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Why GORR Was Right! (and Galactus Proves It!)

Apr 13, 2024
So this is my vow oh Gods will die for the butcher god vow to kill all the gods and we are here to prove that his mission was part of a cosmic plan to save the Multiverse and achieve this. It all connects to Galatis, how exciting, welcome to the screen. Crush I'm Ryan Ary on the surface Gore's Crusade seems simple, all the gods are portrayed as selfish and cruel beings, so killing them doesn't sound so terrible, good thing, it's terrible. Gore was practically a serial killer god who also kidnapped and terrified children, but to say that all gods must die because some of them are evil, that's too simplistic, it reduces the whole thing to something so narrow and uninteresting.
why gorr was right and galactus proves it
Gore represents something the gods have lost and that is the responsibility we not only want. We explore the flaws of the gods, we also want to explain their true nature and we believe we have discovered who really created these gods and what their real purpose in the universe is. Marvel Cosmic, but that's not all, we've also discovered the crazy secret behind the Necro Sword and why the god-killing sword was trying to reach Eternity. We believe the necro sword is connected to galatis and killing the gods is part of Saving the Multiverse. It may seem crazy now, but at the end of this video, believe me. they will all connect and all of this explains why the universe itself agrees that Gore was


why gorr was right and galactus proves it

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why gorr was right and galactus proves it...

I'm not a hypocrite. I'm really creating peace, so we have a lot of ground to cover with this video, but we should start with a quick refresher on Gore's motivations because that's the core of everything we're going to talk about. Gore and his people withered in a wasteland after being abandoned by their god Rapu, but Gore was a devout believer, his faith never wavered even when his daughter took her last breath in his arms and then Gore met his God and witnessed of his true ugly nature. There is no eternal reward for you. Rapu Dog was a selfish narcissist with no regard for his followers and as if by faith or some other pre-ordained cosmic plan, the pitch-black necro sword ended up in Gore's hands at that exact moment.
why gorr was right and galactus proves it
It's that necro sword, that's cool. I've only read about her in stories. This sword can kill gods. The necro sword shows visions of Gore that direct him to Eternity. Eternity is a powerful entity that basically functions as a cosmic wishing well, the sword tells Gore to kill all the gods and after meeting the God of him, Gore is willing to slaughter some gods. Now remember about the necro swords, it will be very important later. In this video, when we discover this connection between Blade and Galatis, we have a cosmic connection. That's


, we have a cosmic connection.
why gorr was right and galactus proves it
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So that means that while Gore's people perished, Rapu decided to ignore their pleas for hell, he took their faith for granted because he is a God and they are simply his devotees, there is no one left to worship you, there will be more followers to replace you there always . Now he may not have killed him himself, but his indifference makes him so incompetent that he might as well be evil, yeah, kill the gods, they're no fun, they don't do anything for us, us immortals, okay, relax, We're not going genocidal here, sorry, personid. I got carried away, are we accumulating gods or not?
This isn't about real life religion and we're not talking about the gods in the comics, we're just talking about the gods in the MCU and how they are portrayed in the movies and shows these guys come from Legend, they're basically gods, just There is a God, ma'am, and I'm pretty sure He doesn't dress like that. This brings us to the crux of Thor, Love and Thunder, the Council of the Gods. An alliance of gods from all kingdoms and worlds Thor and his friends come to them for help when Gore begins massacring other gods. Gore became disillusioned with the gods after meeting Rapu and Thor has a similar experience meeting the other gods, especially his childhood hero, Zeus. you went to the gods for help and they did nothing equally, in that sense the gods live in their Cloud City partying, drinking and congratulating themselves while the Kingdoms they are supposed to protect are burning, the Council of the gods he does it.
They don't protect the universe, they don't help anyone but themselves, they're basically as useless as the Galactic Senate, only worse because they actually have power. Zeus and the other gods decide to ignore Gore's threat simply because he doesn't concern them as long as Gore's slaughter is happening far away and doesn't affect them personally, those things could also happen in a different universe. Now this makes these gods complacent about that guy, he killed a couple of low level gods, boohoo, consider all gods, gor is killed. As low-level gods who are not worthy of joining his exclusive God club now, this is exactly how Rapu saw the followers of him as inferior life forms, seeing the lives of mortals as expendable.
Is this not your natural state? You were created to be ruled, so the gods are essentially a group of entitled billionaires like the ultra-rich elite, so they are out of touch with us little people while the planet burns around them. I'm smelling politics well. I mean, that's the point of the taoa TTI movie that it depicts the gods as the Rich Elite and he wasn't subtle about it either, but it's not about eating the rich and out of touch billionaires who run the world. None of these gods intervened to stop Thanos, Ego, Damu, or any of the other countless threats ending the Universe.
Do you think we are the divine police? But considering that God's biggest concern is where we are going to keep the fish, they are morally bankrupt and it's more that the gods are not helping, they are so out of touch that they refuse to lift a finger for their own preservation because if Gore comes to eternity then all the gods would die, he won't make it, he doesn't have the strength five minutes later, oh my god it's happening, but at least the gods could have protected him. The universe through its avatars and champions sees some of the other gods work through human vessels, for example, the black panther is the avatar of Bast, the night of the moon is the avatar of konu, the Egyptian god of the moon, and I believe that the Scarlet Witch is actually the vessel of the magical chaos entity Cathon, but I do not believe that Cathon is invited to these parties because he is like an evil Dark Lord, he was not invited, however, when Zeus finally called for Hercules, it had nothing to do with Gore, he sent his after Thor. because he felt humiliated you sit on a throne of lies so all these guys deserve to die just CU they suck good let's not get ahead of ourselves Doug these gods are ineffective however they aren't that bad compared to others in the MCU, there are three. types of gods those who do good those who do nothing and those who are only there to do harm and those are some of the most destructive beings in the universe Gods who only seek to destroy only to enslave only to gain power and conquer more kingdoms for their own arrogant and vain reasons, for example, in the advertisement, the Egyptian goddess AMT was planning to punish countless humans for crimes they might commit in the future.
Arthur Harrow, her avatar created a murderous fanatical cult in her name, the moon god Konu and the moon night stopped Amit. however, Konu is a malicious God, he abused Mark Specter's associated identity disorder for years, oh yeah, and it's true about celestials, and celestials killed more people than any of these gods. A celestial like a god, little son G, see life in the universe. only as a resource to create celestial babies and this is very similar to how the gods see all their followers, they even used to tear down entire worlds, then we meet ego, a celestial who wanted to reshape the universe in his image by killing billions of people . even good gods like Odin failed in their youth.
Odin was a conqueror who waged war on the nine Kingdoms and all of his children became warlike gods at one time or another. Thor started a war with the frost giants simply because his ego was hurt and then Thor and Loki brought their brothers' fight to Earth simply because Loki's ego is hurt you are all beneath me. I am a God and Hela was planning to conquer the nine Kingdoms because her ego was really hurt. Did they pray to the gods with the women? You, love, lay dying on the battlefield, begging them for help not to mention Thor's mid-life crisis at the beginning of Thor L and the Thunder?
Thor helps the Guardians of the Galaxy protect these blue aliens from the Marauders, but he is so consumed by the frenzy of battle that he destroys them. a religious temple that is sacred to these indig garans and then acts like it's a triumphant victory as the temple collapses in the distance, good job, but in this scene we also see the film's overall message about the gods of the MCU, the gods these people worship. They do not descend from the heavens to protect them, but rather these people were saved by superheroes and remember this for later and Gore's crusade forces Thor to question the nature of divinity.
Gore indirectly reveals the failures of the gods and ultimately demonstrates how unworthy they are of their cosmic status. Is this the purpose of the Gods to hide us in a Golden Palace like cowards? Perhaps we have lost our way and this raises an interesting question: What is the purpose of the Gods in this universe? These are beings that have too much power, some of them. They even control entire kingdoms and worlds, they have responsibility on a cosmic scale, but what makes them gods, the Asgardians, were depicted as aliens with advanced technology that was mistaken for magic.
The ASG Guardians visited Earth thousands of years ago and we humans started worshiping them as Gods, but I think they think I'm some kind of God, which is why the Norse myths were based on aliens from an upside down magical Iceberg. Cosmic entities that age very slowly, but as Odin says here, we are not gods, we are born, we live, we die and this is true for most of the gods in the MCU, these myths are based on aliens, magical and supernatural beings, then, At some point, these aliens began to see themselves as gods, this is confirmed in the eternals, the eternals influenced human history, they created the stories that served as its basis.
For many mythologies and gods, for example, the Icarus stories are based on Icarus, the boy who flew too close to the Sun Sprite, made up that story when we lived in Athens. Gilgamesh is the inspiration for the Mesopotamian mythology hero with the same name and apparently the Greek goddess is actually theena it's ah Thea just not Thea but the part about the eternals influencing myths in religion is super important and could even explain the true purpose of the gods because we believe that the celestials are responsible for theexistence. of the Gods that the gods are just a group of space robots no no they are not all of Flesh and Blood we are not saying that the celestials created them but they are responsible for their divinity what would happen if I were a robot and I didn't?
I don't know, you see in some depictions of the gods in comics, like the 1999 Earth story, they were genetically modified by the celestials. The movie The Eternals draws a lot of inspiration from Earth, like how the celestials are born in this story. The celestials manipulate life. on these planets and trigger mutations that create superhumans, this is how the Asgardians became superhuman gods, their purpose was to protect the seed worlds and we believe that this is how the gods were created in the MCU, but that is simply not possible, is it? because that is not it? possible, it's just not why not, you stupid bastard, the eternals were created to defeat the deviants, but the gods serve as protectors of the seed worlds so that sentient life on that world could flourish and protect the baby within the core of the planet, so the gods created religions to cultivate civilizations Faith unites people creating larger communities and a more sensitive life equals more fuel for these heavenly seeds suffering for their Gods is their only purpose, so this is the real nature and purpose of the gods Gods like Zeus believe themselves superior to all other beings, in truth, although they are nothing more than ponds for their own gods, this would explain the presence of two celestials in the divine city, they are there to take care of their creations. the gods will use you but they will not help you and this recontextualizes their purpose in the universe after all, what is the difference between Thor, a powerful God, and Captain Marvel, a being with divine cosmic powers or the Scarlet Witch who can reshape reality because outside of The mythological gods are like unofficial god beings that are not part of any Pantheon but are still worshiped as gods like Thanos, the Titan, cultivated a giant army of followers because they believed in his Crusade, they worshiped him like a God.
You have had the privilege. of being saved by the great Titan and then there is the evolutionary high. The Sovereign was created by the high evolutionary and they worshiped him as their creator and God. He genetically engineered countless life forms throughout the Galaxy, which is also very divine. He has created entire societies in corners of the universe, he considers him God, the high evolutionary exterminated his creations, he committed atrocious acts against other forms of life because he believed himself to be their God, he even shouts at one point that there is no God, that's why I blurted out that this mentality It is parallel to rapo, both believe themselves. being gods who can do whatever they want to those who are inferior to them, so why are the gods so good?
Many of them, like the Asgardians, probably started out as protectors, but at some point they began to develop a serious God complex. on pedestals they become symbols, icons and then we start to forget about their flaws and living such long lives and being adored by so many, he just did something with his morality, the lives of mortals became expendable and therefore Gore You are right about that. Killing all the gods is the fact that the gods no longer have a cosmic purpose, yet mortals see them as gods, pray to them, and worship them. Many mortals are willing to do anything for their gods.
My daughter died in your name. Religion and faith can be. It is a beautiful thing that can give hope and purpose to people and make them better human beings, but this also has an ugly side and we know from our own history how many wars and genocides were committed due to the religious Crusades that these beings who are called to themselves The gods can influence countless Minds to do anything for them and you know what happens with absolute power, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, they refuse to change and will not concede their absolute power.
The gods do not have to choose, we understand that this makes them dangerous. and someone must enforce them and we believe that someone created the necr sword to enforce the gods and now we have come to our wild theory about the necro sword and how it connects to my man galatis, this is where the fun begins. In the comics, the all-black necro sword was created by an ancient god of darkness called null, he is also the Creator and god of the symbiote, you know, symbiotes like Venom and Carnage null forged the sword to kill gods, but the gods he was killing were the celestial ones and that's why nowhere is there a severed head and killing everyone in that dead god's head now is not cool, however he is not part of our theory although we believe that in the MCU the sword was forged by none other than Galactus now.
We admit that this from the beginning Galactus has nothing to do with the necro sword in the comics, but this is not as far-fetched as it seems, we promise that we think we can connect the sword to the devourer of worlds and explain why Galactus would even need one. god killing weapon show me Gore wanted to kill the gods because they had failed him, however he was a simple man, his killing streak started only after the necrosword corrupted him and that means the sword is sentient, he wanted to kill the gods and he wanted Gore to bring him to Eternity, an entity that could grant him any wish, what do you think a guy called the Golden Butcher would want?
So eternity is at the center of all this. Now we don't know much about m cu's version of Eternity other than the fact that he grants wishes and resides at the center of the universe, in the comics Eternity is the embodiment of the universe and encompasses all living beings in the universe. , even the entire Multiverse is embodied by a multiversal version of Eternity, but they're all basically the same guy with these little cosmic fingers and that means that if Eternity dies, the universe would die with it, so we have to go a bit down the road. tangent about Eternity and Cosmic Gods, but we promise it all connects to our theory and why Gore was at this point our first introduction to Eternity was actually in Guardians of the Galaxy volume 1.
Peter found the Power Stone in an ancient temple in Morag. That temple contained a mural wall that represented four cosmic entities, eternity, infinite death. and entropy and surrounded the Infinity Stones now this could mean that these beans were the ones that created the stones which would make sense since each of these beans represents an aspect of reality eternity and infinity embody the universe death is death of all living beings and entropy represents the end of the Universe on the wall of the mural, entropy seems to be stabbing eternity and this is meant to symbolize that entropy will be the death of the universe, so wait, who is entropy, some new bad guy that I don't know or is it?
Will it be Kang or something or it's Kang, not Kang. Entropy is represented by none other than Galactus and this mural is a prophecy depicting Galactus slaying eternity with the necro sword. Galactus is entropy, he is the harbinger of death for the entire universe, right? Which person are you saying Gore is right because the universe is going to end? How does that make sense? I'm just playing devil's advocate, that's my role in these videos. Okay, you're right, but there is a reason. the universe needs to end and they are all God's flaws in the comics eternity and infinity are brothers and their opposite forces are death and oblivion the four are beings in the same Cosmic League now entropy is one of the children of the eternity did you make a penis?
What's the matter? If it's a planet, how could I have a baby with your mother? We would assume that the MCU has switched Oblivion's roles with entropy. However, neither Entropy nor Oblivion appear in the Temple of Eternity at the center of the universe. The temple includes statues of Eternity Infinity Eon death The Living Tribunal The Watcher and a statue of a Celestial and those guys are the true gods of the universe so let's go over these beings real quick, this is important. Eon is a cosmic entity that in the comics created the quantum bands and those that of course appeared in the Marvels.
There are bracelets that created the jump points that allow hyperspace travel in the universe. The Watcher is the being that watches over the Multiverse and the Living Tribunal is basically the boss of everyone, he represents the Highest Authority in the Multiverse, the celestial statue represents the one who is above all now in the comics, two different entities are called the one who is above all, this one above all is essentially God in Marvel Comics and he is like God in capital letters, this above all is a Celestial, he is basically the leader of the celestials in the comics and he is responsible for the existence of the Multiverse.
I request a Release, that's how it all connects. You see, long before the Multiverse, there was actually a Universe in all of existence. This is from the comics the way the living being in this was called the first firmament was the incarnation of this first universe and is also the predecessor of Eternity the first firmament created the celestials and they were the first living beings in existence and then there was a war and the one above all shattered reality and that's how the Multiverse was born oh yeah, like when Super Boy hit a wall a lot of times yeah, like when Super Boy hit the wall a lot of times I understood that reference since then, although there have been multiple incarnations of the Multiverse however the Multiverse continues to end each time this cycle is similar to what is happening with the Multiverse in the MCU in the show Loki we discover that the current version of the Multiverse is not the first and the previous one ended due to a really big multiversal war, a war started by Kang variants and at the time we made this video, Kang is still the main villain of The Saga, now a version of Kang It is called the one who remains governed at each point of time in this remaining Universe. making him another tyrannical God and in the final episode of the show Loki basically created a new Multiverse and therefore the reason why the Multiverse keeps collapsing in the MCU is probably due to incursions: an incursion occurs when The boundary between two universes erodes and they collide, destroying one or both completely.
We believe that since reality shattered in that first Universe, the Multiverse is in a constant state of imbalance and that is why this keeps happening. That means that the The gods are responsible for this multiversal crisis. The celestials of Eternity and the other cosmic entities that predate the universe will move on to the next cycle, while everyone else will die and these gods are mostly indifferent to this process, so Now are you noticing the parallels between the cosmic gods and these, like lowercase gods, are they all? so caught up in their cosmic schemes that they simply cannot see the suffering and destruction they are causing in everyone else and this is why Galactus forged the necro sword, a weapon meant to kill the gods, but why Do you want to kill the gods?
Galactus is a survivor of the previous incarnation of the Multiverse back then he was known as galin of the planet t now galin tried to stop the end of the universe and by extension the end of the Multiverse but it was too late just when his Universe collapsed. galin was chosen by the incarnation of the Multiverse which was an earlier version of Eternity, this entity merged with galin, so when the Multiverse was reborn, galin was reborn as Galactus the Devourer of Worlds and thus Galactus' origins are connected to everything we said about the multiverse. The Universe of the Galactus cycle was destroyed due to the cosmic imbalance that the gods have caused in that first reality Galactus is not so different from Gore in that sense, they are both victims of the Gods forced to lose everything that mattered to them because the gods did so. they hold. a lot of cosmic power and are indifferent to the damage they caused to everyone else in the Multiverse.
Now, at the same time, this can also connect to what we know about the Multiverse and kangs. Their war ended the previous Multiverse and that includes Galin's universe and The kangs were able to erase entire universes due to that cosmic imbalance created by the gods and as we said before, the kangs are playing gods by playing with the Multiverse. I know everything and I have seen everything. I paved the way like you probably did. I know that Galactus eats planets, he needs to consume energy found in worlds full of life to sustain himself. He is not evil, although he must feed on energy to maintain the cosmic balance of the universe.
When he consumes a world, all of its energy is stored within it. Galactus is like a moving black hole, its purpose is to absorb the energy of the entire universe until it ends and then Galactus will restart the next Universe with all that energy stored, so the big band is just a giant space vomit, yes, but it is Anyway, it's not as gross as it seems, Galactus is the harbinger of death, but he is also the bringer of life to the next cycle of the universe and this causes him to have entropy. Eternity essentially created Galactus to serve as hisinevitable entropy so that the next universe could exist.
Galactus serves. like entropy on that mural in morac killing eternity with the necro sword, okay so why did he create the necro sword? okay so this is our theory. Galactus is aware of the purpose of it, he knows it is entropy and he also knows that once the Multiverse. finishes its job is to give rise to the next Multiverse, but this reality will once again be manipulated by the gods, meaning that the endless Eternal cycle will continue forever unless someone puts an end to it, so Galactus believes the only way to break the cycle is to free the Multiverse from these gods Galactus must navigate his purpose, he must feed himself so he cannot go around killing the gods himself and that is why he created the necro sword, so after creating the sword, Galactus needed a reliable Herald to go on a god-killing spree like the Silver Surfer, true, Galactus had many other Heralds before and after the Silver Surfer, the first of them was the Fallen One, he controlled Dark Matter, something like dark energy that Gore exercises in the movie, well, it's more like Shadows, potato, tomato, potato, tomato, the thing is Although the Fallen was so cruel that Galactus had to fire him and The Herald had to kill his master since then and that's how it is how everything comes together.
Galatis must fulfill his cosmic purpose, even if it means he must wipe out countless civilizations in the world. process, so from a certain point of view he sees himself as a higher life form, this turns Galactus into what he hates, a cosmic God. Ironically Galactus programmed the necro sword to kill gods and the next thing he started seeing his master as a God and then He tried to kill him now this could have happened when Galactus was about to eat the Planet of Ego meaning Gala Gus was about to eat the Celestial Seed Planet before ego was born and then the Fallen attacked Galactus and that's how ego became an anomaly among His Kind anyway, Galactus survived the attack and got rid of his Herald, the necro sword was lost and has since fallen into many other hands and the sword probably corrupted Gore and the others because they were mortal.
You see that the sword is sensitive but it couldn't. make the distinction between the cosmic gods and all the other gods of the universe when Gore found the sword and imprinted the mission on his head, the sword wants to reach eternity. The Entity then grants Gore his wish to kill all the gods and then Gore would fulfill the mural's prophecy. by killing eternity with the sword, thus ending the Multiverse, but luckily the sword was shattered before Gore had a chance to finish the job, so he waits, why is that a good thing now? Well, Galactus hasn't achieved his goal yet.
He needs to first absorb enough energy to restart the Multiverse; he is supposed to fulfill the role of entropy from it and create a God-free Universe. The plan didn't work, but there is still hope. Aram chose the Earth as the seed of thiamut. The sole purpose of the planet Humanity was to feed the celestial egg and then into its existence will come emergence. but as ajac told arish sham andaras humanity has proven itself worthy 5 years ago tanos erased half the population of the universe but the people of this planet brought them all back with a snap of the finger this is the world that gave origin to The Avengers who are possibly the most important heroes that exist, these heroes prevented the universe from ending several times, this is even proven by Zeus' speech at the end, when do we become the joke that haunts Thor and other superheroes because They turned him into an obsolete god of the universe? has new and better superhero gods and Thor is proof that Thor is a god at war with himself because unlike the other gods, Thor does not expect to care, in fact apart from his title of God of Thunder, Thor never acts Like a god. he protects everyone no matter what God they believe in or where they are from because that's what heroes do for most of their lives.
They told him that he is worthy only because he can wield a magic hammer. He had to learn how to be humble and what it means to be. a normal human being to understand how to become a worthy hero the other gods cannot change or evolve or seek to be better because they are so defined by their divine nature life is about growth it is about change but it seems that you just want to stay the same , but Thor seeks to find something that truly matters to him as an individual, so Gore was right that the age of the gods had to end, but Gore's decision in the end could still save the universe.
He wanted to resurrect his daughter. so eternity grants that wish but he brings love with a cosmic upgrade, she has cosmic abilities and can even wield Stormbreaker now, that's really impressive on its own, it's a weapon that cuts through the power of all six Infinity Stones and can summon a bifrost. but don't forget why Thor forged the ax that can kill Thanos and Stormbreaker could be another god-killing weapon and this time a god-like superhuman is wielding the god-killing weapon and this ties into what we said about superheroes being The new and better love of God with the guid of Thor could be the first member of a new race of God Heroes who will bring balance to the universe and that is why Gore was right, he and Galactus were trying to free the universe from the gods neither were successful, but in Gore's final action he made Thor a better God, so it's possible Thor could make a change in the pantheon of gods and even find a way to stop this multiversal cycle. , especially now that Loki is overseeing the entire Multiverse.
These are two gods who could join forces. with Galactus and break the cycle of death and rebirth. I know what kind of God I need to be for you for all of us. Is this a great way to bring Galactus into the multiversal crisis or not? Was Gore right about the gods and I want? To give a big shout out to the writer and editor of this video, Mr. Pavel, his work is amazing, you can see it here on the Crush screen all the time and by the way, thanks again to Magic Spoon for sponsoring this video, just a reminder to scan. this QR code or click our link below and use the Crush code screen to get $5 off or visit magic greenrush to get your $5 off today so tell us what you think about this tell me in the comments below or with me on Twitter and if it's your first time here, subscribe.
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