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Why LAZY People Get Promoted AND YOU DON'T

May 08, 2024
You hate


Chad. I hate


Chad. It doesn't do anything... But it keeps ascending. That's because Chad is right. No, don't be lazy. That's not what we're here for. But he does know three secrets to professional success that accelerate his career while you do all the work. And today, I'm spilling the tea on exactly what those secrets are. If you're ready to listen to them, tap the Like button and let's get right into it. The first secret that the laziest coworker knows to get ahead is that he needs to do very visible work. Unlike a lot of work.
why lazy people get promoted and you don t
We talked about this in another video, but this whole thing of working hard and working all hours to get ahead just doesn't work. And if it worked, how can we explain why so many lazy coworkers get ahead and get Slacker Chad


? And you tell him, all of his work and all of his hours actually go into making you look good. We already know that lazy Chad doesn't work much. He may be present... But he's not actually voting. We all know that the lazy coworkers we deal with don't actually get much work done, but they get a lot of attention for the things they do.
why lazy people get promoted and you don t

More Interesting Facts About,

why lazy people get promoted and you don t...

And that's because they're doing one of two things, or possibly both. First, they are making the work more visible. And they are completely focused on the work that matters to their boss. What does your boss's boss care about? The CEO has that as a priority, because when you work on very visible, very important and highly strategic tasks,


can't help but notice when you make a difference, so while you work 60 to 80 hours a week excelling too much at everything and no one really notices, Slacker Chad is barely living up to expectations on all of those things.
why lazy people get promoted and you don t
But he's doing things that


will notice very, very well. The other tactic that lazy coworkers use to get ahead that we really need to steal is to make that work more visible. They are actively bragging about the great work they are doing. Even if it's not a lot of work. You see, Slacker Chad knows that he sees a small measure of the impact, but his boss will know. And his boss's boss will probably notice, however, he'll also amplify it by making sure to talk about it all the time. And I know that kind of ruthless self-promotion isn't for most people.
why lazy people get promoted and you don t
For my part, I know it's not for me. And it makes me want to vomit in my mouth. But that doesn't mean you can't self-promote, which actually brings me to the next secret Slacker Chad knows to get ahead at work. And he has built a solid personal brand, as I talked about in my office politics video: the work you do matters much less than what people think of you. You won't get a promotion if you are known for being the hardest worker. They will promote you. If you are known for having the highest level of potential.
You won't get


for being exceptional at your job. In fact, being exceptional at your current job could be the reason you don't get promoted. But I can make a completely different video about that one. But you will be promoted for your leadership skills, which include delegation... i.e. handing off your work to other people, your lazy coworker will be promoted because those traits that will help you get promoted are the same traits that they exhibit. Now, the other thing that Slacker Chad does is that he owns everything that he does. And something else. We know Chad has some trouble taking credit for work he had absolutely nothing to do with.
And you shouldn't be that person. But the other day I posted a video to encourage you to own the work you actually do, because you shouldn't give Chad credit for marketing himself. When you do great work except praise for it. But most importantly, when it comes to personal branding, what Chad does best is promote himself. So if you've been thinking that personal branding is only for attention-seeking executives and overly ambitious types, you're wrong, my friends, and no, you don't have to become a big influencer or speak on stages at conferences in order to build a personal brand.
In fact, there are very basic things you can do to start building your personal brand. And I want you to do that. So, my next video will dive into the four simple steps it takes to build an incredible personal brand that will advance his career and leave Slacker Chad in the dust. So if you're interested in that one, make sure you're subscribed with a notification bell to watch it as soon as it comes out. And that brings me to the third secret to career success that Slacker Chad knows and that you can take advantage of. And that's so the right people will adore you.
And we talked about this in my 5 Villains at Work video. First of all, everyone knows Chad, your boss, his boss, your boss's boss, but they don't know Chad just because he's so good at promoting himself. And he's working on the right things that we just talked about. The thing is, everyone who knows Chad, loves Chad. Never mind that the practicality is that Chad doesn't really do anything, that his work is mediocre at best, and that he seems to completely lack common sense. and self-awareness. Chad has connected with the right people and made the right impression. And most importantly, he makes everyone who matters like him.
And the good news for you is that that step is actually very simple. Being liked at work is actually a science. And while I don't think everyone has to like you, the people who make decisions about your career need to. So what I want you to do now is watch this video so you can instantly start increasing your likability at work. But before you go, if you liked this video, give it a like. It really helps my channel make you my favorite professional best friend, a win-win situation. As always, my friend, thank you very much for watching.
See you in the next video. Goodbye for now.

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