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Why I ALWAYS Have These 4 Items in My Pockets

May 20, 2024
In this video I'm going to talk about these four


that I keep in my


every day all the time. Now there's a really interesting reason why I decided to carry these particular


. A while ago I made a video about the design of Pockets. just a daily transportation system and in that video I was talking about two philosophies that I had come up with to help me decide what items to keep in my


, one of them was preparing for unexpected events and the other was kind of convenience, You know? Just having something on hand in your pockets at all times, but this kit is based on a new idea, so after carrying all this stuff for a while, it occurred to me that there was a third concept at play here and that is magnification. , so carry things with the purpose of increasing your physical abilities, so they are not specific tools for your comfort nor specific things to help you deal with unexpected events, it is just a simple daily improvement of your natural physical abilities and this is brilliant .
why i always have these 4 items in my pockets
Something to think about when you carry things in your pockets every day because of course it's in your pockets, you can access these things instantly and you


these kind of superpowers as a result of carrying these four things if you're new to this. On this channel I make videos about design usability and workflow, and those are things I'm equally passionate about in my day job, where I work on set seed, which is a white label CMS that helps web design agencies to build better websites faster without the need for plugins. The first thing we will see is carrying a knife.
why i always have these 4 items in my pockets

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why i always have these 4 items in my pockets...

This is a knife that you can open with one hand and access instantly, so it can't be part of a multi-tool and that's really interesting, so obviously the first thing you want to do. I think I'm going to carry a few tools in my pockets, maybe a multi-tool is the obvious choice in this case. In fact, I found that without the ability to access it super fast with one hand, it didn't serve this purpose. Well, I really like carrying a small knife like this. This is actually a slightly heavier version than the one I carried before, but both knives are Real Steel and are fantastic knives.
why i always have these 4 items in my pockets
I am very satisfied with them. for this type of pocket carry it with the clip that allows you to take it out with one hand and it's in the correct orientation to open it and then just with your thumb as a result of adding this little thumb stud to the blade, these thumb studs They are available at most knife stores and they are super cheap and you just screw them into the back of the blade here and it allows you to open it with one hand. Now you must verify. I think some countries


rules about one.
why i always have these 4 items in my pockets
As far as I know, opening knives by hand in the UK is still allowed even though almost any other type of knife that has any use is not allowed in this country, no locking blades are allowed, so this It is not an option. locking blade and the best thing about Real Steel is that they also make quite a few UK legal knives so we have lots of options here in the UK so this is super useful for all sorts of day to day things, you just use it. throughout the day, for anything like opening a bag of coffee or, you know, a package of food, anything that's a little complicated, you just speed up the whole process by adding this kind of natural boost to your ability to manipulate the world around you. and that's really cool, it's very easy to get stuck and think that you want to carry as many different tools as you can for as many different things as you can, but actually what that tends to do is that the tools that you use take a lot longer to grab and that really compromises this kind of augmentation philosophy.
The next thing I'm going to look at is this lever. Now the levers are interesting. I think a lot of people don't really see them. The value of carrying a crowbar and I think this is probably the least used item in this kit, but when it is used it's actually very useful, it's very useful to be able to have something that you can just hit. I kind of found out that if I didn't carry one of these then I used the knife and I actually broke the end of a knife, you know you're doing something you shouldn't do with a knife It would have been nice to use the lever dip so any kind of scrape, lever or lever, uh, you can use this, it's super useful.
I actually messed up the tip of mine a little. I was at the beach and one of my children. I wanted to open the rock to see if there was a fossil inside, so I thought, yeah, okay, I'll just use the crowbar, hit the back of it with another rock and try to split this rock, but even this Pride titanium bar didn't go anywhere. height of the task and it's actually kind of the end of this, so it's a little embarrassing, but I'm very prone to misusing and overusing my tools, so at least I found where this one was. falls down, so part of the way I looked at this whole thing was if I just look for these essential items that increase my physical abilities, these tools don't need any kind of multi-tool item, they don't need I have other things and a lot of levers on the market are very focused in their idea of ​​using them as a screwdriver as well, so they come with all kinds of cutouts and cutouts for bottle openers and all these different cutouts that they're trying to make. all these different things and that's not really what I wanted.
I really wanted a single lever with nothing, uh, and I couldn't really find one. This one has these two bits and the bit holder at the end, and I think. from everyone I looked at at least this doesn't seem to compromise that kind of simple concept of usefulness of being primarily the lever and in fact having those bits has also proven to be really useful on several occasions and and I'll talk more about that when I do a video on the other tools that I carry along with these magnifying roller tools, but again it has this pocket clip that allows you to grab it with one hand and be ready to use instantly, uh, it's not. in any kind of bag or something, it's just in my pocket with its clip ready to go and of course if you consider what the leverage actually does, it's a very broad and useful thing that improves my ability to leverage things and grabbing things, scraping things and prying things that I just couldn't do with my bare hands, so it fits this thing very well, so the key to this kit is that everything in here is super versatile, there are no specific tools , we don't carry screwdrivers. for specific types of screws and things like that, this is ultra broad in its usefulness and of course super quick access, that's the absolute key here, you can access all of this stuff with one hand in almost no time, there is no bags to carry things and something like that, just with one hand, take it out of your pocket and that's it, the next thing we're going to look at is this torch and you could call these flashlights and this is absolutely fascinating because it's this periscope style light.
It just seems a lot more useful for this particular type of role here than a torch where the light comes out of the end, so again it's very easy to pull out of your pocket, you just have the pocket clip ready to go, they actually have it. a version two now, which is brighter and also has red light, so you can use it at night without it affecting your night vision. They are absolutely fantastic, it has a magnet on the base which is actually really useful again, especially with this periscope style arrangement because you can stick it like it's on the side of your car to provide downward or forward light, it just works very good.
With that format it has a magnetic charger, so it is very easy to just place it. a magazine, I have a little charging drawer that I use for that and I have this set up in there so it's very easy for me to just put it in that magazine now that I've also had this for a while and it's absolutely bulletproof and super tough, It's obviously a little thick for an item that only has pockets. You know, it would be brilliant if it had a slightly narrower diameter. It's a little thick, but I actually keep this in the small pocket of my jeans here and I don't really feel that bulk at all, it very rarely snags on something like that, so yeah, it's definitely small enough for this exclusive concept.
Pockets. The next thing I'm going to talk about is this Zippo, now that I've had this for as long as I can remember, someone gave it to me, of course, in its original form with the wick that


evaporated and lost its lighter fluid all the time. time, but the really cool thing is that Zippo actually sells butane in ERT for these now. which brings them up to modern standards and makes them much more useful with this type of Turbo flame that does not go out in the wind and also does not evaporate or lose fuel over time and is obviously much easier to refill and much less complicated, and the zipo is the perfect shape for pockets to just carry, it's kind of square and flat, it's heavy enough to sit at the bottom of a pocket and stay in line, and it doesn't kind of twist and rotate, it just It works very well.
I literally keep this in my pocket now I have things in my pocket with the Zippo and I'm going to go into that in more detail in another video where I look for this kind of bigger picture of everything I carry in my pockets instead of just this kit of increase roller, so the other thing I have in my pocket with the Zippo is my keys in the boyi key cover and actually this screwdriver kit. but obviously it's a tool kit, a convenient style tool kit, so I'm not going to talk too much about that in this video, but I'll cover it in other videos, but it's very useful to have a Zippo and this is really a superpower that it gives you the ability to light a fire light fires burn things uh just incredibly useful practical real increase philosophy kind of everyday use object here in my pockets it's really useful all the time you know you never know when you might need to light a candle or light a bonfire or light firework wicks or melt the ends of paracord or any kind of useful things.
Sometimes it is very useful to simply have the ability to heat things up. I had a funny situation the other day where my son had used this honey dropper. on one set honey he literally just stuck it in there and of course it didn't escape so I heated it up a little bit with this Zippo and it all melted it's brilliant it's in my pocket ready to go. I thought about doing that and it works really well, so yeah, it's very useful to have the ability to create fire out of nothing, eh, with just one item in your pockets.
If you enjoyed this video, check out this one where I take a closer look at this idea of ​​how convergence devices don't


deliver what they claim to deliver compared to separate counterpart devices and I'll see you there.

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