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Why Gumball Has MASTERED Relationships | The Shell Vs The Matchmaker | Versus | Alpha Jay Show [66]

Jun 06, 2021
Hello, what's up everyone? He's the Alpha J of the Alpha J


and today we're going to talk about The Amazing World of Gumball. I think the last time I talked about a full episode it was my first verses that came out. More than 2 years ago, time has passed. I've been very critical of Gumball season 5 in my public Discord. I think there's not a lot of time spent on comedy and it's more about making it more meta, deeper, more focused. outside of the core values ​​that made Gumball work and while this works for episodes like the Election, it doesn't really find gold in episodes like X, however with this additional layer of pit layer, the episode The Matchmaker was created Since this is not the first time the


has made an episode about two people in love.
why gumball has mastered relationships the shell vs the matchmaker versus alpha jay show 66


is much more surprising than the


. In that sense, anyone who has watched Gumball knows that Gumball and Penny's roots were planted quite early and quite strongly. Darwin. On the other hand, seeds have been planted for Tobias' sister Rachel, Mommy, Jamie and Carrie, so he was much more of a wild card in that sense since Halloween, the episode where Carrie and Darwin kissed out of nowhere. , the question has always been asked. Why did you always want to do that? Will the writers ever expand on what they did? They really listened now. I know I'm praising Matchmaker a lot right off the bat.
why gumball has mastered relationships the shell vs the matchmaker versus alpha jay show 66

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why gumball has mastered relationships the shell vs the matchmaker versus alpha jay show 66...

I know Shell is a great episode. In my opinion, but my point is that Shell was a good episode. The Matchmaker was a good surprise, so let's watch both episodes so I can show you why, since Shell came out first, I'm going to start with that before we get started. I want to highlight these comments here. I've had a lot of good feedback recently and a lot of people have contributed to the conversation in a very productive way, so let's get into it. This episode begins with a skit that Gumball exaggerates. In his role, we see that several families came to watch the show, however, the episode clearly shows the two main families that we will focus on.
why gumball has mastered relationships the shell vs the matchmaker versus alpha jay show 66
Darwin has stage fright, which for a fish I totally understand and we got a few jokes along the way. Richard makes this joke where he explains the obvious, whether for comedic effects or non-comedic comedic effects, comedy is weird. Penny improvises and decides to kiss on stage in front of her family, her family, a lot of other families, just people from Elmore in general, is this really it? It happens because there are no kissing rehearsals. I kind of improvised, so how come we're not exploding? We are in space and why are we always in space when we go to kiss.
why gumball has mastered relationships the shell vs the matchmaker versus alpha jay show 66
There was always a slight element of slight conscience in Gumball. I never really understood the spatial aspect, but you won't hear me complain about it. He goes for a kiss and hits her head with enough power to hit a triple in Wii Sports baseball. In fact, the kiss between these two has been teased in previous episodes. in season 1, like the party, however of course you don't immediately reveal that Gumball and Penny have a real chance of being together, you make fun of it and this clearly could have been another tease, now Gumball is showing tons of remorse crying into a somewhat jarring melted face now I hope this is simple to spot a remorseful Gumball while Penny treats the situation lightly and forgiving him is what makes Gumball and Penny likable.
By reversing the reactions, you can clearly see if Penny was crying and Gumball was dealing with the situation. slightly then the scene would have had a dramatic change in tone and Gumball would probably look unpleasant and this is how the choir boys fail, this is how Pet or Pat fails, this is how the sweater fails, then we see a crack in the


by Penny showing a clip from What's Inside Now? I've heard some people think there was a deer or dough inside its shell and to that I say stretch your imagination, this is Elmore, we're talking about Gumball's amazing word, these things in Elmore aren't always like this. what appears to be Gumball asks what's inside the shell and of course we don't know, at least not yet, so Penny walks home with Gumball and Darwin.
I guess when they hit you in the face your parents don't take you home at night when they push us more, they push us more into what's inside the shell. Penny says she's herself. That means we'll find out later. They do argument warm-ups, which of course seems like another way when her father answers the door. I know. There is another element and another layer to this episode, but I won't discuss it here. Let's just say it's out of my league, but let's not slow down and move on to the Matchmaker, so before we get into this episode, I want to point out.
Pull out two things number one, the opening title cards, the music, the heart as a Cupid's choice, Cupid being love, setting up the inherent problem and the theme of episode number two, this opening scene was originally going to plan to go over the scene as something that was not important. important, but then I thought why would an open window be chosen for the opening scene, why not just enter the scene with Darwin and the computer. Well, I decided to try it since the Halloween episode we saw Darwin and Carrie share. a kiss, but after that nothing more in each and every episode when Daren and Carrie were in the same frame nothing was shown, nothing was shared, nothing was even hinted at, it left a question of what the hell was going on? was about that Halloween scene and this is the open window because that question has never been answered the question is the open window and in this episode it will close so we get this song that I wish I could play in its entirety, but it's fair use and you can find it in Youtube.
Let someone else take care of Darwin has the flutes to be able to give this sad song or is it the right amount. I don't know, but it's perfect. The chorus is always what gets me anyway. I can't free you. Can. No why did you stop playing that wonderful music? The fact that the 3D Water Element fits perfectly with the fact that Darwin is a fish and is also crying makes this scene simply spectacular. The fact that the chorus actually perfectly contradicts the fact that it was submerged in water, something I can live and breathe without just wow, there's also black makeup that also adds to the over the top nature anyway, going by that song incredible.
Then Gumball interrupts this song, that monster, and of course Darwin doesn't want to spill the beans. to Gumball before we get a reference. I'm pretty sure you know that we then get a scene with Gumball going off on one of his trademark tangents; however, this time it's much more bleak and depressing, which unfortunately persists with its realistic bleak tail into this season. Gumball reveals. to Carrie that Darwin is in love with Terry but he doesn't know how to explain it. I know it's strange, right. I thought he liked you, but no, it's definitely Terry. There is photographic evidence.
If you want to see it, look, look, look, look, it's her, it's Terry. Look at it, can you see? Look, look, look, look. Hey, I thought my brother liked you and you too, but he doesn't, he doesn't like you, he doesn't like you, Carrie, don't you feel rejected? I want to die, guess what you can't. You're a ghost my brother doesn't like you my brother kids can buy potions what do you mean? You know some kind of love potion that tricks you into thinking that everyone is beautiful that sounds more like a bug potion and we need a fake ID to buy one that went straight through the sensors, right?, right?, okay, okay.
Well, if it's okay with them, it's okay with me anyway. Gumball wants to help his brother when it comes to this new love that we will talk about more. this after returning to the shell when we returned to the shell we found out about this what's going on here penny where were you? We were so worried oh I don't know, maybe she was at school and I could have helped her take her home. Also if you were very worried, why didn't you go? I don't know, to look for her instead of waiting at your door, so Penny shows her father a scar and, of course, he reacts in a very surprised, very angry and very hostile way.
I mean, her daughter Gumball tries to defend Penny, probably just out of her curiosity and wanting to be right, which leads to a lot of jokes, but also a compelling argument that she doesn't sacrifice too much crazy to achieve it. It is a defect of desire. I like the scene here where Gumball literally tries to confront Patrick Penny's father with Darwin's help, but of course that doesn't work out well. We get this really nice photo of the family having dinner, it almost seems like something out of the ordinary. a 3D cartoon and it's probably technically Nico Operation Graer Grass has failed the network is compromised we're losing canaries I repeat, we're losing canaries now Richard is an interesting case because in the season 1 party there is another episode that shows Gumball and Penny in the end, it seems like I know about Gumball and Penny, but he just stands there, unlike Nicole in the busybody, Richard is very laid back and actually helps out on her case, but he is actually shown helping in episodes like The Date When A entire segment of the episode is dedicated to Gumball and Richard, but here Richard is only shown as a spectator who does not know or does not care about his son's love, so if we count the continuity we must count that against Richard he ends up crying for himself as Penny enters the house up a staircase and I guess we're not supposed to think about how this all works.
I came so that you would be crying. No, I just have very sweaty eyes. Wait, that's gross. Yes, I was crying. I really want to emphasize that this is not a cheesy love. The story has a good dose of comedy, so Gumball convinces Penny to come out of her shell and this actually ends up working too because her parents are not naive and stupid, okay, they are not as naive and stupid as always, they are too They know what's going on. everything in this particular scene works, the lighting was very good and every word used was necessary.
This is the classic misunderstanding plot. Note that as soon as Penny comes out of her shell, Gumball cannot immediately put into words how he feels, which ends with Penny assuming. This means that coming out of your shell wasn't the best idea. Now I think it was a great move on the staff's part because Gumball isn't exactly Romeo, but at the same time you don't want to dilute this idea, so don't focus on the fact that Gumball is unlucky don't focus on the fact that Gumball is arrogant you don't focus on the fact that Gumball can be annoying you focus on the fact that Gumball is a kid and a kid who doesn't really know much about what he's getting into, Penny on the other hand runs away and Gumball He finally finds the words.
Richard makes that joke I mentioned earlier and let's switch to the Matchmaker so Gumball decides to use a life or death. situation to somehow forge this, perhaps crush Carrie, on the other hand, out of jealousy, once to ruin Gumball's efforts in the episode The Flower, in fact we saw that jealousy can manifest within anyone, including Carrie . I wonder why they didn't reference that here. Gumball decides to tell Darwin that he should expose himself and by exposing himself he means being honest and sharing secrets to show his insecurities now it is very important that Carrie is by Terry's side for this to work he goes on saying a lot of things and blushing I don't I want to forget mention this, but this episode has a lot of blushing, on the other hand, not too much, if anything, again at the party, Gumball turned completely red when his father implied that he knew everything that walks.
It's kind of funny. and we see that, although Terry thinks the situation was strange, Carrie is actually not taking the news in the best way, and honestly, can you blame her? In fact, in the next scene they simply address that we will secretly marry them online and hope Terry's love grows over time. great plan, thanks yes C means dead seriously stupid, that's not how you spell serious, so it doesn't even work and we don't have plans yet, so start with the m. There's something about this scene that's missing that initial Gumball charm. I'm not really sure what it is, but I feel like if they had told the same joke in the style of a previous episode, it would have hit better, but anyway Carrie is disappointed in herself because she has a morality.
In this episode, in some episodes she does in some episodes, she doesn't, but she's a girl and I think it's not the worst thing in the world to be a wild card. She is disappointed in herself for obstructing true love. She wouldn't want someone else to do that to her if she. was in Terry's position, Gumball stops acting like he did for much of this episode and actually shows interest in the situation. This scene is like the argument scene in Shell, where it is very integral to the story. I really enjoy the care they take. Putting motivation into each character really leaves me engrossed in the story and wanting to see more.
Carrie proves that she really has a way of making them fall in love. I'm glad to know she had this information all this time just as she is. fact is verysymbolic a part of him a part of her in terms of Darwin and Terry and A tear from someone who loves him wow, that pot of potion made the woman have to cry for the man this potion was created by a Man, wasn't it So? Wait, what are you doing right? I thought it would be more romantic than putting it in their drinks when they're not looking. uh wow, exactly what.
Wow, first the ecstasy, now Rufy, what's next? Viagra, that's pretty hard to do, so we got some pretty funny jokes at least funnier than mine and we learned something integral oh, that's not a picture of Terry, it's of Carrie, but she's not in the movie, yeah , she used to be the girl of my dreams, yeah, that was never Terry. First of all, big twist, I know. This review has been spoiled since the introduction, but seeing this for the first time might have really taken you by surprise. I'm talking about Darwin and Terry, who could have been girl number five for him.
It's quite a twist. Now back to the shell. and end up returning to the Shell we are in the final stretch Gumball decides to chase Penny, she becomes the emotion she feels, whether it is shame or anger or anything in between, really Gumball has another chance but he runs out of breath. Penny takes out her new frustrations in this car. Jackie, this woman here tells Harold to do something that's strange. He was never portrayed as brave and I think she knows it. She insults Penny quite a bit, but she won't be the only one. one, her own father enters the picture, oh wow, so you have a car.
It's good to know you have one the next time you're really worried about your daughter at night, you might want to use it, but of course, like Jackie, he doesn't do anything. but I insult Penny, who to be fair doesn't look very good, but that's just because of her current emotion right now. Gumball confronts Patrick again, but in a more serious manner and takes it pretty well for a child to scold an adult. because of how he is the father of his own daughter, but everything he says is correct despite being uncomfortably brief, his intentions are also correct, but I will assume that you know that and that is obvious now, the following is probably one of my favorite sequences of the Serie.
I don't want to spoil too much but I'm sure everyone here probably wants me to talk about whether it's porn or peeling an orange for lack of a better word, well like my baby pizza scenes like this it all depends on your frame mentally on the subject. I'm sure both answers are technically correct. They get to a point where Gumball becomes a ball of weight on top of Penny and she can't really fly, so Gumball has to make her small by making her feel small and insignificant. In the process, Gumball manages not to be killed, but Penny goes to the forest where she believes he belongs.
Her father tells Gumball to go look for her because if he went to look for her, he would drive home, he would wait at the front door waiting for her. she's coming back and I'm not going to let that happen too haha ​​bugs and the exterminator insert bad nickelodeon live action dan snider laugh track here


goes to find penny and i have to give big props to the sound design it's Well, you know, I was trying to protect you back there Yes, I know and you know why Yes, I know why, but look at me, what will you think when people laugh at us?
No offense, but you look like a big coconut with holes in it before you do your job. staying in the background, but if you listen to it throughout the entire show, it's been unique and really elevates this episode to new heights. Penny shows more of her insecurity, which in other episodes she was much more of a bubblegum thing, whether it was insecurity or ignorance Gumball often didn't go down with Penny until now. I like how it took Penny breaking out of her shell for Gumball to have the guts to metaphorically break out of her shell. I like how Gumball handles the situation perfectly.
I'm also going to contradict a little, but I also like how the writers leave the comedy from beginning to end. At the beginning, we get a lot of comedy, a lot of jokes, and we get less and less as the story progresses to the end. and here, towards the end, we get less comedy, but the story wouldn't really benefit from it and it's not that important. All of this is the real essence of why Gumball's Amazing Woods is one of my favorite shows of all time, but right? I really think you could love, that's not who you are, it's just how you feel and that's how I feel.
I couldn't do justice to everything, from the space element, going back to Suly, having the blessings of both families, and showing all the other emotions. In this metaphorical avalanche of different emotions, all this has been done masterfully. The only choice I have is not towards the scene, but Richard, as I said, doesn't really do much except that he played the role of explaining the obvious. I think the writer should do it. I've put more faith in the audience by not having a slightly comedic ending. We get the two main characters kissing. I know this isn't a comedic ending, but anyway this is the shell, a wonderful episode and let's review and finish Matchmaker.
Now let's go back. As for matchmaking, we have Gumball called carry the way she was called in a previous episode, which then begs the question of how that continuity is achieved, but not many other things. Gumball lets Carrie know that Darwin was really interested in her, not Terry. and that love potion was never meant to be, this is explained by how Carrie never appears in the photos, that same photo Gumball placed on the face of the car earlier, if he just looked and looked closely, maybe this whole thing would have been solved, as you can see, this is There was also a misunderstanding in the plot, so they go to Montage to break the potion.
Apparently this potion cannot be broken with another potion. Good thing Gumball had good luck in this episode, or this would have been a lot darker, so they tried getting married, cheating, and whatever. It occurs to me to split up the two magically tied love birds and nothing works because I think Carrie forgot that this is a magic spell, not a normal relationship, but since this episode was already so good, I wouldn't let it go any further than this, they actually have a funny joke with Richard before Terry approaches Darwin apparently has lice which is fine Rachel har gumbo gumbo gumbo okay what's up with you guys?
Penny Susy UT Chris moris is fine, he's also been with Jamie and almost kisses Masami, it's little things like that that really reward you for being a shell fan, we get a photo of Darwin's teeth, but then to Terry, Surprise, surprise, she doesn't care and we actually see the potion through her perspective, it doesn't change her neural pathways, so she is in love with Darwin as if it were something natural, she actually shows Darwin in a representation that she likes. would like. I think that's also very important to think about because it shows that Terry is most likely not in love with Darwin.
It also lets you speculate about what Darwin might be seeing. For all we know, Terry could be a ghost. Terry could have emo hair. Terry could be Carrie. I fully support it, but no more delays in showing everyone what everyone has been so patiently waiting for. Hey, would you like to go? Go out somewhere at some time and do something or we could go somewhere else at some time and do something else. They both sound great and that's why a lot of people love Matchmaker. Darwin and Carrie spend their long, long, long-awaited time together, although this is Not for Everyone and seems to veer dangerously close to the fanservice side.
I appreciate the show taking that risk because a lot of fans like me love this episode. If I may make a comparison, check it out. mystery girl when Clarence and Bellt were very shy but got along very well. I guess that's my weak point for scenes like this, they cleverly saved this scene for last which makes all the build up worth it and unlike Shell, I end with a joke here but it's not as invasive. Both episodes are fantastic and deal with the concept of love in a way that can be entertained by children and older people, just like with guns, romance is a sensitive topic for I, yes, I would love more than that, but I also have 19 years.
I'm sure my brothers don't care. I'm sure anime is a goldmine for stuff like this in general if I had to pick it. It would be very difficult, on the one hand, the show was much more comedic and the comedy really hit home, the climax was very entertaining, it showed a better character. Dynamic had funnier adult humor and great visuals, but on the other hand, Matchmaker went much deeper. The unnecessary supporting characters had a great opening and a fantastic closing and I was waiting for this for a long time so if I think I had to choose I would choose the Matchmaker but by a small margin only due to my preference for Darwin and Carrie but Both episodes are good on their own.
I really hope you enjoyed these double verses because my next big project is coming out very soon. Let's just say it's long overdue, but let me know what you think of this in the comments below. you like one episode but not the other you like both you like neither you think it was too cheesy and also make sure to follow me on the


J show. I have tons of interactive content memes and channel updates to make you feel like I'm a part of it too from the community, if you haven't joined my Discord, make sure a lot of them only talk about episodes like this.
Many of my fellow reviewers are there too. It looks like Gumball, after all, that made me want to review. The animation is shown as Gumball, that gives me a reason to keep watching the animation, so thank you for listening to me on the last verses and thank you for listening to me on this because now I want to go back and retell my first review, going back to where. everything started and also make listening to it less complicated to consider these upcoming additional discussions. My repetition of said material in a more condensed way. If you really like this video, I recommend my first verses, which I'm glad received so much love. sort out the playlist overall, enjoy a binge, be sure to subscribe and feel free to consider my patreon as always.
I hope you invest your time well and Alpha comes out.

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