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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire DVD gameplay part 2

May 02, 2024
Hello and welcome to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire game where you could win real cash prizes. I'm sure you're more interested than ever in filling the hot spot, so let's get off to a good start, take a quick look. the rules, up to four of you can play the game answering adult or youth questions and you can also choose the type of questions you would like to answer about general knowledge, sports or entertainment, there are 50 questions between you and the virtual million and you have all three usual lifelines to help you get there, we also have some fantastic new additions to the game with real cash prices up for grabs if you reach a million and a new Switch Lifeline that is available from question ,000 and if you reach the famous milestone, you will also receive a special video or sound-based question.
who wants to be a millionaire dvd gameplay part 2
I'm sure you're eager to get started, so let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Good choice. Hopefully selecting General Knowledge Questions is the best option. start of a winning formula let's see how far you can go on the money tree starting with five questions to get to 1000 correctly let's start things off nice and easy with a question of 100 oh what a disastrous start that's the wrong answer, oh dear you haven't even reached the first milestone you will leave with absolutely no good choices. Hopefully selecting general knowledge questions is the start of a winning formula. Let's see how far you can go on the money tree. five questions to get up to £1,000 Here comes question number one, well done you have won 00 let's hope you find this question for 2 enjoyable and easy.
who wants to be a millionaire dvd gameplay part 2

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who wants to be a millionaire dvd gameplay part 2...

I'll give you 200 CP for the correct answer, you haven't used any life preservers so they're all still available if you need them in this question 300. It makes a lot of sense to ask one of your friends if you're not sure. Choose someone to help you. You know I like to answer these questions, but this one is a little difficult. You could guess B so it's up to you if you want to try, your friend hinted that the answer might be B but they didn't really seem convinced the decision was yours, you wouldn't want to give me the wrong answer at this stage and you haven't well, remember you still have two lifelines if you need them.
who wants to be a millionaire dvd gameplay part 2
Here comes question number four. We seem to be sure it was the right answer and well done. I can guarantee you £1,000 on our new Switch Lifeline if you can answer this question correctly I can't tell you that you have given me the correct answer well done you made it look nice and easy and your £1,000 is safe now, from this moment on you will be able to use our new Change Lifeline, which means if you don't like the look of the question you can change it to another one to use, simply select the new Lifeline icon on the screen and remember that just like the other lifelines, just You can use it once we have it too.
who wants to be a millionaire dvd gameplay part 2
You come up with a special question that will include a video, sound clip, or image. Sounds fun, let's take a look. What a relief you've just won £2000! It was the correct answer. Well, you're doing well. This is an opportunity to double that amount. £2,000 with question number s, hopefully gets you one step closer to the real cash prize. Here it comes, you lose ,000 if you make a mistake. Are you sure you want to play? You've just won £4,000. Very well done. you're starting to play for really decent amounts of money and you already have £4,000 in the bank. If you can answer question number eight, you'll double your money again to a tasty £8,000.
Good luck. Here comes the question. Okay, you risk £3,000. and you'll be glad you did, you've just won £8,000. Things are getting a little more serious now. £16,000 is a huge amount of money and that's what you can win if you give me a correct answer to question number nine as money goes up the drops also get bigger you could lose £77,000 if you give me a wrong answer, so think carefully before you give me your final answer brilliantly well done you just won £16,000 right this is a great time answer the following question correctly and your £16,000 will become a guaranteed £32,000.
Unbelievable, give me the wrong answer and you would have to take a £15,000 drop, so let's be careful, let's hope that doesn't happen. Here comes your question. So going 50/50 should help the computer will eliminate two of the answers, leaving you with the correct answer and the remaining one, so eliminating two wrong answers hasn't helped the correct audience, maybe you can find the correct answer between the two remaining answers so if you are ready please. Select which of the two remaining answers you think is correct. Everyone vote now, it really is a pretty split decision. C is the most popular answer, but only now is most enough to convince you.
Did 50/50 help you win £32,000? He has certainly played very well, well played 32,000 is now the minimum you will leave the game with. You must feel very satisfied with yourself. However, we would love for you to convert that into £64,000 and you can do so by giving me the correct answer. to the next question, which will be based on a video, sound clip or image to celebrate you passing that second milestone, remember that you also have a lifeline to help you if you need it, here it comes, you feel a little overshadowed by the D. I always feel overshadowed by the DX but I always beat them, you see, so they can fill it in um David, he's playing the Dr. whose definitive Ro is.
It's hard to beat him, isn't it? It's hard to know where you go from here. You really play someone with two hearts and a tardis, how do you do it? I'm not so sure it's a great job. I love it. Did you grow up? Of course you did. Yes, who didn't. Okay, you decided that question is not for you and you would like it. to use our new Switch Lifeline to get a little help, no problem, please change the question, the answer you gave me is the wrong answer, you will leave us with just £32,000, sadly that is where your dream of a million pounds, although you can look back fondly. about your performance and enjoy a check for a virtual £32,000, so you'll both want to try your luck with our general knowledge questions for a chance to win a real cash prize, okay, 15 questions stand between the two of you and 1 million , let's try and speed you through those first five questions and help you reach that first milestone.
Okay, player one. Here is question one. It may be the first of many. It is correct and a great way to start. Question number one for you, Player Two. start I'll give you £200 for a correct answer here player one I'll give you 200 C for that correct answer question number two for you player two it's early to give me the wrong answer but that was the right answer well done with all your lifelines still to go use, I'm sure you can beat this one, your 300 question player. You wouldn't want to give me the wrong answer at this stage and you didn't get question three of the 15 right, player.
Second, you wouldn't want to give me the wrong answer right now and you haven't done it right. Things are going well. Here comes question four. You haven't touched any of your lifelines yet. You seem sure that was the right answer. but you were wrong, oh no, player number one, not only are you the first to lose, but you also leave with nothing. You see how easy it is to come home with nothing. I'm sure you won't, although player two wins £500. well done, four correct answers in a row for your player, second question number five is worth £1000, check it out, don't forget a new Lifeline is also waiting for you.
If you can give me a correct answer, it makes a lot of sense to ask. one of your friends if you are not sure choose someone to help you great do you want my help with a question I also know the answer is B definitely b very confident B be there on your friend's behalf are you happy to trust his word? that's the correct answer, well played, great job, player two, you've got £1,000 safe in the bank and you've bagged the new Switch Lifeline. Now remember that you can use this to exchange your question only once during the game, which could be very useful.
Now it's yours. Stop by to see which of our special questions you'll receive for reaching your first milestone so convincingly, so let's take a look. I'm very happy to tell you that you've just won £2000 haven't you, now you're doing well player two now win £. 2,000 safely hidden, make sure you don't return to the last milestone with a wrong answer to question number seven, good luck, it costs £4,000. A correct answer here is worth £4000 and that is exactly what gets me the correct answer. Things are going very well for you now, player two, and you have £4,000 under your belt.
See if you can reach £8000 by giving me the correct answer to this question. If this is wrong, you will say goodbye to £3000. but it's not bad, you just won £8,000 didn't you, we are playing big money at the moment and £16,000 is at stake. On the next question you would lose £7,000, although if you answer wrong it's time to think very carefully. about what you're doing here, good luck audience, I hope you all know the answer to this, they're about to ask for your help, grab your notebooks please and everyone vote now, well the audience seems pretty convinced that D is the correct answer, but are you going to put your faith in them and go with d?
So you gave me your final answer and it is absolutely correct. You've just won £16,000, player two. Now it's your turn to try a question that we'll see come that second. milestone and win a guaranteed minimum of £32,000. Now this is the last time you could walk away with just £1000, so please don't give me the wrong answer. Take a good look at the question and remember not to rush it. I had £16,000 I could have. I went with that. I have to say you were right not to have won £32,000. Well done player two. It's not the easiest path to the second milestone I've ever seen, but at least you have a minimum of £32,000 to your name. you are only five questions away from the million you only have one Lifeline left but that doesn't mean you can't go at least a little further here comes another of our special questions to congratulate you for surpassing that second milestone, let's see what it is and where, upon your return from palace, Prime Minister Blair stopped the car again, got out and began a remarkable walk, at which point going for 50-50 should help, the computer will eliminate two of the answers, leaving you with the correct one and the other. remaining answer you only had two answers to choose from and you chose the correct one you have won £64,000 I would love for you to give me a correct answer to the next question which is worth £25,000 player two is a huge amount of money.
I'm sure you'll agree, but be very careful. A wrong answer here will lose 32 of the £64,000 you currently have, so use the remaining Lifeline if you're not sure you decided to risk £32,000 and it was a risk. it's worth taking, you've just won a whopping £25,000, okay player number two, things are getting tougher and there's a good chance you don't know the answer to this question, so if you don't , stay away and don't lose 93,000, on a brighter note if you know the answer it will be worth a quarter of a million pounds to you, best of luck, here comes your question, this is getting serious now you've just decided to play our quest question for a quarter of a million pounds and you have given me the correct answer.
You're practically a quarter


. Player two. It really couldn't be a much better situation for you. You could have £250,000 in your pocket and now you have the chance to double that figure to half a million? You haven't even used all your lifelines yet. Could we be facing the next virtual


? Maybe don't get too carried away. I need you to give me the correct answer to this question. You've just risked £18,000. You had a quarter of a million. Now you have. An incredible half million, you are one of our biggest winners. Well done Player 2. You now have the option of taking half a million pounds or playing possibly the biggest question of your life worth 1 million and you haven't used it yet.
Use all your lifelines so you really have nothing to lose by using them in your million pound final questions. I can't wait any longer, let's take a look, here we go, good luck, we're talking big money. is that your final answer, player two. I sincerely hope that you have given me the correct answer to your million pound question and that I can reveal to you that you have indeed done it and that you are our new virtual millionaire. Congratulations, I don't know that player too, but you. You have now earned the chance to enter our draw to win a real cash prize in our exclusive teex competition.
Simply follow the details on the next screen for your chance to win real money. Let's see how they both did starting with their player one. Thank you for playing Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and good luck if you've entered our cash prize draw. Good choice. The three of them are playing our questionsgeneral knowledge. This could really shake up the competition. Let's start with the first five. questions and get them all to that important first Milestone player, you are the first with a 100 question, that's right and a great way to start player two, here's your first question, good luck, it makes a lot of sense to ask one of your friends if you're not sure choose someone to help you this question is very easy the answer is you're right to call me I'm sure it's a good they seem pretty sure it's a are you going to trust them? to a bright star that's the right answer that's the kind of start to a game we like to see let's keep it up player three you're off to a BrightBegin that's the right answer player one here's question number two for £ 200.
It's early to give me the wrong answer, but that was the right answer. Well done, question number two for you, player two, it's early to give me the wrong answer, but it was like that. the correct answer well done with all your lifelines still intact let's take a look at your 200 question player three well done you are absolutely right with all your lifelines still unused. I'm sure you can get through this your 300 question player, one that was the answer was looking for a good job take a look at your third question and remember you still have two lines left in case you need them that was the answer was looking for a good job it looks like you're finding these questions easily player three see what do it with this you're making it look easy well done that's the right answer things are going well here comes question four and you haven't touched any of your lifelines yet that's the correct answer your ,000 is in sight check it out your 4th question player two and get up to £500 that's the correct answer your 000 is in sight no problem with any of the 500 questions yet and I'm sure That it won't be any different, here comes your question, a wrong answer at this stage would spell disaster, but you were right, well done, it's the last chance to leave player one empty-handed.
I'm sure that won't happen, let's take a look at your question, that's the correct answer for £1,000, well done, here's your chance to reach the first milestone. You still have two lifelines left and I will give you a new one if you can find me the right answer. Well done, you have safely reached the first milestone. You look good player 3 you haven't touched any of your lifelines and you will have £1000 and another lifeline if you answer this question correctly you had £500 now you have £1000 is the correct answer W player number one I couldn't have done better You've reached £1,000 with all your lifelines intact and I'll give you another one.
Our new Switch Lifeline gives you the option to change your question to another once during the game. Now, hopefully, you won't need to use it. on your next question, where you have the chance to watch a video, an image or listen to an audio clip and of course double your money to £2000, here we go, best of luck, have a cold lunch every day. Yes, your mom likes to prepare lunch. It's a bit like Mom doesn't do it, she's just my sister and she gets up around 5:00 in the morning and does everything, so it's a lot of work for her, right?
Would it make any difference then if you can have a hot meal every day? Yeah, tell me why you think it would make a difference? Why would you want it? Because it warms us up for the rest of the day. Sorry, buddy, it turns us on. the rest of the day and it's so important here at Ling, yeah, are you 100% sure you know you'll quit the game if you mess up? £1,000 safely in the bank and you've bagged the new Switch Lifeline. Now remember that you can use it to exchange your question only once during the game, which could be very useful.
Now it's your turn to see which of our special questions you'll receive. for reaching your first milestone so convincingly, so let's take a look. I'm very pleased to say you've just won £2000, player number three, very well done. A very solid start in your search for the million. You haven't used any of your lifelines yet. and they just gave you another one, the new Switch Lifeline. Now hopefully you don't need to use any of them for this your question 2000, which will include a video, sound clip or image, let's take a look at the very well reproduced place. in that one you have £2,000.
I like this type of game, lots of correct answers and everyone still has a chance to reach real cash prizes. I'm sure you'll go ahead and get up to £4,000 with this your 7th question, here it comes, good luck, you lose 000 if you're wrong, are you sure you want to play? You just won £4,000. Make sure you don't return to the last milestone with an incorrect answer to question number seven. Good luck. It's for £4,000. Very well done. It is the correct answer. For £4,000. Now, player number three, don't forget that there is a wrong answer here. It will set you back £1000.
I'm sure that won't happen, so let's move forward with your seventh question. It's worth £4000. You lose a thousand if you're wrong. Are you sure you want to play? I can tell you. was the correct answer, well done, you've won £4000, oh what a great game, not a single wrong answer yet, but let's hope we haven't spoken too soon, get this question right and you'll win £8,000, if you get it wrong you'll lose. 3000 that's all it comes down to taking a look at this question are you absolutely sure you want to play this question? Ok, you risk £3000 and you'll be glad you did.
You just won 8,000. Things are going very well for you now. player two and you have £4,000 under your belt, see if you can get to £8,000 by giving me the correct answer to this question. If this is the correct answer, you will win £8,000. It is the correct answer. Well played. We've been very impressive so far and none of your four lifelines have been used on your way to £4,000. It would be great if you could reach the next milestone still with all four lifelines intact. Let's address question number eight right now. Very well done, the right thing. the answer is worth 8,000 things really couldn't go much better for you, could you be player one?
Now you're just seven correct answers away from winning a million and you still have all your lifelines available. Take a look at the next question, it's worth 16,000. Remember that a wrong answer would lose you £77,000, so be careful, if this is the correct answer, you will have won 16,000. It is the correct answer. Very well played, we are playing big money at the moment and £16,000 is it. At stake in the next question you would lose £77,000, albeit with a wrong answer, so it's time to think very carefully about what you're doing here. I wish you the best of luck, so you have given me your final answer and it is absolutely correct, you just won. 16,000 player three, your next question is worth about $16,000 which sounds very tasty if you give me the wrong answer, however I would have to take back seven of the £8,000 I just gave you, here it comes if this is the right answer. answer you will have won £16,000 is the correct answer very well played player one it is rare that we see a performance of this level you have managed to win £16,000 and you still haven't touched any of your lifelines well done Take a look at your next question .
It could guarantee you £32,000 and give you a great opportunity to win the big money waiting for you on the other side. Risk £15,000 on this question. I hope you don't regret it. I don't think you will, you've given me the correct answer and it's worth £32,000, player two. Now it's your turn to attempt a mission that will see you reach that second milestone and win a guaranteed minimum of £32,000. This is the last time you could walk away with just £1,000, so please don't give me the wrong answer . Look at the question carefully and remember not to rush. This is a great moment for you.
A correct answer will guarantee you 32,000 and it is the correct answer, very well played, player three, your entire lifeline intact and you have yet to give me a single wrong answer, so you probably won't have any problems with the £32 question 000, let's take a look and see now I know how big This moment is not to keep you in suspense. It is the correct answer. You've just won £32,000, player one. You must be very pleased with yourself. You've got a very solid £32,000 in the bank and now you have the chance to double it once. Again, now that you've passed another one of our milestones, we'll reward you with one more of our special questions which will contain a video, sound clip or image and hopefully that will help you win £64,000.
Good luck here. It comes well. I hope our special question was a blessing to you and was the right answer. You've just won £64,000. You're doing brilliantly. Wow, this is a fantastic game. Nobody has given me a single error. answer still so that's at least £32,000 in total can you be next to double that figure to 64,000 with your special video image or sound base question? Check it out remember you don't lose anything if you give me the wrong answer well I hope our special question has been a blessing to you and that was the right answer. You just won an incredible sum of 64,000.
You're doing brilliantly, player three. Now you can relax a little, mainly because you have absolutely nothing to lose by giving me the wrong answer. next question, but I hope you don't do that and instead we'll turn your guaranteed £32,000 into £64,000 because you passed the second milestone. We have another one of our special questions in video, sound or image for you, let's see which of those you will play with here, come on, good luck, the body flap and the speed brake are in the launch position T minus 10 seconds 9 8 7 we have start of the main engine 4 3 2 1 ignition and takeoff takeoff of Discovery the first flight totally dedicated to the De


ment of Defense Mission and it has cleared the tower well.
I hope our special question was a blessing to you and was the right answer. He's just won a whopping £64,000. He's doing brilliantly. You're doing very well, player. a correct answer means you have earned the right to play for 125,000,000 a wrong answer would mean you lose the £32,000 you just won very lucky here comes your question, it is not easy to get to this level and you could be about to lose £32,000 or you could be about to win £125,000 and you have the right answer. Well done, if you give me one more correct answer I will give you £15,000, it's not often that someone says remember I might also be about to take 32 of your £64,000 from you, it all depends on whether you give me one more correct answer or incorrect to the next question, it is not easy to get to this level and you could be about to lose £32,000 or you could be about to win £125,000 and you have the correct answer.
Well done player three, you've been brilliant so far. Now you have the chance to play for £125,000. Remember you will be back at £32,000. If you gave me the wrong answer but give me the right answer and you would be just three questions away from 1 million good luck remember that once you have given me your final answer there is no turning back, are you sure? Well, I won't. I keep you in suspense. I can tell you that was the right answer. You just won 125,000. What a great player. You are now just three questions away from gaining 1 million players.
One, which I think you'll agree is very exciting, is also extremely nervous. The first of those questions that you need to negotiate is number 13. It is worth 250,000. You haven't used all your lifelines yet, so use them. If you're not sure of the answer, you could be on the verge of becoming a quarter millionaire. about to lose £93,000, you just gave me the right answer, great, now you can go all the way, good player number two, things are getting tougher and there's a chance you don't know the answer to this , so if you don't, please walk. away and don't waste £93,000 on a brighter note, if you know the answer it will be worth a quarter of a million pounds to you, best of luck, here comes your question, it could be about to become a quarter of a millionaire. or you could be about to lose 93,000, you just gave me the correct answer.
Great, now you can go to the end. Let's stop for a moment and relax, player three. You've done a fantastic job so far and you could be on the verge of winning. £250,000, as I have been continually reminding you, although one wrong answer will cost you a lot of money, this time it would cost you 93 thousand dollars, so now is not the time to guess, let's hope you don't have to, let's hope you know the answer take a look Look at the question you are playing for big money here is that your final answer could be you are about to become a quarter millionaire or you could be about to lose 93,000.
You just gave me the correct answer. Great, could you now go all the way, player one, you're now looking at huge, life-changing amounts of money. The next question is worth half a million pounds. You can use a Lifeline if you want, but don't risk going back to £32,000 if you don't. I don't know an answer here, good luck comes, you just risked £18,000, you had a quarter of a million, now you have half a million, amazing, you areone of our biggest winners, player two, it really couldn't be a much better situation for you. Could they have £250,000 in their pocket and the chance to now double that figure to half a million?
He hasn't even used all his lifelines yet. Could we be facing the next virtual millionaire? Maybe don't get too carried away, although I need you to give me the information first. correct answer to this question this is a very important moment in the game are you sure that is the answer you want? you just risked 218,000 you had a quarter of a million now you have an incredible half a million you are one of the greatest winners of all time I don't want to speak too soon but you have a very good chance of winning a million pounds here player three you haven't exhausted yet all lifelines, which means you are not abandoned if you do not know the Answer this question immediately.
A correct answer here will win you half a million pounds. A wrong answer will return you to 32,000 fingers.crossed good luck you just raised 218,000 you had a quarter of a million now you have half a million amazing you are one of our biggest winners here we are then player one the big question you have been waiting for since the game started Now I really hope you know the answer to this, and if you don't, you haven't used all your lifelines yet, so you still have a real chance. Remember that you do not have to play this question and a wrong answer will leave you without an answer.
Loser, a catastrophic amount of cash, so be careful, best of luck. Here comes your million dollar question. It makes a lot of sense to ask one of your friends if you're not sure. Choose someone to help you. I have an opportunity to help you. I have no idea. I just don't know the answer. I'm sorry. I wish I could say that sounds like it might help. Are you going to guess anyway? Come on, then the audience is alert. We need your help to answer this question. right, if you're ready, please grab your keyboard and vote now.
There certainly isn't much to the audience vote. Answer B has it, but really just by a hair it's not


icularly conclusive. So going 50/50 should help the computer take. Two of the answers leave you with the correct answer and the only remaining answer - we're talking huge sums of money here - is that your final answer, well, you took a huge risk and decided to play the million pound question when you could have . I left with half a million. I can reveal that you should have. You just gave me the wrong answer. You've just lost £468,000. I'm so sorry for what a terrible ending to the game you were so close to going all the way, but you lost it, well done player two, you now have the choice, or you walk away with half a million pounds. or you play possibly the most important question of your life, which is worth 1 million.
You haven't exhausted all your lifelines yet, so you really have nothing. lose using them in your million pound final questions I can't wait any longer let's take a look here we go best of luck we are talking about big sums of money your final answer player two I sincerely hope you gave me the correct answer to your million pound question and can reveal to you that you have indeed done it, you are our new virtual millionaire. Congratulations, I don't know that player too, but now you have the opportunity to participate. our draw to win a real cash prize in our exclusive Tex competition just follow the details on the next screen for your chance to win real money this is a pretty rare event player 3 you are about to play the million pound question and I still haven't used all of their life preservers.
I don't need to warn you that a wrong answer here would cost you £468,000, so please look at the question carefully before giving me your final answer. Here comes your fifteenth and final question and it's worth 1 million. good luck, we're talking big money here is that your final answer, player three, you had half a million pounds to your name and you risked it to try your luck at the million. I can tell you that your half a million has just doubled is the correct answer you are a virtual millionaire what an amazing game now you can make it even better player three by entering our Tex dra for a chance to win one of our real prizes see how in the next Screen This is where you can really see how you stacked up and, most importantly, who made the most money.
Thank you for playing Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and good luck if you entered our cash prize draw for all four of you choosing General Knowledge Questions I. Like a good old-fashioned game, it should be fun. Let's get you all through the first five levels as quickly as possible and start playing for those real cash prizes. Player one, you are the first with a 100 question that is correct and with a £100 question. number one for you player two that's right and for £100 that's the kind of start to a game we like to see let's keep it up player three that's right and for $100 let's make sure everyone gets to 100 and then please player four, well done. the correct answer, player one, here's question number two for £200, well done, you're absolutely right, question number two for you, player two, well done, two out of two for you, with your whole life still intact, Let's take a look at your 200 questions, player three.
We have made two of two for you. Very encouraging progress by everyone so far. Make sure you join the others with £200. Well done, two out of two for you. You still have all your Lifeline to use. I'm sure you can beat this your question 300. Player one, you're making it look easy, well done, that's the right answer, question three of 15 is coming up for you, player two, can that look easy, well done, that's the correct answer? Take a good look at your third question for 300, player three. You are well done, it is the correct answer. Take a look at question three, which is worth £300.
You are well done, it is the correct answer. Things are going well. Here comes question four and you still haven't touched any of your lifelines. It sounds like I'm sure it was the right answer and well done. Check out your fourth question player and get up to £500. Okay, no problem with any of the 500 questions yet and I'm sure you'll be no different, here comes your question, very well taken, it's absolutely correct, check out question four of 15 for £500, player four, well done to cor C, going in line for you, it's the last chance you can leave empty-handed, player one.
I'm sure that won't happen, let's take a look at your question. This was the last chance. You could leave with nothing, but you will stay. That's the correct answer. Player two. Question number five is worth £1000. Check out. Don't forget a new one. Lifeline is also waiting for you if you can give me a correct answer to this. I can tell you that you have given me the correct answer. Very well done. You look good, player three, you haven't touched any of your lifelines and you will. have £1,000 and another Lifeline if you answer this question right, that's the right answer, well played, good everyone seems pretty comfortable so far, player four, don't let me down, be yourself £1,000, that's the right answer for £ 1,000, well done, wow, number one player.
I couldn't have done it better. You've reached £1000 with all your lifelines intact and I'm going to give you another one. Our new Switch Lifeline gives you the option to change your question to another once during the game, hopefully. You won't need to use it on your next question, where you'll have the chance to see a video, image or listen to an audio clip and, of course, double your money to £22,000. Here we go, good luck. You are ready to continue here. come on oh he was good but not that good he still gets it back take that oh my gosh oh yeah that was on the line it vibrates in your hand so it feels like you're really hitting the ball and It's pretty accurate.
I know that if you hit the ball, the ball goes up and if you hit Top Spin, you get Top Spin. Are you 100% sure you know that you will quit the game if you make a mistake? You had £1000 and I'm replacing you. with £2000, good game, very well made, player two, five correct answers gets you £1,000 and a new Switch Lifeline to add to the other three you still have unused. You are now in a very strong position, so let's take a look and find out if we have treated you with a question in video, audio or image and try to take you to the next level safely.
I like her music, but she is also a very extravagant person and she has that image. Tonight's image was Madonna. Mega star The Mighty Minders are just one sign of the success of 15 consecutive top five singles, although one critic has said she sounds like Minnie Mouse on helium, but it's not her music that has made her a millionaire. You had £1,000 and you just won. £22,000 is the correct answer, well done player number three, a very steady start to your quest for the million. You haven't used any of your lifelines yet and they just gave you another one, the new Switch Lifeline.
Now let's hope you don't. I need to use any of them for this 2000 question which will include a video, sound clip or image. Let's take a look. Are you 100% sure you know that you will quit the game if you make a mistake? You had 1000 and me. I'm replacing it with £22,000 or play, you're doing great so far, player 4 and now you've got the new Switch Lifeline to help you towards the virtual ion, but first, let's see if we can get you up to £. 2,000 with your next question, it will include a video, image or sound clip to reward you for such a solid effort so far here we go, best of luck, that's one small step for man once.
To the man, you had £1,000. I just won £2000 is the correct answer. I like this type of game, there are many correct answers and everyone still has a chance to reach real cash prizes. I'm sure you'll go ahead and get £2,000. 4000 with this your seventh question here comes good luck very well done is the correct answer for £4000 doing incredibly well now player 2 £2000 in the bank and the four life preservers are still intact I very much hope that you will go much further up the scale of prizes, let's take one question at a time, even if we start this one for £4,000, okay, so you want a friend to help you, no problem, who are you going to ask me to call?
Hi, great, I like it when I know the answer, I will definitely go for one I am sure will be correct. I think if I were you, I'd pick an A on top of that. I can tell you that was the right answer. Well done, you have won. £4,000 now player number three, don't forget that a wrong answer here will set you back to £1,000. I'm sure that won't happen, so let's move on to your seventh question, it's worth £4,000, you had £2,000 and you The correct answer means you've doubled your money to 4,000. Three players have reached £4,000. Let's hope you join them.
Remember a wrong answer, even though it will make you the first to leave this game. So save yourself the embarrassment and let's go. You go up to level eight without further ado. You lose ,000 if you are wrong. Are you sure you want to play? A correct answer here is worth £4,000 and that's exactly what you didn't tell me. The right answer. Oh, what a great game, not a single wrong answer yet, but let's hope we haven't spoken too soon. Get this question right and you'll win £8,000. Get this question wrong and you'll lose £3,000, and that's all it boils down to taking a look at this question. you are absolutely sure you want to play this question, if this is the correct answer you will win £8,000, it is the correct answer, well played, things are going very well for you now, player two, and you have £4,000 on your credit, look yes you can.
Make it up to £8,000 by giving me the correct answer to this question. Very well done. Your correct answer is worth £8,000. You've been very impressive so far and none of your four lifelines have been used on your way to £4,000. Great, if you could reach the next milestone still with all four lifelines intact, let's address question number eight right now. Your £4,000 has just become £8,000. Very well played, player four. I'd love to be able to double your four grand to £8,000. Now remember, one wrong answer means you'll leave the game with just 1,000. If this is wrong, you'll say goodbye to £3,000, but that's not bad, you've just won £8,000.
Things couldn't be much better for you. "Player one, you are now just seven correct answers away from winning a million and you still have all your lifelines available. Take a look at the next question. It is worth £16,000. Remember that one wrong answer would make you lose £7,000, so be careful". I have decided to answer this question and you will be glad I did. It is the correct answer. Your £8,000 has become £6,000, right. These are big amounts of money we're playing with at the moment and £16,000 is up for grabs in the next question. However, you would lose £7,000 with a wrong answer, so it's time to think very carefully about what you're doing here, we wish you the best of luck, your £8,000 has just turned into £16,000.
You were right, goodDone, player three, your next question is worth a very tasty one. It sounds like 16,000 if you give me the wrong answer, however, I would have to make up seven of the 8,000 I just gave you. Here it comes. I have to ask you if that is your final answer and you have decided to play. this question and you will be glad you did it is the correct answer your £8,000 has just become £6,000 you are playing very well all your lifelines are still intact and you have £8,000 to your name and two more correct answers and you By now we will have reached that important second milestone, although you have the chance to win 16,000 if you give me a correct answer to this your next question your £8,000 has just become £16,000 you were right, well done player one, it's weird let's see a With a performance of this level, you managed to earn 16,000 and you still haven't touched any of your lifelines.
Well done. Take a look at your next question. It could guarantee you £32,000 and give you a great opportunity to make a lot of money. that's waiting for you on the other side you had £16,000 that you could have taken with that I have to say you were right not to have won £32,000 player two now it's your turn to attempt a mission in which we see you reach that milestone and win a guaranteed minimum of £32,000. This is the last time you could walk away with just £1,000, so please don't give me the wrong answer. Look at the question carefully and remember not to rush, that is. a great time for your correct answer will guarantee you 32,000 and it is thecorrect answer very well played, player three, all your lifelines intact and you have not yet given me a single wrong answer, so you surely will not have any problem with the question of £32,000, let's take a look and see that you had £16,000 and now you have 1,000 was the wrong answer.
Wow, did the pressure get to you as a three player? You are the first to lose and you won only £1,000. Unfortunately, you may have to watch someone else earn considerably better. I'm sure that made it clear to you how easy it is. To answer a really difficult question in this game, I don't want to lose you too, so think carefully about the next question and guarantee yourself £32,000 here we go, very lucky, you had £16,000 and you could have taken I have to say you were right failing to win £32,000 as player one. You must be very pleased with yourself.
You got a very solid £32,000 in the bank and now you have the chance to double it once again as you spend another one. of our Milestones, we'll reward you with one more of our special questions which will contain a video, sound clip or image and hopefully that will lead to you winning £64,000. Good luck, here it comes. I know he has. There's nothing to lose, but are you sure that's the answer you want? Well, you have given me your final answer. I can tell you that it is the correct answer. You've just won £64,000. Well, you should feel pretty relieved now, player two.
You've arguably reached the most comfortable point in the game, you have £32,000 in the bank and now you can try to double it for 64,000 and if that's not enough, we also have a special question based on video, sound or image. Let's celebrate that you have passed the complicated second milestone. Alright. You have given me your final answer. I can tell you that it is the correct answer. You've just won £64,000. This is a great four player. You will not leave me. with less than £32,000 and even better, if you give me a correct answer to the following question, you could double that amount to £64,000.
You have nothing to lose by playing this, so sit back, relax and enjoy this special question ahead. I know you have nothing to lose, but are you sure that's the answer you want? You had 32,000. You had nothing to lose by answering this question. Turns out you had everything to win. It is the correct answer and is worth £64,000. You're doing so well, player one, that the correct answer means you've earned the right to play for £125,000. A wrong answer would mean you lose the £32,000 you just won. Good luck. Here comes your question, remember once. You have given me your final answer, there is no turning back, are you sure?
Well give me your final answer now there's no going back at all I'm sorry but I'm tearing up your virtual check for £64,000 and replacing it with one for £25,000 is the correct answer if you give me a correct answer plus I'll give you £125,000 It's not often someone says that remember I might as well be about to take 32 of your £64,000 It all depends on whether you give me a right or wrong answer to the next question. Remember that once you give me your final answer, there is no turning back. Are you sure you give me your final answer?
There is no turning back at all. I'm sorry, but I'm tearing up your virtual check for £64,000 and replacing it with one for £25,000. That's the correct answer. You already know the result. Player four. Give me the correct answer to the following question. I'll give you £125,000 give me the wrong answer everyone will complain and the worst part about you will lose £32,000 let's hope that doesn't happen take a look at the next question remember that once you've given me your final answer there's no going back, right? Well, maybe you wish you'd taken 64,000. You'll be glad you didn't, because you've just won £3,000.
It was the correct answer. Now you are just three questions away from gaining 1 million players. I think you'll agree it's very exciting it's also extremely stressful now the first of those questions you need to negotiate is number 13 it's worth £250,000 you haven't used all your lifelines yet so use them if you're not sure of the answer this is getting getting serious now you've just decided to play our question for a quarter of a million pounds and you've given me the correct answer you're a virtual quarter millionaire ok player number two things are getting harder and there is every chance You don't know the answer to this question, so if you don't walk away and lose 93,000 on a brighter note, if you know the answer, it'll be worth a quarter of a million pounds to you, best of all. good luck here comes your question this is getting serious now you've just decided to play our question for a quarter of a million pounds and you've given me the correct answer you're a virtual quarter millionaire 12 correct answers to your name player which means you have £125,000 to play with.
You can increase that to a quarter of a million pounds if you give me the right answer to this question now of course a wrong answer would get me back 93,000 of that and I really don't want to do that so no guessing please there's no shame in Walking Away, okay, so you've already chosen the phone. One of your friends now, who would you like to ask for help? This is three. I think wait, although the more I think about it the more I want to change my mind. Oh, I don't know, has he helped you or just confused you even more.
I suggest you think carefully before giving me your final answer. This is getting serious now that you've just decided. Play our question for a quarter of a million pounds and you've given me the correct answer. You are a virtual quarter millionaire gamer. Now you're looking at huge, life-changing amounts of money. The next question is worth half a million. pounds, you can use a Lifeline if you want, but don't risk going down to £32,000 if you don't know an answer, here comes good luck, this is a very important moment in the game, are you sure that's the answer what do you want?
To go, I really enjoy these great questions. You had £250,000. Now you have £500,000. Fantastic and well played player two. one million you haven't even used all your lifelines yet could we be looking at the next virtual millionaire? Maybe don't get too carried away, although first I need you to give me the correct answer to this question. I really enjoy these great questions. You had £250,000. Now you have a fantastic £500,000, well played. Oh, I love this part of the game. You haven't used all your lifelines yet and you're about to take a look at question number 14 out of 15 possible.
A wrong answer here will cost you. 218,000 but that's correct and I would be writing you a virtual check for half a million pounds. I sincerely hope that is the case. Let's find out here. I really enjoy these great questions. You had 250,000 and now you have £500,000. Fantastic, well played. so we are player one, the big question you have been waiting for since the game started. I really hope you know the answer to this and if you don't you haven't used all your lifelines yet so you still have a real chance, remember you don't have to play this question and a wrong answer would make you lose an amount Catastrophic cash flow, so be careful, best of luck.
Here comes your million pound question, we are talking about huge sums of money. that your final answer it's not often we get to this point, player one, but you've just given me your final answer to a million pound question. I can tell you that you are a virtual millionaire, was the correct answer, fantastically well done, player one. You've also given yourself the chance to win a huge real cash prize by entering our special tech giveaway. Simply follow the instructions on the next screen and hopefully we'll turn some of your virtual winnings into real winnings. Well done, player two.
Now you have a The decision you have to make is that you take half a million pounds or play possibly the most important question of your life worth 1 million. You haven't used up all your lifelines yet, so you really have nothing to lose by using them in your final million pound questions. I can't wait any longer, let's take a look here. Come on, good luck. So going 50/50 should help. The computer will eliminate two of the answers, leaving you with the correct answer and the remaining answer. Talking about big money here is your final answer, player two.
I sincerely hope that you have given me the correct answer to your million pound question and that I can reveal to you that you have indeed done it, that you are our new virtual millionaire. Congratulations, no. just that player too, but now you've earned the chance to enter our giveaway to win a real cash prize in our exclusive text contest. Just follow the details on the next screen for your chance to win real money. This is what this game is about. I would love to make you a millionaire gamer. 4. You've done brilliantly to get here and you haven't used up all of your Lifeline yet, so there's a good case for you to play this question if you play and get it wrong.
I would lose 460 £8,000 please don't do that try to relax take your time here it comes your question is worth a million good luck we are talking about large sums of money here is that your final answer plays four I can tell you that a The wrong answer here would make you lose £468,000. That will not be the case. It was the correct answer. You are a virtual millionaire. Congratulations. You also have the chance to enter our fabulous competition where you could win a real cash prize. Follow the instructions below. screen to see how, let's take a look at how much everyone won, just click Next to move from one player to another.
Thank you for playing Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and good luck if you've entered our cash prize draw.

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