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why do influencers not want to influence anymore...

Jun 01, 2021
ballast that is an observation so that you don't seem confused when people ask you why you don't care about the health of people you can't like you post everything else you share everything else why you don't care about health why not Do you care about public health like all of you? I really can't understand how you can't flex from home. I really don't understand that. Why are you at a house party? Why are you in a club in Miami? When you live in Los Angeles that doesn't make any sense that doesn't make any sense, can you imagine? could you imagine the particles?
why do influencers not want to influence anymore
Could you imagine the virus throwing a whole backlash in your face because you


ed to be so close to someone like you? I just had to make ourselves more flexible. I'm better than you. That's what made me famous. I'm better than you. To go, I had to come out during a pandemic to show you how great I am and that's what made me famous and that's what keeps me famous because I keep proving that I'm richer than you, that's what It's good luck, good luck. luck and it's like everyone acted like California took this seriously, didn't like it New York took it seriously and then we had fools, why did I see the chain smokers?
why do influencers not want to influence anymore

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why do influencers not want to influence anymore...

The chain smokers had a driving concert in the Hamptons and there were like millions. people there, a million people for the chain smokers you went to, first of all, you went to see a chain smoking unit, a concert, you went to see, you went to the Hamptons for a corona concert at the drive-in, corona your neck will ring. I don't think you understand that I'm not okay I'm invincible I wonder if it's a feeling of uh it'll never happen it'll never happen to me that's why it'll never happen It happens to me and then when it happens it's wow!
why do influencers not want to influence anymore
I wasn't expecting that guys, I really wasn't cooking that even though I've been away from home for the past two months. It's fine for chain smokers, whatever for the chain. Smokers and chain smokers, I think they posted it on their Instagram and we're like people, we're socially distanced, we had a mask on, I zoom in on the video, there's no one wearing a mask, there's people on top of each other. another one in the video, so why are you lying? What's the point of lying if we have video evidence? I'm confused infestation corona stew corona porridge is what was created in the Hamptons two nights ago corona porridge and now they're probably gone because I'm done for the weekend so they went back to their homes in Hampton or they went back to their homes in Westchester or Manhattan to spread crown porridge.
why do influencers not want to influence anymore
I don't think anyone else will feel crazy that I missed the memo that the pandemic was over because I've been sitting at home this whole time, so if I miss a massive memo, let me know because I'll like what I don't like. I mean, I wasn't going to leave the house anyway because I'm studying, but no. It's not like that, I could have been working, I love my job, I got it at work, no, no, and here it comes, sorry, pessimistic, I mean, okay, so it's pessimistic, I say I'm a realist, but everyone says what that means you.
I am a pessimist and I understand, I understand having optimistic sums many times and yes, I am, but I


to be realistic. We're done here, now we're done, not like this, but I really want to say you guys understand, so it's Halloween. It's done, I really hate to be if I'm the first to tell you that Halloween won't really happen, I'm so sorry if I'm the first person you heard that from, it's because of this because of this because no one takes it seriously when cases are skyrocketing in california holidays goodbye done I don't know for sure I'm going to fly to see his family during the holidays not because everyone wanted to have corona porridge parties and concerts and no one wants to wear a mask because when you go, so you go to curry, so you're already in the corona porridge infestation and you don't have a mask, so it's double, you doubled it, you doubled what you earned. it's so much worse and then you go home and you're not going to get tested because it would never be a rational line of thought to go and get tested after going to a house party with thousands of people with no mask in sight you don't even have a mask, I can't understand how there wasn't even a mask in your hand, so there was no mask from the party, you didn't leave your house without a mask in Los Angeles, you left your house with no mask I got in a car without a mask and I walked into the party without a mask and then when I got coronavirus dot dot dot five minute long video sitting on a white wall with a black hoodie guys I recently tested positive for chronovirus I hope you all keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
I really need your help and strength together and if you want to increase the strength, you can buy my merchandise in the description box below the finished turkey season. I mean, it wasn't for me anyway, but the Turk is ready. Sorry guys, sorry, sorry, because public health is a group project and wait, there are weak links, this is a group project because public health depends on the public, that's what makes it a group project and everyone we. I know how group projects go, so good luck, good luck, Charlie, good luck to me, good luck to you, good luck to all of us, because and then college starts in about three weeks, the biggest experiment of ours, is an experiment, it will be a social event, it is a social we are living in a social experiment go back to school go back to school it will just be something else something else I mean something new every week it is something different every day because no one has plans again this I am yo this is a tangent Sorry schools, so everyone knew about this in March.
They've had months to come up with a plan, there's still no plan, student, and I know it's all new. We don't know what we're doing either. You don't have plans yet. Three months we did a test drive in March. What happened? Data collected from a test drive. Nothing because you didn't think it would be necessary. Why wasn't there a plan B? Because they thought it would go back to normal. Well I guess. Now we've learned something about false expectations, unrealistic expectations because now look at their disappointment everywhere, so yeah, sorry guys, I wonder if they're canceling Black Friday because, Jesus Christ, there are people who are being forced to come back. to work, they're following protocols, but I'm richer than you can put on a mask, I don't even want to, I don't even want to work, I mean, technically, this party is their job, so it's okay, but nothing, you don't bring anything . the table whatever you bring nothing to the table except now the coronavirus so that's in my video so yeah I'll say my video thank you so much for watching so if you like the comments if you want to follow me on social media, here is my Twitter and My Instagram, have fun, great and while you are here, check out my recent videos that are on your screen now, you should watch them and yes, sorry, I have seen my video.
Thank you all so much for watching, I hope you stick around. healthy and safe inside your home unless they are forced to work, which is inhumane, which is inhumane besides the point, um, yeah, I hope you guys stay healthy and safe and I'll see you in my next video, bye.

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