. your enemies and flank them. While assault rifles were the most balanced and the sniper class could fill the role of a more battle rifle type loadout or traditional long range Marksman snipers are especially affected in this game because when players can fly around the air is It's much harder to get a clean shot now. Stay with me here when every gun has so much starting ammo that you'll never run out.
There is no need for a scavenger perk and because each player can fly and has unlimited sprint. There is no need for marathon or light weight because SMG users who slide and increase can take on people more easily without taking a buff to help them with that now, because of this, the pros and cons that separated the weapon main classify their roles in the sandbox and how they compare to each other. start to blur And now the movement anacs are directly hindering the fine-tuned balance that the previous games established. You'd be surprised how much depth there is to CODS multiplayer and how quickly Black Ops 3's design undermines that complement. that the map layout is basically pretty generic, just little three lane maps with some verticality and what we have is a multiplayer mode where your weapon choice and how you build your loadouts doesn't matter much because the buffs and compensations are so grenades.
Minimal tactics become almost useless again when people are flying 30 feet in the air. You can't throw a concussion grenade constantly. So why would you sacrifice a slot for it? When you play any of the advanced pre-war cod games, you know, everyone's going to be on the fucking floor. So the wrong thing is done: grenades, equipment, claymores, tactics, grenade launchers, etc. It's all viable, I think the jetpacks running up walls and all this have a much bigger impact. bigger impact on Cod's core multiplayer than most people realize. That's where the cracks start to form with the advanced movement and people don't seem to talk about this much.
But it's one of the real reasons people get upset with these futuristic games. True, there are almost no useless accessories and compared to Modern Warfare 2. This is a big improvement. I mean, who the hell would use a holographic sight on the AA-12? Let's be real So in this sense, they really improved the accessory options overall. Unfortunately, despite using Black Ops 2's cool 10 pick system, the class customization here is horrible to begin with. There are 5 secondary weapons to choose from, you've got to be kidding me. And I'm not talking about stupid melee weapons or any of that nonsense that can't be unlocked through traditional means.
Those weapons don't count because almost no one will have them, but you know. What kids today have no idea about. How much fun did we have in the past? Let me, let me take you a little diamond in the rough of cult background warfare and here's a little lesson in quality class customization. Alright, let's look at our options here Hmm, you have four machine guns, six shotguns, four pistols, and five launchers. Nineteen is a better number than five. Don't you fucking believe? And I'm going to compare this game to Modern Warfare 2 because in my opinion it has the best customization in this series.
But it's not even a quality versus quantity argument. This is a deep argument for some strange reason. I don't feel the need to think that much about my classes in Black Ops 3. I'm not that retentive about it and it took me a while to understand why. Part of it. Aren't there significant trade-offs for taking one advantage over another? There is no synchronization between the weapon class you use and the perks you use. Damn, with those horrible secondaries, three machine guns and two launchers. That's all. The only reason to take a secondary is if you choose a caster to break killstreaks and get yours faster.
While in Modern Warfare 2 you had to think carefully about what each class you created would specialize in, here's an example. So you really liked the FAMAS and you'll probably want to choose sleight of hand or shine as your first perk because Modern Warfare 2 only gives you two extra magazines for assault rifles. But with a burst firearm you conserve ammo better, whereas if you take the scar -h or ACR you will now want to use scavenger. You also understand that FAMAS has excellent long range capabilities with low recoil. So an ACOG scope is actually very good, but with a main weapon more suited for medium and long range distances because older Call of Duty games used to have them on their maps.
You will need a short distance secondary. Now it's a question of what weapon do you want? You can exchange, in case of need, like a pistol. It may not be as reliable or you may want a shotgun. It's a little more complicated to use, but it has a larger pocket. If you're a bling pro, you'll probably want a pistol, since shotgun attachments aren't as useful. What I Have What I just described was a handful of ideas that go into creating a single class in Modern Warfare 2. With five shitty secondaries and a majority of perks that have little impact.
There's not much room for pre-game strategy and class setup in Black Ops 3. There's not much room for pre-game strategy and class setup in Black Ops 3. wasteland map where you say I'll pick a sniper to this map, this is a major problem with multiplayer because the progression, the loadouts and what you choose to play on which map is one of the most impactful mechanics in the series and the most significant decisions and even though the skills of the specialists They can be fun. It's just another example of Halo 4 dropping ammo, so taking everything I just said into account, what Black Ops 3's multiplayer has managed to do is remove the ability from Call of Duty and raise it in a half-empty state. because this game emerged around Overwatch Destiny.
It has to have fucking boxes of lube and silly emoticons. I can't help but cringe at the end of every multiplayer game when the characters say something stupid. They pull out their gun, give it back, and then make some embarrassing pop culture reference. I have a horrible taste in my mouth, unpleasant, cheesy and pure shame. But the worst thing is the way they made the circular boxes and the drops. I don't even want to talk about this. Yeah, well, they basically loaded these supply drops with a bunch of stupid calling cards, emotes, emblems, skins, there are so many skins.
It makes the actual unlockables practically useless, you get duplicates. Like there's no tomorrow and we all love that routine is as tedious as a dark soul level, just played with your fists. Well, it's fucking ridiculous. They loaded him with weapons in an attempt to bribe you with gambling advantages. That's why secondary options offend me so much in this category. They have more weapons unlockable through supply drops than in the base game and they try to offer contracts and challenges to give a placebo effect of a faster grind but win 75 games with that shit, you know how long that will take me with a weapon .
This is one of the most intrusive, annoying, and manipulative microtransaction systems I've ever seen in a video game or been around. I've been around for a long time. Honestly the only really good thing about this game is the kill streaks which are fucking good. In fact, the care package might be the best one because I always seem to get a kick out of the fact that it's yours. scoring and not kill streaks giving you streaks means that the player is rewarded for playing the objective and clearing enemy kill streaks using UAV points, four assists, that kind of thing.
This makes the game flow much better overall and doesn't fall into the hole that Modern Warfare 2 does where everyone camps out and tries to get their own killstreak and not play the actual objective. So kill streaks are really fun to use and are creative. This is where the futuristic part of black is. ops 3 shines The dart is one of my favorites that allows you to control a mini missile that fires smaller missiles or the Cerberus. Which is just an overpowered beast on the ground. The Talon is fun. I love everything about it, although the class customization sucks.
It's the kill streaks in this game that kept me playing until Second Prestige, so Black Ops 3 multiplayer can have two cool weapons, the awesome game modes, both new and fan favorites, although it can have Incredible. kill streaks the core issues that arise from class customization the movement mechanics and how it's subverted Everything the series had built up to this point is what keeps it from being amazing and instead makes it mediocre I'm basically a broken record on this point as far as Nazi zombies are concerned. Oops. Can I still say Nazi? Oh shit. Don't kick me off the battlefield 5 dice, sorry, but just like Transit and Black Ops 2, just like the final Reich in Cod, World War II, Shadows of Evil, the only map you get without paying money, Now it is a tedious and crazy mission.
Do not misunderstand. The map can be pretty fun when you have people who know what they're doing so they can take care of all that boring shit while you kill zombies and have fun. The aesthetic and sound design of Shadows is Supremely good, these tentacles with a Lovecraftian and Cthulhu horror vibe and all this works very well for a zombie mode and the initial revolver. I love it. But other than that, the map is a complete mess for some inexplicable reason. Trek thought it would make the map better if zombies went through areas that look like repairable barricades, but doesn't it?
It's confusing as hell. They surround you so fast because you can't repair barricades and you can't remember where they came from because you can't repair barricades. Where do they come from? So you can't anticipate that the zombies will attack you, if you shoot in the same place for two seconds they will hit you, so there are no good places to resist because the zombies constantly appear around you, so you have no choice. But running and supply drops didn't just affect multiplayer balance. I also had to screw the zombies. You can literally cheat at the game with gum.
Obviously, a decision was made to sell you perks and zombies again. I hate this so much, man. Zombies is supposed to be an arcade-like experience the first time we play it. My friends and I were playing Keno, and one of them generated like four liquidation sales, we were in the fourth round and afterThat's what I said, damn it, I'm not playing this game with any of that cheap nonsense because it's not fun. Some of the gums are great, like insatiable, allowing you to buy a fifth benefit, but then there are things like alcohol or profit sharing and so many others that just give such a blatant and unjustified advantage that it's just not fun or challenging play using that shit. .
It just becomes RNG at that point, the RNG was supposed to be left in the mystery box. So while I might have badmouthed World War II due to the absurdity of the customization options, Black Ops 3 isn't all that confusing to me. Good innovations for the mode as you kill zombies and reach higher levels you level up in this game. Just like what I talked about in the campaign, you will unlock weapon attachments in future games. You can customize the paint job and camouflage, which is really cool. It gives it a sort of personal feel and maybe it just triggered me in World War II, but this seems much simpler to me.
It's really great to choose attachments before playing matches. And again, you feel like you're working on something zombie-related. And that's something I really enjoy when it comes to DLC. The only map I bought was their Eisen zone. Which is mostly fun? But it still has the same problems of being a gun-only type of map. The aesthetic is really cool fighting in a castle with dragons and zombies. And shit, and for the new style of zombie games. This is pretty good, but ironically, they are the best maps. in black ops 3 they are the simplest, specifically of the zombie chronicles, which take their maps from world at war black ops 1 and their origins from black ops 2.
It is because the older maps were not made with rubber bands in mind. chewing gum from pay2win which is completely possible and it is more fun to play with them without using gum at all. The weapons may be different, the zombies may be faster and the perks may have changed, but the core fundamentals lie in the simplicity of the map design after having played Dearies and Ascension Kino der Toten. And all these maps so many times that I can't tell you how. It was refreshing to play it with newer graphics, different weapons and accessories that I could customize.
That was the best part of Zombies. You know Derry will always be a timeless map because it's as easy as starting the game and playing. While Shadows of Evil is something you have to look up to and after doing the Easter Eggs quests and all that, I have no real desire to go back and play it again. I just want to see how long I can last. You know, I think it goes to show that no matter how simple and casual the maps are, they appeal to everyone and the same can't be said for Shadows of Evil without Zombie Chronicles in the dairy remake there would be Absolutely.
There's no reason for me to play zombies or think twice about it, and while it's a very expensive DLC, I think the amount of effort that went into remastering all of these classic maps makes it worth it. If you're like me and just want to enjoy some good old-fashioned zombies, let's finish talking about the extras. It features amazing features, although Black Ops 3 doesn't have the strongest multiplayer zombies or campaign sharing, it still managed to fill this game. of content and, for the most part, that's something I can really appreciate. They have this mini mode called free race which is basically a kind of quick race against the clock.
That's not much, you have four levels, but it's a neat little mode to distract yourself and of course leaderboards because we all want to know who has the biggest dick. Also, there is a nightmare mode that sends you. campaign missions with a slightly different story and with zombies replacing normal enemies. However, you know that nightmare mode looks pretty interesting having said what I did about the campaign. Do I have any desire to play this? no, but the big draw for me is the dead arcade to a point of emphasis that Black Ops 2 completely missed and let me tell you, this is the fun shit here, even though it looks pretty much the same as the first.
There are some keys. differences, but when you get a map screen between areas, there is a goal and end point for the player to visualize, and an adventure leading up to the end, the old school Arcade style and charm is achieved with absolute perfection. This opening scene is glorious. Sets the tone perfectly. The graphics sound. Music. The gameplay is phenomenal. Some new power-ups are added. More dynamic gameplay. I also got this gigantic mechanical chicken that shoots exploding eggs. So that was fucking fun. While Trek couldn't keep the identity anywhere else in Black Ops 3, they kept it here and in the dead UPS arcade, and this time it's not even hidden from the player.
There is no need to enter a code from the main menu. It is available from the beginning. Definitely the best silly fun you can have with this game, casual or intense. And of course, there's co-op, so bring your friends. Like I said, Black Ops 3 is mostly a mediocre experience. But within these layers of additional content, it gives players more reasons to play with more options and that's always something to be praised. Treyarch and my eyes almost always deliver just the right amount of content and whatever cod game they produce and although I hate to say it, they did it with black ops 3.
When it comes to cable, black ops 3 is the epitome of the mediocre and a Call of Duty franchise. Sure, some might see it as mostly bad. and I lean a little that way. But the difference is that I can still have fun with the game despite its major flaws. Not the campaign No, that shit is hot garbage, a complete mess much more confusing than necessary nor is it fun enough to justify more than one playthrough? With only shadows of evil and no zombie chronicles. The appearance of the zombies wouldn't be much better either. And while multiplayer does have that emphasis on enhanced mobility, it's at least passable enough that you can play it casually from time to time.
Especially if you're chasing those fun kill streaks. Overall, although the cracks in this game are too deep and wide to ignore and despite the benefit of a three-year development cycle, Black Ops 3 is proof that time does not give you everything and cannot replace the lack of vision and that is why Call of Duty Black Ops 3 was so much in the media.

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