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Who Would Be Jacobite King of the UK Today?

Mar 07, 2024
Hi, I'm Matt Baker, so we have a new


of the United Kingdom, Charles III, but is he the rightful heir to the throne? According to the Royal Steward Society, it is not, this is because 334 years ago a boy was first in line. The throne was skipped and then a little bit later a bunch of other people were skipped and the throne went to someone who was number 23 in the line of succession, so in


's terms that


be like Lucas Tyndall beat all these others. people and eventually becoming King, you


think that would never happen, but it happened once and of course not everyone was happy about it.
who would be jacobite king of the uk today
Those who fought against this great jump in the line of succession that occurred 300 years ago were known as the Jacobites and have since followed an alternate line of


s and queens that can be traced to the present day, so who does it lead to? that alternative line? In other words, who would be king


according to the Jacobites? Well, to find out, let's go. Going back to the year 1688, which was when James II and 7th was king, he has two numbers because at that time England and Scotland were still two separate kingdoms and therefore he was James II of England, but James VII of Scotland in January In 1688, the king had only two legitimate children, Mary and Anne, their mother had died many years before, so the king had remarried and what do you know?
who would be jacobite king of the uk today

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who would be jacobite king of the uk today...

In June 1688, his new wife gave birth to a baby boy whom they named James. This meant that young James was now first in line to the throne because until recently men had priority over women, in fact they even made James Prince of Wales. Now this all sounds simple enough, but there was a problem: the king's second wife was an Italian princess who was Catholic. and the king had also converted to Catholicism. England and Scotland didn't really want a Catholic king, but they weren't too worried because Mary and Anne were Protestants, so the whole thing about having a Catholic monarch was going to be temporary, but birth. of James changed everything you see, James was going to be raised Catholic and therefore England and Scotland would not be a Protestant monarchy again after all, so this is what happened.
who would be jacobite king of the uk today
Mary, who was second in line, was married to the person who was fourth in line, her cousin William, who was the Prince of Orange, a group of English nobles wrote to William and invited him to invade their country and force the king to make Mary his heir. William said yes and things turned out better than expected. James II and the 7th fled the country and not only was Mary declared Queen, but William was declared Joint King and they reigned together until Mary's death in 1694 and then William reigned alone for seven more years. Marion William did not have any children, but Anne had a son called William, so it was thought that King William would be followed by Anne and then Anne would be followed by her son William, but unfortunately young William died at 11 years old.
who would be jacobite king of the uk today
Just before his mother became queen, this meant that a strong argument could be made that James, now living in exile in France, should become king, after all, to prevent this, the English parliament passed a law in 1701 known as the settlement act which prohibited Catholics from becoming monarchs. More specifically, it is stated that unless Anne had another son, the Throne of England, after Anne's death, would pass to a woman named Sophia of Hanover or her Protestant heirs. Sophia was the daughter of Elizabeth, who in turn was the daughter of King James, the first when all these other people were Catholics and therefore overlooked Scotland, however, he was less sure of all this: the Parliament passed a law in 1704 called the Act of Assurance which stated that Scotland had the right to elect a different monarch, so for a moment it looked as if England and Scotland might separate, but then a group of politicians got to work. and they managed to push through the Acts of Union that formally merged England and Scotland into a single Kingdom called Great Britain in 1707.
But not everyone was happy about this, particularly in Scotland. Those who supported James, the former Prince of Wales became known as the Jacobites. Jacob was a variation of the name James when Queen Anne died in 1714 and Sophia Hanover's son George became King of Britain as George the First, this gave the Jacobites a good excuse to ascend. After all, George was German and didn't even speak English, so in 1715 and 1719 there were major Jacobite rebellions, mainly in Scotland. James was declared James III and eighth and even established a schooner court. Palace for a time, but in the end both attempts to secure the throne for him failed in 1745.
Another major attempt was made, this time led by James James's son Charles, known as Bonnie Prince Charlie, but once again the Jacobites failed, so the line that started it. George I was secured and was able to continue to this day, but what if the Jacobites had one who would be king today in that scenario or what if Scotland became independent and decided they wanted to put the Jacobite air on the throne? Instead of Charles III, who would be King of Scotland in that scenario, the so-called James III and 8th lived until 1766, meaning that if he had become king, he would have reigned for 65 years, almost as long as Queen Elizabeth and It would have been his son who would have become King Charles III instead of this guy, but that never happened and instead James became known as the Old Pretender and Charles as the Young Pretender.
The word Pretender means someone who has a right to a throne but does not. He didn't actually own it now, Charles had no legitimate children, so when he died his right to the throne passed to his younger brother, Henry, who was a Catholic priest, and not just a high-ranking cardinal and now a priest, Enrique, he didn't have it. He had no children, so he ended up being the last surviving legitimate descendant of King James II and the seventh, I say legitimate, because James II actually had other descendants, but we'll come back to that later, so to continue the Jacobite succession we have Look elsewhere, the next person in the original line of succession after William, Prince of Orange, had been Mary Louise, Queen Consort of Spain, her husband was the infamous Charles II, the last Habsburg King of Spain, but, of course, they had no children, so they then have to proceed through their sister Anne-Marie Anne-Marie also became queen consort of Sardinia and had several children, the eldest of which was her son Charles Emmanuel, who became He became king of Sardinia.
He was followed by his son Victor Amadeo. III and then by Victor Sol Charles Emanuel IV after the death of Cardinal Henry, who according to the Jacobite succession had been Henry IX Charles Emanuel IV of Sardinia became the oldest descendant of Charles I of England and Scotland and, therefore, according to the Jacobites. the true king of Great Britain from there the claim passed to his brother King Victor Emmanuel the first of Sardinia and then to Victor's daughter Mary The Duchess of Medina then Mary's son Francis the Duke of Medina and then France is his niece Maria who became queen consort of Bavaria (now Bavaria) ceased to be a kingdom in 1918 at the end of the First World War and shortly after, Maria's son, Ruprecht, of the house of Wittelsbach, inherited both the right to the former Kingdom of Bavaria as the Jacobite right over the United Kingdom.
He was followed by his son Albrecht, who took the title of Duke of Bavaria and held it for 41 years, from 1955 to 1996. Which brings us to the man who should today be king of the United Kingdom according to the Jacobites, the current Duke of 89 years old. Bavaria Franz, who if he were king of the United Kingdom would be known as Francis II last year, Franz officially came out, becoming the first head of a royal house to be openly gay. He has a same-sex partner named Thomas Grinwald. but he has no children and therefore when Franz dies the Jacobite claim will pass to his younger brother Max, assuming Max, who is also 80, does not die first and then it will pass to Max's daughter Sophie, whose husband turns out to be the current heir of the family. throne of Liechtenstein, therefore, for the first time in over 100 years, we are likely to have a Jacobite claimant who actually holds a royal title and not only that, she is likely to one day be replaced by her son, Prince Joseph, who would later become both. the reigning monarch of Liechtenstein and the Jacobite heir, so if Scotland wanted to have a personal union with a small German-speaking microstate, it might be possible, but there is a final twist in this real-life Game of Thrones, as I mentioned above , James II and seventh. he actually had some illegitimate descendants and his first child to reach adulthood was actually a daughter named Henrietta Fitz James Fitz means son of and was often used as part of the surname of the king's illegitimate children.
Henrietta had a son named James who had a son named James who had a daughter named Anne who married a man named Hugh Seymour who was an illegitimate descendant of King Charles the First together they had a son named Horus who had a daughter named Adelaide who she married Frederick Spencer the 4th Earl Spencer they had a son who became the 6th Earl Spencer who was later followed by the 7th Earl Spencer and the 8th Earl Spencer and the 8th Earl Spencer had a daughter whose name Lady Diana Spencer might recognise, who was the first wife of King Charles III and the mother of William and Harry, this means that William, if he becomes king, will be the first British monarch in over 300 years to be descended from King James II and the 7th.
Now keep in mind that he is not actually the highest ranking person in this illegitimate line. but he's a descendant anyway and maybe just maybe that makes the Jacobites feel a little better. I don't know what you think he is Charles III, the real king of the United Kingdom, or he is Francis II, or maybe there. shouldn't be a king at all, let me know in the comments and if you like the scenarios, be sure to check out our videos. He is the true monarch of Great Britain living in Australia and who would be the king of England today according to Henry VII's will.
I'll leave a link to both on the screen now thanks for watching, thanks.

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