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Why I Switched to iPhone From Android | What most reviews don't tell you!

May 08, 2024
I've been switching between iPhone and Android for the last three years, but with the launch of the iPhone 15, it's finally time to say goodbye to my s23 ultra and hello to the iPhone 15. And spoiler alert is and it's not about the ecosystem or better cameras or faster charging or something, in fact, many of these reasons are not even talked about, but before you take out your pitchforks and set fire to my house, hear me out because the change is not as simple as it seems. It may seem like now, for those of you switching from iPhone to Android, there's a process you'll have to follow to find alternatives for the iPhone version of the apps you use because they simply don't exist on Android, which is fine. for you when you have the freedom to look for alternative apps now doing this has been a great task Google Calendar has also been a great alternative to Fantastical now beeper has made replying to messages from all my accounts much easier by having it all in one place , regardless of whether you know


device I'm using at the moment, but when it comes to apps that you need because you need them to work or maybe you just have other smart devices that need an app installed to work, that's where the problems start Now I'm really fit at the moment and I have to be very careful with the devices I buy because not all of them are compatible with Android and I am the principal of my children's school, but the app we use to manage everything, store all our documents and communicating with each other is simply not available on Android and over the years we see this again and again.
why i switched to iphone from android what most reviews don t tell you
Remember that Clubhouse was quite popular during Covid times, which was iPhone for a long time. For a long time and for good reason, if a startup wants to get its device or app into the hands of the


people with the least amount of work, then it develops for iOS first because it does it once and it works on everyone. Apple devices or phones, all tablets. Even to some extent, all Macs with the ability to run iOS apps on Mac OS and with iPhone data show that iPhone users are the fastest at updating to the latest version every time, which means even less than worry now compared to iOS developers.
why i switched to iphone from android what most reviews don t tell you

More Interesting Facts About,

why i switched to iphone from android what most reviews don t tell you...

Doing the same on Android is enormously complicated since they have to develop four or thousands of variations of


an Android device can be. There are flip and foldable phones, tall phones and slim phones, all requiring different dimensions and all running different versions. On Android, this all means that if you need to use an app that is not available on Android, then it is time-consuming to find a workaround and expensive to buy a device that you prefer less because it works with your Android phone or similar. In my case, you end up carrying two phones with you at once, maybe a work phone and a personal phone, but these development issues introduce another problematic app experience because even when the developer designs their Android app, there are so many variables.
why i switched to iphone from android what most reviews don t tell you
It's hard to keep up with the past year. I have repeatedly encountered problems in Android apps when the iPhone app works fine. Now the latest one I've seen is an app that allows you to view detailed battery statistics for your Android phone and the Twister Thread makes for fascinating reading as people report all sorts of strange battery readings, including some people reporting a Impossible battery capacity of more than 100, another one I have come across. I use my gym's app regularly to order food and drinks and I guess so too. go to the gym too and the


version will crash, crash and the


version works perfectly every time I also tried to log into a coffee shop app to use my points to buy a free coffee and on my pixel.
why i switched to iphone from android what most reviews don t tell you
It told me that I can't log in using a built-in browser, but there is no option to log in using an external browser and I'm a big fan of using Nova Launcher to customize my Android experience, but sometimes it just crashes for me. You don't even let me write now some of these I can get used to and fix them like you do with the errors you see on any device from time to time, but I've also had problems with more important apps like my health insurance app. where the more I exercise and generally stay fit, the more points I earn, which means I can get a free Apple Watch, it pays for my Amazon Prime membership.
I get free movie tickets, free coffee and many more benefits, so when it doesn't. timing my workouts is a real problem and actually costs me money even though I've stayed fit now. I'm also not saying that the iPhone is completely bug-free, but I haven't had anywhere near the amount of problems on my iPhone so far. Speaking of fitness, like I said, this is an area I'm trying to improve lately, exercise, nutrition, sleep, all that good stuff and of course this totally depends on the types of devices you're using in the ecosystem. Android, but I just discovered it's too complicated, you have Google Fit, you have Samsung Health, there is also Fitbit which replaces Google Fit, but it doesn't, so you need both.
I also


to a Garmin watch for a while and then had to install it. a specific health sync app that would then run every few hours to sync my Garmin data with the other health apps, but it won't sync certain metrics, like steps, just because they don't want you to. Now my wife is thinking about upgrading to a Google Pixel right now, but she wants a Garmin watch and even I get stressed when I explain to her that she needs to use the Google Fit Fitbit Garmin Zone app and an app to sync everything between all of these apps.
It's crazy when the only thing I can think of is it just works now, if any app needs to talk to Apple Health you just check a few boxes and that's it, everything is in this one place and generally all apps lead to this thing that I've also noticed, although I can't completely do it. The proof is that Apple's Health has the ability to connect directly to professional healthcare, like here the NHS where you can access your medical records, your blood results and all sorts of things, but here in the UK there are only two hospitals that seem to support this like mine. not included, but I understand that this has a broader reach in the United States, but it just doesn't seem available, it doesn't seem to exist on Android now, this is the closest I'm going to get, uh, not mentioning that word, but The simplicity around Apple is one of the main reasons why many people stay with Apple before I


you two of the key reasons why I am considering returning to the iPhone.
We need to thank the sponsor for today's video. Nordvpn. You should know that if you put an upside-down pineapple in your shopping cart, it apparently means you're willing to switch, but did you also know that there's a device called a pineapple that's so affordable that people use it to fake free public Wi-Fi? -Fi and the problem is that it's so smart that you won't even know if you've been affected because, for all intents and purposes, you head to Starbucks, grab your coffee, take our seats, and then pull out your phone or your laptop. and just continue browsing the web, maybe you log into some websites, maybe you buy something and maybe all you're actually doing is while you're connected to one of these pineapple type devices that records everything you're doing, your usernames, your passwords, credit. card numbers, all this without his knowledge and then a few months later he discovers that someone has stolen his identity or card details and it is impossible to trace it back to that coffee at Starbucks.
Now this is where nordvpn comes in to prevent this from happening. and for less than half the cost of just one Starbucks coffee per month, now simply sign up using the exclusive discount below, install the app and you'll now be able to use public Wi-Fi without worrying about whether there's a pineapple involved or not, it's a risk. free, there's a 30-day money back guarantee and that's just one of the many things nordvpn can do for you on iOS and Android, so no matter which side of the fence you're on, speaking of fences, One of the biggest.
What has drawn me to Android over the years has been the hardware. Now we all know that Apple takes forever to get anything on Android. We have super fast charging. We have twists and folds and reverse wireless charging. USBC. I have 5x and 10x optical zoom cameras, the S Pen, and great features like Samsung Dex and many more, but in terms of features that matter to me, the biggest ones that attracted me to the s23 ultra in particular were the 10x camera USBC telephoto and, to some extent, faster charging which is


ly just coming to the iPhone now.
I know that Android still innovates faster than Apple. That's pretty clear, but the most important features for you are exactly those. you and you shouldn't let other people or peer pressure or YouTubers or anything dictate which device you should choose because it's a very, very personal decision about what phone you have, you can spend anywhere from under $200 to $2000 and get pretty much whatever feature is most important to you on your device but there is one area where I have tried and tried to switch to Android and I just can't and for some reason it all comes down to this the Apple Watch now the Apple Watch is fast , it's fluid, it can keep up with you when you're switching from one app to another, starting timers and doing a workout, setting reminders and even the sometimes horribly bad voice assistant works sometimes, it's still surprising.
I keep in mind that we still don't have an Android watch that can match the speed of an Apple Watch and I tried. Everyone told me to buy a Garmin Fenix ​​7x which had incredible battery life, like a month, but I found that it's a great sports watch, give it that, but it's not a great smartwatch. Now I thought that the latest Galaxy Watch 6 would finally like to solve all these problems. I'm so determined to be ready to fully commit to the Android ecosystem, but when I did my test with the Galaxy Watch it was a real disappointment, it's slow, laggy and definitely not something I would have expected when wrapping this up in its 6th generation. , now that you can choose between the ultra expensive and rugged Apple Watch Ultra to the more affordable Apple Watch SE and get almost all the same features while still being fast and smooth, then yes, if you value a smartwatch over a more sports, there is currently nothing that can beat the Apple Watch, but that is not the full story here, as the entire Apple vs Android debate is much bigger than any person on the internet can explain in a single video and many of us have tried it, myself included, now I've been testing all the latest and greatest Android phones over the past year and I'm going to continue doing this because while the iPhone is, in my opinion, the most reliable option , Android for me is still more exciting, it's fun that, in general, it's just more fun to use, for example, when I'm working out at the gym.
The only thing that drives me absolutely crazy with Apple is that I'll be listening to music like most people do at the gym and I may need to check my form on a specific exercise in whatever fitness app I use. I'm using it to stop my music from playing while it's been replaced with whatever video I'm watching now to check my form, but when I go back to my music the iPhone completely forgot what it was doing so now I have to search for music. app and press play again even though Apple has this whole Dynamic Island dynamic thing that can be used for multiple apps at once, apparently it doesn't work for two batches of audio at once, whereas on an Android phone I can literally just Swipe between the two different audio sources to quickly return to my music.
Now not only that, but I can send different audio from two different apps to two different pairs of headphones at once so I can watch YouTube on my headphones while my kids are listening to music on their headphones and galaxy routines are incredibly useful when doing this and then make that happen. Apple's shortcuts pale in comparison, they're pretty limited compared to what you do with Samsung's routines, so the question you need to ask yourself is which features are important. to you and then decide for yourself which phone you enjoy more and for the love of God, don't listen to anyone, including me, which side of this fence you should sit on because, well, spoiler alert, they're both just as good as the another untilnext.

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