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Who will be the next leader in North Korea?

May 20, 2024
has been called North Korea's adorable little girl, dear little girl, and more recently, the respected Kim 2A girl is believed to be about 11 years old and her frequent appearances have political observers wondering if she is


to become ruler. supreme


of the reclusive East Asian nation, believed to be Du, the second daughter of current


Kim Jong Un, was revealed to the world for the first time in photos released in November 2022. She appeared alongside her father to watch the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile. Since then, the young woman has been repeatedly seen at large-scale events, including military ones. parades and national ceremonies often hand in hand with her father and surrounded by senior officials, her increasing exposure has generated rumors that raise questions about whether she is Kim Jong-un's apparent air, if not her, then who




leader of North Korea.
who will be the next leader in north korea
Zu is not the first female member of the Kim family to make international headlines. Aunt Kimo Jong has risen rapidly through the regime's ranks since December 2011, when Kim Jong-un took power after the death of her father and longtime ruler Kim Jong Il behind her. Her brother Yo Jong made her first public appearance at her father's funeral. He then became a regular presence at Kim Jong-un's side in 2018. Yo Jong became the first member of the Kim family to visit South Korea since the Korean War of which he was a part. The delegation that went to the 2018 Winter Olympics in the South Korean city of Pong Chong, where athletes from the North and South competed in a joint team, I Jang was even invited to a concert with the then president of South Korea , Moon Jayen, she smiled a lot, so just by appearing, the South Korean people were excited, wow, what does this mean?
who will be the next leader in north korea

More Interesting Facts About,

who will be the next leader in north korea...

This mysterious princess of Pongyang is here. Kimjongun sent his beloved little sister to South Korea. That must mean we are on the verge of a real R. Relationship improvement. De-escalation of tension. Denuclearization. maybe reunification, who knows, that was the public sentiment at the time and she played the interim role of good cop to her brother's bad cop. Kimo Jong's diplomatic career did not end there. He met South Korean leader Moon again when he accompanied his brother on his On his first trip to the South, he shook hands with Chinese President Xiin Ping during Kim Jong-un's trip to China, greeted then-U.S.
who will be the next leader in north korea
President Donald Trump, in Singapore and, more recently, traveled with his brother to Russia and met with President Vladimir Putin, among his various titles, Yo Jong is. The nominal head of Pyongyang's Propaganda and Agitation Department, has become known for her fierce and strongly worded statements against South Korea, as in September 2021 Yo Jang was promoted to the country's top decision-making body, solidifying her position as the number two deao, say political experts. Yo Jong's Ascension has been deliberate. She is known to be very capable, very intelligent. Kim Jong is her favorite son. He was the younger Kimo Jong of her.
who will be the next leader in north korea
Kim Jong thought highly of his little daughter and supposedly one day he told the Japanese chef that if only she weren't a girl. If she were a boy, she would hand over power to Kim Jong-un instead of Kim Jong-un, and I interpret that kind of rapid elevation of Kim Jong-un within the North Korean government as an effort by Kim Jong-un to take measures just in case he himself becomes incapacitated. Who are he and his trusted and very capable sister to take care of him? his wife his children. I see that the brother and sister are genuinely affectionate towards each other, they like each other, they trust each other, there is genuine trust between the two, but more importantly, I Jang is part of the Mount Pacu lineage.
North Korea is a heavily male-dominated chauvinistic culture. What needs to replace those cultural political prejudices against women in North Korea. I think the power should remain within the family that you know North Korea has created. This myth of the so-called lineage of Mount Petu and Mount Petu is a real physical majestic mountain that straddles the border between North Korea and China and in Korean mythology is the birthplace, cradle of Korean civilization , the Korean people, so Mount Petu occupies an almost exalted place. A sacred place in Korean psychology Korean consciousness The lineage of Mount Pacu can be traced back to Kim Ilung, the grandfather of Kim Jong-un, known as the great son of life.
Ilang was the founding leader of North Korea and ruled from 1948 until his death in 1994. Leadership passed to his eldest son, Kim Kim Jong Il, who ruled the country for 17 years until 2011. Kim Jong-un, the third and The late leader's youngest son, was announced as the great successor. At no time has North Korea seen a woman in power. At the top before Yo Jong, only one person has been close: Kim Kyong HEI, an aunt of Kim Jong-un and Kim Yo Jong. She was the first and only female four-star general in the country and remained the preeminent female face of the Kim family until her husband, Tong s Tech, was executed on corruption, sedition and other criminal charges in late 2013, but Kim Gongi never imposed himself as strongly as Kim Yoong.
At no point did we see Kim Gongi play any role in these high-profile summit meetings, while Kim Jon did. Her brother has attended practically every Summit meeting, so it seems that if there are real contenders for the top position it is between Yo Jang and Yang Tu, but are there suns in the race? It's hard to say. I do not know if. Kim Jong-un has a son or not in the past. South Korean government officials speculated that Kim Jongan has a son who could be a year or two older than this cute daughter Kim Jan has been parading with since November 2022, two of the three.
The leaders of the Kim dynasty showed a clear preference for sons over daughters in selecting their successors. Will it be the same for Kim Jong-un if he is Jer? Is he ready to govern? He's clearly prepared. She is a girl of primary school age. Can an 11-year-old girl right now leading her nation's delegation to a foreign country receive leaving a foreign delegation shake hands with President Xiin Ping? I mean, what can an 11 year old girl do go up to the podium and stand in front of a podium on top of a stool and give a speech to 5,000 people?
I don't think so for the next 10 15 years until one of Kim Jong Un's sons. -un becomes an adult I don't see any other viable candidate to be the next supreme leader if necessary besides Kimo Jong Kim Jong-un is believed to be 40 years old in 2024, his father lived to be 70 and his grandfather lived to be 82 , assuming a similar lifespan, it


be several decades before it becomes clear who Kim will become. North Korea's next supreme leader will be if the country maintains its autocratic system ruled by one family.

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