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Why Did God Tell Prophet Hosea To Marry A Prostitute? 3 Strangest Things Prophets Did.

May 05, 2024
the three





s did number one why did god







? Hosea was instructed to




, which was as shocking then as it is now Hosea 1:1-2 the lord gave this message to Hosea son of Biri during the years when Uzziah Joam Ahaz and Hezekiah were kings of Judah and Jeroboam son of Joash was king of Israel when the Lord first began to speak to Israel through Hosea he said to him: go and marry a prostitute so that some of her children may be conceived in prostitution this will illustrate how Israel has acted as a prostitute by turning against the Lord and worshiping other gods however the story gets even worse to better understand this story we need to know the time when it happened, it was a time when


were going very well and there were not many problems Hosea was a important


in the Bible his book is the first of 12 books about


in the Old Testament he lived during a time when the kingdom was divided into two parts after a great fight this happened after King David and King Solomon around 250 years later, Hosea's time was approximately 650 years after the Israelites first obtained the land they were promised.
why did god tell prophet hosea to marry a prostitute 3 strangest things prophets did
He spoke to the people about God for a long time when King Jeroboam II ruled. Israel was very good because they won a lot. of battles but even though things seemed good people began to act badly there was a lot of dishonesty and bad behavior instead of thanking God for their success some people began to believe in a false god called baale they stopped following God's rules which was a big problem. The people of Israel turned away from God and began to make deals with other nations. Instead, God saw this as betraying him, as cheating on his spouse;
why did god tell prophet hosea to marry a prostitute 3 strangest things prophets did

More Interesting Facts About,

why did god tell prophet hosea to marry a prostitute 3 strangest things prophets did...

However, if you think this is strange, there are even stranger things that


have done, so you know watch this video. End now, let's go back to the time of Hosea, they only cared about themselves and ignored what was right and just, they were okay with breaking the rules and causing chaos, the leaders were also corrupt, they accepted bribes and made unfair decisions in the courts even though this happened. A long time ago, about 2700 years ago, it is similar to some things that happen today in the Western world in places like Bethel and Samaria, people did horrible things in the temples thinking it would make God happy and give them good crops, they even did a golden calf that was against God's rules about making idols, God could have given them up and started over with a new group of people, but he made a promise to the Israelites as a marriage vow and wanted to keep it.
why did god tell prophet hosea to marry a prostitute 3 strangest things prophets did
However, he couldn't simply ignore what they were. do and act as if it were not happening the first thing God said to Hosea was about his own life, showing how God often works, perhaps Hosea would have preferred a message about someone else, but before a prophet can speak to others , you need to listen to God himself. The message God had for Hosea was not easy. Hosea was told to marry a prostitute. Why, because the people of Israel were like an unfaithful spouse walking away from God, God used this command to Hosea to paint a clear picture found throughout the Old Testament in this image of the Lord being like a husband. for Israel and their love for idols is like the infidelity of an adulterer they are as disloyal as a prostitute this illustration helps us understand how our worship of idols hurts God when we prioritize anything above God it is like betraying Him in a relationship with God.


ing Hosea to marry a prostitute, God wanted him to understand his pain firsthand to illustrate Israel's unfaithfulness to God.
why did god tell prophet hosea to marry a prostitute 3 strangest things prophets did
Hosea married a prostitute named Gomer, unfortunately Gomer continued her unfaithful ways even after marrying Hosea when she became pregnant. God told Hosea to give his children prophetic names that showed the coming judgment of Israel. Hosea obeyed God's command and married Goomer, which led to the birth of their son Jezreel. The name Jezreel meant God spreads a warning from God. about the punishment of Israel Hosea would not have married Goomer if God had not told him so, his obedience to such a difficult order was impressive, however, Goomer did not stop being a prostitute after marrying Hosea, he probably expected her to change, but returned to their old ways, they may turn to prostitution out of boredom, negligence or necessity, unfortunately these are the same unacceptable reasons why people turn to idolatry instead of following God prostitution has been considered the profession oldest throughout history even in biblical times however the Bible views it as a sin Proverbs 23:27-28 says that a prostitute is a dangerous trap a promiscuous woman is as dangerous as falling into a narrow well she will hides and waits like a thief eager to make more men Unfaithful how could these Two Worlds mix and become one would be a lesson that would teach many for centuries imagine what Hosea's neighbors thought when he married a prostitute claiming that God told them to do it, they might have doubted him wondering what the real story was, but Hosea really married her because God told him to.
He became a prophet who gave Israel a final warning to return to God or face the consequences of him. Hosea's story serves as a powerful lesson on God's obedience and mercy Hosea 1:6-9 soon Goomer became pregnant again and gave birth to a daughter and the Lord told Hosea to name his daughter L rahama no beloved because I will no longer show love to the people of Israel or forgive them but I will show love to the people of Judah. I will deliver them from their enemies not with weapons and armies or horses and charioteers but with my power as the Lord their God after Goomer had weaned under rahama she again became pregnant and gave birth to a second son and the Lord said: call him Lo Ami, not my people, because Israel is not my people and I am not their God.
The name loami, meaning not my people, was a reminder to Hosea and everyone else that the people of Israel had rejected God and were no longer considered his people since Goomer continued her prostitution, it could have been a cruel irony by naming his son Lo Ami, it is possible that the child was not actually Hosea but someone else's, this would have added even more pain to Hosea's already difficult situation. God's message to Israel through Hosea was quite harsh, but God also caused Hosea to live this message in his own family life. It was a harsh lesson in the consequences of turning away from God through the prophet Hosea.
God accuses Israel. abandoning it to pursue prostitution, wine and new wine, it is clear that both men and women were involved in idolatry by engaging in adulterous acts with cult prostitutes as part of their worship of false gods. Gomer symbolized this idolatry due to the nature of the spiritual adultery that the people practiced which often led to physical adultery as well. Hosea prophesies that God will remove the names of false gods from the lips of Israel and marry her to himself forever with justice Justice, unwavering love and mercy throughout the Bible adultery and prostitution are used as metaphors to describe people who are unfaithful to God many prophets described people as spiritually unfaithful to God to whom they belonged Similarly in the New Testament similar language is used to describe spiritual unfaithfulness Revelation 17:2 the kings of the world have committed adultery with her and people of this world have become drunk with the wine of their immorality even though God has promised judgment the days of judgment will not continue indefinitely after the day of judgment there will be one who will be filled with blessings prosperity and greater abundance Hosea 1: 10-11 The time will still come when the people of Israel will be like the Sands of the seashore for many to count then in the place where they were told you are not my people it will be said that you are children of the Living God then the people of Judah and Israel will be They will unite, they will choose a leader for them and they will return together from Exile that day that will be the day of Jezreel when God will again plant his people in their land God's promise would be fulfilled but his judgment would not last forever Israel would eventually return to the Lord they would be called Again the Children of the Living God's tragic marriage serves as a powerful lesson about God's immense love for his people despite Hosea's deep grief over his unfaithful wife Goomer and his plans to return to his old life, the love of God remained unwavering.
Many people underestimate the seriousness of turning away from the Lord. Goomer's story after leaving Hosea's house shows how challenging life became without God to support her mother. Hosea appealed to his children by directly highlighting the pain of goomer's departure Hosea 2:5 his mother is a shameless prostitute became pregnant in a shameful manner he said: I will run after other lovers and sell myself to them for food and water for woolen and linen clothing and for olive oil and drinks it is like a movie scene imagining Hosea the day he leaves he left his suitcase packed and ready to leave without even saying goodbye to the children many people distance themselves from the Lord because they seek satisfaction for their basic needs and desires thinking that they will find it in the world the devil is clever in convincing people that they will find happiness if they follow him into the world but the truth is that turning away from the Lord does not bring lasting joy the world can offer temporary pleasures, but it cannot provide true happiness.
Goomer's fall, this marks the beginning of Goomer's problems. Initially, when she returned to her life of prostitution, things seem to be going well for her, however, it becomes clear that she is going down the wrong path. Gomer's despair. The celebration came to an end the anxiety began to appear the worries intensified and then the feeling of repentance was established in Hosea chapter 3 then the Lord told me go and love your wife again even if she commits adultery with another lover this will illustrate that The Lord still loves Israel even though the people have turned to other gods and love to worship them, so I bought her for 15 pieces of silver and five bushels of barley and a measure of wine and then I told her: you must live in my house for many days and stop prostituting yourself during this time you will not have sexual relations with anyone, not even me, this shows that Israel will spend a long time without a king or prince and without sacrifices, sacred columns, priests or even idols, but then the people will return and they will consecrate themselves to the Lord their God and to the descendant of David their King in the last days they will tremble with fear before the Lord and before his goodness the story reflects the attitude of Jesus Christ towards the woman caught in adultery as Hosea Jesus forgives restores and offers a new Hosea's life of freedom for actions also foreshadows how Jesus would one day redeem a sinful world through his own death on the cross.
This prophetic book assures us of God's unchanging love for us. God's love is eternal and faithful, unlike human love which can falter. God's love never falters even when we are unfaithful. God continues to love and care for us, always providing a path for reconciliation. It is fitting that Hosea's name means Yahweh has rescued or saved, as does Joshua, both names are related to Yeshua, which means to save in Hebrew and is. Translated as Jesus in English, this highlights the final message of salvation and redemption in the story of Hosea. God used the lives of Hosea and his wife Goomer to teach a profound lesson to the entire nation.
Hosea could have shown his people that despite his unfaithfulness to God. he still loves them and forgives them just as Hosea forgave Goomer and remained married to her. One commentator described Hosea's affection for Gomer as a beautiful balance of loving tenderness and harsh judgment. This dramatic depiction illustrates the depth of God's love for us and how He redeems us from our unfaithfulness. Forgiving an adulterous spouse and welcoming them back home is not an easy act however it symbolizes God's unwavering love and forgiveness regarding Regarding adultery, the Bible teaches that it is the adulteration of marriage by involving a third person.
Adultery goes against the commitment made to God. The Bible begins with the story of a great marriage, emphasizing the importance of commitment and Fidelity to God. Genesis 2: 24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife and they become one flesh. Hosea could have judged his wife very severely under the law of the old Covenant given to ancient Israel under a theocracy the punishment for the adultery was death Leviticus chapter 20:1 if a man commits adultery with another man's wife with his neighbor's wife, both the adulterer and the adulterer must be executed.
It is crucial to recognize that in the context of adultery, the punishment was applied equally to both parties involved, there was no double standard where men could escape the consequences of their actions, they were held responsible along with women, people often deviate from theirinitial love and, in doing so, commit adultery. the book of Proverbs also provides information about the character of an adulterer Proverbs 7:22-23 he immediately followed her like an ox going to the slaughter he was like a deer caught in a trap waiting for the arrow that would pierce his heart he was like a bird that flies into a trap without knowing that it would cost it its life.
These warnings should strike fear into anyone's heart, while the punishment for adultery in Old Testament law may seem harsh, the spiritual consequences are even more severe, the story of Hosea and Gomer. serves as a powerful illustration of God's unwavering love for his Covenant people throughout the Bible the theme of God's enduring love is consistent The Book of Psalms in particular provides numerous opportunities to express gratitude and appreciation for the unwavering love of the Lord Psalm 36:5 Your unfailing love Oh Lord is as vast as the heavens your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds Psalm 13:5 but I trust in your unfailing love I will be glad because you have rescued me one of the most amazing examples of unfailing love in the world.
The Bible is presented in the book of Hosea as terrible as his wife's act was. Hosea forgave her Romans 8:38-39 reminds us of it and I am convinced that nothing will ever separate us from the love of God, neither death nor life nor angels nor demons nor our fears of today nor our worries for tomorrow nor even the powers of hell can separate us from the love of God no power in heaven or on earth in fact nothing in all of creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God who reveals himself in Christ Jesus our Lord he is the faithful companion and our Redeemer Redeemer he is the prophet who redeems his wayward bride he is the father who waits patiently for his lost son he is the one who joyfully welcomes the prodigal son home Throughout history those who have received his grace, infinite mercy and eternal love have been sinners who do not deserve it and are prone to stray from the right path and do wrong.
We sometimes read that it should also fill us with hope Hosea 2: 19- 20 I will make you my wife forever showing you righteousness and justice inexhaustible love and compassion I will be faithful to you and make you mine and finally you will know me as the words of the Lord God to Ancient Israel must fill us with hope today even though it is difficult we must see ourselves in the woman Gomer despite the wrongness of engaging in prostitution God is still able to forgive those who commit such immorality the Bible tells us about Rahab The Prostitute to whom God used to fulfill his plan because she obeyed she and her family received rewards and blessings in the New Testament a woman known for her immorality had the opportunity to help Jesus while he stayed in a home of Pharisees she recognized the true identity of Christ and offered him an expensive bottle of perfume as a gift overwhelmed with pain and regret she poured the perfume on Jesus' feet and wiped them with her hair when the Pharisees criticized Jesus for accepting the love of this immoral woman, he rebuked them and accepted their worship for their faith.
Jesus forgave all their sins and she was welcomed into his kingdom so that Hosea would understand the emotions. that God feels. God made him go through a unique experience like other prophets. God often prepares them through their relationships or lack thereof, for example, God told Jeremiah not to tell Mary. show that God experienced loneliness when Israel walked away from him in a similar way to Ezekiel being told that her wife would die but that he should not mourn her to illustrate how God felt the loss of her people. Hosea's experience was also unique. God instructed her regarding his teaching on marriage.
He explained to her how he felt through this situation. Hosea found that her wife brought her home and courted her. He began to have her as his wife. An interesting detail is that Hosea's wife did not realize that her blessings, such as the new wine and oil, came from God through Hosea, not from her lovers. The book of Hosea ends with a sincere plea for God waiting. for Israel to repent and delay the Judgment unfortunately Hosea was unable to reconcile Israel with God his messages were ignored and God had to carry out the promised judgment finally Assyria defeated Israel in 721 BC.
C., which led them into exile never to return. number two habac fights with Yahweh the name habac means to fight or embrace and he certainly faced important concerns about the world and God's plan. He brought his question directly to the Lord. The habak prophecy stands out among others. prophetic literature in various ways, firstly, most prophecies involve God speaking to the people through the prophet, but in habac the prophet speaks directly to God without the participation of the people in the conversation. Well, this dynamic can be found in other prophecies such as Jonah and Jeremiah. particularly striking in habac, secondly, in Chapter 2.
The Prophet is instructed to write his message on a wall in large letters. This method of communication is quite unique among prophetic literature. Lastly, Chapter 3 of Habac contains a prophecy with music that was relatively rare for earlier leaders such as Moses, Deborah, Samuel, Saul, Elisha and David found inspiration in music for their prophetic words and later Ezekiel also used music in his prophecies in this book we delve into what habac says see and sing through his experiences we learn to deal with life's big questions habac's agitation what he says we are listening to a conversation between the prophet and the Lord oh Lord until when will I cry and you will not hear habac It began with a bold question habac 1: 1-2 this is the message that the prophet habac received in a vision until when Oh Lord must I ask for help but you do not listen violence is everywhere I cry but you do not come to save although I shout violence at you no you will save habac was grappling with the double mystery of God Divine Providence was perplexed by God's apparent inactivity people were sinning and God seemed to do nothing to stop it habac 1:3-4 Must I forever see these evil deeds?
Why should I look at all this misery everywhere I look I see destruction and violence? I am surrounded by people who love to argue and fight. The law has been paralyzed and there is no justice in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so justice has been perverted. He then described Judah's transgressions and lamented the fact that evil people seemed to have the upper hand Justice was a deception God answered the question habac by saying habac 1:5 the Lord answered look around you, look at the Nations, look and be amazed because I'm doing something in your own day, something you wouldn't believe even if someone told you.
You in this regard keep a close eye on the Nations Habac 1:6-11 I am raising up the Babylonians, the cruel and violent people, they will march throughout the world and conquer other lands, they are famous for their cruelty and they will do whatever they want with their horses. They are faster than cheetahs and more ferocious than wolves at dusk their bearers charge from afar like eagles they swoop down to devour their prey oh, they come all bent on violence their hordes advance like a desert wind dragging the captives before them They like sand mock kings and princes and despise all their fortresses, they simply pile up ramps of earth against their walls and capture them, they pass like the wind and are gone, but they are deeply guilty of their own strength, it is their God, then God explained how he would punish his people. for their transgressions by sending the horrible Babylonian calans habac 1:12-17 oh Lord my God my Holy One you who are Eternal surely do not plan to erase us oh Lord AR Rock you have sent these Babylonians to correct us to punish us for our many sins but you are pure and you cannot stand the sight of evil.
Will you wink at their betrayal if you remain silent while the wicked swallow a people more just than them? We are just fish to be captured and killed, we are just sea creatures? who have no leader we must be hung from their hooks and caught in their nets while they rejoice and celebrate then they will worship their nets and burn incense in front of them these nets are the gods who have made us rich, they will claim, will you? let them have their way forever they will forever succeed in their heartless conquests God's response to knes habac's concerns instead seemed to raise even bigger questions about God's power and his apparent inconsistency Lord, I am baffled habakuk said what you are saying you will punish your own people with a nation even more evil than them what is happening it is common for us to have similar questions when God's actions seem to contradict what we understand about his character when we face the challenges of life the first step should be to express our concerns directly to God is not threatened by honesty even Jesus on the cross asked why Matthew 27:46 around the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud and agonizing voice Eli Eli Lama saani that's my God my God why have you abandoned me number two Tower of Abac what he sees habac 2:1 I will go up to my watchtower and stand at my guard post there I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he will respond to my complaint habac then built a watchtower where he could stand on the wall and observe in ancient times watchtowers were erected in the fields to help protect the crops habac symbolized his longing for a higher perspective he would wait patiently to hear from God habac 2:2 then the Lord told me to write my answer clearly on tablets so that a runner can carry the correct message to others God commanded habac to inscribe his word in large letters so that everyone could read it easily.
In ancient times, public messages were often written on clay tablets and displayed in the market. By doing so, God would answer Habs' questions. and everyone would have access to his answer God's initial message emphasized the importance of timing Habac 2:3 this vision is for a future time describes the end and will be fulfilled if it seems slow and coming wait patiently for it will surely take place actions will not be delayed of God may seem delayed but we must be patient because his timing is always perfect Since God is in charge time is crucial we live in the shadow of two imposing mountains, the mountain of birth and the mountain of death, our existence is in the valley of time between those two points God is in full control of his plans and we simply await his arrival Habac 2:9-19 what pain awaits you who build great houses with dishonestly earned money believe that your wealth will buy security by putting up the Nest of your family out of the reach of danger but with the murders you committed you have shamed your name and lost your lives the same stones in the walls cry out against you and the beams on the ceilings echo the lament what pain awaits you who build cities with Money earned through murder and corruption, has not the Lord of hosts of Heaven promised that the wealth of nations will turn to ashes?
They work so hard, but all in vain, for as the waters fill the sea, the Earth will be filled with the consciousness of the glory of the Lord, what pain awaits you, who gets your neighbors drunk, forces them to your cup to revel in its shameful nakedness, but soon it will be your turn to be dishonored, come drink and be exposed, drink from the cup of judgment of the Lord and all. your glory will become shame you cut down the forests of Lebanon now you will be cut down you destroyed the wild animals so now their terror will be yours you committed murders throughout the countryside and filled the cities with violence what good is a carved idol? by man or a molten image that deceives you, how foolish to trust in your own creation, a God who cannot even speak, what pain awaits you, who says to the wooden idols, wake up and save us, to the silent stone images, you say, stand up and teach.
Can an idol tell you what to do? They may be covered in gold and silver, but inside they are lifeless. Continuing through the chapter, we find four woeful passages in which God addresses the sins prevalent in that culture and ours, greed, violence, seduction, and idolatry. God ensures that he will address these issues at the perfect time, so how should we spend our time while we wait? We must live by faith. This passage highlights two types of people in the world. The first type depends on themselves and believes that they are saved based on their own merits. and actions Habac 2:4 Look, the proud trusted in themselves and their lives are crooked, but the righteous will live by their faithfulness to God.
The righteous will live by their faith. It is a matter of trust. God said to Habac and to us the New Testament uses this verse. three times Romans 1:1 17 The Good News tells us how God makes us righteous in his eyes this is achieved from beginning to end by faith as the scriptures say it is through faith that a righteous person has life Galatians 3:1 then it is clear that no one can be reconciled with God by trying to keep the law because the scriptures say that it is by faith that the righteous have life Hebrews 10:38 and my righteous will live by faith but do not be pleased with anyone who turns awayhabach 2:20 but the Lord is in his holy temple that all the earth should keep silence before him but the Lord is in his holy temple God declared that the earth should keep quiet before him which is the third and most crucial answer to the questions of life even when worldly thrones and temples crumble God remains in power nothing on this planet no nation or powerful army can remove God from his throne He reigns supreme just keep believing in him habac Triumph what he sings we find a change The man here habac has gone from crying to singing, from sadness to glory and from question marks to exclamation points.
He began this writing in the valley and finished it on the top of a mountain. What caused this change was neither God nor Habak's circumstances were to blame. he learned to trust in the Lord and was ready to sing notice the musical terms throughout the chapter habac 3:1 the prayer of the prophet a prayer of habac the Prophet in shono onono a prayer of habac the Prophet which is a musical expression and how It is indicated in the final sentence of the chapter Habac 3: 19 the Lord God is my strength my source of courage my invincible army he has made my feet firm and sure as the feet of deer and makes me walk forward with spiritual confidence in my high places of challenge and responsibility for the choir ctor on my string instruments to the principal musician with my string instruments i.e. it should be used for congregational music accompanied by an orchestra habach 3:3-13 God approaching from siani comes from ton Edom and the Holy from Mount Perin beah his Splendor and Majesty covers the heavens and the Earth is full of his praise His brilliance is like the light of the sun he has bright Rays shining from his hand and there in the Splendor like the sun in the Hiding Place of his power Before him goes the pestilence of judgment as in Egypt and the burning plague of damnation remains at his feet as in the army of cherubim Sinat took and measured the earth, he looked and scared the nations, yes, the eternal mountains were shattered. the ancient ones hills bowed and collapsed their paths are eternal.
Habac in my vision I saw the kusan tents dressed, the curtains of the tents of the land of Midian were shaking. Was the Lord's anger against the rivers or was it your anger against the rivers or was it your anger against the Red Sea that you rode on your horses? in your Chariots of Salvation your bow was left bare the rods of punishment were sworn that you divided the Earth with rivers carrying Waters to dry places the mountains saw you and trembled and writhed as if with pain the downpour passed like a flood the abyss pronounced his voice and roared he raised his hands high the sun and the moon remained in their places as before Joshua they went in the light of your swift arrows to the brightness and the brightness of your shining spear in indignation you marched through the Earth in Anger you trampled and you threshed the Nations you went out for the Salvation of your people for the Salvation and rescue of your anointed People Israel you struck the head of the House of the wicked to put it open from the thigh to the neck seah seah appears three times in this chapter a pause is a musical term and some interpret it as if they think this is a prayer song habac was singing a plea to the Lord for revival which is the ultimate cure for all Revival God is the one who fixes the difficulties of life God is the one who solves the problems of our society God knows the solution that the government does not the answer is not found in Social Services but in God God is able to send Revival next The phrase refers to God coming down.
The prayers that follow trace the steps of the children of Israel on their journey through the desert. The emphasis is on God coming down and being present throughout the journey. If God could do it in the past, he certainly can do it. If now God has not changed or weakened in strength, we should ask God to come down and bring revival to the world Habac 3:1 17-18 although the fig tree does not blossom and there is no fruit on the vines although the olive tree yields fails and the fields produce no food though the flock is cut from the fold and there are no cattle in the stables I will still choose to rejoice in the Lord I will choose to shout in exaltation in the victorious God of my salvation this is also a song of praise, consider how they are linked verses 7, 17, and 18.
Verse 17 begins with you, while verse 18 begins with still, regardless of the circumstances, Habak was saying, regardless of what happens, still, I will rejoice in the Lord, in the God of. my salvation which is the fourth answer to the unresolved problems of life stay joyful in the Lord in all circumstances habac then concluded by saying that God was his strength habac did not have all the answers ERS but he put his faith in his powerful God who Was Habak appointed by God to lead during tumultuous times? His name means to embrace, to win by fighting with God at the beginning of his book and to reach an intimate closeness with God at the end.
The book could have been titled Leadership Without Easy Answers. Habac pondered why. God allowed Judah to continue in immorality and wickedness. He cried out to God but initially received no answer. God seemed too tolerant of the taste of habac. Finally God revealed his plan to use Babylon to correct the evil actions of Judah. This seemed absurd to the habac, who questioned the wisdom of God. However, through this. dialogue he learned to trust and ended with a beautiful Psalm of Faith habac teaches us to be prayer leaders the entire book is a dialogue between him and God emphasizing the importance of interceding for people before leading them leaders must prioritize prayer and seek God's guidance habac It also shows that it is okay to challenge God.
We must have a close enough relationship to freely communicate our questions and seek guidance. Leaders must be humble enough to admit that they do not know everything and seek God's wisdom. Finally, Habac's most important lesson is to trust him. He learned to trust in God's wisdom even when he did not understand. Despite the uncertainties, he rejoiced and trusted in God's sovereignty. God's treatment of the habac elevated him to a new level of leadership and we can learn from this example number three. Moses disobeys God and strikes the rock Moses. he played an important role in Israel's history as more than just a leader;
He represented the Lord as the lawgiver and leader of Israel, as the one through whom the Lord had delivered the people from him and revealed the Covenant to him when the people sinned against the Lord. Moses was filled with righteous anger and zeal for God's justice, interceded on their behalf before the Lord, threatened to destroy Israel because of their evil deeds, leading the Israelites for 40 years. Moses never hesitated to convey God's messages to them as he neared the end of his life, he began to explain. God's law for the people This revision was necessary due to the tragic historical context years before in Cades Baria the Israelites had rebelled against the Lord and refused to enter the promised land consequently God decreed that all of Moses' generation They would perish in the desert for lack of it. of faith the children of this generation needed to understand how their parents had failed to obey God and what God expected of them as they prepared to claim their inheritance.
Restoring his commitment to God and His Covenant was essential to his success in conquering land and life. in peace and prosperity when reviewing the history of the nation, Moses emphasized the importance of the Lord as their God, this God had redeemed Israel from Egyptian slavery by fulfilling his promise to his ancestor Abraham, he had chosen them and made a covenant with them waiting her complete devotion to him. only when the Lord spoke to the Israelites at Horeb, also known as Mount Siani, where the Ten Commandments were given, did he command them to set out and travel to the land promised to Abraham Isaac and Jacob along with their future descendants;
However, while God had prepared the land for them Israel had yet to take possession of it. This underlining is a crucial principle for believers today, while God always keeps his promises, obtaining those promises requires our obedience, we do not inherit the promises. of God as we sit idly, instead we dedicate ourselves to working with love, serving, praying and fighting the good fight of faith according to our position in his kingdom we follow the agenda of our King confident in his faithfulness to fulfill his promises, although Moses was a faithful leader, he could not bear the burdens and disputes of the entire Israelite population alone, therefore, leaders were appointed for each tribe to help him, the journey from Horeb to Kadesh Baria was arduous for the Israelites who They were passing through a discouraging desert;
However, upon reaching the outskirts of Canaan, their spirits were quickly lifted when 10 explorers reported finding giants in fortified cities. Fear made the people angry and I rebelled against the Lord, accusing Him of leading them to death. This bold claim prompted the Lord to later testify against them when Israel was a child, a young nation. I loved him and called my son out of Egypt Hosea 11:1 Despite his tender and gracious provision for the people of Israel, they perceived his love as hostility Moses strove to inspire the people by reminding them that the Lord would lead them into battle just as He had done it in Egypt and in the desert, however the fear of the Israelites had left them blind and deaf.
The goodness of God unfortunately lacked trust in him, which angered God to the point of making an oath that none of that generation would enter the promised land, only Caleb and Joshua, the two Scouts who demonstrated faithful courage despite the obstacles. they would inherit the land that God had promised Numbers Chapter 14: 20-2 so the Lord said I have forgiven them according to your word but surely as I live the whole Earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord surely all men who have seen my glory and my miraculous signs that I acted in Egypt and in the desert, but they tested me these 10 times and did not listen to my voice.
They will not see the land I swore to give to their fathers, nor any of those who disrespected me and rejected me. I see it, but my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has followed me fully, I will bring him to the land into which he entered and his descendants will take possession of it. Now the Amalekites and the Canaanites live in the valley to the core, returned and established. He went out into the desert through the Red Sea, in fact, not even Moses was exempt from this terrible consequence. The Lord also forbade him to enter the promised land instead of speaking to a rock to make it produce water as God commanded Moses.
He hit her with his staff numbers 20:2-1 there was no water for the people to drink in that place so they rebelled against Moses and Aaron the people blamed Moses and said if only we had died in the presence of the Lord with our brothers? why have you brought? the congregation of the Lord's People in the desert to die along with all our livestock, why did you make us leave Egypt and bring us here to this terrible place? This land has no grain, no figs, no grapes, no pomegranates, no water to drink. Moses and Aaron. They left the people and went to the entrance of the Tabernacle where they fell face down on the ground, then the Glorious presence of the Lord appeared to them and the Lord said to Moses, you and Aaron must take the staff and gather the entire Community As the people observe, talk to the rock that is there and it will spill its water.
You will provide enough water from the rock to satisfy the entire community and their livestock. So Moses did as he was told and took the staff from the place where it was kept. before the Lord, then he and Aaron called the people to come and gather at the Rock, listen, you rebels, he cried: shall we bring you water from this rock? Then Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with his staff and water gushed out so that the entire rock. The community and its livestock drank their fill. In fact, Moses recounted this incident to the people before his death, not to absolve them of responsibility for their transgression, but to emphasize the contagious nature of their complaints that ultimately led him, as well as his successor to Moses, Joshua, to sin. his faithful.
The servant would lead the people forward. The Israelites' refusal to enter the promised land at their initial opportunity, citing fear for the safety of their children, took an ironic twist when God used his own excuse against them. In reality, they would be prohibited from entering the promised land and would perish. in the wilderness while their children would inherit it Deuteronomy 1:34-40 When the Lord heard your complaints, he became very angry and solemnly swore that none of you, from the wicked generation, will live to see the good land that I swore to give to your ancestors. except Caleb son of Japan, he will see this land because he has followed the Lord completely.
I will give him and his descendant some of the same land that you explored during his exploration mission and the Lord was also angry with me because of you, he said. Moses Moses, not even you will enter the promised land, but your helper Joshua, son of a nun, will guide the people to the land. Encourage him because he will guide Israel while they take possession of it. I will give the land to your little ones, your innocent children.They were afraid of being captured, but they would be the ones to occupy it, since you turn around now and go back through the desert towards the Red Sea, recognizing their mistake, the people reacted to the sentence by foolishly trying to conquer Canaan, they were beaten because God was not on their side, they sobbed on their way back to the camp, but without any genuine repentance, God dismissed their prayers because of their rebellious hearts.
That is a warning to all of us that he wants you to approach him with sincere repentance and humility after the failure at Cadesh. God told the Israelites to return and head into the wilderness where they wandered for the next few decades. More than a year had already passed since they left Egypt, so from that moment on the nation had to spend 38 years wandering, however, God had blessed them. Israel and watched over them even though they were a population of over 2 million people. Wandering through a vast desert, the Lord made sure they had everything they needed for 40 years through this reference Moses hoped to inspire confidence in the incoming generation. that just as God had been faithful to his parents, he would also be faithful to them.
Israel moved from Edom to Moab and received the same command from God not to offend the Moabites since they were descendants of Lot, Abraham's nephew, a man extremely tall and impressive. The tribe had previously lived in Moab but had been expelled. Moses then remembered God's command to cross the Zared Valley of Moab. He reminded his audience that the entire generation of warriors had not died of natural causes in the desert, on the contrary, the hand of the Lord was against them, trying to drive them out of the camp until they were all extinct, this is a grim reminder that no matter No matter how healthy, rich or strong you are, if you rejoice in the will of the Lord, you will fail.
His betrayal will be complete if you surrender on the other side. to the goal of his kingdom his hand will be with you to support you in your situation after God's punishment was carried out on the previous generation Israel was ready to move forward in preparation to enter the promised land they must pass the border of Moab once once again putting them close to the Ammonite land, the Ammonite patriarch Ben Ami, like his half-brother Moab, was a child of luck because his daughter Moses had been forbidden to enter the promised land because she had disobeyed the Lord, but it seems that The encouraging victories he had led on the other side of the Jordan gave him faith that God was willing to change his mind numbers 20:12-13 but the Lord said to Moses and Aaron because you have not believed they trusted me to treat me as a saint In the sight of the children of Israel, therefore, you shall not bring this. assembly in the land that I have given them, these are the Waters of strife Arab strife where the children of Israel contended with the Lord and he showed himself holy among them Moses to die on Mount Nebo and the Lord said to Moses that same day go up to the mountain of abiram Mount Nebo which is in the land of Moab opposite Jericho and look at the land of Canaan that I am giving to the children of Israel as a possession then die on the mountain to which you go up and you will be reunited with your people in death just as Aaron your brother died on the mountain and was reunited with his people because you betrayed me among the children of Israel at the waters of Meraba Kadesh in the wilderness of

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