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Why So Many YouTubers Are Quitting

Jun 03, 2024
Okay, so I'm making this video today because this is one of my favorite topics and something that I'm obsessed with. I'm obsessed with YouTuber


videos. If you've come to my live shows, you've heard me talk about this. Not only am I obsessed with YouTuber


smoking videos and I'll tell you what they are because you wonder what he's talking about. I'm obsessed with YouTuber quitting reaction videos and have watched almost all of them over the past few weeks, a group of big YouTubers, Tom Scott and Matt Pat in particular, are quitting YouTube. Tom Scott has been doing it for 10 years and has I don't know six, seven million subscribers.
why so many youtubers are quitting
Matt Pat has a game theory channel that is 18 and a. half a million subscribers and these videos really have a lot of similar things, they have a certain format that they talk about and it's absolutely fascinating to me now. I've been seeing these things for a long time. Lily Sing did one in 2018. and Andrew Wong did one and a lot of YouTubers have done these things, it's literally a genre of YouTube, so I'm watching Matt Pat's video while taking my daughter Lela to school. I'm not seeing it. Actually. I turn on the phone, she's playing and I put it on the seat and I just listened to it, she said what is this?
why so many youtubers are quitting

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why so many youtubers are quitting...

I was like, oh, it's this guy, Matt Pat, who's leaving YouTube, he's been doing it for 13 years and, um, so we You're listening, listen to him, she's like he's crying about this, right, I said, yes, yes, it sounds like that Dad, when are you going to leave YouTube? I was like, I don't know, I haven't really thought about that, when, when do you think. I should quit I don't know why what about when you get to 10 million subscribers 10 million subscribers I'm never going to get to 10 million subscribers we have to find something probably better than that and she's like well what happens when I graduate? from high school and I thought, let's see, that's in about 7 years, let's say it's in fifth grade, seven years, I'll be 69, so let's see something like that, yeah, I'll be 62 here in a couple of months, I mean, maybe it's well, but the idea of ​​leaving the videos, I think that's the reason and I would be really curious to hear your opinion on why I'm obsessed with this, the way they talk about it, it's really interesting to hear people describe the process of what it's like and The stress involved in making YouTube videos now I don't feel the stress because I make videos about things that interest me.
why so many youtubers are quitting
I don't care about the views. I could make a video right now on a topic I know you'll get. million views and I'm making this video because this is the video I want to make today and I find that most people who make these videos have very specific upload times that Tom Scott would upload to his channel every Monday at 4:00 . 00 almost without exception uh Matt Pat talked about a couple of charges a week and most of these people actually have set charging schedules. Anyone who follows my channel knows that I post videos every time they finish.
why so many youtubers are quitting
I publish them if they finish at 9:45 in the morning I stop it if they finish at 6 at night I stop it when I do live broadcasts I do live broadcasts on Thursdays Fridays Sundays Saturdays sometimes at night sometimes at 2:30 in the afternoon I never set schedules. I continue when I'm ready. Sometimes my mic is muted and people say, Rick, your mic is muted and oh, I'm sorry, on the first one you know 20 seconds are muted and I. I think the success of my channel is related to the fact that I make videos about things that interest me if I always follow them and that it never becomes a job.
I think it really has a negative connotation and I find that out if I continue. the typical lifespan of a YouTuber. I made this video a couple years ago called "nothing lasts forever" and I talked about how this will be my last job as a YouTuber here on this channel. I had a job as a university professor when I was 20 until I was done. 30 I tried to make it in a band when I was 30 until I turned 37. They abandoned me. I became a music producer. I did that until 2016, when I started this channel, but this will be my last job.
I will withdraw from this being. a YouTuber for better or worse, so I know nothing lasts forever, but the thought when people ask me other YouTubers, you know, like Rick, how do you keep doing this? How do you find new topics? And I said, "I just think, I think about things that I." I'm interested in anything that comes to mind while walking and I thought, "That would be something to make a good topic about or anything I want to explore and talk about." I know a lot of people come here because they've seen what makes this happen. cool song videos or you watch my Top 20 Countdown videos or you let me like when I say things like fukuman and uh when I mispronounce people's names and you think it's funny if I do my top 10 countdown pop videos or if I'm talking about AI or if I'm talking to Andy or Brian May or Sting or whoever I'm interviewing people like those videos, they come here for different reasons and a lot of times there's just no overlap at all about the progressive metal that I talk about , some people interested in that, they're not interested in anything, uh, they're not interested in hearing about any '70s rock bands or Led Zeppelin or the Beatles, they hate those bands, right, but if you do what you believe, just follow that, I think It's kind of a good life lesson in itself and then when people ask me about the comments because that's another thing that people get stressed about, they get themselves, They put pressure on themselves to post videos at certain times and then they look at the comments, they look at the views and they get incredibly stressed about it and I always say if someone writes a negative comment it's about them, if someone writes a positive comment it's about them, no It matters how


good things someone can say in the comment. section about me or how


bad things they say I always realize that the comments really talk about their experiences and well, I appreciate when people say nice things.
I never take it seriously that way because you can't, you can't. I really think about that kind of stuff, especially on the level when you know whatever. I don't know how many comments I get per video, but I get a lot of comments. I have a lot of views on my videos. Don't get tied up in things like that, do things that you believe in, that to me is the most important thing, um, but I think I've seen these things. I'm very curious to know your opinion, why you think I like them. things, but I think I like these things because they check certain boxes, okay, they're going to say this is the best job in the world, click, yeah, they said that's invariably, I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, click .
Yeah, I just love that stuff, it's a lot of fun and I don't mean that in a negative way, it's absolutely fascinating the psychology of doing this well, you put these things out there and I think it's the immediacy of the reaction. What happens when you post a video and people click on it. You know it's funny. I will publish a video that lasts an hour and the comments start coming from the beginning. They start to receive comments. It's like you haven't even seen the video. However, what are you commenting on? Some people comment on the title.
If you put a question mark at the end of the title, you know what makes this song great and I will list the song. Nothing, people are writing things like nothing makes this great. So sometimes you do that or people just want to be the first person to comment, but the comments always come at the beginning. I hope you start leaving comments as soon as you see this video, so I would love to know your opinion on this and if any of you have seen any of these YouTuber videos on how to quit smoking or if you even know this genre, because among my YouTube friends, YouTuber friends, it seems like I'm the one who really loves this stuff and the algorithm knows that I love it and they just keep going, this has been just amazing lately.
I see these things and feel for these people. I know what they know. I hear it WR in your voices and I know it's hard because it's hard to say goodbye to something, right? It's hard to admit it. When something ends, something passes by and you say it's okay. I know I'll never be in some famous rock band. I won't do it. That's gone. I know I could never run 100 meters in 10 seconds again because I never could. I know I could walk 100 meters in maybe 25 seconds so there are certain things that as your life goes on you pass me by and that's okay I just have to realize it's just a process anyway press the Subscribe button, leave a comment. and thank you very much for watching this channel for those of you who have been here for a while and those of you who this is the first video you see thank you

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