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Why Minecraft 1.21 is the Last Update that Matters

Apr 30, 2024
Here's why 1.21 needs to be a perfect


. Take a look at this graph. This is the Google trend chart for Minecraft. Minecraft popularity peaked around 2013 to 2015 and then 1.9 was released in 2016 and then the game died thanks to certain factors. popularity during 2019, but unfortunately its popularity is starting to decline again and this is where we are now. History is about to repeat itself. How will this


affect the game's popularity and player base? What will happen if Mojang doesn't comply with 1.21 but? The most important thing is how we got here. It all started on June 23, 2020. Mojang has just released the Neta update, possibly its best work to date.
why minecraft 1 21 is the last update that matters
It received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the community and everyone loved it, but unfortunately it could also have been the worst update they could have made, let me explain a note, 16 was good, very good, in fact too good, after 1.6, Mojang had the difficult task of creating an update even better than another update, so for w 17 they promised a lot of features. promised Lush KS new drip shops KS SC Wen telescopes copper amethyst lightning rod packages archeology ex Parton poly Butterfree and this was where everything started to go wrong, this was where Mojang got into its first controversy by not being able to deliver on all the features it promised that Mojang made decision to split the CAS CS update into two parts citing optimization and prioritizing game performance for the health of its team and working under a global pandemic as the reasons behind the decision and the community was surprisingly supportive.
why minecraft 1 21 is the last update that matters

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why minecraft 1 21 is the last update that matters...

Mojang regretted that we had to split the update into two parts. literally it's understandable to everyone, have a great day Agnes, don't cry, we can wait, we love you all Minecraft developers, the fact that no one is mad about the delay shows how kind and kind the community can be for the Well from the developers, do you know with this extended time? framework and general community support Mojang released 1.7 and everything was fine Minecraft was still on its new wave of popularity, all Mojen had to do was try his best not to get into a second controversy.
why minecraft 1 21 is the last update that matters
Mojang will then enter its second controversy with the arrival. from 1.8 citing its need for more time, once again features like Deep, the Guardian and the Ancient City will return to 1.9 this time, however the community did not accept. Mojang told me there would be two parts for caves and cliffs, not three people expressed sorry, people expressed disappointment this time, but the overall response was mostly positive, all Mojang had to do was try their best to Don't get into your third controversy. Later Moang will enter his third controversy with the removal of fireflies some players were expecting the umia and were disappointed by the removal some players found it questionable that Moang removed the fireflies instead of changing their interactions like they did with the parrots and cookies and some players were even more objectionable as a general ecology student aligned with entomology and herpetology.
why minecraft 1 21 is the last update that matters
I would like to say that not adding two pixel fireflies because they are poisonous to frogs is really baffling to me. Fireflies have bitter-tasting toxic compounds, but the intent of these compounds is to deter predation on the species as a whole rather than kill, take it as an animal learns to avoid something like a firefly or a brightly colored butterfly as prey. after trying to eat one and then getting a horrible tasting bite, so F, despite all this, the community eventually moved to all of Mojang. What I had to do was do everything I could to not get into Moang.
He would then get into another controversy with the arrival of 1 19 and this added to the very controversial chat reporting system that Warr, a video separate from his own community support, further diminished. With even more players expressing their disappointment, some players calling it the mild update, some players calling it Cas CH part three, while I just called it 1.9 because words are hard to move to 2023, things have been significantly better. Mojang has responded to all necessary criticism. changes and all the controversies died down for being a joke, it got worse first was the 1.20 update which had so many negative comments that it only came back in 1.9 and 1.10, the sniffer that gained a pretty big majority in 2022 is now the second most hated M from an m vote, there is also the recreation of the account, the controversial Ula changes and many more, and finally we have the most recent controversy, the 2023 M book, this time the drama spread like wildfire in addition to the usual drama that is coming with an M vote, people went even further. this time and started the hashtag to stop the mob vote the mob vote which unfortunately also had potential evidence of V fra.
I think this puts me at risk of being accused of spending false information on a mob vote second which unfortunately for all I know could also have had potential evidence of VO fraud supposedly and in case someone actually sued me for defamation, you can help me pay my future legal fees by donating to Super Tanks or you can also donate to help support the channel in any way. Thanks for this whole timeline. of controversies, broken promises and disappointing updates, the community is at that tipping point on a scale of 0 to 100 in terms of temperature, the community is around 80°C right now, it's really uncomfortable how tense and heated what things have become for my 31% American audience. that's 176 and 212, all of this is building up to 1. 21 to be the biggest update to Minecraft.
Mojang's reputation is at stake here, with Mojang having its controversies, it ends up alienating the player base even further by making TR players trust us and if the community is heating up with accusations that Mojang is lazy and everything will continue alienating Mojang even further. A 21 is Mojang's chance to regain the trust of the player base, and in return, players will eventually regain Mojang's trust once again. When there are fewer accusations and more helpful feedback, this could be Mojang's


chance to address the rift that has grown over the years and re-forge a less divided Minecraft community.
I'm probably exaggerating, but if I want something to be wrong, I want Mojang to release it. an update so good that it saves everything or they release an update that isn't but nothing bad happens I hope I'm wrong because I don't want this game to die and also given that they usually release updates in June with Minecraft dying on my birthday it sounds quite depressing, no I'm going to lie, hit the like button to pay my respects in case that happens, one like equals one respect, luckily a 21 looks great so far, on October 18, Mojang released a snapshot for 1.21 and most of the features they have added are great, the crafter is an automatic crafting table which is something people have been waiting for forever, we can tell how good it is based on how excited mambo jumbo is.
Children, a craftsman, you're looking inside my pants. Get in my pants excitement level, the copper bul is also really revolutionary for Redstone, explaining what it does could make this video 10 minutes longer, so check out the doodle video if you like Redstone, there's also the armadillo, Let's hope not. I'm not getting a repeat of the sniffer, there are also many new decorative blocks being added. I'm sure people much more talented than me in construction can make much better use of them than I can. I'm happy that the cor is improving. more recipes like I wanted it to have but the most important part of this update goes to the Chambers Tri test generator and overall the update looks great but it lacks some kind of theme like the nether update or the caves update and cliffs.
It needs a central theme to tie all these features together and the fact that they have been won is somewhat reflected in the community reaction, so far people are not excited about the update at the moment, which is understandable for now, it just feels like seven individual features being added to the game, maybe it could be a dungeon update that could be cool or how much copper and redstone are involved, maybe it could be the Industrial Revolution update, but don't be so optimistic yet, even if Mojang announces something really cool later. There are still two obstacles in your way that can make all efforts futile.
The first is somewhat familiar and should give you an indicator of how much things have worked and how much is at stake here: a split, not just a split of an update, any feature they announce must be added to the game after what happened with the caves and the cliffs, people will no longer understand that Mojang has a good day if Mojang ever announces a split or a feature delay again because they are Prioritizing the health of the team, the community will say no, exactly why I want to work hard. I think even they are aware of it and have been playing their cards very carefully in this year's Minecraft life, but the thing is, everything we've discussed in this video won.
It doesn't even matter if they don't fix this second issue, the other thing that could ruin the update and kill any momentum they have is the controversial villager rebalancing. Check out this video where I look at village change in its entirety if it shapes these experiments. The changes to its current state will be so catastrophic that no amount of new features in 1.21 will fix the update, and I hope it doesn't amount to that much thanks to this week's members Randomness the Flying Fire and Rooker.

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