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Why Dr. DOOM Has Been the MCU's Secret BIG BAD, All Along - Kang, T'Challa's Death, Hydra, and More!

Apr 21, 2024
Not only is Dr. Doom coming to the MCU, but I think he may have


here all along. Welcome back to the screen. Crush. I'm Ryan Ary and we're going to go through all of MCU history to explain how Dr. Doom might have


pulling. the strings during some of the most crucial moments of the infinity saga, that's right, we reviewed the official Marvel Cinematic timeline and found key points where Doom was pulling the strings in some of the most important moments of the infinity saga and I also have a theory that Doom can Inadvertently created K and started the disaster that is Multiverse Saga and guys, before we really get started here.
why dr doom has been the mcu s secret big bad all along   kang t challa s death hydra and more
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. You can also come see us live at our live show in Brooklyn, New York on February 22, George Washington's birthday. The link for tickets and everything else is below. Before we can explain how Doom will fit into the MCU, we first have to explain a little backstory from the comics and then as we go along we'll look at how we can adapt his classic origin to the Marvel Cinematic Universe so that Dr.
why dr doom has been the mcu s secret big bad all along   kang t challa s death hydra and more

More Interesting Facts About,

why dr doom has been the mcu s secret big bad all along kang t challa s death hydra and more...

Doom can grow. . As a poor Roman traveler, what used to be known as a gypsy in a country called Laveria, his people were harassed and killed by a local baron's soldiers, so Doom's mother, Cynthia, made a deal with a demon to obtain supernatural powers that she used to attack. naked soldiers, but was then murdered by a mob of witch hunters, Doom swore Revenge and later in life, when he discovered that his mother had sold her soul to the devil, he swore to recover her soul from Hell. Now this will be the driving motivation for most of Doom. take revenge on the Baron and save his mother's soul so that Doom grows up and he is just a sponge of knowledge who learns about magic and technology and is soon recruited to attend Empire State University, where he is a classmate of Reed Richards, the future Mr.
why dr doom has been the mcu s secret big bad all along   kang t challa s death hydra and more
Fantastic, now it's Doom. at the University to use his resources to build a device that he believes will help him enter Hell and save his mother, but Richards points out that his calculations are off the machine, the result backfires, leaving scars on Doom's face. and for the rest of his life he will blame Reed. Richards for tampering with the machine, so Doom returns to Latveria and lives with these monks who believe he will become their leader, they help him forge a suit of armor and then he assumes the Persona of Dr. Doom using magic and science, he overthrows the baron and becomes the ruler of Latveria and also the greatest supervillain of all time, but what makes Doom really great is that he truly believes that he is the only person who can fix the world with himself as the leader of the planet and believes there will be a new golden age of peace and prosperity, so if you want to read a great comic about this, I highly recommend the Books of Doom by Ed Brewbaker Pablo Randi and Mark Farmer.
why dr doom has been the mcu s secret big bad all along   kang t challa s death hydra and more
It's a great read that shows how Doom is a nuanced villain and a perfect fit for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, let's talk now about how Dr. Doom has been in the Marvel Cinematic Universe the whole time, so oh, just one second person, hello, I would certainly love to give you my social security number in exchange for entering a contest it's five o'clock hang up but I'm eligible for a big prize it's a scam Robo call Buddy hangs up the phone but they seem so nice how did they get my number Dude, that's the complicated part that no one wants you to know they got? your number and email from online data brokers now the internet is full of shady people who would pay a lot of money just to access your private data for my data but I'm a dog.
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At first I thought I'd revisit the history of the MCU in that timeline book and come up with theories about how Doom is really behind everything, including Ultron in Civil War, but that would actually undermine the story we've already been told if Doom He would have already been a super villain for the In the last 20 years we would have already heard about him, so what we are going to talk about is how the Infinity Saga was actually the origin story of Dr. Doom. Let's start from scratch and take it to the end. 11 Now the other question we have to answer is how old is Dr.
Doom? Well, I thought we wouldn't make him older than Tony Stark, born in the early 1970s, this would make him about the same age as Pedro Pascal, who he is rumored to be playing. Reed Richards, also means that Doom could now be played by Killian Murphy, a fan cast we like so much that we're going to use Killian Murphy's Boll as a stand-in for Dr. Doom throughout this video to kick off Doom. I'm going to have a very close relationship with Sovia, W Maximoff's war-torn home country that was destroyed in Age of Ultron because Latveria borders Sovia at one point.
I thought Doom should maybe be Sovian instead of Latverian, but trust me, this works much better. Latveria borders Sovia and maybe at one point they were once part of the same block of nations during the Cold War, so this will give us some fun ways to connect Doom to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, for example we know that Zemo is sovian and that he is. a Baron Zemo, but in the comics his father Hinrich Zemo was actually the first villain Baron Zemo that Captain America fought in World War II, so let's do something similar here. MCU Zemo's father is the baron who persecuted and tormented Doom's family when he was a child, although If we wanted Doom to be Sovian, then maybe the Baron's Castle was the castle from Age of Ultron, but trust me, we're not going to go that way, it'll be a lot more fun this way, so all that origin stuff with Dr.
Doom. mom and the barons, that would have happened in the 1970s or 80s during Doom's childhood and then in the late 1990s, this young refugee starts making high-tech weaponry that catches Shield's attention now, at the moment in which Shield would have been running Project Pegasus. testing the treasury so that they recruit young Doom and young Reed Richards to help them study this object. A couple of years ago I posted a video about my Fantastic Four pitch where Reed was a scientist studying the Tesseract and stole his Tesseract-powered Ship after realizing that Shield wanted to make weapons out of the Cube.
It's a pretty good video that will probably be remade and reposted soon, so in the MCU, instead of reuniting with Re and Doom at the university, they meet in Shield. Victor has no formal education, but He is just an information sponge, but he resents Reed and the fact that Reed comes from money. He thinks that if he had a fraction of Reed's resources, he would have done something great for the world, like overthrowing the baron and saving his mother's soul from hell. Now remember that at the time Shield didn't realize that the Tesseract opened gateways. Hawkeye actually pointed that out to the Fury at the beginning of Avengers.
Yes, the cube is a door to the other end of space. The correct doors open from both sides, but Victor would have noticed this. He left very early, but he didn't tell Shield this information because Victor wanted to use the test act's ability to open wormholes to teleport to the realm where his mother was trapped. Now, at this point, Victor has been studying his mother's Magic books, but no. He still doesn't know enough about these other worlds, he just needs more knowledge, more technology, more time, remember that for later, so


ly, Doom builds his own machine to use the tesak to travel to another dimension.
Reed finds out about this, tries to stop him and this creates the accident that scars Doom's face. Now Doom is extremely proud, so from this point on he will keep his face covered in various ways. He is thrown out of the shield and then travels the world in search of answers now that Doom was studying the Tesseract. he also studied the history of it and how Red Skull obtained it from a Norse tomb and how Yan Schmidt believed that he was from the gods. Doom would reason that a celestial object like this would have come from aliens, not gods, and wonders if there are more artifacts.
He thus builds a device to detect gamma radiation from the Tesseract and discovers that there is another of these objects on Earth in a place called Karage. His journey to Karage takes him to the ancient one, so Doom demands that she teach him. His ways now remember that at this point the Ancient One still has the Time Stone that he can use to look into the future and see possible outcomes, so he does this for Doom just like he did for Steven. Strange is meant to be the best of us, but at this point, Doom isn't really a villain, he's full of anger and resentment, but so is Steven.
Doom just wants to save his mother and keep his people safe so the old man sees that Doom could be a great force for good and agrees. train him, which would mean that Doom would have been training alongside Kilus, another MCU villain who was learning magic to recover a lost loved one, so Doom and Cilus would have formed an antagonistic friendship similar to the relationship between Doom and Reed. They both have an interest in reaching other Realms cilus wants to live in doramu in a timeless realm and


wants to go to hell which by the way I always thought the hand dimension in Doctor Strange might have actually been hell because It was unleashing Steven's worst nightmare. about him over and over again, now Doom would have been an incredible student, a fast learner on his way to becoming the Sorcerer Supreme one day because in the comics he's actually second in line for the Sorcerer Supreme.
Several important events in the MCU would have happened while Doom was studying in karage. Tony Stark reveals that he likes to put on armor and fight terrorists. Doom thinks he is childish and the Battle of New York would also have been of particular interest to Doom because a god Thor had come to Earth and because an alien army. He succeeded where Doom failed, they used the tile to open a portal, but Doom would have looked at the Avengers and thought they were dumb jesters in disguise and serving that stupid Nick Fury. Doom had more important matters to attend to and liked to learn the Mystic Arts, so Doom and Cilus would have probably discovered together that the ancient woman was channeling energy from the dark dimension to stay alive.
Doom confronts the ancient about this demanding that she share this power. The ancient now sees that her future has changed if Doom is allowed to do so. stay in kartos, he will kill her and take time Stone to banish him a couple of years later, kilus actually acts on this information and leaves the Ancient One in early 2016, which we saw in Doctor Strange, so Doom doesn't has a goal, twodifferent institutions, karmart Taja and Shield kicked him out and prevented him from helping his mother, but then a pivotal event occurs. Shield Falls Hydra was behind Shield the entire time until Doom.
This makes perfect sense, how else could Shield have been so inept that they were disabled from within, so now Doom sees? a way forward with Hydra, remember that at the end of Winter Soldier, Black Widow leaked all the shield files that were encrypted, but for Doom to decrypt them was very simple, so now Doom has full access to all the shield


s, Now a couple of warnings that I don't give. I think this means Doom knew about Fury's displacement agents. I think Fury kept them out of the books like Hawkeye's farm and two, this means Doom now knows about wakanda.
What do you mean what if tachaka season 2 episode 2 is recruited? helps prevent the ego from taking over Earth and Howard Stark confirms that Shield knew Wakanda was a hidden superpower. Your father was a great ally of the US during the war, which also explains why he was on Fury's map and in Iron Man 2, so now Doom is armed with Hydra. and Shield Secrets returns to his country or region of origin. Back in Veria Slovia, a powerful Hydro Cell is doing a big job in Sovia with another artifact that emits those cosmic gamma signatures that Doom loves so much, but this time it's the Mind Stone, so Doom approaches Baron von Striker. hat in hand asking for a job, he says Shield was weak, but you, the beater, are strong, so the beater puts Doom to work on robotics.
All those robots Ultron activated in Age of Ultron. Doom built them, but Doom really wanted to work with the scepter that fascinated him. The twins' progress wants to grant this kind of power to himself, he plans to overthrow Striker, but before he can, the Avengers attack the Citadel, so Doom loses all of his work, his research at home, and then has to look in horror how that. The creation of bumbling idiot Tony Stark destroyed the entire country. Now this is the simultaneous moment in Doom's life, it's when he sees that the people who control the world, these so-called heroes, are idiots.
Doom realizes that until now he has been selfish and only cares about his own account. family but now he expands his vision he realizes that he must control the world in order to save it from this chaos and by doing so he will finally have the tools to save his mother's soul from hell now Doom like all cobians is now a refugee again He tries to form some kind of coalition of people to become their leader, okay? So when will he get his armor and his mask? Oh yeah, look, I should note that after his accident, Doom kept his face hidden somehow in the car marage, he was wearing bandages.
On Hydra he made himself a rudimentary mask and now wears a combination of both masks along with the green robes and hood of his people. Now in the mountains surrounding Sovia, the Laveria Mountains, he also led these refugees to a temple. temple of people who worship him as their prophesied leader as he sends this group of refugees into the remains of his nation to recover valuable resources, these robotic machines that Doom had built and the vibranium embedded in the Earth so that, using these salvage machines , Doom is finally able to wage war on the governments that have harassed his family his entire life, so around 2016 or 2017, Doom finally becomes the Liberator and monarch of Latveria and this is where he takes inspiration from that idiot From Tony, he will build his own armor and become a new kind of Iron Man.
He will build his own armor around the world, but this time he will make it. What about Baron Z? He is Soviet. Did you like telling J what to do or something? Okay, no, I want to jot something down quickly here. About Baron Helmet Zemo we've said in the past that it would have made sense if he had a collaborator on Captain America Civil War and the Nando V movie channel has a great video about how that collaborator should have been Sharon Carter but I don't. I think Doom would have worked with Zemo or even been his silent partner because after all, Zemo is the son of the baron who ran his family off their land, but I do think he would have met Zemo in these refugee camps and that I would have done it.
I have given Zemo the means to unlock Hydra's secrets. Millions of pages, many of them encrypted, but I have experience and patience. I mean, think about it. They are both refugees. They are both in the mountains. They could have met. Exchange resentments about the heroes and then. Doom could have told him what he discovered about the Winter Soldier. It's a nice way to tie Doom into the destruction of the Avengers, and on the same note, there's a way we could also tie Dr. Doom into Thor Ragnarok. Now there is a strange part. from Ragnarok where they don't really explain why Odin stayed on Earth, why, whatever it is, think about it.
Odin breaks Loki's spell but doesn't return to Asgard now in the original cut of Ragnarok Loki was a homeless man and they changed that in reshoots because it made his


too depressing, so originally he probably didn't remember who he was. until his


, but in Ragnarok he is in Norway peacefully living the rest of his life. Now this could be because he hadn't done it. Odin hadn't slept for so long and he knew that he was going to die no matter what happened. Now Colton Ogburn, the guy who is trapped eternally on our television, but he doesn't know it, so please don't tell him that Colton thinks Odin figured it out.
That his son Loki would never stop wanting the throne, so he decided to let him have it, but there's a way Doom could have been involved here. Remember that Doom had a passing interest in these Norse gods since he studied the Tesseract, but now. Since his goal is to take over the world, he would like to rid Earth of any of these aliens that might challenge his authority, so he wants to build a tracking device for Thor. Now we saw Doctor Strange use a lock of Thor's hair to create a spell. that would help him track down Odin.
I need a lock of your hair. Let me explain something to you. My hair shouldn't mess with Doom. Then I could use this same spell to track Thor's hair from I don't know how to any of these battle sites, but. instead of taking him to Thor, he takes him to Odin in a nursing home. Now D might not even know who this ASG Guardian was, but he sees an opportunity to capture and study one of these aliens, but when he uses his magic on Odin. he breaks Loki's spell and then Bane and Odin have a fight that destroys the nursing home.
Odin barely wins but his injuries are so serious and his magic is so spent that he knows he won't live long and now he returns to Norway to be. Honestly, that's all fun, but a little convoluted and silly, but there's an MCU connection here that makes a lot of sense in Spider-Man's homecoming. The Vulture wants to steal power from Stark City to sell Stark's equipment to an important client. 100% that client should be Dr. Doom would want Stark's Arc Reactor as a potential energy source for Latveria and his own armor and at this moment Doom takes another action that will affect geopolitical power.
Remember that he knows everything about Wakanda. He knew about wakanda before Tala revealed herself to the world because she has deciphered the Shields files, so Doom, besides being a sorcerer and scientist, is also a world leader, so he is very good at geopolitics. He would see wakanda as a threat to him and want her technology and vibranium for himself, so it would be in his best interest to destabilize the nation of wakanda in any way he could. no, you mean yeah, i think the mysterious disease that killed tala, the disease that no scientist from the most advanced scientific nation on Earth could combat that disease, was actually a spell created. by Victor Von Doom and the reason why only the heart-shaped herb could cure him is because the herb has magical properties, so Doom would have infected him with this spell before the snap, but the spell took years to take full effect now with the snap.
In 2018 there are two ways forward: one is that Doom was destroyed and his rise to power was delayed, but that's the boring option, so let's go with option two, the snap occurs and Doom uses this as an opportunity to ascend to the can. In fact, maybe him. he doesn't use his robot army to defeat the baron and take over Latvia until after the snap, after all half of the baron's forces would be gone leaving the country open to invasion and there would also be so much chaos after the snap that no one would pay attention to an obscure Eastern European nation that was taken over by a coup d'état in Falcon the Winter Soldier, we heard it mentioned that Sofia was divided by neighboring countries cannibalized by their neighbors before the land was cleared of rubble, so that one of these countries was Latveria and soon all these countries will become part of Latveria yielding to its political and technological strength and influence, but wouldn't the governments of the world do something to prevent such a madman from extending his control of power if not Did we learn anything from Neville Chamberland in Munich?
Well Doug, remember this was after the snap, everyone is trying to keep their own house in order so the poor nations of Eastern Europe would really appreciate the power and stability that Doom would offer them, so by absorbing these countries, Doom also absorbs what is left of Russia and the precious The vibranium that is under the earth now looks like I said before, you could like R conet and make Doom sovian, but it doesn't have to be, but I think sovia always should be a key point in Doom's life after Doom overthrows the Baron. he made his home in The Baron's Castle or rebuild the one from Age of Ultron, whichever option you like best, that's what it is, but Doom ends up in a castle, so this is where the Dr.
Doom we know and love begins To take Shape Doom begins sending spies around the world to infiltrate other governments. He even sends spies to wakanda because some of these spies are


bots, sophisticated life models, decoys that can pass for human beings now in wakanda forever. We saw the Wakanda in the world. it has slowly been eroded by fear and paranoia that could have been stoked by doom's own agents at the end of that movie the president wants regime change in wakanda and i can see doom's fingerprints everywhere maybe latvia was part of a coalition of governments pushing for regime change or May, perhaps it was simply Doom's agents in the government that were pushing for a regime change in Wakanda, as if Secretary of State President Richard Schiff would like to take offensive measures against the destabilization of Banda.
He turned that guy into a doombot spy from Latveria. I also hate that there is an entire nation of superpowered aliens on Earth but there's not much I can do about that right now, however we saw this news story Taker and Spider-Man with No Way Home which mentions the political turmoil in the new Asgard, so maybe Doom was trying to stir things up since Valkyrie was in a transitional state trying to take over the government now look, I scoured the MCU looking for some people who could possibly have been Doom's double agents. I would have liked to have said Hayward from W Division, but he's too dumb.
Also, if one of Doom's men had custody of Vision's body, he would have sent it to Laveria so he could study it, but Doom definitely would have had an interest in Wanda Maximoff for one thing. You're from the same region, on the other hand, she's the most powerful magic user on Earth, so I would have followed the events of Wanda Vision very closely, especially the part where there was another sorceress with a powerful book of magic. spells. Remember that Doom studied in karage. He examined that forbidden section where the dark hold used to be kept right here, he would notice that this evil book, The Dark Hold, was key to entering Hell and finding his mother, so Doom would want to exploit Wanda's fragile mental state and her desire. to meet. with her family remember at the end of Wanda Vision when she uses dark hold and there are voices here yeah and then they never kept track right so why would she hear her kids calling for help when they're just eating ice cream with their mom in 838 because Doom was combing the astral plane looking for Wanda and sent these spells to her spirit to push her in the direction of his choosing.
Those voices were Dr. Doom, why would he do that? Oh, he wanted to control and harness Wanda's power. For him he wanted dark control and this is exactly what happens in the comics. The Young Avengers at one point go on a quest to find Wanda and discover her with amnesia and get engaged to Dr. Doom, so you want to know where I think Wanda went. After her death in the Multiverse of Madness, she is in Latveria with Dr. Doom, but what Doom really wanted here was to get into Wanda's mind and make her think that her children were trapped in Hell and then he could use the power. of theScarlet Witch frees her own mother but Doom didn't have the Multiverse Wanda walking in her dreams took him completely by surprise now look don't worry unlike Marvel I haven't forgotten the Celestial giant that emerged from the ocean Doom would have been studying earthquakes that were happening in the eternals, he would have determined that they were not natural and would have traced the vision of emergence.
I think that while the Celestials were fighting each other and having their own personal moments or whatever, Doom would have been present in the Eternals as well. background testing celestial power and planning how to take that power for himself, but this plan was thwarted when those foolish heroes turned the celestial into stone. What a waste now in this time is when something key happens. Doom learns about the Scrolls, maybe this is sooner. Secret Invasion, maybe it's later, it doesn't matter, the point is that he captures a scroll, tortures it, and then when he does it, he learns about the cosmos, all those secrets that Nick Fury kept out of the books.
The Creep the Scrolls, the true nature of the Infinity Stones and one. One of those secrets is time travel. Scrolls can time travel, not that we know, but yes you know people in space know about temporal mechanics, after all the nebula knew how time travel worked and your old present becomes the past exactly and of course Doom would do it immediately. he connects the Multiverse to time travel and sees a path forward. This is how he was finally able to gather the knowledge to save his mother. Enter other universes and accumulate the power and knowledge of it just as the Avengers did to undo the snap.
Now this is where he really gets down to it. Interestingly, there are rumors that Marvel wants to use Doom to replace Kang as the big bad of the Multiverse saga, like Doom being the central villain of the secret wars in the comics. Now I'm going to explain why this isn't the worst idea of ​​how it could actually happen and why there is a precedent for this in the comics, so in the comics Kang is from the distant future and starts time traveling after of discovering Dr. Doom's ancient time machine, the same time platform we saw Kang use. in the post-credits scene of Quantum Mania and which Reed Richards used in the Multiverse of Madness, so Dr.
Doom actually invented time travel and, inadvertently, the Multiverse, but he had help with a notebook of a 19th century scientist named Victor Tim, so wait, this might work. confusingly in season 2 of Loki we met a variant of King called Victor Timley, a poor candle maker who acquired a TVA manual to then use those designs. To become an inventor now they keep telling us that this man was ahead of his time if If we had the resources it would have been bigger than Einstein now on the show Loki the one left sent this manual to Victor Timley to bring it to the TVA because his original plan was for Loki to take his place, why would you give up control, friend ?
I'm tired, but in the original structure of the Sacred timeline that was not Victor Tinley's original role, the one who remains changed Victor Tinley's role so he could get Loki to take the throne from him originally. Victor Timy's designs were actually used to create TVA thousands and thousands of years into TVA's past. I learned everything I know from a brilliant 19th century inventor, Victor Timley, so the one left changed Victor's path so he could have Loki take his place at the center of time, which means Victor had these ideas and maybe he even wrote them down and those ideas helped OB design the tva machines, so what if Dr.
Doom also discovered the time notebooks and then used them? creating his time platform is another fun or a Boris Loop well that's nonsense because if Dr. Doom could time travel then he would just misrule the Multiverse like Kang, because Doom is smarter than Kang he would immediately see the consequences of travel through time every time he travels through time, he splits the universe, he creates another destiny and there can only be one Dr. Doom, so Doom doesn't really use his time machine, but the key here is that he is aware of the Multiverse and would monitor its uncontrolled. expansion and the damage the


s are doing and most importantly he would be ready to step in and right their wrongs so that when the Secret Wars happen and when the Multiverse collapses Doom can step in to create a mosaic Universe called the battleworld and that's why he will be at the center of Avengers Secret Wars, well guys it was a lot of fun to write and tell you, let me know your thoughts on this below.
Do you think Doom could have been in the MCU all along? How would they weave Doom? into the real fabric of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, let me know in the comments or on Twitter and if it's your first time here, subscribe and hit that bell for Screen Crush alerts. I'm Ryan Ary.

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