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Why Games Shouldn't Let Me Draw Stuff - Pikuniku (First Look Gameplay) - Let's Game It Out

May 10, 2020
unique and I invented it last month and I think it has a great name despite all the criticism you may have heard and I am the champion, no one has beaten me yet. Did you come here to challenge me? Yes why not? I see a watermelon and I feel like I'm about to kick this guy's ass. They kicked the watermelon into the basket on the right and mine is the one on the left


one two three points win the


I got it out of the way buddy it's time to beat your ass ah yeah yeah well that was easy oh god he plays dirty does he play dirty?
why games shouldn t let me draw stuff   pikuniku first look gameplay   let s game it out
Did you see him really kick that thing? just oh oh yeah, from the board Oh, can I score again? Sure I can oh yeah, oh you suck dude, has anyone challenged you before? Wow you're good at this thanks for playing with me take this have some money that was kind of fun though present out of the way no don't follow me this is my present ah bass kick amiibo oh god what's going on with this house I should have known this is the artist's house Wow, you made those in mspaint. I lost inspiration. It is a disaster.
why games shouldn t let me draw stuff   pikuniku first look gameplay   let s game it out

More Interesting Facts About,

why games shouldn t let me draw stuff pikuniku first look gameplay let s game it out...

I'm a mess. They asked me to


the Scarecrow's face, but only the birds liked it and that's not good. They were supposed to be scared. It's a scarecrow. It should scare the crows. I don't have the rope and I also lost my pencil. It's probably in my basement. Could you see if it's there? I'll check the basement, but you know what else is in there. Wow, your art is you. I actually take commissions on this crap, what is this button? Oh great, it's not easy to stop the water from falling, here we go, come on, I know it's a pencil, but come on, we're all thinking the same thing here,


what I found, it's on me.
why games shouldn t let me draw stuff   pikuniku first look gameplay   let s game it out
Now it's part of me, well you can keep it. I'm not up to the task, it's probably the end of my career. Oh, do you know how to use it? Maybe you have a canvas, it's blank of course, go ahead and


a face for the scarecrow. you'll do it better than me obviously oh no oh god no I only know how to draw one type of face okay, what have you done? It is a masterpiece. I didn't know you were so talented. Now you should put it on the Scarecrow's head. Here, take it, oh God, I thought you could, I thought you'd let me redraw it, oh Jesus, oh Jesus, I'm going to have to erase it.
why games shouldn t let me draw stuff   pikuniku first look gameplay   let s game it out
I mean, it's not that bad, okay, let's put it in Scarecrow's face. Shall we put it? all over his face hello, yeah, yeah, that's it, Oh God, I've retired, wonderful, wonderful, all the birds are gone, his new face really scared them, oh Jesus, I just want to get him off the screen, yeah, Please take it off, careful, oh, good, thank you. Thanks for taking that away from me. Are you okay? What's that? I think I should have told you about the robot. Look, we have corn in our village. Lots of corn. We made a deal with Sunshine Inc and every week one of their robots. comes here to pick it up in exchange the robots distribute money everywhere in town free money everywhere sorry for not telling you before at least it scared the birds you did a good job Thank you you're welcome my main goal is to explore the world what are you doing?
I think I've been doing it, oh no, I'm going to see this everywhere. Hello Hello how are you? Well, have fun getting your corn, so let's narrow it down for this episode. Clearly, selection is happening here and boy. I'm glad I drew something smutty, so that'll do it for this let's play as usual episode. I'm Josh, let me know in the comments what you thought of this


and I'll see you next time.

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