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Why VULTURE WAS RIGHT - (and how the Avengers caused THE BLIP!)

May 13, 2024
those people Pete those people up there the rich and the powerful do what they want guys like us you and me They don't care about us hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary the


represents the Avengers' biggest failure they've saved the world many times but they never improved life on Earth. Adrien's tombs claim that the rich and powerful can do whatever they want while the working classes like him are left with nothing and in the post-Battle of New York world, the Avengers are becoming a class of elitists who are Disconnected from the people they protect and from normal people like tombs they must live in a constant state of fear of the next alien invasion, the next superhero battle, the next disaster that we have to recover after them, we have to eat the table scraps The Avengers protect the world but they don't improve it there are no improvements in the quality of life there are no attempts to create real and eternal change in fact some of the heroes put the world and even the entire universe at greater risk and now The government is planning to use their failures to create their own superhero team and we're going to talk about how these ideas will connect Captain America Brave New World and the Thunderbolts and how the Avengers' mistakes could create darkness.
why vulture was right   and how the avengers caused the blip
Avengers Hot Dog the Vulture saw it coming and already figured out the best way to make the world a better place guys this is a lot but we're going to show you why the Vulture was


but first I want to thank everyone. You for watching us, supporting us, and shopping at our merch store screencrush, where we design all the merch ourselves. I'm so excited to announce these new t-shirts, just in case we get this awesome Doug Aide cop t-shirt from X-Men. and Treasure Planet and this new the XF Club Breakfast Club parody. the Nighthawks parody and of course the Gambit tribute remember it not to mention the Deadpool and Wolverine parody merging as lfg can you show me how to get to the MCU and the savior of the MCU?
why vulture was right   and how the avengers caused the blip

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why vulture was right and how the avengers caused the blip...

Links for everyone are below. Thanks so much for looking. The world is changing, it's time for us to change too, but first let's explain the


's motivations. Adrien Tombs was a hard-working man who started his own salvage business after the Battle of the Tombs of New York and was hired to cleanse the city of the Chitauri invasion. Now this was meant for his big break to be the chance to provide for his family and Cruise's families, but then it will all be unceremoniously taken away from him when the government shows up. All salvage operations are now under our jurisdiction.
why vulture was right   and how the avengers caused the blip
The damage control department is a joint venture of the government and. Tony Stark's graves and his boys are kicked out and receive no compensation or financial help nothing but the most indifferent official response I bought trucks for this drama I brought a whole new team these guys have a family I have a family that I'm completely into This I can lose my house I'm sorry sir there's nothing I can do and to make matters worse maybe next time don't overdo what you say the graves are a byproduct of the social economic structure a generation of American workers who believe that hard work and honest is worth it, it's the American dream, so now, with all their dreams destroyed, the graves turn bitter to see that they will never be able to get a fair deal in this rigged system, it's not who made this mess, they get paid to clean it up, yes, it's all rigged. then the tombs become the vulture, he scavenges the corpses for the remains left by the superhero battles, he and his team adapt alien and enhanced hardware to turn them into weapons and the tombs justify his crimes by saying that he is supporting his family, oh, just like Walter White, exactly, he even has his own. partner who is always ruining things for him, how many times have I told you not to fire him openly?
why vulture was right   and how the avengers caused the blip
You said you move merchandise under the radar under the radar, what's wrong with you? why are you blue? and while tombs is extremely relatable and even has a code of honor, he is still a black market arms dealer and his weapons end up hurting others, especially other small business owners, but tombs was


about this part, those people, Pete, those people up there, the rich and the powerful, they do what they want, graves. Technically he was talking about the rich and powerful, but he was also referring to the Avengers. He says that the superhero is among those rich and powerful who control the world from their Ivory Towers.
They created a Rigg system that only benefits them, leaving people like graves with the remains that we. We build their roads and we fight all their wars and everything they don't care about we have to collect we have to eat their table scraps the tombs represent a fundamental failure of the heroes to deal with the consequences of the post-Battle of New York World Ur So he's like real zimo Zemo and the Vulture share a lot of similarities but Zemo embodies the inevitable collateral damage


by the Avengers and we've already made a video about that, you should watch it, they're really good tombs, they actually define a most damning failure of the Avengers, one that goes beyond collateral damage, is about their refusal to use their power and influence to improve the world.
What do you mean by the Avengers? They save the world like every week. It's true. The Avengers do everything they can to protect the world. even the universe, but when it comes to the quality of everyday life on Earth and socioeconomic problems, The Avengers are failing, it's like what the tomb says in the opening homecoming scene, things will never be the same again. The same now after the Battle of New York, the world has changed forever, we rarely see the perspective of the people on the ground, the people like tombs, the ordinary civilians, but they must live in a constant state of existential crisis because they never know.
He knows when the next battle will take place, when. is the next time aliens will appear, it could be your city that gets razed during a superhero battle or I guess at this point people are probably wondering if today is the day the universe will end, its collateral damage goes much further. there. The superhero battles now the tombs suffer no loss from Chui's invasion, but are fired due to self-serving bureaucracy and indifference. Each incident causes $1 trillion worth of property damage. Medical bills. Sure. People are displaced and become refugees. People lose their homes. their jobs, their families, larger companies and the wealthy can easily rebuild.
They have like 10,000 stores in North America. I don't think they fill anything, especially the companies that now profit from superheroes by turning them into a product. Movie tickets, marketing, theme parks. plays into a multi-billion dollar Global Industry, but people at the grassroots level, small business owners like tombs, could never recoup their financial losses and as far as we know there is no infrastructure to deal with any of this. Tony Stark can't pay for it all. and considering how the government treated tombs and their boys, I doubt they'll ever offer much financial help, yeah, they'll probably raise taxes and just make you pay for everything, that's how the government works, man, and the Falcon and the Winter Soldier explored how it is simply unfeasible for the government to deal with the consequences of these major events, all of this creating social and financial friction and desperation, forcing people to take out loans and mortgages and pay insurance premiums and eventually drown. in debts that they will never be able to pay in their life. and of course the result of this financial reality drives some people like graves into a life of crime: they become criminals who prey on helpless victims like Wilson Fisk and the other crime lords who profited from the destruction of New York.
Every time one of these guys punches someone through a building, our margins go up 3% and this financial and social crisis is getting worse and worse, so where are the Avengers in all of this, who are the heroes that fight crime? Daredevil, that's right, and Punisher too, but these heroes didn't have the resources to take down all these criminal operations and at the beginning of his superhero career, Spider-Man was also fighting crime before the aliens in the Multiverse, but when Peter went to Tony and told him about the vulture and the dangerous weapons he was selling. this this is what Tony said, sign Crockett, there are people who handle this kind of thing.
Not the Avengers, no, just a little below their pay grade, below their pay grade, these words explain the real problem with the Avengers, they don't fight crime. Because it's beneath them, they fight aliens and gods and kill Bots, they don't have time for some low level criminals, but it turns out that these criminals carry dangerous weapons that can cut fairies in half and even after this incident, Tony ignores the vulture and leaves it to the police and the FBI and they clearly can't handle such firepower, he doesn't care about us so what's the point of having the Avengers if they choose what threats they are worthy of your heroic attention?
It goes back to what this government guy says to the graves maybe. next time don't overdo it Tony says the same thing to Peter throughout the movie, he just puts it differently stay low to the ground, develop your game by helping the little people, sure Tony wanted to protect Peter, that makes sense, but he never bothers to do it. do something about the vulture despite all the tools in his arsenal, he could have saved some drones to take care of a couple of criminals oh, I'm not here, here's an idea why not expand the Avengers and create a division of Heroes dealing with street-level threats wasn't the goal of the Defenders, yeah, and how was that, yeah, okay, never mind, but this goes beyond crime, it's about accountability, think about it. , the Avengers stopped some alien invasions, saved the planet a couple of times, and saved.
The universe is amazing, good job, but in between all that they created a killer robot that almost destroyed the entire planet, they fought each other and then they just broke up as a band like the Beatles, at no point did they try to use their seemingly limitless wealth. and resources to actually improve life on Earth that big ugly building in New York is powered by an arc reactor self-sustaining power source that building will operate only during what year they made no preparations to ensure that fewer people are injured during battles They strive to create world peace They use their technology and magic to deal with global warming They develop advanced medicine to treat diseases like cancer Gunshot wounds don't magically heal overnight, they do it here They develop the U.S. space program Earth trains new heroes to become future Avengers hire experts Who could help them solve so many problems?
Form subdivisions within the Avengers that specialize in handling different world problems. This is not unreasonable. The Avengers had the tools to create a utopia, but they decided not to spread themselves too thin. You want to protect the world. but you don't want it to change, so why didn't they do better? They're called The Avengers for a reason, they're not the Avengers. The Avengers are reactionary, they only act when they are needed, whenever they try to create deterrence. mainly Tony it blows up in their faces like with Ultron Peter understood that fundamental responsibility and Tony saw this when he first met him look when you can do the things that I can but you can't and then the bad things happen that happen because of you, which is another way of saying with great power comes great responsibility and this brings us to the root of the matter why Tombs is right when he says those people, Pete, those people up there, the rich and powerful, they do whatever they want when Tony joins. forces with damage control it wasn't about screwing the little guy to be fair Tony was right in assuming that a dedicated government department is much more suited to handling alien technology however Tony doesn't consider the consequences this will have on the tombs because he's thinking of the big picture Tony is a billionaire who has lived his entire life in privilege, so he can never really understand how all this would impact a working man like tombs and that is why the Avengers are losing touch with the people they protect. rich it's like being a superhero you can do whatever you want the authorities can't really touch you you can wear a costume but it's designed by Armani but Tony is a reactionary hypocrite he agreed that he himself refused to share his technology with the government in Iron Man 2nd knewthat they couldn't be trusted because I'm your nuclear deterrent is working we're safe but then he puts all his faith in the government after feeling guilty for what happened in New York just like he headed the sovi Accords because he was to blame after to create Ultron, but when he created Ultron he did it without thinking about the ramifications because we don't have time for a town hall debate.
I don't want to hear that the man wasn't meant to do it. Mixing metals from his certain point of view he knew better and that's why he built a spy satellite armed with killer drones and then gave a teenager full control of the satellite just because he had the power to do so and what did he do? Peter with that? that great power I would like to transfer your control to Quinton Beck Peter himself is no longer a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, he has become extremely privileged like many of the other Avengers. Peter starts out as a middle-class dumpster diver from Queens, but then he gets a super-advanced suit and then he never seems to seriously care about money again.
In each movie, he and the ant are able to have a nicer and bigger apartment because Tony supported them. Remember how in the Sam Ramy Spider-Man movies, Peter worries constantly. about money give me rent under the Stark Financial umbrella everything the heroes needed was given to them without having to pay anything the lab is all set boss oh actually he's the boss I just pay for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler now that changes with the end of no way home but it's not just about money but access to power there is a point in the return home when Tony tells Peter that he could take him to MIT with a simple phone call.
I received some chicks from MIT. This creates an inevitable sense of entitlement when Mysterio frames him for murder. Peter decides to ask his wizard friend to mess with the fabric of space-time Peter doesn't try to convince the world of his innocence, he takes a shortcut without caring about the consequences or you tell me you didn't even think about pleading your case to them before You asked me to brainwash the entire world, but from the moment Stone became Adams, Steven's brilliant idea was to erase the memories of everyone on earth. Oh, it's just a standard forgetting spell, that spell travels across the dark borders between known and unknown reality, it's too dangerous. so these heroes seem to believe that their heroic acts grant them special privileges that can shape the entire world, even Steve shares this sense of entitlement when Steve and Tony argue about the ethics of the Russia Accords.
Steve declares that we may not be perfect, but the safest hands are. is still ours, this state statement is very arrogant and sounds superior, but you know, maybe Steve is right, maybe the Avengers know better than the government. The Avengers already ignore most jurisdictions and laws, they go wherever their heroism is needed, the DOR does not. They have no jurisdiction here, the DOR has jurisdiction wherever the D's are and that's a good thing because there's no time for bureaucracy when innocent people need help so you want them to control the entire world. I'm not saying that The Avengers should become an authoritarian police force that controls governments and every law enforcement agency on the planet, but their inconsistent approach towards government is very problematic; on the one hand, they put their trust in in the government to take care of the things they really don't want to do. but this trust is conditional and changes depending on whether the Avengers agree with the government or not.
They see the government as selfish and somewhat corrupt but they could never enforce their laws because the Avengers could simply refuse to follow the rules and the world couldn't really do anything about it, that's why the Accords were forgotten the moment they Thanos showed up because you need us. Yes, the world is a vulnerable place and yes, we help make it that way, but we are also the best qualified. to defend him, for example, after Sam Wilson became the new Captain America, he saved the GRC members from the Flag Smashers, but then proceeded to shoot them down in public, you have to do better Senator, you have to give a step forward now, Sam it's true, the GRC fumbled the ball and failed to address refugee displacement after the issue, but guess what?
There was no way the government could handle the magnitude of the logistical nightmare in the aftermath, and yet he is angry at the government for not doing so. use your power to make the world look better you have as much power as a crazy god or a wayward teenager. The question you should ask yourself is how are you going to use it? How could Sam expect the government to do better when the Avengers? They don't do it better themselves, they are the ones who have all the resources, all the power and all the influence. If anyone could have dealt with the problem efficiently, it's the Avengers.
They have access to super advanced nanotech space technology. Quantum particle technology. Magic as a guardian science. Magic, whatever, if they had set themselves the task, they could have changed the world and solved so many problems. Remember how Tala gave her speech at the UN. We must find a way to care for each other as if we were one Tri. He was going to share vibranium with the rest of the world and build something better, so what happened to that simple look at Earth 838 of the Multiverse of Madness? The Illuminati might have been a bunch of jerks, but they clearly did their job to make their world better, but here's the thing after the end of the game.
The Avengers simply broke up without Tony Steven Natasha, they lost the glue that held them together, but none of the other heroes seem to bother trying to get the band back together or even create new Avengers. they kind of went their separate ways and the world is getting more dangerous now with time travel and the Multiverse, the world is changing, it's time for us to change too and this is how it all comes back to the vulture and how it could connect to Thunderbolts and the Dark Avengers because the Tombs already solved everything in the Tombs back home and their team of everyday handymen took a bunch of alien tech and turned them into weapons and tools.
Specifically, the tinkerer was able to create incredible hardware like the vulture flying suit, an anti-gravity gun, even a matter shifter. I thought this was the anti-gravity gun, what not, that's it, this is some serious advanced technology. Imagine what Tony Stark could have created if he had also modernized the alien technology, if only Tony and the other scientist brothers had seen the potential of this Hardware they could have significantly improved life on Earth, but they didn't, since the Avengers never did anything useful with all this Salvage, they inevitably created a vacuum that allowed criminals like Tombs to turn this Hardware into weapons.
There is a whole illegal economy of dangerous goods. on the black market ulses claw sold vibranium which was used to build ultron's body Mador is a giant black market city where you can buy almost anything including the super soldier serum in liuk k we see chatari tech for sale on the market Harlem black what kind of metal makes anything on this Earth Sunny Birch from Ant-Man and WASP wanted to cash in on the quantum realm even calling it the next race. I mean what happens when criminals start getting their hands on quantum technology, that's what it is. used to travel through time, what would criminals do with such power?
Time Heist, even the Avengers' personal items are for sale, like Ronin's sword and suit, is a simple case of supply and demand, so it's not just damage control that fails to contain all the dangers. Hardware there is an inevitable escalation when weapons like these end up on the streets because the only way criminals can fight superheroes or other criminals is with these upgraded weapons and this triggers a domino effect because then the government must escalate with their Hardware and damage control is By creating weapons that can hurt and immobilize enhanced individuals, they even took over Stark Tech and that's why the GRC created their own Captain America, although that one was more about political propaganda and from what we've seen , government organizations like Damage Control Sword and even the FBI.
They are all corrupt and since the government is upping their game the bad guys need to step up too and that is how the Flag Smashers are formed, they were a response to the displacement crisis that followed the issue and speaking of the powers that the Heroes represent Hold the Flag Smashers. the dark side of that privilege were terrorists who were seen as heroes by the people who lost faith in the government after the problem this type of power is unlimited the power that turns heroes into symbols we put them on pedestals they become symbols and then we start to forget about his flaws and this escalation will make things worse in the future, all this will create a major conflict in Captain America Brave New World and the Thunderbolts.
You see that the government is clearly planning something big based on Captain America. for footage shown at cinemacon Thunderbolt Ross is the new president and wants to form his own Avengers team Valentina Allegra de Fontaine recruiting John Wer to form the Thunderbolts is probably the first step in this plan, things are about to get weird , so when they do, we won't need a Captain America and we find out that the president wants to destabilize wakanda so he can take all of its vibranium. The president wants to take offensive measures against Banda, what kind of destabilizing offensive action, so there is a conspiracy that could be related to what is happening with damage control, they went from cleaning the streets after the superhero battles to cleaning the streets of superheroes, damage control turned into an authoritarian police force that can arrest enhanced individuals and even put them in their super maximum prisons with them collecting so many weapons in Tech, they could end up arming the Thunderbolts with this technology and all of this could lead the Dark Avengers.
We talked about the Dark Avengers in a video last week, but in case you're not familiar with the comics, they're a team. of villains pretending to be established heroes and it definitely seems like the MCU is going in that direction with Thunderbolts and Captain America 4 leading the dark Avengers and they could use the special privilege that made the Avengers so out of touch to change public opinion. your favor because, as we've seen, the Avengers can get away with anything as long as they protect the world, no one there is mad at you for that. I mean, you would have done them a favor if you had eliminated everyone.
Since the Avengers are no longer a team, the Dark Avengers will take that place and then they could weaponize this right and take over the entire world establishing a new world order and that's why the vulture was right about the hot dog, but maybe later no way. Home Spider-Man understands this failure of the Avengers and now that he is returning to his roots, he could help form this new team of Avengers and they could achieve what the original Avengers could never do and make the world a better place, do you think ? Vulture was right and how do you think the Avengers could have made the world a better place?
A big shout out to the writer and editor of this video, Mr. Pavel T, so let us know your thoughts in the comments below or me on Twitter and if this is your first time here, please subscribe and hit the bell to receive alerts from Screen Crush . I'm Ryan Ary.

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