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Why Is Call of Duty Black Ops 4 SO AWESOME?! And... BAD?!

May 30, 2021
So Blackops, the foreign Treyarch, has had some time to clean up the spectacle that was the first three weeks of its newest game. Surprisingly, they fixed most of the game's issues, the freezing bugs, the visual bugs, in all honesty I'm a little surprised that almost everything. What I talked about in my previous Black Ops 4 video is no longer a problem for me, everything seems perfect now, right? Oh yeah and they also introduced microtransactions along with Activision Treyarch, if only you guys could keep the taste out of my mouth for just a few days I'd really like that side no, unfortunately on PC game, it's almost impossible for him to play two or three games of anything before the game freezes.
why is call of duty black ops 4 so awesome and bad
So it seems that on PC Black Ops 4 is still a lot of things, but let us take a moment to look back and appreciate the journey that the release of Black Ops 4 has been, but for us to consider this type of experience, it had to be unique and made in a way that only Black Ops could make a survival game with the best, most refined mechanics in the world right now, although it seems like every time we hear something new about Call of Duty and Black Ops 4, yes it sucks, It's negative, you know, at the end of the day, nothing has changed with the passing of Black Ops 4.
why is call of duty black ops 4 so awesome and bad

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why is call of duty black ops 4 so awesome and bad...

Activision will always publish these games and these developers, to some extent, with their evil anti-consumer practices, that will also take away from the experience. experience, of course. There will be lube boxes and probably weapons will be added and the monetization schemes just won't end and for perspective, you all know me. I don't play or care about Battle Royale games. I have had no desire to do so. So when I say I'm excited to play Black Out, when Black Ops 4 comes out it makes you wonder, because the current state the game is in is abysmal. It's a rollercoaster of emotions as we've been through so much together. speculation, there are so many videos for those of you keeping count, the last time I did this many videos on a single game was Halo 5, so I guess there's been a lot to talk about, but it's finally time for me to give my thoughts. honest thoughts and opinions.
why is call of duty black ops 4 so awesome and bad
In Black Ops 4 as a whole, we're getting to the heart of the matter, so let's not waste any more time and jump right into this now, just a heads up. I've talked about Modern Warfare 2 in great detail in my other Call of Duty. There are so many videos and reviews that you could probably take all those clips of me talking about it and it could be its own review. Let me take you back through the cult diamonds in the rough Modern Warfare 2 after you go. Go back and replay Modern Warfare 2. Now I'm going to compare this game to Modern Warfare 2 while in Modern Warfare 2 in Modern Warfare 2 Modern Warfare to Modern Warfare Two Modern Warfare 2 shut the fuck up I just want you to be prepared for me. pet the nuts of that game in this video too, so how did the multiplayer turn out well on the plus side?
why is call of duty black ops 4 so awesome and bad
The Black Ops port has some of the best gunplay this series has ever had and might be my favorite of all the Call of Duty games. I'm a very serious guy, the controls are tight, all the weapons feel good, they're balanced relatively speaking, they have their own unique roles so they all feel different, although the big problem is the reduced tick rate. sixty Hertz to 20 and I feel like this game had sixty as it was for the beta, the gunplay would be a near perfect balance. Call of Duty has always been and always will be dominant, which is fine with me to a point and I'm not talking about specialized skills or the nine bang or something, what bothers me the most about this game is the ICR.
I mean this has to be the most frustrating weapon to deal with and Call of Duty with dual grip attachments the weapon essentially becomes a laser beam with absolutely zero recoil even with a scope attached and the scopes are supposed to add recoil to compensate for the best range. Ironi


y, we'll talk about the map layout later, but the IC is completely out of class for all snipers in the traditional sniper role when it comes. As for weapon choice, I think each weapon should perform differently and excel in certain forms and scenarios, for example the VKM is a slow firing, high damage LMG similar to the M60 in Black Ops 1.
The Spitfire is a close combat beast like the vector in Modern Warfare 2 and weapons like the GK have served a hybrid function of being as accurate as an assault rifle with the handling of an SMG like the ump45. Personal preference should be a factor and the weapon should be viable so that players don't feel forced to pick a weapon they don't like just to compete. I'm looking at the UMP 40, but when you have this assault rifle it can effectively shoot enemies at the same distance with better consistency, less reliance on aiming and virtually no recoil. Worry why you would choose a sniper and you wouldn't, and that's a big problem, the range is fast or nothing.
Another problem I have with choosing a weapon is that you have no choice if you want a rocket launcher, but I mean what happened. There's only one here, let's take a look at Modern Warfare 2 again. Sure explosive damage was a big problem with close danger and the one man army, no doubt about that, but look at the options we had in the 80s that worked against infantry. and light aircraft we had the thumper, a standard grenade launcher, the stinger, which was purely anti-aircraft and against killstreak, the javelin was like a wild card, area denial, something risky and difficult to hit your targets, but then it causes damage lethal in a huge radius. the RPG was like a less accurate but more lethal version from the 80s used only against infantry.
You see how much more interesting these casters are because of their defined roles in the overall sandbox and the option you're now giving the player what to specialize in. unlike a single launcher that does a little bit of everything, speaking of which, there are no grenade launcher attachments in this game, it's confusing honestly another complaint I have is that the secondaries are extremely disappointing due to how few options there are, I really think. They should have made secondaries not cost a point because of the pick-ten system because then they can win more because they know people will use them and they won't be punished for taking one, that's just my opinion, although back to the positives, the class customization.
The fantastic benefits are a bit weak, although almost unnecessary. If I'm being completely honest, for better or worse, you don't really need them, but you know they add a bit of versatility to your kit. It's also a strange decision to choose not to Specialized equipment costs the point where in each scenario the equipment is worse than what each specialist brings to the table. I think they should have put something on the d-pad where you could use a frag or a tactic or you know something like that. I don't see what the problem would have been, but remember that in Black Ops 1 and many of the other Call of Duty games there were weapons that had useless attachments, holographic sights on the AA12 or you had a weapon like the Olympia. in


ops 1 written without attachments and that used to bother me because why would I pick up this weapon when it can't be upgraded at all if I can't unlock anything to upgrade it?
That's part of the progression. system and that's what makes Call of Duty addictive and satisfying in previous games, a lot of the attachments would overlap between weapons and you know they wouldn't be as useful on one weapon as the other, but Treyarch did something special with Black Ops 4. gave each weapon its own unique set of accessories to further define its role in the sandbox, for example, the Viper has two stocks, the ICR has two grips, and the Hades has dual laser sights, as far as I know, no other weapon has the same selection of attachments, it's also a great thing that he didn't even mention advanced movement or anything because multiplayer is fun and doesn't need that and it's like this isn't a big reveal in the one that's like, hey, what if we just don't do it?
I don't do advanced moves, the world is going to explode, no, it's still fun. Well, would you look at that so you don't smoke? Oh, you fly. I mean, they really went all out with class customization. The best part is the introduction of operator mods which are basi


y super attachments that you unlock by maxing out weapons level and it takes three pick-ten slots, some of them are more useful than others. You know it could be something like replacing ABS with a fast and precise hipfire mode. in the hades or explosive rounds in the vkm or increased accuracy and burst fire range in the gks, all great stuff and my only complaint is that not all weapons have an operator mod.
Leveling up feels better than ever and you get great satisfaction. getting that reward after investing time in a single weapon to unlock those operator mods or to get the build you want with each weapon, that's what I really love about Call of Duty. It's pretty crazy to think that so many games and so many years have passed. can continue to innovate and surprise players with class customization even though it's essentially the same system, as Black Ops 2's killstreaks are pretty fun to use for the most part, they're not the standout of the game. series that would probably give. that for Modern Warfare 2, but you know the health shop missile is overpowered and it's very easy to get a quad feed with it.
Chill tacular, the attack helicopter is absolutely ridiculous, but they recently nerfed the points needed to get it, so okay, attack teams. I just absolutely dominate it and the gunship is basically an AC-130 so oh my god it destroys me every time I see one. I enjoy kill streaks. They're not my favorite in the series, but they're serviceable and don't feel like it. is missing so now it's time to talk about the map design and what sniping is like in this game, although the attachments, weapons and class customization are a lot of fun to use and explore, let me put this in bold in the screen, not the maps. servicing the gunplay, there are only a handful of maps where shooting is viable and even fewer locations within those maps where it is advantageous and even then, as if the ICR can cover those distances, no problem, once again, go back to Modern Warfare 2, even to the world at war


ops 1 black ops 2 there were always some maps with very long lines of sight because you need that if you are going to put snipers in your game, they must be viable, everything can't be like a beast of fast range, so there need to be maps with long lines of sight with open areas with power positions and Black Ops 4 barely has any of that, so if you look back at Modern Warfare 2, even the most accurate with ACOG sights, the ACR was still at a standstill. disadvantage when facing a sniper at long range, of course the Pro sleight of hand also helped, but you know there are no sniper advantages in this game other than it's the typical small three lane maps with little to no verticality and an optimized basic design. that's so boring it's almost monotonous, there isn't a single big map in this game, which is probably why they removed the ground war playlist, they don't have demolition or capture the flag anymore and you just have to wonder how - You've probably also noticed that all modes except Kill Confirmed in Team Deathmatch are 5v5 instead of this standard 66.
Let that put into perspective how small and simple the maps are. Now they have a bunch of rotating playlists with double XP and you know, Chaos Hardpoint or marathon domination, all cool like that, we fly the week, so there will be a different spin on things every time you jump into the game, which is cool, you know, something new and temporary. I have respected that for a long time. I've been thinking how to do it. best describes Modern Call of Duty's map design and how it is inferior to previous games and after Modern Warfare 2 became backwards compatible on Xbox One, having played a ton of that before this game came out , I finally realized what the problem is, it's even better.
I can show you that the secret is in the map consultation, yes, a great map, very iconic and recognizable, with many lanes to travel, almost as if it were a five-lane map with buildings in the middle and on the outskirts, you have something of verticality here and there. long sight lines short sight lines power stances melee everything is viable on this map it works for all modes and weapons, but the most notable aspect of the quarry are these white boxes scattered everywhere that create a flow of single map and allow players seemingly unlimited routes to flank, move or even camp, so here's what happened: Call of Duty's modern map design essentially took the map query and removed all those boxed areas that were normally accessible and replaced them with invisible walls toforce you to travel these lanes. what it has become, but the newer Call of Duty not only eliminate maneuverability routes and interesting mechanics on their maps, not only do they reduce each map to three lanes, but they have to eliminate any semblance of verticality or positions of power black ops 4 suffers from many of the same problems as cod in World War II.
I urge you to look at any Cod game and look for areas that have a large height difference. For example, there is a pit area at the bottom, but players can also go to the top. The buildings look at how big the height difference is from the lowest point to the highest point and it adds a lot of versatility to the map because the decisions players make and how they move and where they go are now much more important. in the castle in world at war you have that huge tower and then a huge wide line of sight.
You know it's funny how the light weight perk is on this. The game says you don't take fall damage but I think there's only one location in the entire game where you can die from fall damage and guess what's in the jungle, a map that was not even created for this game, was taken from black. ops 1, so there you have it. I'd be surprised if you could find anything that's more than two stories high and that's how covert operations work. The map selection feels like this same copy and paste just slightly different. The game has one, maybe two. medium sized maps jungle and summit everything else is small by Call of Duty's own standards and isn't it funny how Treyarch didn't make a single medium or large map for this game and the only medium ones come from previous games?
The best Black Ops 4 maps are the ones we've played before. I know I'm a map designer and I talk about it a lot, but it's so important to just have fun with a game. They're very boring and uninspired, but it's a testament to how good the gun game is that this isn't a deal breaker for me. I may not particularly enjoy any map or have a favorite one here besides jungle and shooting range, but I can still play multiplayer and have fun thanks to the weapon customization. The specialized skills and pure aspects of the game are a lot of fun to me, but those map designers, I swear to God, you guys had to up your game, it's also a telltale sign that once I had all the footage I needed to my cod video about World War II.
I'll never touch the game again, but with Black Ops, most of the time I've spent playing it has been because I've been having fun, so take it as it is, but imagine for a second if you took Black Ops. 4 and replace the map selection with black ops 1 world that war modern warfare 1 & 2 if you did that you would have the best Call of Duty multiplayer ever and I mean that 100% it's a damn shame , but a man can dream now, move forward. There is some kind of story in Black Ops 4, of course, that big fiasco about the lack of campaign really made a lot of people not know how to think about this game, but inside the specialized headquarters there is some kind. of the story, but I don't feel any motivation to play and discover that story for this review.
Sorry, it's great that they brought Woods back and in many ways Black Ops 4 provides incredible fan service for this series, Sergeant Frank Woods. like hammered, it's in your mind, vision of the real world, I'm pretty, good to see you again, boy, you're a little more cocky than I remember, almost a slight idiot, but friend, your forest, your man Frank Woods , live it. up like the lady said my name woods family friend you don't know who I am you better know I mean you can go to the specialists HQ and learn what each one of them does and then you can play against the AI ​​if you really want to, but it's not my fault, this mode is not captivating enough for me to want to spend more time on it, although you may be able to learn some interesting tricks for each specialist, like I didn't know you could do the 9 bang with Ajax. when you take out your shield, that was a cool little trick.
I'd say check it out if you're bored and maybe want some achievements or if you're looking for some story you still know. Your weapons dominate, your odds increase greatly. Ajax, but now let's talk about the black market and microtransactions, well, not only is it disgusting that the Black Ops 4 pass was a thing where you just have to trust fate that they will create something good with your $50, but also It's disgusting. They just made a blatant copy of the fifteen days system, except instead of fifteen days with all their cool cosmetics, I'll tell you that Epic Games has some really cool cosmetics in fifteen days, but not in black ops because the cosmetics are pure garbage that I haven't seen. any face paint that looks good some of the outfits are super wacky some are cool but realistically I don't care for any of the costumes or these sprays or Overwatch emotes or anything.
I just love Hudson, who is literally the only cool thing I have. Look here, maybe the latest weapon skin, but to be fair, if you like Call of Duty and enjoy multiplayer and blackout, you'll unlock all of this stuff in time, if you care. I mean, I'm already at level 50 or something and it's a fun game that I like to play, so it doesn't seem like such a serious task. I could be wrong about some players. I definitely understand the frustration, but since I don't care about cosmetics in the first place, Routine doesn't bother me as much, thank goodness they're not lube boxes, although I mean they're still here, but you can't explicitly buy the loop boxes .
God I'm so glad Battlefront 2 happened, okay wait I just skipped to black. ops 4 and apparently all of this including Hudson is only available for a limited time, what Treyarch, what Activision and now you're on the main menu begging me for money begging me to buy tears, go and suck Hulk Hogan's dick you pieces of filth. Sorry initially, when I recorded this video, I didn't see what the problem was with this system until I hopped on after the fact to get a last bit of footage and then I saw this. I mean, I was hoping they would take it out. some trick like this, but why and this is part of the reason why I can't say with full conviction that Black Ops 4 is amazing because the company responsible for this game is so greedy that it makes me feel like giving them money anyway.
Let's move on now, you all know how I feel about the new style of zombies with their tedious fetch quests that made you run everywhere. Lack of camping areas. Huge maps that take eight years to navigate. and all that shit they introduced to make the mode more complicated, but what is covert ops like for zombies? You ask, let me tell you, I love it. I never thought I'd say that, I honestly thought I was going to hate this mode, but man. I was pleasantly surprised, although that's mainly due to how fantastic map 9 is. There are a lot of radical changes compared to the previous games.
The most important one is that each player chooses the perks for him before entering the game and you can set your custom classes, of course, but these four perks will always be in the same locations, but you can choose which ones will appear. Since the buff on your fourth slot is stronger than the others, giving it an extra advantage, this is a good idea and changes things up, so I'm totally satisfied. Gone are the days of getting eight perks in Black Ops 3 with that content, and there are plenty of perks to use and play more than any other zombie mode, with my personal favorite being mule kick and cold fortress as a stone. yeah, they made a benefit for campers like me and it makes this game that much better for it.
There's another thing because of course they bring back microtransactions for zombies, not just multiplayer, but this is what I don't get: the elixirs and talismans they replace. the gums aren't even that good in fact I've never used them once first because it's tedious to get them so when I do I don't want to feel like I'm wasting them and second it just doesn't feel that shocking I mean pass from Black Ops 3 to this game. Black Ops 3 had some crazy devour guns that had their pros and cons, but I don't know if they did this intentionally to make the game more balanced and less cheesy.
I can't imagine they wouldn't put them in as an incentive for players to cough up some money. There is also a graphical filter for zombies, except they call it cartoon mode. I guess we'll check it out. trip, this is Borderlands right now, what am I watching? I can't tell if this looks really bad or decent, but hey, cartoon mode is pretty fun. I think one of the best parts about zombies this time around is that they actually have a tutorial. to show you what you're supposed to do, you don't have to look it up online, it doesn't feel very complicated.
I was able to figure it out and it broke that barrier for me because for a long time I just wanted to do it. play and shoot zombies and find a place to camp and move around and hit, you know, it teaches you the mechanics within the game and that's why I love nine because there's a lot of things to do beyond killing zombies. but aren't they such menial and annoying tasks that consume so much time that I hate doing them every time I play open pack-a-punch it's simple to activate the four gongs finish the challenges and then go to the end the map layout is difficult to learn at first , but it's actually very simple, we have four towers, an essential area above and below, of course there are a lot of easter eggs and I'm not really interested in making them, but if I ever do it or train with people who want to do it .
It will be great to go beyond what I'm already doing from game to game. 9 also has these challenges after cutting the banner you can do to get power ups and weapons in the center of the stage, there is like a crowd pull mechanic. where if you kill zombies and revive your friends without getting hit or taking damage or hitting fire, the crowd will throw objects at you and it's like that's not something you need to explain, it's just like, here you go, you know the style of this map is so perfect and the characters are adorable they have great dialogue even if they talk too much get your hands covered in blood and dung above all else for me i like zombies that have that style because world war cod. 2 was so boring and bland and basic but it's like Shaw Diego Bruno and Scarlet these characters scream iconic to me and the places they fight and go are so epic yeah and I leave it to Treyarch to bring back the big ass that announces, oh my God.
I missed it so much, getting a power-up and hearing that nothing was that disappointing in WWII cod, what was I saying? The challenges, oh yeah, you have like taking five consecutive headshots or 13 knife kills, slipping under a blade trap without taking damage with each challenge. complete that gives you progressively better rewards, some of them are really annoying, like stopping the catalase transformations that occur in a completely random port, killing five zombies, tigers killing the white father while grabbing you by the tongue, many of these Challenges are purely based on luck and sometimes you get it right. a wall in a single challenge for 15 rounds because what you need to do or what you need to kill to do the challenge just doesn't appear.
I went totally off script talking about the style of this zombie mode and nine in particular, but that's how cool a gladiator arena man is to me with fire trips and spike traps and gladiators and zombie tigers and all this. I personally love it so much that I don't find that much motivation to play Blood of the Dead or Voyage of. Desperation, maybe I just need to learn the maps, but Blood of the Dead is so big with the newer areas and below deck during the journey it's a confusing nightmare, everything looks the same. I can still have fun on these maps, but 9 is my go-to. -to and I hate to admit it, please don't unsubscribe, smash the like button, but I bought the black ops pass so I could play ranked.
I'm a fan of this map ok it's my third favorite behind this reason kino der toten don' Don't buy the Black Ops pants, they shouldn't charge $50 for this map and you shouldn't have to pay that wait until they sell it separately, but you know, ranked is so much fun and if you really want it, I can't stop, but anyway. It's great to see this map remade with new graphics, new additions, and areas to explore and fight in returning classic characters. In fact, the classic characters Richthofen Tokyo Dempsey and Nikolai. I feel like they're as fun, interesting and comical as they've ever been I think it was the second one that killed you, the third one was just for fun and this map unlock pack takes you back to the moon area which It probably gives Laura's boys a bit of a hard time.
My only complaint is that the Pentagon thief is not on this map, which is a real bummer.bummer because it was always a lot of fun fighting that guy and chasing him around, but the overall ranking is good, in fact, I want to play a little bit right now beyond that. While the customization here is not as overwhelming and complex as in World War II, you unlock weapon and attachment camos by killing and headshots, and just like in Black Ops 3, the camos you unlock in multiplayer can be use on zombies and of course the accessories carry over. of the multiplayer mode so you know the interconnectivity, maybe I was just tired of the zombie modes in cod world war ii and black ops 3, but I personally feel that there is something really special with the zombies of black ops 4, they went all out and gave players options to play. these mutations you can adjust the difficulty, change the settings, do all kinds of crazy things, play how you want, none of that creates your own fun, how about you play how you want, of course you also have Rush mode which is also very fun, facing the players? against each other to compete for points with limited hit point multipliers and all sorts of fun little tricks, it's fast-paced and an incredibly welcome addition to the zombies and overall Black Ops 4 content.
Personally, I don't change the settings or I mess with the difficulty because I want to play the maps the way they are meant to be played, but for zombie fans this has to be a dream come true for you, overall zombies mode surprises the hell out of me, what does that mean? I have had? It's a lot of fun and although I mainly play 9 and rank when I have people over, there is so much content within this mode that adds immense replayability and perhaps endless hours of entertainment along with the easter eggs, this one will satisfy hardcore fans and with a Simplistic overall design, also caters to casual users like me, my feelings about the blackout are pretty much the same, it's the only battle royale mode I enjoy now that the atrocious lag issues and quads are gone.
I would've been great. I made a full video on this mode and it's beta and since it hasn't changed much it's only gotten better. I'll just link to that video in the description. and comment now how Black Ops 4 comes together, every piece, every component, in my opinion this is the best overall Call of Duty since Black Ops 2. I wouldn't say it's better than Black Ops 2 because that campaign was very good, No. One likes the Russians, but as I said in my review, Black Ops 2 was the last really great Call of Duty in my opinion and Treyarch seems to have pulled out every trick in the book for this game and shows that new and old things have emerged . were restored in the current generation of Call of Duty, the early launch issues, while absolutely annoying, are basically a thing of the past on Xbox, so now I can play and not worry about it, just have fun, the multiplayer has the better. gun game in this series and while the maps don't serve the gameplay, it's still incredibly fun to play, especially with the new operator mods that remove streaks and the HQ customization specialist feels like it's been added, but at least they tried insert some kind of story instead of a single player campaign, you know, after the atrocity there was black ops 3.
I can't blame Treyarch too much for these zombies it's a marvel 9 is so good that I could almost exclusively play that map and this mode has a lot of versatility and options, this time the tutorial does wonders for people like me who were hesitant to commit to playing the newest style of zombies and blackout is just the only battle royale for me, which is saying a lot when I say it. Unfortunately, I don't enjoy Battle Royale games. I don't think Black Ops 4 lives up to the legacy of previous installments despite the innovations: zombies, the introduction of a Battle Royale mode that feels better than anything else currently on the market despite incredible class customization Black Ops 4 may have given in to my low expectations, but it still failed to reignite that Call of Duty addiction that resides deep within me, maybe it's just nostalgia, maybe it's something inherent that I can't help, more likely it's the shitty map design I can still have fun with it, of course, and it's a great game on its own terms, but without a campaign to immerse myself in, without characters I care about, without a story to captivate me and make me want To finish it until the end, I'm still looking forward to it.
Also, no amount of content can make up for those great stories we experienced and loved in previous games, so at the end of the day, Black Ops 4 is more than I expected and it still wasn't enough and that's why I call of


black ops 4 is so


and bad

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