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Why Do The British Look Down on Americans?

Apr 17, 2024
And how do you think the British perceive Americans? I feel like there are a lot of things I hate to say, but mockery implies. I think a lot of people think Americans are extreme. Do you think the British think they are better than the Americans? I think some yes, yes, there is a lot to make fun of. I think we're also great at queuing. That's another big thing about it bothering us because they're too extra, it doesn't seem like it's genuine today. I'm in London to get to the bottom of a very important question. For as long as I can remember, I've had the feeling that the British


down on Americans.
why do the british look down on americans
This is a generalization and therefore does not apply to everyone, but it is a strong enough trend. I felt I needed to investigate this further here is a quote from Prince Harry's Memoirs that perfectly captures the feeling I have about this with some very hot anti-American sentiment. I remembered my childhood when people warned me all the time. about Americans too loud too rich too happy too confident too direct too honest I'm really curious what people are going to say about this I have a feeling I'm onto something good, so with that being said, let's start talking to some people excuse me recording a video for YouTube in which I asked them a question, it will still be very short, they hate it, okay, okay, sorry, it's not that easy today, eh, no, I don't wonder if I could have one moment.
why do the british look down on americans

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why do the british look down on americans...

I have too much time. I had a very slow start. Okay, let's change the location because I feel like there are enough projections in that 100 meter radius. You know, I always feel really terrible because everyone's first attitude is, "Oh, you're from America." Are you OK? You know, which is always a bit. You always feel a little bad about it. I'm not entirely sure why we keep doing that, but you know how you feel perceived as an American by the British here in London. Really, yes, really, I always feel like I have to apologize for being an American.
why do the british look down on americans
It's like I know my accent is the worst thing you'll hear today, but can I get a coffee? I feel like my ts have been a little different. I think it might be somewhat informed by the fact that I'm a student here at first there was a bit of a learning curve like when I spoke out loud on the subway I would get LS and people would say to me like you're being American like you can maybe No, there's definitely kind of a sense that there's a lot of difficult things going on in America and that America could potentially be a pretty difficult place to live, especially if you're black or Middle Eastern.
why do the british look down on americans
I have to admit that the inspiration to make this video came when I moved to Europe, as I have explored in previous videos on this channel. Many Europeans have mixed and negative opinions of Americans as stupid and uneducated, but to my surprise, the same is true of the British people I have come with. They realize that the only people who see the British as intelligent and sophisticated are the Americans. Many Europeans like the Portuguese or the Spanish see a very different reality. The British go on vacation to get really drunk and break things. The British who are isolationists. with brexit the brits who don't learn foreign languages ​​who stick to their mother tongue, wait a second, i thought that's what


do, other people do this too, how dare they copy us a child?
Of course, it still feels like the British are acting. I like European Americans, but I'm sure that's not something they would like to hear said about them. I don't mean to offend, after all, I'm an American. That doesn't prove my point, although no one wants to stoop to the level of the Americans. I felt like I had to get my answers directly from the source. My perception is that the United Kingdom has one foot in Europe and one foot in the United States. It feels like it should be in the middle of the Atlantic. Do you agree with that?
I think it's a nice situation. conclusive idea, yes, I think that's definitely true because a lot of people wouldn't even classify the English being in Europe, you know, even in England, when you talk about going to Europe, no one thinks you mean Doncaster, they always think you You mean Germany. There's a certain perception that everyone has some kind of valley girl accent or something and I think that bothers people quite a bit, but then again, it's the same way that English people are often perceived as someone of London, the self-made American dream. being better and being seen as someone who betters themselves and it's a lot about making money and being the best you can and going to the gym and all these kinds of things that you think, are you saying it's positive or negative?
I think it's a positive thing for Americans, but I think the way it's perceived is that often everyone says oh, get out of my face, you know, because probably no one likes to enjoy someone else's success, at least in England, anyway. I think in the United States it's probably very different. Oh great. I got a promotion, bastard. You know, the identity of being an American is kind of like that. I don't think other works have as much. I don't think people are necessarily stupid and I don't think it's a matter of being stupid. I think it's just that there's this idea that yeah, being the best and thinking that like people in America, depending on where you were born, you can have access to healthcare or not, it's terrifying and I don't know how you can talk about being the best. when you can't even make sure everyone is taken care of, are you treating everyone the same in America?
No, not everyone is treated the same, just as not everyone is treated the same in Europe. Having been to the United States very frequently. I asked obviously as a joke, but do you know the royal family or something? Do you feel that in general this big generalization there is mockery towards Americans and Americans towards the British is cuter, we think it's cute, yes, would you? Say that, yeah, how do you feel about Americans thinking you're cute? Well, obviously it can be taken as a compliment, but if you think that as a country we are not really a force to be reckoned with, then simply because we do it all. these things go back long before the US was established it's not really relevant that they can make fun of us because it's condescending you would say a little or ignorant more ignorant it's not I don't like getting hurt how do you feel?
Americans perceive the British first, they


down on us, I feel like Americans think they are on top of everything and there is always competition between the two, so do you feel like the British have a chip on their shoulder a bit Because of that a lot, what do you think the British are better at than the Americans? Yes, polite, really more polite, yes, more talkative, more helpful, more accommodating, the British are more helpful, yes, than the Americans, but the Americans are friendly, they are fun. good music has good music, well the British have good music too, man the Americans are dominating the music scene but I mean come on there's a lot of good British music so this is what I think is happening here: no we are the same.
British and Americans, but we sure have a lot of similarities compared to the Japanese, the Native Americans or the Ethiopians, and the differences between the Americans and the British seem relatively small, we are like blood brothers in the village that is the world, so that here it is. What all this started to make me think is there is a concept in psychoanalysis I am going to read you the definition but it is called the narcissism of small differences this comes from Freud the narcissism of small differences is the idea that the more a relationship or community shares points In common, people who participate in it are more likely to engage in interpersonal disputes and mutual ridicule due to hypersensitivity to minor perceived differences in each other.
We see this all over the world among Argentinians and Chileans, for example, among the French and Belgians. And I actually think this is what's happening between the British and the Americans, but at the end of the day I feel like we make the little things that make us different much bigger than they really are: the way we talk and the words we speak. use and again we were talking about this, weren't we? Yeah, we've been talking about things like fall versus fall and it's like that's something that people like to mention and for some well it's because it's a simpler word and it's like ah American fall you guys don't say fall no we don't say interesting, okay, this is autumn, but you can also say autumn, before we continue.
I want to quickly thank the sponsor of this video, best help, whose support has made it happen. It is possible for me to take this trip to the UK and also bring a videographer with me to film these interviews. These videos take a lot of time to conceptualize, organize and bring to life and I hope it is visible in the production value that I really am. I am dedicated to making these videos with the highest quality possible and all of this is possible thanks to the support of sponsors, such as Better Help. I firmly believe in therapy.
There are many people in my life who have been deeply affected by therapy, including myself. and what I really like about better help is how flexible it is, firstly there is flexibility in who you are talking to as you can freely change therapists if you are not clicking with the person you are talking to , which I believe. It's very important because I feel like it's very important for me to feel completely comfortable so that I can open up to the person that I'm talking to. There is also flexibility regarding how you speak with your therapist, whether by text or video call, depending on what you prefer, as well as when and where, because this is all remote and you can easily adapt it when it fits your schedule.
Plus, all of this is much more affordable than traditional therapy and I like that all of these things do to you. It's so that it's not something accessible only to the rich in a crazy, chaotic, changing world. It's important to me to be able to have access to something like this. It's easy to sign up and find a therapist. I'll leave it. a link in the description if you want to see it; Otherwise, you can go to Nathaniel Drew, by clicking that link, helps support this channel, but also gives you 10% off your first month when he signs up with better support.
I said all that, thank you best help for supporting my work and now let's dive back in personally when I come to the UK. I feel like I've crossed half the Atlantic, not just off the coast of continental Europe, and by that I mean. culturally it feels much more similar to the life I had in the US, the convenience of life, the speed, the capitalism, the language everyone speaks English, everyone has the same kind of core values. I'm not necessarily a big Christian person at all, but we all come from these Christian countries, America and Australia are English, there are some things that happened in history, but at the end of the day we are pretty much the same group of people in that sense culturally influenced culturally influenced culturally by the same group, so I personally don't see many differences.
I mean, I have wonderful American friends who I adore, so that question for me is difficult because I think they are great, they are fantastic, I think the difference is in the way our language is in the way we use different words, That's where there is a fairly minor difference. Yeah, do you think that sometimes some of the British media or the part of the British population that looks down on Americans is a way of deflecting some of the problems that exist here, you could say that about all societies, yeah, You can say that about all societies, but you can also say that about the media, they are always distracting, aren't they like that about the issues, whatever you see in the United States? like very alpha male, if you think in terms of masculine feminine, there's an alpha millennial to Americans, uh, and maybe it's just the way they speak the accent, but you don't really get that sense of Britain.
I think there is a stereotype of what is repressed. So soft spoken man, considering that we are right on the edge of Europe, we have more in common with the United States in many ways than with the rest of Europe, which in theory is where we should be most aligned and I think there is something that can turn out a bit strange, you know, with the whole Brexit thing moving further away from where we're most closely connected and sort of being in a situation where you know we're going to end up with chlorinated chicken. There is a tendency to think of Americans as simplistic.
Do Americans really bother you here? Sometimes it would depend on what they are like now. The interesting thing is that I love dragging us through the mud and criticizing it. for all the things I think deserves criticism for, but the moment the British start criticizing me or the US, you have nothing to say, something likethat I can criticize the place where I grew up but you're not allowed to and the British in my opinion are doing their version of the same thing criticizing themselves endlessly but no one wants an outside opinion maybe we all do this I think we all do this it's like pointing out someone else's house being flooded when your own house is on fire so i lived in america for 60 years i lived in california, alabama and oklahoma for 3 years everyone hears my accent and it's like oh what part Are you from the United States?
I'm like bro, I'm actually from Australia, but then they give me their little opinions about America. things like that I've had to play defense a couple of times since then. I've been here, is that you, I'm so serious, I'm so serious, they talk about guns or they talk about this, but they don't have a very good understanding, not just the English, but people all over the world, even in Australia of American history and why those things became what they were, people were trying to, you know, throw stones and hide their hands, yes, they don't want the blame to fall on them, so it's easy to attribute it to the great superpower that it is.
On television, my perception is that I don't consider Americans necessarily inferior in terms of lifestyle culture per se. I just think it's a little more obvious than in the UK, but the UK is just as problematic, always in some sense. in the past, as the United States was, you know, two decades before what was happening in this country, there is a sense that we are closing in on a period of time. I would say that the younger generations tend to be a little more and the only word. I can think that it is embarrassing for the Heritage.
I think it's a lot of things about colonialization and things like that, there tends to be a lot more shame around this. We're a small island, so we have a small island mentality. but because we have a small mentality, we have to overcome it with that impression that we are the best and I think that is changing, although I wouldn't say it's necessarily a total reflection of today's society, but I think historically. It's been, of course, let's change the question: how do Americans perceive the British? My answer is, "There's a power dynamic going on and, for better or worse, the United States is very much a global superpower right now, so I don't think so." that the United States feels threatened necessarily as competitive with Britain because of that, I think there's a sort of ah, they're cute, you know what I mean, like they're Harry Potter and James Bond and sophisticated and you know, you use exactly words like Autumn, but I also think there is a high degree of ignorance, like America is so selfish that we don't even pay attention to what's happening in other parts of the world, so there isn't even enough to form an opinion, You know, this video was definitely supposed to be really funny.
I have no ill will towards the British. I find our rivalries as human beings across cultures and nations to be comical and interesting, it's like an insight into human psychology and despite everything, of the criticism that is happening here, I would like to end on a positive note. I would like to express my gratitude for some things that I think the British do better than the Americans. Their healthcare system, for example, also the Premier League, they say football. It was invented in England and if that is true as someone of Argentine origin I can only thank you.
I also have to thank you for your amazing music. What a contribution to our Collective Heritage. It's a strange idea for me to have a royal family, but I respect the commitment to tradition. I moved here the week the queen died so it was really interesting to see. I think my first impression of the British as an audience was that they were mourning the queen of her, you know, the whole 14 hours of it. line to go see her in her state, so I think it was a bit of a shock. This may seem silly, but how procedural the British can be.
I realized that that tends to be like every British person I've ever met tends to be very procedural. Unlike Americans, I think they're a little more like, dare I say, free-spirited or individualistic, so I think that doesn't mean one is better than the other, and as a final note, we're obviously a world of Individuals and therefore stereotypes never fully work. Still, I find it fascinating to explore the stereotypes and clichés we hold for each other, not always but often there is some kind of basis of Truth there or else they wouldn't spread and persist as they do.
Anyway, with all that being said, I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did, please consider liking it, which tells the algorithms to share this with more people. I thought it was fun and it's a format I would love to continue exploring and also consider subscribing to. so you can see more of the material I make with that I hope to see you soon

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