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Why String Theory is Wrong

May 08, 2020
One only to connect the five models of super



using S-duality, so that while the original version of super



has 10 dimensions with 6 compact dimensions, M-theory has 11 dimensions with 7 hidden dimensions. Wait, it's the seventh movie to arrive. 95 too? Well, this all seems a bit arbitrary. Your theory doesn't work, it just adds extra dimensions. In fact, the realization that superstring theory can be 11-dimensional was a revolution, sparking the second superstring revolution. , parallel to the development of superstring theory, other physicists were working on supergravity for an independent reason, for which we do not have time. 11 is also the magic number of dimensions in supergravity.
why string theory is wrong
Supergravity should be the greatest. Low energy scaling limit of superstring theory. So it's incredibly surprising that string theory has an 11-dimensional version, M-theory, to answer the preferences of every 11-dimensional supergravity theory. This convergence of superstring theory and supergravity has restored meaning. from beauty to string theory, making it seem like he's back on the right track. So what's going


? Well, in a sense it was never true. This M theory is not yet defined. It cannot be solved using perturbation theory, which leaves no more room for the discovery of its applications. In all superstring theories, extraspatial dimensions are not wrapped in one. single ring but in a complex geometry called Calabi-yau manifolds.
why string theory is wrong

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why string theory is wrong...

The behavior of strings on these hyperdimensional surfaces is only understood in ideal cases. For example, the sections of these manifolds can be estimated as simple tubes like those of the Clausa-Klein theory. But, more worryingly, there are countless possible geometries: countless varieties of Calabi-yau. To choose the correct variety, the index number given is 10^500 different topologies and the actual number is much higher. Each geometric structure - (geometric) - of a compact dimension denotes a different set of properties of vibrating strings and therefore a different family of particles and different laws of physics to govern them. It seems like an impossible task to find any of them compatible. our universe, if any of them do.
why string theory is wrong
This is the catch: in principle, the standard model lies somewhere in the chord shape, but without knowledge of the geometry of the additional dimensions this cannot be verified and no reliable prediction can be made. Try it, beyond the standard model. Well, there is supersymmetry. Basically all string theories require supersymmetry to work. Physicists at the Large Hadron Collider hoped to find supersymmetric particles. rays about their existence, and we've talked about this before, but string theorists are still looking for elegant theories that converge beautifully, well, they followed Hermann Weyl's example and chose beauty over truth. Explaining electromagnetism by adding gauge theory to general relativity was


, but it inspired an entire field of gauge theory on which our current understanding of the quantum world depends, and it also gave us this kind of...
why string theory is wrong
Electromagnetism is, in the sense of In the end, only with a slightly different symmetry, string theorists must keep their hands on their pencils if, as is the case in current string theory, error or incompleteness may also be the inevitable step as we search for a more beautiful and ultimately more correct theory. formulation.

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