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Why Are Movies Dead in 2024?

Jun 29, 2024
If you've seen any of my previous videos and know that I'm a huge advocate for some damn change here, this industry that once moved mountains now feels like it's on life support. Controversies, political correctness, apathy, streaming, greed has created. The perfect storm that can lead to the death of


as a whole, whether it's In Our Lifetime or your children, what no, no, uh-uh, no, come back, get out of here. I don't think movie theaters are going to last long. Movies are a big part of what makes me me and at the end of this video I hope to awaken something inside you that makes you want to see some change too, but without further ado, go ahead and keep my wife's name out, Your mouth comes out like a file. and let's get right into it.
why are movies dead in 2024
Whenever you talk about the collapse of something that was once great, whether it's the capitalism of the Roman Empire or the career of PewDiePie, it's always important to identify exactly where it all went wrong, and I'm sure you already know where it's going. No, no, the pandemic was the breaking point for movie theaters in 2019, we had nine films that exceeded one billion at the box office and gave us the second highest grossing film of all time. You might be thinking that this is the beginning of the end for 2019. We were already in the deep end, we just didn't know it yet, there was never a better time to be less creative than that year and don't get me wrong, we came out with some amazing


, but to We no longer had these heights.
why are movies dead in 2024

More Interesting Facts About,

why are movies dead in 2024...

What I like to call middle-of-the-road film these days seems like we only have three types of releases, unoriginal masterpieces and poop water, and of course before you tell me that, I'm actually fully aware that there is still diversity in the movies, not this. It doesn't apply 100% to everything, it's not black and white, but what I mean is that there is a lot less gray in 2009, we had the summer. Blockbusters, comedies, superheroes, historical fiction, animated destruction, horror, detectives, princesses, stop motion conspiracies. Feel good aliens, very loosely based on real events. so much variety in cinema where, no matter your taste, there were always at least one or two films you could enjoy each year.
why are movies dead in 2024
Heck, today, though, if you don't like sequels, you're out of luck. Gone are the days when studios indulged. on creativity over profits and Matt Damon said it best, so what happened was DVD was a big part of our business of our revenue stream and the technology just became obsolete, so the movies that we used to make they could afford. not making all your money when it was shown in the theater because you knew you had the DVD behind the release and 6 months later you would get everything you know somewhere else would be like reopening the movie almost and when that changed the type of movies we could do, so I would have to make 100 million dollars before I make a profit and the idea of ​​making 100 million dollars with a story like this love story between these two people, yes, I love everyone in the movie, but suddenly it's a huge gamble in a way that it wasn't in the '90s, when they were making all those kinds of movies, the kind of movies that I loved and the kind of movies that were my bread. and butter in


, every movie has to be a home run, you only get one release, so studios are much less inclined to give new, fun, cool original concepts a chance because it's such a high stake, why invest into new stories when you could just make one?
why are movies dead in 2024
Quick, get rid of something you've done before, and as much as I'd love to blame the studios and executives for this, we're to blame too. I mentioned this in my review of Fall Guy, where I praised the movie to hell because it seemed like something out of a time capsule where you could have fun watching the movies and not have to invest 100 hours in a franchise to understand what's going on in it and, Despite a steady box office, it's already being promoted on streaming because Don't give fun movies like these the time of day, why not?
I see everyone complaining online but no one actually does anything about it. Hollywood is now a casino with overinflated budgets and huge marketing campaigns, the risk is too high, so instead of playing multiple hands. They fold and end up wanting to beat the house in one hand, and if that allegory didn't make sense, then you probably don't have a gambling addiction. Movies were broken long before the pandemic, and writers are less encouraged to match each day. I bothered to make up new stories and that has to change, like yesterday, a few years before, there was a major disruption in the force, a movement you may have heard of that changed the tide of Hollywood forever in 2017.
I was also something anyone could talk about. I'm not going to go ahead and go into everything because let's face it, if you don't know what it is at this point, I can't help you man, I also put a lot of pressure on the producers and the studios to, of course, fix this. Some pretty positive changes within the industry give women more of a voice and a place in showbiz and this would naturally extend to LGBT minorities and other groups who haven't always had a seat at the table. This is a pretty amazing industry that has always been run primarily by white men, for the most part, finally opened its stores and allowed people of different genders and backgrounds to have a voice and, for a while, things were perfectly balanced, like should be, however, more recently, the scales have tipped too far.
The Other Direction, what began as a movement with great intentions, was kidnapped, starved, and mutilated by studios in a marketing campaign. Let me explain it to you in very black and white terms. Here we go again, the problem with the overwhelming diversity in Hollywood is not the diversity, it's the lack of creativity behind it, are there people with racist intentions who don't want to see black people in movies? Why are there so many black people in TV commercials, movies, and TV shows, literally? Why yes, though, I think. Anyone with an IQ above room temperature knows that this is not the case for the vast majority. 12 Years a Slave and Moonlight are among my favorite movies of all time because of how deeply they express themselves through the black perspective and that's something that only diversity affects and Hollywood can achieve something like, of course, You can't have a 50-year-old rich white man, right?
Moonlight, and it's the same thing that you think this is funny in a kind of cosmic way, yes mister funny, that's how you get your sick kicks what's just an ordinary grumpy oh my gosh, but Robert, if you love Moonlight , how can you hate The Little Mermaid because Moonlight was original? That's the point, going back to what I said about the marketing campaign and with that I'll move on and To finish the section, let me paint you a picture: a studio decides to produce a movie based on a pre-existing intellectual property and the race changes the main character , which is more than likely white, the script story, special effects characters and everything else sucks but now if you don't like this movie guess what you're racist sorry it baffles me how so many people don't realize realize that studios throw hundreds of millions of dollars into a soulless pile and then use minorities as a human shield against criticism.
From all the free marketing they receive through online anger from fans who probably just want to see a faithful, unadulterated adaptation of the characters they grew up with, maybe there were good colorblind intentions at first, but if you really think about that that is still the case today you are very wrong among many of the points we have talked about today none is more responsible for the constant decline of cinema or more specifically of movie theaters there are more than 200 streaming platforms in


and soon over last 8 years we have Prime video mac Apple TV plus YouTube TV Discovery plus Disney Plus Peacock and many others.
I'm going to go ahead and do a little bit of math for you just so I can explain my point a little bit deeper if I want to get past the numbers, go ahead and jump to the timestamp here, this graph here shows us that despite everything What I've told you so far, movies seem to be on the rise, so how can movies be on the decline because streaming is also on? the increase that the average household pays for between 2 and four streaming services and about $61 a month, which is an increase of $48 a month from last year, which is a 27% increase in the last 12 months, not to mention the 10% increase every year.
Before that, is there a discernible point to this story? A point you will reach at some point in the near future. My point is that it's getting a lot harder to justify even going to the movies. I'm talking about paying between $20 and $40 for a movie. Coming out on top of the $60 you're already paying for streaming is a tough pill to swallow and it looks like prices will continue to rise and movie theaters will bleed because of this in the past that you couldn't miss. the summer blockbuster because if you did you had to wait 6-8 months to get the DVD and you were in the dark the whole time you were excluded it was exclusive going to the movies now who cares why leave the comfort? from my house when I could wait a month and watch it on my couch and that's a shame, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in a few years, but right now streaming is a virus and it needs to be fixed before it's too late, So we've talked about the past, we've talked about the present and now it's time to talk about the future.
Artificial intelligence and how we have been achieving it. Twisted in recent years, studios have used AI for basically everything related to casting, to determine whether or not a film will be profitable in post-production to perfect films in ways that people simply cannot. AI has many benefits, no one can deny that, but it is like handing the cure for cancer to big pharma instead of using it to help. Everyone, they're just going to find a way to turn it into a paycheck instead of using it to fuel creativity. Its main objective is to monetize it. They don't want to use AI to help actors, writers.
VFX, they want to use it completely. replace this little thing called people we live in a corporate dystopia the suits and the rest of us Michael they are us the suits and they don't even wear suits and they control every aspect of movies video games music whatever it is run by a bunch of corporate machines that They only have one goal in mind and it's not your entertainment, it's your money. Hello, I like money. AI should work for us, not against us. The IR robot came out in 2004 and they did it well. The robots were housemates. and the guys, bus drivers, handled all the aspects of life that no one wants to do, just look at this little thing the CEO of Sony Picture said when asked about last year's writers' strike.
Creatives are sensitive, in fact we had an 8 month strike over AI. last year, you see, how presumptuous this is, I guarantee that if the Writers Guild of America didn't exist, no writer would have a job again. AI still has a long way to go, but nowhere near as long as we do, in conclusion. I talked about transmitting diversity of creativity and Ai and I want you to take something from this. I don't want to just sit here and sound like I'm complaining about how long this video is, so what's my point? The main problem that unites everyone.
These put together is that none of them are balanced and the common enemy is the studio executives. Movies are a fascinating staple of humanity in one of the best ways we know to express the endless depths of our imagination. Going to the movies should make us feel excited, ecstatic and sad. shocked and everything else is about a family reunion with the love of your life friendship what was once such a colorful part of our lives is now gray and corporate hollywood is


and the studios killed it my solution balance okay give us remakes but give us something new also give me the characters I know and love but also give me new diverse people the opportunity to express themselves in their own way give me the ease and convenience of a streaming platform but I'm excited to go to the movies again, make all that and I am very sure that the money will come as before because there is a balance in that too.
We still have time to save this industry and get it back to what we know it can be and it's up to us to support these fools. Summer movies go to theaters and we do our part to keep not only the movies but the theater experience alive because you didn't know what you had until it was gone. Okay, I didn't know what I had. Thank you very much for watching the video and I really hope you got something positive out of thisbecause I want to see movies do better and I hope you too hit that big red button below so you don't miss a single upload on the channel as well as follow me on the social media links below be sure to check out the latest reviews on the Furious channel, as well as Fall Guy, as well as reactions to gaming content, you name it and you know what go see a movie this weekend, why not one more time? thank you very much for watching the video and see you in the next one here before the disturbance in the oh, a cut

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