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Who Will Abstract Next? - The Amazing Digital Circus

May 31, 2024


be the


character to become


ed in The Amazing



or many of you may have been wondering what has been happening with the characters who become


ed in The Amazing



. It's a really interesting concept with a lot of open endings about it and I have a lot of theories about what could be going on, but I think I've just solved this mystery once and for all, but enough yapping, let's get into it now. When you think about what happens to a character when he becomes abstracted, you probably think. They went crazy or even died, but what if I told you that's not the case?
who will abstract next   the amazing digital circus
Instead, they found a way to escape. This is demonstrated when we look at how kmo is abstracted. You'll never know until it's too late. I've been looking for this. thank you for staying tuned coffee, I'm coming out to see you, but if we want to know who is going to abstract


, we have to talk about the Cough Mother Clan because it is very important to understand the concept of abstraction because it is the only character who we've seen is absorbed in the show so far, Kma, was a clown who was always trying to cheer up people in the digital circus, but things didn't go well for him.
who will abstract next   the amazing digital circus

More Interesting Facts About,

who will abstract next the amazing digital circus...

The other characters did not find his jokes funny. kfmo became discouraged as time went on, kfmo started acting more and more unusual, he kept barking about a way to find a way out of the circus, which in turn made everyone else treat him worse and you know what happened Then, well, I think we know what happened. Listen, we don't always get along, like when you called me out for fake laughing at your jokes. I swear I really thought they were funny. I was just having a bad day. It was also confirmed by the creators of the show in an interview that they had too many characters in the show and that one of them needed to leave in order to add pomy in the circus and there have been many incidents like CMOS that have happened in the past and these previous incidents of people that have been abstracted can help us figure out which character


be abstracted next, as we can see on the doors in the room, if you look very closely you can see six people that have been crossed out and I think the x's are over these unknown characters that we have .
who will abstract next   the amazing digital circus
What hasn't been seen before indicates that they have already been abstracted and have somehow left the circus, so let's investigate, there seems to be a dog that we don't have much information about and a sock puppet that we don't have much information about either. a blurry image of another jesture archetype like PNE, some kind of pink monster and a bird, but most importantly there is a black chest piece and this one is interesting, it is theorized that her name is queenie, but other than that, The creators did not give us more information. about it, but wait a second, isn't there already a piece in the chest in the


digital circus?
who will abstract next   the amazing digital circus
That's right, this brings us to our first character and the chopping block of being an abstracted Kinger. He seems to be completely broken potentially by the loss of his wife and that can be a big stressor for him, for example, his constant panic or his tendencies to be afraid. In quiet situations, he may be talking about something and then completely forget about it or just zone out completely and not notice the people around him. It definitely is. The most unstable character, but now the question is: Will Ker draw the next one? No, if he thinks about leaving, he will probably forget a few seconds later about my Impenetrable Fortress.
Do you want to come with us to check on KFO? No, not really. I think Kos went crazy at the end. The time I spoke to him, he was rambling endlessly about some way out like you, pomy, but if Ker isn't going to extract the next one, who will? Well, now we have to talk about Jax. Jax is the seemingly cool guy, but he may not be what he seems. To be on the surface level, it is theorized that he is an insecure and damaged child who uses teasing and mocking of his behavior as a defense mechanism and I believe that Jax is mentally insane.
SL crazier than kmo, he's just better at hiding it, he'll probably survive until some of the later episodes or maybe even Escape if he can do it right because he knows how to handle these difficult situations, but at the same time Jax is a very big wild card because at At first glance he seems the most stable of all, but I think he is definitely hiding something that we are not aware of yet, which could be a reason why he is always smiling, seriously, why is he always smiling? I refuse to believe this is just a design choice, there is definitely something behind this, ladies first, no wait, why would I say that?
Wait, pne isn't even here, wasn't this all for her? Shut up, I can't hear the escalators, so Jax is mayy, but he probably won't be distracted in the second episode, but what about Zubal, as strange as he may seem? be the one to get abstracted in the next episode, it's a little ironic to say this because she said Ker would be the first one she passes it to, man. I can't believe kmo just gave up like that, I don't want to offend Ker, but I always thought you would be next, thank you. She doesn't panic like Ker, but she behaves in her own way.
She is rude, grumpy and irritable. She doesn't like where she is and she clearly wants to get out of the circus, but she doesn't like it. She doesn't know how to do it, her tension grows and her mental health suffers. Zub's identity problem is evident. She doesn't know who she is, which can be a serious factor for abstraction. Zubal is rude because her worst fear is love when Jax was with her. scratching his back with zub's arm zubal didn't like it was that an exit door i saw out there is that one way out what exit if there was a way out i'm pretty sure we all would have left for me although it's possible I doubt it.
She will be abstracted in the next episode, but what about Gengle? She is a very unstable character similar to Ker. Her mask controls her feelings and she is very sensitive, but Jax may also be trying to help her reach her breaking point by breaking her mask. Kane, today we have a new adventure for the rookie or what I think is that Jax is actually trying to make it abstract, so yes, gangle could be another potential candidate for abstraction, but what about ragi? Ragi has shown signs of going crazy, but Cain managed to cure her. In the early stages of the problem, she feel a lot of pain.
Ratha is an optimistic character, but she may be hiding a touch of madness. She's been traumatized and really wants to leave, especially because of how she was treated in episode 1. I don't know. I don't see her staying much longer and of course we can't forget about PNE the main character, it may seem impossible for her to abstract herself but in the


digital circus there could be a bad ending, this could result in the death of a character major. The character or her transformation into an abstract monster Pomy keeps trying to convince herself that it's all a dream and talks about finding a way out of the situation in the secret room and the end of the pilot episode suggests that PNE has started to lose the reality check.
Because we don't need to eat, drink or sleep in this digital world, so digital food here only gives off the virtual sensation of eating without any of the nutritional benefits that it gives it. Since when have you been an expert in the digital world? Pomy will most likely become abstracted next because she wants to find a way out and you remember who else wanted to find a way out. She was kmo p and she definitely could be a potential candidate for abstraction, but ultimately we have to consider Kane. Kane is a very mysterious character. It is also theorized that Kane killed his brother in the scene where the CNA sign is shown.
It's been theorized that that acur could mean Cain and Abel and we didn't see Abel in the game so we have to assume he's Kane's brother, but the real question. Will Kane is a wrap, I don't really think so, so I see him staying until the end of the incredible digital circus, but what about Bubble? Yes, we're really covering everything in this theory, but I'm pretty sure we can count the bubbles. quickly because it seems Bubble is just another of Kane's NPCs. Is Kane either one of your NPCs or he's a new fool because if he's a new character we're going to have to redo this whole theme song that's about all the characters covered.
But who is most likely to abstract well? I'd say Ratha is the most likely to get distracted in episode 2, but let me know in the comments below if you agree with that and if you watched until the end, I know you will. I love this video on the screen here, but with that being said, have an amazing day.

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