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Why Every Senior Should Be Doing Squats Daily

Jun 17, 2024
hello dr. todd sullivan from nova chiropractic and acupuncture in today's video I'm going to go over the most important exercise for


s to master, so the most important exercise for


s to master will be the squat, so the squat will be very important because you will use your core, you will use your hip mobility, you will use your glutes, your quads and your hamstrings. All of these exercises will be a full body workout, so it is very important to master the squat to help improve your balance. How to improve your strength and reduce your risk of falling The first exercise we will do in a squat progression will be a hip bridge or a glute bridge, so let's demonstrate what it looks like. perform the hip or glute bridge, what we are going to do is lie on our back, our arms will be extended at an angle of about 45 degrees, our feet will be together, move our feet out just a little bit. a little bit further away from your body, there you go right there and then what she wants to do is contract her core, so she squeezes your abs and then after she tightens her abs while keeping that brace on, I want her to use her glutes. and to drive her hips up well and she wants to hold that position, we need to see that her knees, her hips and her


ers are in a straight line and she wants to hold that for 10 seconds and then relax and we want to go back and forth like this and I would do three 10 second reps and then the key again is to have all of that in a good straight line while you contract your core and you can relax and this will be a great exercise to develop that glute strength that is going to help you progress in the squat, the next one The progression in the hip bridge and glutes is to do it with one leg, so what she is going to do, she is going to do the same, she is going to contract her core, she is going to push up with both legs, this time she will extend her leg well right and then hold it for 10 seconds again.
why every senior should be doing squats daily
You will notice her hip, her knee and her


er in a nice straight line and you will be able to relax there. This is going to be much more. challenging so you'll want to hold it for 5-10 seconds and then as your strength increases you'll be able to hold it longer and then definitely make sure you do it on both sides and this will help challenge the hips and muscles. glute strength much more the next exercise that we are going to do to improve our squat is going to be a box squat to perform the box squat using a chair what you are going to do is lower your body to the chair using the arms of the chair and then she's going to press up good and then we're going to do this about 10 times good and again we're going to use the arms of the chair to give it some extra stability and get back down good and up once again. perfect, this is how you would perform a box squat using the arms of the chair to give you additional support.
why every senior should be doing squats daily

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why every senior should be doing squats daily...

The next progression in a box squat we will use as a foam pad here or as a pillow at home. put that on the chair and what it will do is elevate the part you're sitting on a little bit and that will make the squat easier. What she's going to do, she's not going to hold on to the arms of the chair and she's just going to bend over so her butt is on the pad and then she's going to get up, so let's make it so you can get down, sit for just a second and then push. up and what you can tell is that she is also putting her arm straight and that will give her more stability and we will do it 10 times where she is sitting on the pad or the pillow and then we will go back to the next progression for the box cut that we are going to remove. that foam pad or the pillow and we're going to do the same exercise without the foam pad.
why every senior should be doing squats daily
We'll have you hold out her arms as she goes down, she'll sit for a second and then push up, so that's how it will be. The next box squat progression we want to do ten reps for two sets and you just want to go back and forth ten times. Make sure to lower yourself down, touch your butt for a second, and then use your legs to push up the next squat progression. The development will be to do an air squat but holding on to a chair or a counter, so what you will do is hold on to the back of a chair and then what you will do is squat down as far as possible.
why every senior should be doing squats daily
As she feels comfortable, go back to the big keys with this one, keep your chest up, good posture and squat down as much as she feels comfortable. Ideally, you should reach an angle of about 90 degrees, but if she can only do it. 30 or 45 degrees is also fine and again we want to do 10 reps for two sets. Otherwise you can do this exercise if you have a partner at home. What you are going to do is have her partner grab your hands. and you will go back down to where you feel comfortable, chest height, good posture, good and you will go down to where you feel comfortable and again you will notice that you will be able to go much deeper with this again and again. because you have more support with your arms extended that way and you do one more big comeback, okay, so you're going to do 10 reps for two sets, the next progression for developing


for seniors is going to be just


an air squat which We're going to do an air squat, we're going to extend our arms in front of us and we're just going to squat down to where we feel comfortable, so the big keys with In this case, keep your arms at chest height outward and go down as far as possible. deep as you can, but it's still a good comfortable position and again with your arms extended to your chest, squat down and you also want to make sure that your knees are wide apart as you squat down and you're not meeting well and you can relax there and what I would do is to do three sets of ten repetitions for an air squat, so the squat is very important for older people to develop and will also help prevent a fall, but also if having fauna will give you strength to get up, so if you have Any questions, please contact me at 703-912-7822 or you can schedule online at

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