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Why Madagascar 2 is Easily the Best One

May 23, 2024
Funding for Schafer's illness is provided by - Lane tuned in all the way to find out more about their amazing service Hi everyone, I know you all really want me to talk about Shrek, how about this? Instead of the Madagascar trilogy, why not, truth be told, the Shrek four? The script is the most difficult and intricate thing I've ever written and will take a long time to put together, so I thought we'd do something a lot easier first now that DreamWorks seems to have a reputation for lowbrow trash franchises that get milked to death. although technically Pixar has more franchises under its belt and only one of those franchises has sequels that surpass the original, seriously, what are they saying?
why madagascar 2 is easily the best one
DreamWorks has four franchises and they're okay, wait there, now it's okay, I mean, yeah, Shark Tale existed. Sure, but at least they knew how to sweep that movie under the rug and not turn it into a terrible franchise. I mean, it's bad enough being alive when no one wants you, but luckily, the really bad dream job is usually a one-and-done Shrek Kung Fu. Panda and How to Train Your Dragon, on the other hand, are three films that deserved a series not only because they were really good films but because they had stories to tell, universes that could be expanded with new themes to explore and turn these three films into continuing sagas. . an excellent decision that led to commercial and, more importantly, critical success.
why madagascar 2 is easily the best one

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why madagascar 2 is easily the best one...

The second film in each of these franchises is often considered better than the first or at least on par with the first. Additionally, the first and second films in all of these franchises earned an Oscar nomination. I'd say it's pretty admirable, but then again, you get the idea that these are acclaimed and beloved franchises that show how good DreamWorks can be at taking something that works on a deep comedic and emotional level and following it up with something even better, but then there is Madagascar, what kind of music do you like? Gloria Hippo, a true anomaly in that the first film wasn't very well received at all but made money, had very marketable supporting characters.
why madagascar 2 is easily the best one
Overall, I was popular enough with audiences that DreamWorks said, let's make one. There are billions more of these, so we have the only cynically conceived DreamWorks franchise right now. Boss Baby 2 is on the way. Nobody Revere is the Madagascar trilogy like they do with these other franchises. I mean, memes are good, but that's no indication at all. overall quality, the success of Madagascar is a little ridiculous, but that being said, in case you couldn't tell from the title of the video, I really liked the second movie a lot and I want to fully explain why this movie, even though it's not not even close to the level, this is it.
why madagascar 2 is easily the best one
Other DreamWorks sequels still stand out as the greatest cinematic achievement ever made based on the nation of Madagascar, but first we must go back to the beginning of time 2005 with you in 2005 I saw two different films and cinemas that deal with the same level of quality Star Wars Episode Three Revenge of the Sith and Madagascar I can't really decide which is better, both aren't very good but I also liked them despite their huge notable flaws, let's talk about Madagascar and not fanning The flames of our prequel memes slash continue Madagascar is a blatantly plotless film, the first 20 minutes or so are pretty good, at least once you get past the exceptionally unappealing animation.
I think I'm one of the few people who actually likes the character designs. They're different and great for comedic effect, but the way these animals are portrayed is a little nauseating. Honestly, this whole situation with Marty running away from home and being chased and the penguins being ratted out, guys, it's pretty funny. so. we get to the titular island nation and since the movie has virtually no goal from here on out, the lemur leader, King Julien, wants to use them to scare off his evil predator, the fusa, but then the movie forgets about that because Alex and Marty are angry with then they get over it and become friends again, but now the movie is about Alex being really hungry and trying to eat Marty, wait, huh.
I thought the movie was about Marty not wanting to be locked up in the zoo he's supposed to be at. main character, this is his fight but then they leave it in favor of Alex going feral and everyone dealing with the repercussions of that, they also make a lot of forced jokes about pop culture and this is the part where I take my switch and start playing. Fire Emblem because I lost interest, but then I remember that it is my duty to pay attention to the film so as not to desecrate the integrity of a video that is intended to be a serious dissection of the Madagascar trilogy, as if there were any video at all.
I really want to take it seriously, this is the main one, this is the most important dissertation of my life, the cultural meaning of these films is infinitely unquantifiable and expressing such thesis remains the most impactful task of my existence as a living creature on the planet Earth, so yeah, watch the rest of the movie and it's okay, it's held together purely by the comedy, which is actually a little strong, the use of what a wonderful world is particularly inspired by that tranquilizer trip scene that It was the most fun thing in the world for me as a kid. and it's probably still on my list of the 50 funniest things as an adult, same with iced tea with honey and sugar, although that joke slipped my mind as a kid.
I just liked it because the funny zebras said something random, the main actors have great delivery and sometimes one or two strong lines the penguins are amazing obviously and that's it, there's not much to say about this movie when I was a kid. I loved it and watched it again and again, so I think nostalgia has something to do with my current one. I enjoy it mildly, it's also legitimately funny at times, but it's not really that good, this franchise didn't really have anywhere to go, but thankfully that's what they did. The escape from Madagascar to Africa is surprisingly good.
I'm not kidding, yeah, you know what you were getting. When you clicked on this video, now you'll see it, look me in the eyes and tell me this movie isn't absolutely hysterical, look, this isn't a perfect sequel in the same sense as Shrek 2 or Kung Fu Panda 2 or Dragon Tales: It doesn't really change the trajectory of this franchise or leave any kind of undeniable impact. It's not the most emotional thing in the world. What it is, however, is a charming, incredibly joyous farce. This is a farce of a movie. I think that becomes evident with the introduction of the villain.
Look how blatantly obvious he makes his own evilness. I'm prettier, I have better hair, I'm deceptively smart, and I want everyone else to do what I say. I've never registered him as a villain who should be taken seriously. I realize that this Alec Baldwin lion, like the rest of the movie, is meant to be taken as a joke. This movie is an endless stream of jokes and they just work for me. the style of humor has been completely revamped from the first movie instead of constant pop culture references and not much else, this movie has a lot of legit funny exchanges that don't rely on pop culture as a crutch and to the credit of this movie It's legit.
The film actually has a consistent narrative and gives its characters things to do. In the first film, no one has explicit relevance to the plot except Alex Marty and the Penguins. Briefly, you could remove the rest of this group of Jokers from the movie with some modifications. and I mean you could do the same thing here with Gloria Melman, but the difference is that these two have actual plots this time instead of just hanging out like they did in the first movie, they have a surprisingly fun love triangle with delicious trash . shake the modem Odin watch this snack emerge from the water while this iconic theme plays throughout the savannah in every frame of the painting, in fact, but then it turns out that moto moto is a stupid, boring, shallow head who only likes Gloria because she's stupid, so Melman comes in and tells her. he what is wise mr. moto, you better treat this lady like a queen, it's really pathetic but also surprisingly sweet and endearing, like you can tell she's really trying.
I'm not talking about Melman, by the way, I'm talking about Etan Cohen, one of the on-screen reminders of In this movie is like they were taking these ridiculous characters in this ridiculous setting in this ridiculous franchise and giving them things like real emotional things. and while it's not surprising, I don't know, I really like it because they're trying. and the fact that it makes me feel even a little bit and at the same time just draws me in with the absurdity of the setting is honestly really admirable. It is neither a subversive masterpiece nor a surprisingly spectacular film.
It's just a really strong comedy that also ties into the The first movie is great, that's right, it's time to talk about the Madagascar trilogy. It has no themes. I think it's a pretty uncontroversial statement, but it has just as poor a narrative as the first film, but you know what this film does. focuses on what the first one established, there are some throwaway lines about Marty not knowing he's white with black stripes or black with white stripes and then in the sequel, when Alex finds Marty among this crowd of identical zebras, he tells him that these guys are white with black stripes you're black with white stripes they didn't have to put that in but they did, they actually cared to follow the journeys of these characters look at Alex in the prologue trapped in a box adrift at sea using the same visuals as the first movie which is so great there's a throwaway line in the first movie where Melman thinks he's dying because he finds a brown spot on his body and in this movie that's a legit plot point oh wow but unfortunately I must be totally fair and address continuity. mistakes present in Madagascar escape to Africa I guess this is my life now number one Marty says in the prologue that he wants to go to Connecticut but in the first movie he doesn't find out about Connecticut until the night he leaves the zoo ding alex has a birthmark shaped like Africa on his Paul that wasn't there at all in the first movie, should he put it on his foot?
Alex knows it's Marty because of the bite mark on his butt, but the butt mark can't be seen in most of the shots in this movie until the end sound good, I'm glad it's over in terms of things that aren't I care. I admit that Marty's plot about feeling the same as every other zebra has no payoff and yeah, no, that's it, that's all I don't do. It's not like everyone has something to do and I find it fun. Alex disappointed his father after being tricked by the Lion Alec Baldwin. Melman is now a witch doctor who believes he is going to die.
The penguins and chimpanzees are rebuilding the plane and arguing about it. union disputes and all that King Julian organizes a volcanic sacrifice to restore the watering hole to his former glory. Mort is stranded and being chased by a shark and that old lady from that scene in the first movie is organizing a colony of stranded New Yorkers that everyone has. There's something going on and the jokes keep the plot entertaining throughout the drama, not surprising, but the quirky tone means that none of it should be taken too seriously and, like great film sequels, all of these lines arguments converge. grand finale no, the ending of two in two is not as good no, nothing will be as good as the ending of Shrek 2, but this climactic conclusion is iconic in its own right first, the setup is nice where the null glorious peaks mean sacrifice of volcano, the chimpanzees blackmail the penguins Alec saves his father through the power of musical theater and yes, it's a good thing, but Nana didn't like it, so the penguins come to rescue Alex and his father with the plane , but due to a lack of communication they decide to remove the dam instead of escaping, so they put on Barry Manilow and face Nana and her damn in an epic confrontation, it is intensely hysterical and practically the


scene in the entire trilogy and after that Nana defeats the embarrassing lion Alec Baldwin, that's pretty much the end, so yeah, I don't.
I have some deep analysis on how skillfully this movie is constructed. It's just a comedy that I really like. It takes the few elements of the first film that worked and expands on them immensely, making for an incredibly fun viewing experience. Everyone has something to do in everything. There the sex is fun, the humor is great, the energy is kept at a constantly high level. I enjoy music. They could have stopped trying so


considering they were making a sequel to a movie that pretty much didn't try at all, but instead. They made a crazy and entertaining adventure that feels like it had a lot ofreverence for the franchise as a whole, oddly enough.
I hated this movie as a kid, but I actually really liked it, now I figure it's a shame they couldn't keep it. This Madagascar 3 push is the worst. I know a lot of people generally like this one, but I respectfully disagree in the slightest. This one is boring and aimless like the first one, but it doesn't even have the courtesy of. Funny enough, this time the gang gets tired of waiting in Africa, so they snorkel all the way to Europe, even though in the first movie Alex says he doesn't know how to swim. I promise I'm not as interested in the history of Madagascar as this video makes me seem.
I'm just doing my job here guys, so you get chased by this police captain who was actually pretty funny and nice. I'll give the movie that I also love this car chase scene, it's really funny and hysterical, very much in line with the tone of the second movie, be cool, official, is there a problem? Hey, and honestly, I really like the conclusion they come to when they come back to New York and realize that their lives are a lot more interesting now and that going back to the zoo would just feel kind of bad, it's a nice ending.
I still don't like the movie. None of the original cast has anything to do this time, except Alex, who organizes the whole circus. I guess Marty Melman Gloria, the penguins, the lemurs, they're all just nice. just hanging out, I mean, King Julien has this subplot where he has an abusive relationship with a bear, no thanks, I don't really have much to say about this movie, I just don't like it, it's not funny, no It's entertaining, it's not. The convincing circus performance is visually quite neat, but it's all ruined for me by the inexplicable musical choice that doesn't fit.
Katy Perry's Firework is so overplayed even in 2012 and clashes so much with the tone of these movies that there's a lot of attention focused on these new characters in the circus, but I don't find them very interesting. Sorry, they tried that with this tiger and his story about not being able to fit into smaller and smaller holes. I'll give it to them but I really didn't try to make anyone else attractive or entertaining except the villain, like I said the whole plot of using the circus to get back to America is really contrived and pointless since they could have used the money who used to buy the circus to fly back. house, what they literally say in the movie, I don't even know why we bought a circus in the first place, we had enough money for a play that is not pretty, I'm sorry, the jokes get on my nerves too, remember the Afro circus, reminiscent of the opera scene with the villains that feels like a certain lighting sequence, reminiscent of when a little boy gets trapped in an elephant's anus, something that is never addressed again.
I don't like that this movie feels more childish and juvenile than the other two or even the rest. from the DreamWorks catalog, it feels like they watched Despicable Me and said, hey, let's be like this, but worse, it barely has any connective tissue with the first two films, it's just the circus movie with the Madagascar characters copied and pasted . up until, like I said, the end when they return home. Don't know. I guess I can understand why people like this one better. He has his own unique pace and energy, but for me he just dropped the ball by not utilizing him. most of its characters lose the clever wit of the first two films, especially the second, and generally just don't take the story in a satisfying direction.
It certainly has a good series conclusion, but for the most part it's a mess, and it's not a very entertaining mess. I like the first movie and I usually don't like to talk about spin-offs in the same breath as the original series, as I like to consider them their own thing, but I suppose I could also talk about the movie The Penguins of Madagascar, okay, better. that the third movie I like the Uncharted 3 sequence the villain is funny basically this movie has minions yes the people who made minions really gave it a 6 x 10 the show is better if there is something to take away from this video it is that IIIi no Actually , I know what the point of this was.
I just needed a light-hearted game from DreamWorks since Shrek 4 has a lot to unravel. The bottom line is that Madagascar is strange, it is a strange series compared to all the other Dreamers franchises that had consistent themes and emotional stories. Madagascar. It feels comparatively enlightened in its tone and approach to storytelling, but I think it's much better than most of what they put out. It told a story with a natural beginning, middle and end, even if the steps it took along the way are something like that. stupid and not well thought out, but the fast-paced humor and charming side characters are wonderful and give this series a unique edge.
I only have good memories of the first movie, even though it's not that good. I respect the third movie for bringing the series to a natural conclusion, even if I think it's actually pretty bad, but then there's the second movie which I thought was an incredible fast-paced, witty comedy, the pacing, the writing, the visuals, the music. , everything came together for this. brief moment in time and it made something really entertaining even if technically yes it's not a strong dramatic picture like these other dreamers parts but I don't care I think this movie is great and you guys can't stop me so there Currently It's on Netflix as I record this, so check it out before they remove it like they removed Phineas and Ferb and the Clone Wars.
I mean, come on, wait until Disney finishes anyway. That's it, I guess there are no more DreamWorks movies. I really want to talk about it, so there's no reason not to finally talk about Shrek Forever after waiting a minute because the coverage exists. I need to talk about that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, more, delay, the, shrek 4 video, on this channel, okay, I already finished the script of Shrek 4 since I recorded this will be out soon as long as someone doesn't try to hack my account and steal it.
Oh god, the penguins hacked all my accounts and stole all my personal data. I probably should have. I used different passwords, but trying to remember several of them is too difficult. I just changed one of the letters at the end and hope no one notices and curses that it was my downfall because the penguins discovered my ruse and hijacked my shipment of Tama Toa Plush Toys if only I had some kind of device that could keep track of all my passwords and protect my online browsing data. Oh wait. Lane exists. Lane is a fantastic service with a ton of amazing apps that can automatically fill in your personal information, like addresses. credit cards and passwords, making online payments a breeze.
Say goodbye, that's super annoying. Forgotten password button forever. Plus, passwords can be accessed on multiple devices so you don't have to worry about re-entering them on your phone or anything else. They offer a VPN so you can't be tracked when you surf the web, meaning those pesky penguins will never get your information. You can also access Internet content in any country, so whether you're in New York, Madagascar, Africa or Europe, you can enjoy the


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