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why is EVERYONE in black people's business???

Jun 02, 2021
Security, can you escort this lady here? Hello


, welcome back to my channel. My name is Amanda. This is her first time here. Welcome to my beauty entertainment channel. Wow, if you want to follow me on social media, here are my Twitter and Instagram. Have fun, have fun, yeah, so while you're here you can check out some of my recent videos. Last week I posted a video talking about what it was called, why influencers no longer wanted to influence, and it was related to them. corona parties in los angeles which are skyrocketing with cases right now but you knew you and I know but they didn't know so that's what I did last week and before that I posted a video talking about um jeffree star being a loser you know that whatever show and before that I posted a video talking about how


women's pain is marketable and that's why it was so easy for you guys to make so many jokes about Megan and Sally and get shot. made up and whatever, that's not what this video is about, so yeah, just so you know they're posted, that's how I study, so if that bothers you, I won't delete them, it's a lot of fun, so, what? what happened?
why is everyone in black people s business
I have to do this again. In fact, I don't think I've ever made a video about this before, but it seems like


can't stay in the


that pays them, the green bean casserole


, the hunting business, the what else business, the If you don't season your food, why can't you exploit the business that pays you? for some reason when we know we're going to talk about why you don't care about the business that pays you, you're not interesting anyway so when we talk about um no


. People in black businesses we're talking about a lot of different things, from


trying to maintain things about black culture when they're melanin deficient like they're dairy monkeys and you're trying to maintain black culture, that's weird, um.
why is everyone in black people s business

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why is everyone in black people s business...

We also talked about his problems with black aromas. We love a good black ticking scent. Another example. What else do we have? We also activate activists on social networks. I'm being exposed for being racist left and right. So we're going to have all of those things in this video because they all happened last week and I didn't make a video for each of them, so I'm going to put them all together for the last week. more or less, now we have had multiple ticks. I don't know the word, it's not exposed, but basically because I'm not on tick tock that often, so people the only time I see tick tock when they bring it to Twitter and they're either funny or they're horribly offensive, stop bringing a um tick tock horribly offensive to Twitter.
why is everyone in black people s business
Twitter is my happy place so please keep the racism on the tick tock, take the racist tick tocks on the tick tock, whatever so I made a video for I spoke a while ago and I may have talked about this earlier in that video, but I don't remember it, so the black smell on the tic tac is something that really disturbs my soul. You know, it just came out a couple of days ago and two of the biggest ones. Um, the white stars on tick tac make like four or five million dollars a year and then there are the black stars who start the real trends who start the real movements by asking for a scrap of money or having to work for commitment, like that. that that is not relevant.
why is everyone in black people s business
I just want to make it clear why you might be confused, why people are angry about this, because there are multiple reasons why you also shouldn't tell people in the offended group what they can't or won't be angry about. that's it, stop getting out of our business, get out of our business, think in your own sense, any sense so black, it's now marketable and acceptable to


except the people who actually talk like that because that's what's happening, why is there nothing interesting about you, this is where it comes down to why you don't use creativity you are conquerors you are modern colonizers you were colonizing something you don't understand why you steal so much so is this I know it's a spirit from your ancestors but why do they steal so much?
Well, I am what I am, there's nothing, there's nothing about, of course, there's nothing about you that would be interesting enough to make a tick-tock race about, that you don't have, there's nothing you have to do , the black smell because there's nothing that's interesting about you, it's very, it's a little sad, but it's not because you're still making all this money, it's because you clearly have nothing going for you, so you decide that you need to put on a black smell when you're not black and you make it your whole tic tac personality, that's why you're not, that's why I think you didn't even bother to show your true personality, which doesn't exist for your audience because there's nothing there, no there is nothing. there, so you decide to co-opt other cultures just like your dried pasta self normally does so you can become interesting to your audience again and I say, because there are white girls who have personalities, but you guys can't even. achieve that most of the time i think if we can go on tangents to emma chamberlain i like emma chamberlain um i don't really understand how people don't like her for no reason but i guess everyone saw how the girls followed her that's how it was two years ago years two years ago it was like let's go ahead and become emma chamberlain literally let's steal everything but let's steal her personality, let's steal her jokes, let's steal the way she edits because we have nothing, there's nothing interesting about me, so like there's nothing interesting about me and I don't want to have to develop a personality because that's what human beings do, now I'm going to steal someone else's because I don't have creativity and I'm a conqueror, that's what's happening now and now we're in a different place and I think the best thing that girl did was distance herself from everyone else there because this was two years ago.
I might misunderstand this if some of her weren't old friends of hers. It is considered racist. See thieves. Why are you stealing? Getting back to the point. Now you look like tick. um, this was the most jarring thing I've ever seen. We are making products based on African American vernacular phrases in English and creating stickers and hoodies with their distinctive phrases. How are you selling products with your signature phrases that you never even thought of? You are a thief, you are, you are. a thief, it doesn't even make any sense now you're selling products with black vernacular and you're caucasian or you're just not black, you were just because all the colored people, you all do it too, you're not Don't worry about the business that pays you and we'll all be fine, but no one can undermine the business that pays them because that doesn't pay the bills, right?
You're plagiarizing, that's just how I am, that's when I saw it. that merchandise sells, I'm like you're literally plagiarizing, you'd get expelled from a university if you plagiarize someone else's work, someone else's personality into yours, you'd be expelled, but it's almost encouraging to tick because there's nothing more than you. brings to the table so how else can people grow your tick-tock fame without stealing black people's personalities, how else are you going to do that? I'm curious, that happened a couple of weeks ago and what I just saw this morning was um Frankly, this girl was in her tic toc, I don't know if she's actually famous or not, I don't know, but she was in her tic toc telling the world that shame brings her back, telling the world that she thought wu chow meant woo.
Chili likes chili, so not only were you comfortable enough to steal and she was talking to a black seal the whole time while explaining that she didn't know what wu chow meant, she was talking into a box the whole time. time, so you just had something and you didn't even know what it means. See how you are? See how you just proved that almost everyone says you're taking something you don't even know what it means? co-opting it as your own and now it's like we were supposed to be okay with it and you and you just publicly admitted that you didn't know what it meant and you were laughing about it, you thought I thought you all You were talking about chili peppers and all your friends thought you were talking about chili peppers, so you don't have black friends, so now we're poking holes in the argument that that's how I talk, because if that's how you talked. you wouldn't think that wu chao means wu chile chili pepper you wouldn't think you wouldn't think that and also a hole was torn in the second argument of I grew up around black people that's why I talk like that where are they and that whole argument has never made any sense to me because black people grow up in other cultures and we don't talk like them you are what you grew up with that doesn't make any sense that's not like that It never made any sense to me and it's a very easy argument to find holes in because if I force you to apologize for wearing a scent black the black side will disappear so it's not part of your natural personality if it can disappear in an apology video it wasn't it wasn't part of your personality to begin with that happened a few weeks ago and then miss kombucha decides to do his tick tock and give a whole speech explaining to me the black explaining what radical African American English is um yeah to me so this is the definition of being in black affairs um we're seeing this a lot um a lot, a lot with the self-proclaimed Black allies, we're saying that They say they're doing all this for us, but you're not, we know it's not us, so we know it's not true.
None of us are stupid. You are making the self-proclaimed alliance to get ahead. and get your woke points because that's something that's commodified between you, not me, not me, and like, guys, did you see this, um, this was like three weeks ago. I'm late to all this, but this girl posted a tick. talking about medical racism and in relation to kidney transplants and then the girl's ex-partner's date tweeted a video of the ticking saying she threatened to call the police and said some incredibly anti-black people had filled it out during the last year so I found the floor when I saw that I felt like I'm not I'm not really I'm not kidding I was floored I said it was so interesting how all of a sudden she changed and became and she he was saying it's very It's interesting how the same person who threatened to call the police on me and said who do you think will believe me or you, suddenly changed and became the mouthpiece for racism and this creates problems that both situations bring. problems only with white allies in general or with non-black allies in general um problem, I said problem, your part matters, the business that pays you matters, this is the problem, you all are so nosy, that's all, you are doing so much, but nothing on the Exactly the same time, so you're constantly on black issues telling us what we should find offensive, what we shouldn't find offensive, sending black creators racist after racist, degrading things, thinking where are you attacking the dogs to attack the person you know personally. never does any Do you think black people creators like to see racist things?
I'm, this is where this is like this is a side note. Do you think we enjoyed watching? So, that's why we have to stop bringing racist tics. Twitter, stop, keep it ticking, report it and move on. Do you think we enjoy you sending us every racist thing you've ever seen in your entire life? No breaking news I didn't think this would be breaking news but no one likes that we're not your attack dogs talk to them personally if you know them that's what it was never just a side note because This is where we get into what's actually an app, what's inside because everyone's an ally or whatever, because you're willing to fight for us, right, and when I say fight, I mean publish like a story of Instagram edited by Canva about microaggressions and moving forward with your day so you feel comfortable doing it right and that allows you to believe because Did no one tell you this?
This leads you to believe that you now feel comfortable enough to get involved in black issues because you want us to be treated like humans. You think this is an invitation to take a seat at the table that I don't. I don't know who told you that, no one told you that this is a sense of entitlement. Now you have the right to someone else's culture because you think being treated like human beings is so strange. You are so strange. You are so strange. This is the weird thing because it's so funny how every other day how is this how every other day a self-proclaimed activist a self-proclaimed white ally gets exposed for being racist and it's like why were so many of you racists and This is my thing, I'm not saying that people can't change, I'm not really saying that, before that comment comes, I'm not saying that people can't change, I'm just saying that it took you 23 years to realize that I shouldn't be racist because because there was a tweet, this was a while ago.
I'm very late with all these things that we're going to tweet a long time ago. I tweeted about this when this actually happened. This girl said, "Yes, it was." anti-black until, like last year, my parents taught me to hate black people. I hated black people my entire Why are you sharing this? Why are you sharing this? What do you have to do in the UK? It really took you 23 years to realize that's what racism was. It took you 23 24 I don't care, so two decades to realize that. racism is bad now, what are you doing after you realize racism was bad?
Six months ago, now you're building a huge massive platform faster than any black person would say the same thing that you're saying because you're just going back to the plate of stealing, you're just stealing what black people say and you're saying it out of the blue. Likewise, you're plagiarizing, you're regurgitating that video of the girl doing the medical racism tick tock, she copied word for word a real Instagram post, people who have I've done research on it Have you had everything stolen from you? Why don't you bring anything to the table besides the energy of the conqueror?
You see how I am, I'm worried. Whatever you're regurgitating because you're a thief, you're a thief, then. Now you can build a new career caring about black people, even though you were being racist to every black person you knew up until a couple of months ago, who makes sense to who makes sense to? And again, I really want to emphasize, I'm not saying that people can't change, I just think it's super interesting that everyone who is now a self-proclaimed ally wasn't doing any of this until six months ago because now what's happened in the last two For months now, it has been in the interest of white people to worry about black people.
We have seen this with your paintings. We saw a strip of small black squares. You didn't post it, you didn't do any of that because you wanted to show that you really liked it. black people, you were doing it to prove to everyone else that you weren't racist, but you don't really care about the issues because you haven't done anything in your real life to make changes that you can actually make because "I've changed, so these people have grown up." and changed, but they're still friends with their horribly racist friends, which makes you racist by association, which makes you racist, you still talk to relate to racist people, but I'm supposed to believe you have a change, you keep saying clever and now you act like a revealer be your keeper of African American vernacular English, but you've changed, no, no, I don't expect him to think that you think I'm dumb, you don't even change anything, nothing about your life is that you're exactly the same person in. right now you're making five million dollars on tick tock for being down with the black no, no, a lot of these like it's um, it's on tick tock and Twitter has taken this I'm down to fight black power, all that personality, There's nothing else there, you're not interesting so I'm on the front lines of the Black Lives Matter movement because I put Black Lives Matter in my tick tock bio, give me a break.
Give me a break, but when you or your friends are called out for doing racist things, you're suddenly overreacting, so who are you fighting for? I'm confused, what life are you fighting for? It's not mine. You're fighting for your own life, earning your own wokity awakening points that black people don't give you, it's your white peers that pass vocatives in voices and points, so let's get back to what I was talking about, um, let's get back to miss brittany so she basically this is what she said i think she posted an apology um saying i was speaking out of context but this is what you said she said there's a d whoa she said there's a difference between hooves there's a difference between a creator she is In her tic tac, she was telling her followers that there is a difference between a creator using African American English and simply speaking in the cultural language of Stan Twitter, so this is where we have to take a step back.
I don't understand why you post that. How do I know that everything I said before and that she said before about herself was a made up lie? Do you know why you follow black people? Do you listen to anything black people have ever said in their life because Twitter has had the discussion about multiple viral arguments? white cr about white creators profiting from black culture while black creatives get absolutely nothing in return how black people are how white people are now using right african american vernacular english and black binocular english and getting more money from This, the discussion has happened on Twitter before and the discussion has occurred about why it is wrong to say that, let's say that African American vernacular culture of Twitter, that discussion has been had on Twitter several times virally each time, so this tells me It leads one to believe that you don't follow black people. you don't listen to black people's posts, which leads me to believe that you don't actively follow, listen to, or pay attention to what black people say because if you are a self-proclaimed ally like you claim to be, you never would have.
First of all, you would never have filmed a response to that little comment, but you certainly wouldn't have posted it if you had actually listened to what you said, what you said, this is where, oh, I swear I shouldn't look this up, I swear. just a few weeks before this, miss brittany herself tweeted about white people staying out of black people's affairs, i swear to god she tweeted that she said white people have to listen to what black people tell us is offensive and then you go and do this, who? Did you tweet that because you're not following your own rules?
You're not following the rules you set for yourself on Twitter. So who did you post that? For whom? What was the point of posting that? Was it really to educate other Caucasian white people on what to say about their business or was it just because you said oh it's going to go viral so let's see which one it was? I know which one it was. Do you know which one it was because I know? I like it a lot, so are you in the front? So are you really an ally? Are you really on the front line of something?
Because you've never seen that conversation before. You've never seen black people talk about calling everyone. of our culture, stan twitter's language is racist, you've never seen that conversation before, so who are you listening to? Who are you an ally to? If you haven't heard that discussion before, that doesn't make sense to me. you yourself, you immersed yourself in all of this, I didn't, I didn't do that because if you were a self-proclaimed ally like you said you are, black lives matter in your bio, you would have seen this discussion before and you would have never done it.
Have you ever posted that video and you wouldn't be here. You see what being stupid and still being performative does to you. It makes you look like a fool. It makes you look really, really, really stupid at this point, so it's like you set it up. prepare yourself like you really prepare yourself with this, and it's the fact that she felt comfortable saying that because it's a common belief that a lot of people believe that a lot of the phrases that come from African American Exact English are Stan Twitter Culture and the Language from Stanford, a lot of people believe that a lot of people believe that's why all these job counts are run by Caucasians, period, he says it's on point, the fleet, the way it eats, it's malfunctioning because they're trying hard. a lot. being black on twitter you sound really f you sound really stupid i can't express enough what you are you don't talk like that in real life that's why you sound stupid where's the shame?
I really don't understand I'm like you Are you straining your voice? Are you ruining the meat sack between your ears to sound a way you don't sound in person? sitting there talking what you're about to tweet and you don't sound like that, you're adding bits like parsley into your tweets to make it sound like what sound like what because you don't see you don't sound like that in real life why don't you talk? Why don't you write like you speak? Well, I saw other fans talking. They were probably black. Do you realize that black people actually talk the way you write? we actually talk that way we actually talk like that in real life that's why we have a disconnect that's why we have a disconnect because you had no idea you had no idea you put up this fake person again there are no personalities to get your followers and Your clicks and your likes basically short circuit behind your screen because you don't speak that in real life, so you're straining, you're straining every bit of energy you have to fake this identity, I forgot my cloud painting, oh well, I'm taking myself and saying: Really?
This is also just a feeling of being a little stupid. Do you really think a white person made up any of these phrases? You can't think, do you really think a white girl made up any of these phrases? these phrases you're using how creatively do you really think a white person invented all these things, you don't believe it, and the crazy stuff when Britney's video was talking like she was the example of her, the example of her to differentiate vernacular English Afro-American. and stan's twitter language was nicki minaj saying woo chow anyway that's how you know what you're dense you're dense you're bag of rocks den oh your example for stan's twitter language is nicki minaj saying rule boy and you, oh so what The thought process was that Nicki Minaj invented this new way of speaking and that's why she decided to like Stan.
It couldn't be possible that Nicki Minaj actually spoke like that. It couldn't be possible that black people have been saying ciao for decades forever, it couldn't be possible, no, that really was the funniest part of that whole video was that she used Nicki Minaj's wu chow anyway as her example of what is different between Stan Twitter's language and African American National English. Funny that was the funny part of the whole video and I thought no one talked about this and I thought I think I tweeted about I don't remember because I'm like you stole yourself Britney Steel girl what was it?
Just a few weeks before this you posted a series of tweets, this was also strange and why people were saying girl you've been doing bad things for some time while you posted a series of tweets sucking a white man's gastric juice for caring for the blacks. People who were like that at this point, what do you want me to do? it's not really me it's you acting like a fool on the internet it's not my fault anymore it was never my fault but you can't be mad at anyone else if it wasn't for his own actions his name is like Elijah something he praises to this white man for caring so much about black people, like four tweets that talk about how we should all pay our respects and our debts to him.
I don't think his name is Elijah. Elijah, you've talked a lot about the importance of black lives in the last few weeks, we've all had it, we should give you props for what I'm giving you, I'm giving props to a white man so no, no, like Uh, this is my thing. This is where we see the fact that you would open your phone, film it and upload it if you probably presented me with a quick little edit there responding to this comment acting like I was the tollbooth person in African American vertical English. very jarring to me do we need to mention how they like most tech relies on their appropriation of black english to fuel their careers because we can we can have most of these non-blacks because it's not except they make these little solidarity nonsense?
Okay, you use African American English like it's your job, that's why you're pulling out all the excuses, that's why you're pulling out all the excuses in the book, because you know why it's selling, you know it's selling well, you know that's why. companies come to you for sponsorships and it won't be black creators who propose these trends, those who propose these phrases, no, they don't come to them, they come to you, you know you know they just don't care, they don't go to black people that create trends that have personalities that can really sell something, bring them to the table, no, they come to you, bread, that's what happens, you don't bring anything to the table, that's why you need to steal and steal. you're not interesting you have a joke and you realize it well this joke can't last more than six months because if you're caucasian a joke lacks what lasts you about six months you say well, I'm not interesting so let me find one black person who just copies you so they can make a career in tick-tock.
We found a black person to copy the way he talks and the way he acts because I don't contribute anything because I'm boring. because I'm boring now we have Stan accounts run by white people who talk about wu chow anyway boo boo period that's in pure soul she's going to eat she's going to eat crazy you sound crazy you sound like I'm like that I'm not and they always like this that's why we come with the excuses this is just the way I talk so we know it's a lie I don't understand what's the point of lying if it's so obvious it's a lie you don't talk like that that's why like I said before when the apology has to come for speaking in black and the black smell is nowhere to be found that's how we know you don't talk like that you proved the point the apo is like it's literally a clock the apology will come out and the black sun is gone , the butt has disappeared from the face of the planet because you don't talk like that, so why were you acting like that on the Internet, where is your real personality, nothing, nothing, and it's like this, when this happened on Twitter, it was trending, when Britney Kombucha , the girl, whenhe talked, when he liked it, he posted all this, it was trending on Twitter and people who weren't black were saying so well that we don't like to talk.
Now and I say, this is your whole personality, you didn't know it came from black people. Do you see how much colonizing energy you are exuding right now? This has become your entire personality and you didn't even know what. of these words meant that you felt so comfortable just having something and you didn't even know what it meant, I didn't, I didn't do any of this, you felt like you saw a phrase, you are like that, that sounds great, you didn't know what it means, but you took it anyway and it's become your whole personality trait, that's why everyone gets so angry and angry when we say stop talking like that because there's nothing else they have, there's nothing else they have .
I've been taking so much away from black culture that you don't even realize it's not even you anymore you're not aware of it anymore it doesn't make sense you're not even aware of what's going on because you're so used to stealing instead of coming up with new ideas because there isn't any, and it's like people are saying please don't do this, people are creating threads that explain African American English to white people, no. do that, let them stay in the dark, cool, but that's not your fault, just don't do that and now, people, not my people, are angry because they can't act as different as possible on the internet, bring on, find something like you. you think it's interesting and that's what you can bring to the internet about something about yourself and it's coming from yourself, not some fabricated person based on stealing other black people's people, it's very strange and arena culture is a completely different can of worms.
I'll get into this one of these days, but it's like a black person telling you this is, I'm like why would you post that? That just completely refuted your idea that I'm a white ally. I listen to what black people say. I have to say that if a black person tells you that you're too into black business, take a step back and think about why they might be saying that, why might they be saying that I'm too into black business , probably yes? take a step back take a step back stop inserting yourself into conversations now you act as the gatekeeper of what is Stan Twitter language and what is African American you look very, very stupid right now you look so dumb now you look so dumb now it's really concerning at this point and that's why we have white fools making five million dollars a year recreating and ripping off black creators who get paid for exposure, you'll get exposure, so that's your compensation, it's exposure, that It's what happens, don't do it. dense okay so those were examples one and two of white people not black in black affairs now on to example number three dumb and dumb squared oh my god james charles the idiot sorry guys the idiot decided to be an idiot again and this is not my fault this is not my fault i didn't make him say any of this i didn't make manny say any of this anyway this is what happens when you talk loudly and you're wrong very, very often Then it was announced that Alicia Keys was going to see the launch of a beauty brand and beauty tweeter like Blue Beauty Twitter freaked out because a couple of years ago at least I don't know how long Alicia Keys has been basically he said no.
I don't wear makeup anymore, I think this was two years ago, three years ago, so people were dragging Alicia Keys because she was like, why would you do a makeup brand? Which is a fair assumption, a lot of people did things like that beauty brand. she equalized the makeup brand even though it's a skincare brand and people were like how are you going to denounce makeup and then make a makeup brand okay? That's fair, it's fair to say, so yeah, another celebrity starting a beauty brand, the beauty community has had discussions like around the topic of celebrities just getting into the makeup world to make a quick buck and then they leave even though they're already super rich and it's like, but you know, who has never, ever, ever, ever, ever added anything to this conversation. these big beauty influencers who make their careers reviewing these products, that's why they don't talk about it, which is different, make money all you want, this is why we get into nonsense, fools, fools, You're a fool, okay, because why would you? someone who could make thousands of dollars reviewing this new beauty brand talk about this new beauty brand before anything was even released, so you'll stop your purse before it starts james charles, can't I?
There is nothing I can do for you at this time. like it's your fault this is no one else's fault this is your fault for acting ridiculous on the internet because you want to be loud and wrong so james charles and manny anyway and others start tweeting on their public account on their public accounts, This is where I laugh because I like to do a private twitter to share your thoughts and opinions, but whatever, I'm talking about how people who don't wear makeup shouldn't do beauty lines. because ah, so what's the problem with that amanda? where is the problem? why now why now this is where I get confused why is it suddenly a problem now is the biggest problem in the world about a new beauty brand created by alicia what what did Alicia Keys do to all of you anyway when several Celebrity-run beauty brands have been falling off the wazoo for the past nine months?
Why is it a problem now? Why did Alicia Keys make you so angry and again do you know how many brands have come? Similar or similar products have come out from people who haven't worn a single drop of makeup in their life in the last nine months. You all had nothing to say back then, so what's the problem now? This is where I wonder, what is the problem? what's the real problem here and that's where I'm going on a tangent so let's say you felt that way because a lot of people felt that way and it's a valid way to feel why you tweet it publicly why you had to let everyone Also, you should to know that you, James Charles, do not approve of Alicia's makeup line or beauty line.
You had to tell the girl. You have to let everyone know that you, the one who died and made you king, this is where I get confused because, again, you have no privacy. twitters create a private twitter you don't have friends you can also argue you don't have journals you don't have group chat you don't have a notes app we know you have a notes app because you can apologize over an idiotic subtweet, I'm sorry, really, really, really , you look dumb and I'm not saying that questioning celebrities who make beauty brands is a bad thing, I mean, I've done it.
I have a whole video on celebrity beauty brands and it's like. It's weird and it's like, um, I don't know if annoying is the right word, it's like celebrities come in, make a beauty brand for a quick dollar and then they leave and I'm like, okay, get it, you already have enough money. , take a step back, so yeah, it's annoying, but they're going to keep doing it and I'm like, at this point, if you want, let's hope the products are good, that's at this point. Girl, but you guys had nothing to say and I had nothing to say, yeah, about the influx of white women creating beauty brands in the last eight months and yeah, I said that because it relates to you.
James Charles has not posted recently. review of the new morphe like sub collection featuring the demilio sisters, they don't wear makeup and i have no problem with the fact that the demilio sisters got one they are like the faces of a new morphe line. I have no problems, but I shouldn't, james. Charles has a problem because he doesn't have a problem with people who don't wear makeup and do makeup lines, so what's the truth here? Who are you really angry with? Why do you hate women? Were they that upset when Shane Dawson stinked up their boots?
You did a makeup collaboration Not you, why do you hate women? You didn't, you didn't, nothing was said when Shane Dawson has never worn makeup in his life, he's never worn makeup in his life, released an entire collection, there was nothing. he said then, so where did this come from? There was no outrage, there were no subtweets when you have like three million followers. Come on, there were no subtweets when you have about Shane Dawson, so what's the problem now? Why are we suddenly gay? Maintaining who can be in the makeup community and this is different because like some members of, like micro influencers, I don't know what the scales are, but smaller influencers are smaller than what these two have been talking about, like celebrities. who create beauty brands. and how there are problems with that so its fine if they do it but you haven't said anything this whole time so why now this is where we get the microaggression?
It's always a question of race, so I say and they. Well, it can't be racism because didn't they support Fenty Beauty? And I don't know if you want a cookie for that. Don't know. It's okay, it's good for you. Yes, they support a good one for you. I need it. Look me, um, dead in the eye and to make it make sense to me because you can't make it make sense to me why they need to publicly express their absolute disdain and disgust to their millions of followers because they hated the fact that Alicia Keys is making a makeup line when it's actually skin care.
Explain to me why it was necessary. You can't because it wasn't necessary. There are thoughts that you can keep to yourself and I think the real problem is that you have never said them. anything about anyone else, why is it a problem now? You've never said anything about anyone else and I think they've even said it, even everyone likes to rave about other celebrities who do makeup lines, so I'm wondering, what changed what? changed, why, this is where I am, why would you say something? because now, let's say, this brand comes out and you want to review it, people are going to bother you because this happened, so now you look stupid.
Sometimes too, what do you think and now they force you to write an apology via subtweet because you wanted to be loud and wrong. I know you were upset writing that apology for a subtweet. Keep your thoughts to yourself. Create a private Twitter. We all have a private. Twitter create one and keep your thoughts to yourself. This is what happens when you talk loudly and get it wrong very, very, very often. I wonder, you know, it's like you're writing an apology over a subtweet about a Grammy winner. stupid in the situation she doesn't look exactly the same you're the one who looks stupid in the situation writing a polly over a subtweet you just couldn't keep your mouth shut you couldn't keep your mind you're loud and it's wrong and again I'm not saying it can't be done criticizing celebrity beauty brands, that would be ridiculous.
I have a video about it, but it's like it's already done and you guys haven't said anything before, why were you so quick to do it? Now there was nothing about Shane Dawson, why, um, why do you hate women, why is misogyny so easy for you to just jump at you, it can be like, well, we don't know if it was a racial thing, We don't know if it was a woman thing, um, just look at the common variables, why are you two the kings of the beauty community? Why do they now control who moves into the beauty community?
Who died and made him king? Who did that? Me because why do you care? This is my thing. I think: Do you think because you two are the best at makeup? That's why you can control the media community because girl, I don't want to be rude, but. I don't know, I'm not going to say that you guys can control who gets into the beauty community, who doesn't get into the beauty community, really, what gives you that power, what gives you that power, because that's not the way I do it. do. eye shadow that doesn't give you power because you can't, doesn't give you power so I'm wondering where is this self proclaimed I'm the gatekeeper of beauty, the beauty industry, I control who can make a makeup line if it doesn't pass flying me, no one can do it, who did that, you know who did that and everyone should have thought carefully.
I'm confused as to why they thought the reaction wouldn't be this, why at a certain point they have the way they have. many millions and millions of followers if you post a subtweet, people will find out who it is, make a private Twitter, that's my advice to you. I never give advice to the people I'm talking about, but that's my advice. So this doesn't happen again, create a private Twitter and yes, James posted a decent apology. Excellent, good job, whoever wrote it. You can avoid this by being a better person. That's all I have to say.
You could have avoided this by realizing it. Hey, maybe. Anyway, James Charles and Manny don't need to have complete control over who enters the beauty community and who can wear makeup and make a makeup line. Maybe I'm not the omnipotent and all-powerful person. Maybe I don't control everything in the world. maybe I'm not the king of the beauty industry and then you wouldn't have tweeted it oryou would have tweeted it on your private twitter or you would have sent it to your group chat of friends because now you look stupid because now you apologize to alicia keys about a subtweet that died and made you king, no one because if it's okay, no, what you gives the authority is reallyNo, it's not really your ability to put on makeup because if that determined who has the authority, we wouldn't be talking right now, so take care of the business that pays you when you don't get dragged on Twitter, that's all I have to say and, again, there is nothing.
It's wrong to criticize celebrity beauty brands, in fact I've done it before so I can't say it's wrong, it should get to a certain point. Don't do it to your millions of followers. Do it privately like she did. Don't even say it was makeup, she said beauty brand now, is it fair to assume that means makeup? Yes, keep it to yourself right now, keep it to yourself, that's the end of my advice, please, just create private accounts, share your unwarranted and unwelcome opinions to a smaller group of people who are not your three million followers on Twitter you idiot so yeah at the end of my video stay in a black business you are in the wrong circle because you care about black lives right?
I think that gives you a pass to insert yourself into black spaces now. Figure out what black people are saying or you look really stupid right now. I think that gives you a pass to start using. Start calling African Americans in vernacular English. Stan's Twitter language. You look very stupid. right now and that's all I'm going to say, stay away from blacks business and the business that pays you, you made the business that pays you mine, I know minding blacks business will pay you better, but it's not worth it, it's not worth it, so yeah. that's in my video, thank you all so much for watching, if you liked it in multimedia, here's my Twitter and my Instagram, have fun and enjoy and while you're here check out some of my recent videos, they should be on your screen now. so I did all this stuff late, I was like two weeks late so I'll link to the people who made videos when this actually happened on screen because I'm really late with all this stuff so go watch these videos. before you watch mine even though this is at the end go watch this later because they did this thing that actually happened and it was like two weeks late so they probably spoke more eloquently than me so yeah thank you all so much for watching , wait.
You will stay healthy and safe inside your home unless you are forced to go to work, which is inhumane, or forced to return to school, which is also inhumane. Whatever it is, this is not a coronavirus video, so yeah, thank you all so much for watching. See you next goodbye

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