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Why Royal Jelly is So Expensive | So Expensive Food | Insider Business

Apr 20, 2024
This sticky white milky cream is



and inside a hive it is specially reserved for queen bees, also known as the super


of the hive, it is richer in nutrients than honey and is 20 times more


. The queens live 50 times longer than other bees and while they are there. There is no scientific evidence of this, the health


industry is determined to attribute this longevity to



and now people also eat it for 125 dollars a kilo, but harvest This elixir can be laborious and can only be made by hand if done incorrectly when young.
why royal jelly is so expensive so expensive food insider business
Queen bees can die in the process, so is royal jelly really worth it and why is it so


? Royal jelly has been harvested for decades. Foreign season rapeseed flowers have bright yellow petals that are wide at the tip, allowing bees to collect more nectar and pollen. than other flowers, it is during this time that the hive population is largest and most productive, which is ideal for harvesting large quantities of high-quality royal jelly. Zorchunk traveled 600 kilometers to reach Shayang County, Hubei Province, to raise his bees. He arrived four months ago and today. He is starting to harvest royal jelly what are you doing?
why royal jelly is so expensive so expensive food insider business

More Interesting Facts About,

why royal jelly is so expensive so expensive food insider business...

There are three types of bees that are born in the hive workers which are sterile female bees drones male bees and queens which are fertile female bees as larvae all bees grow in these small cells and consume royal jelly jelly but once the queen, only she can feed on it. Beekeepers like to maximize royal jelly production by removing the queen. He will place it in a separate part of the box, away from the hive. The bees will work quickly to feed all the potential queens. larvae it takes workers 72 hours to fill the larvae cells with gelatin zua Chung also creates multiple artificial cells which he fills with fresh larvae taken from other hives foreign foreign foreign too much force can destroy the larvae that all future queens need to keep them alive in the cells so you can get as much jelly as possible from the workers with 64 cells in each strip will fill thousands of Queen cells throughout the Harvest in exactly 72 hours zorchung checks your hive boxes, removes the cells from the hives and Cut the beeswax seal on the top of each cell, you need to remove each lava from the inside of the gelatin-filled cell due to the small size of the larvae.
why royal jelly is so expensive so expensive food insider business
This task must also be done by hand. There are many consumers who also buy the larvae, in fact, the demand for queen larvae. He is as tall as royal jelly, you are wrong, now he can sit and delicately collect the royal jelly from inside each cell. The foreigner has to empty at least 2,000 Queen cells. Yes, royal jelly obtained from rapeseed flowers here in Hubei can sell for more than 250 dollars for a single kilogram abroad. This price discrepancy is its nutrients, honey is mainly composed of sugar, while royal jelly It also contains proteins and other still unknown minerals.
why royal jelly is so expensive so expensive food insider business
Being richer in nutrients than honey, royal jelly has been linked to a variety of health benefit claims such as an aphrodisiac or a key to long life, but most have yet to be confirmed by scientific evidence. These beliefs come from seeing what happens to bees that consume royal jelly. Queen bees grow one and a half times larger than other bees. They have a lifespan of seven years, while a worker bee lives only six months and can lay up to 3,000 eggs in a single day while workers are infertile, but this may not be related at all to the lack of royal jelly, a study has shown that the diet of a worker of Honey and pollen contain natural chemicals that make them infertile.
Foreign royal jelly can be found in hives all over the world, but it is in China that 90% of world production comes from. Production took off in the 1980s, when Chinese beekeepers began using a high-yield variety of bees. Called Apis mellifera lagustica spinola, this special breed of royal jelly-producing bees helped increase production by almost 2,000 in the last 40 years. Zorchung has been using these bees since he started beekeeping more than 30 years ago. Yes, regardless of the species, bees are threatened and because of the large number of dead or consumed larvae that force bees to produce royal jelly has come under scrutiny, while lab-grown royal jelly exists, it does not have the same benefits as the natural product and has even killed the queen bees that fed on it due to climate change. and the use of pesticides on crops is also causing the number of bees in China to decline rapidly.
Pesticide use has become so rampant in parts of China that some farmers have begun pollinating with foreign hands—that is, a foreign woman.

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