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Why homemakers aren’t content

Jun 29, 2024
I've been a mom for almost 16 years and I've seen quite a few changes in the culture. I have seen changes in baby products when my daughter was a baby. The amount of things I had to choose from in my registry was so different than now. I went to a store, I went to the little registry today you can get things on the Internet, there are a lot of cool devices, plus apps and a lot of things that, in many ways, make motherhood a lot easier because I'm a mom whose kids encompass Over 15 years I have seen so many changes when it comes to being a mom mom culture that some of you who are younger moms and also some of you who are older moms may not know that it is so different today because you lived on one side of or on the other side and maybe not encompassing it and I know there are many of you who know exactly what I'm talking about.
why homemakers aren t content
I think I'm mainly a person who looks forward and thinks about future goals. I'm always planning something. Let's move on to the next thing, probably with a mistake, but one thing I reflect on all the time is the first few years of my motherhood, of course everything always looks rosy in the rearview mirror and there are things you forget and how about Sometimes they were negative, but those days were very sweet because each experience was unique and new. I knew I had never experienced what it was like to have children and read books to them and teach them things and watch them grow and learn, but also those days were really unique because they felt. so endless that I remember putting the girls in the stroller and walking to the library to read stories, we would meet in parks all over the city with friends.
why homemakers aren t content

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I had plans at least once or twice a week, there weren't that many options on how I could do it. I spent the day both limited by finances, but there were also no distractions with smartphones or social media apps, I wasn't tempted to check in to see what others were doing today. I just had the stroller in my city, a library and parks where I could walk to you. knowing that being close within a 4 mile radius was what I considered close and that meant the world to me, was very simple. I spent endless days reading my children's book, doing craft projects with them, learning skills at home, like sewing and baking bread.
why homemakers aren t content
Simpler times. sure for everyone, if you're curious to know what I've been up to so far this morning. I made my sourdough crepes, you can find them at farmhous An easy way to use up a lot of eggs, you can also season them with Summer. berries we've been getting so many of and filled with whipped cream, berry sauce and cream cheese, so good. Last night I also started making some sourdough bagels. That recipe is on farmhous Normally the dough is much stiffer, but I'm pretty sure I accidentally grabbed corn last night because I followed the recipe like I usually do, but they're not as stiff and they still turn out absolutely amazing recently on the Simple Farmhouse Life podcast I had on Aaron lochner of the optout family and she talked about her Mission and the why behind helping people who feel the fatigue of constantly being on social media but feel that it is a necessary part of life, we have to do it these days by giving them their exit strategy, she talks about that.
why homemakers aren t content
While many encourage boundaries and moderation, sometimes opting out may entirely be the best way to change your family's relationship with technology since that interview. I felt very inspired and reflected on everything we talked about. She also sent me her book that goes into more depth. the how and the why and the science behind the algorithms and she really made me think about the


ment, motherhood and housework that many of us face with the addition of social media. Every morning I make some kind of breakfast for the kids and I usually eat. part of that, but I also rely a lot on my smoothies.
I pack them with homemade raw milk kefir collagen peptides for protein and ag1 ag1 is a daily core nutritional supplement that supports whole body health with a scientific formulation of vitamins, probiotics and whole foods. sourced ingredients that support our brain, gut and immune system. ag1 combines what you typically get from multiple individual supplements into a simpler, more effective way to improve your core health while supporting daily performance and healthy aging. ag1 is packed with real food ingredients like cocoa and citrus. and carrots and adaptogens like ashwaganda root biotin folate Ginger magnesium mushrooms vitamin A So many wonderful things now you don't have to put them in a smoothie I like to include a lot of things in my morning smoothie because I can drink it on the go it makes it very easy, but if you don't have the habit of having a smoothie, you can also stir it in water and drink it that way.
AG one is offering a special offer to Farmhouse on Boon viewers: you'll receive a year's supply of vitamin D3. In addition to K2 and 5 free travel packages with your first purchase, you can get my link with the QR code or in the description box below. Ain Lochner is very familiar with the world of technology, she and her husband worked in that space. I think she said her husband. She worked for Apple very familiar with the algorithm and what they do to try to get you to stay longer so she took that knowledge and tried to use the same strategies in her own home so what are Tik Tok's algorithms doing and Instagram to support you?
Participating in the app makes you feel like something is always happening, she described it as a place where there are no start and stop signs, it is something that is always happening and she decided that she would try to recreate that in her own home. making your home a place where your kids and your family felt like something was always happening, the smell of freshly baked cookies coming out of the oven, a campfire on a cool summer night and I love the way you phrased it because I've been thinking in that more and more in my next few years so I'm going to turn 40 in less than 2 years about a year and a half and because I'm approaching 40 I've been thinking more and more about my future, not as much as a mother of children small but as a mother of teenagers and even grandchildren and thinking how am I going to get these children to come back maybe every week like we do with my parents, we go to their house every week, I want it with all my strength my children and their children and I tell you all the time that I'm trying to make my home design our life to feel like the place where you get that fomo, not social media apps but our home, and I think that's what we all long to create Aaron interviewed hundreds of teenagers and maybe not all teenagers, but he interviewed hundreds of people and one thing he learned from the teenagers he talked to was that they felt like there was always a party going on. is happening and if they weren't there, they're missing out, so instead of looking at teenagers with this, you know, we tend to, especially as someone who's in the generation after that, we look at them like why? are you on your phone? the moment when they feel like that's where all their social activities happen, all their fun happens and they have a real, deep need for that community, it's really sad and I think there needs to be a change.
Housewives experience exactly the same thing as me. You've felt that survey so many times over the years where everyone is there and something is happening and I need to be there and participate so I don't miss anything. I think as stay at home moms we can give our peace of mind to an algorithm that is designed to keep us entangled is not neutral in many ways and I myself don't have all the answers because I still have social media. I try to delete apps and moderate them but it definitely makes me think of the happiness of a housewife and how simple it felt when we didn't have these poles that we humans are supposed to create and not just consume, we are not meant to have information overload with So many great ideas we don't even know where to start.
All of the things are very good, but overwhelming because of the lack of start and end signs, they don't give us the stimulus that we often need to go away and be productive with it, but instead they make us feel defeated and deflated and then I've also been thinking . about the dis


that happens among housewives because not only is there this attraction to being where the action is, but at least I can speak for myself, we have this tendency to want to know what everyone thinks about everything, so it's not enough just read the post but then go to the comments section to see what other people think about it and then the need to stay informed with everything related to health and current events what's the latest thing we're supposed to be. avoiding being truly healthy or what's going on in the world that if we're not informed that our homes are going to fall apart, I don't think we should know what everyone around the world is doing and what to do with infinite amounts of information and how prioritize it.
In my early days of being a housewife and motherhood, I had the luxury of not even having the option to take in so much of it and I truly believe that as housewives we are being robbed of our peace of mind so that there are many things that make housewives unhappy. From home. What are some activities that can really help you feel refreshed? I think this is different for everyone. I have learned that for me they are social things. Those are good. I need to spend time with the people I need. spending time with my daughters during the day with my sisters.
I've been trying to get out once a week to do a real activity. have lunch with my sisters or my friends. a date night with Luke. buy antiques All this charges. My strengths not to say no when a friend invites you to their pool or park to host and create the type of atmosphere you want in your own home. I discovered that I personally love hosting. I love preparing food, inviting people and I feel very happy. I feel refreshed after flipping through a design book. I love design and when I leave Pinterest, I get sucked into Pinterest.
I'm not saying no. I never feel refreshed. I feel overwhelmed when I look at a book that is much calmer. in the exercise I feel inspired and encouraged to make some of that beauty in my home. That recipe we just enjoyed is the Inc corn Berry cobbler on farmhous uses ancient grains so it's better for digestion and then those fresh berries and seasoning, it's perfect to use them and also serve them with raw milk ice cream. We also do it non-stop on the blog. I would say three or four times a week we do it here now, I'll show you. something I know a lot of you are going to love because it makes the same fizzy drink that I make with water kefir except it uses milk kefir so if you're already saving milk kefir grains or even just making yogurt in your At home, this is a great way to continue making the fizzy drink you see me making all the time, but with water kefir grains I don't mean exactly the same thing, but a comparable end result, so now I removed the kefir from the grains. put it in a satile and strain the whe, so I'll take that whe and add it to homemade lemonade and that will be the starter for it to ferment and bubble like water kefir every time you put it in an airtight jar, so this recipe again on the onbon docomo farm, but essentially you're making lemonade by somehow adding it to airtight bottles, letting them sit at room temperature for a few days until they open or you know you check it every day and see if you listen. a little pop every time you open the top like you do with water kefir and then you will enjoy a naturally carbonated but whey fermented fermented drink that many of you I think have more access to than water kefir, we keep the water kefir. grain here in our house, but if you don't have it, you can still strain yogurt or milk kefir to start the process.
If you don't have these flip top bottles, you can also put it in a glass jar with an airtight lid. just be sure to check it about every 24 hours or maybe even 12 hours if your house is very warm to make sure it's not fermenting too much and becoming explosive. He doesn't want that to happen, another thing that helps me stay on task. creative, committed and with the right mindset is listening to music, something relaxing like it sounds like rain here on YouTube or it sounds like re e i GN. They are a sweet worship band that I enjoy on date nights at home too.
Luke and I prefer our date nights at home. probably more than those out and about, to be honest, we do the same thing every time we decide we're going to have a date night, so I run out to the freezer to grab a package of steaks. I buy them from my sister's farm in New Hartford. Farm Co defrosts them quickly if I think about it just before I go to bed in a little hot water, cook them very quickly and hot on both sides so they brown well, make mashed potatoes or French fries, serve with herb butter, usually It's very simple.
We take out some vegetablesor sauerkraut depending on the season of the year and then we sit at the table, we eat our delicious elegant food, we listen to music, sometimes we stay at the table for a while, sometimes we don't, the other night we sat down. there for hours costs nothing, you don't need a babysitter and it certainly leaves me feeling refreshed. I am currently reading Aaron Lochner's book, Outed Out Family. You are bringing up a lot of good points. It even teaches how to convert your smartphone. a dumb phone and I'm seriously considering taking those steps because I can tell a difference in the way I think and how I feel about coming home and how stressed I am and how overwhelmed I am all based on how much of that I'm consuming this evening.
Dredge pork chops in sourdough breadcrumbs and fry them coarsely. I make this all the time, but today I'm going to make it with lemon basil cream sauce and serve it alongside mashed potatoes with lots of herb butter, giving it a fresh twist. Nice summer flavor, hope you enjoyed making some homing with me today if you feel exhausted, overwhelmed and unhappy in your home. I hope you find some encouragement from this. Thank you very much for stopping by our farm. Because? these little ones in

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