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Who's the CURSED zombie Among Us!?

Jun 06, 2021
guys, behind this door is something horrible, um, don't open it, no, we're safe here doctor, we need a doctor, subscribe or your next brain, one of us is not like the others, who is it? One of us is a


brain. he just go hide in the guns come on guns are a safe place to hide okay yeah where's a camouflage here? What do I mean, brain, yeah, oh no, no, no, just play this one, you can run, come on, where are you guys? I'm live. At all costs we must protect Draco's dumpling. Luna attacked me no this is rainbow or rainbow you ate Luna where is she guys wait for me calm down she can't catch us here guys now I need frames whatever lets join me in the med bay? who's hiding here we need brains in every corner of the room all the guys are almost done their homework we can't let this happen


s oh my god come on we got these divide and conquer yeah divide take over the world check out get down Draco, why?
who s the cursed zombie among us
You are following me? You are trying to get the last brain. Yeah guys, where's the last person hiding? We should all stick together because if one of us is interested it's funny, oh my god I'm out, it must be out, it's okay, it's okay, who is it, it's me, oh, it's moon, it's moon, it's okay, that's it The only way, moon, I'm checking the hallways zombie guys oh now I'm out I was going to say east wing but they're getting ready I'm an infected dumpling how could you let them eat grains? You literally put us in a trap, sorry, yeah, revenge, okay.
who s the cursed zombie among us

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who s the cursed zombie among us...

Do you want to become a dumpling like me? Where we go? Hey, okay, Luna, I promise you, Luna, look me in the eyes, I'll never leave you, you understand that's okay, I'll never leave you, sometime look, okay, you can trust me like I'm a lie why do you keep talking to us? let's infect hello funny friend, are you afraid of zom? Hey, she's fast sailing. I can all see them on the zombie security camera. Yes, I am looking for security. All the zombies head to the navigation. I repeat, all zombies are heading. nap, there is no one in navigation, okay, I'm talking on the radio, which crew member is still alive.
who s the cursed zombie among us
Someone out there, okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my zombie, it was my fault, it took me too long to speak and now everyone's infected, yeah. clearly, go to security, excuse me no, no, please, okay, I'll be a zombie, funny, I'll go into the security cameras, someone was in the upper engine, are there any zombies currently in the upper engine? No, no, no, there are no zombies and superior engines, I can't wait, I found them there in the cafeteria, come on get one they're headed to hey, how come navigation can't? Hey, there you go, give me your brain, yeah, whatever was good, I was going to finish my exam in secret, oh, sweet revenge, it has to be enough, it has one more assignment, we better find them good.
who s the cursed zombie among us
Work Dracco, we won, yeah, they were doing their last task and I said dumpling, no, it's the twenty-first year, quick, quick, quick, the earthquake is over, we're honest with you and the zombies, yeah, yeah, yeah, and we must travel together or else. We are going to get infected we are strong, stop the shock, follow the spaceship policeman Rainbow, she will take us to safe places, my mini friend Rainbow, shouldn't we go to the left sector first? She's a bad leader, who's the boss here? I heard that if you go to decontamination. You can never get in isn't it, okay, you want to stay squeaky clean, yeah, nice, I like this, I like it, we can't get infected now, okay, everyone here, yeah, do your homework here and then we'll regroup.
What's going on? Oh my God, right? Surely not, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, we have to walk, stay away from that truck, stay away from that man, stay with me, you have a decontamination, shut up, decontamination, guys, don't abandon me. Don't leave me, I'm making the flyers, okay, go, run, run, run, run, where are you? I don't know why you guys maybe a traitor, so much rainbow, wow, what kind of leader are you? I'm not a traitor, yeah, you're the one, okay, okay, draco, stop freaking out, you're making me crazy, I can't write these numbers, oh, I'm trying to do my test right, since it broke up, yeah , that's right, everyone was divided. oh oh no no no no no zombie brain powers oh no where am I going?
How are you funny? Can I hide anywhere? um I'm done, I'm done, I'm done with this dead end zone I really hope you're on the launch pad she's stupid why are you so quiet what do you mean not breathing I can smell you I see dumpling I can how are you not? turning into a zombie that is manipulated yes no I hate you did you bring the zombie down here? I saw one before, I know I saw one down here too, where is everyone okay? So it seems separate, yes, that was Draco, they were dumplings. I'm almost done, yes, we travel too, it's impossible to get his things together, everyone, oh, he's their real leader now.
I'm your leader, that's right, you can't win, listen zombies, I'm your leader now I always was. Let's go to the cafeteria, follow our leader. Oh there is one, why is he screaming? You're infected, no need to stop, yeah, why? yelling you're the leader it's very new someone just let off some steam okay oh this vending machine looks delicious I hope it's served spring snacks I lost my zombie team I'm a dumb zombie ketchup brains hello sir zombie team hello guys I'm missing out why you alone you go to the vending machine I went to the vending machine you have oh, I see my team hello team yes, we are here you have to come zombies come on, they are going to beat us, we are going to rain less brains guys, I tried to touch them but, oh, wait , they're here, they're in the office, they're coming down, oh, I think they're gone, they think they'll be at the end of the hall, they're going up and down and up and down, okay, zombies, one person is watching here, one person is watching there , easy, that's it, wait, the person only has one more task to do, we have to split up, I will guard this door, no, draco, if we split up, we can't dominate all areas, wait for someone. looking at the administrator someone is there oh yes, everyone looking at the administrator wait a minute there is someone in the greenhouse hello they are in the greenhouse find them okay someone is in the lunar reactor and I am watching down here you can't lean down no, there is no one in the greenhouse for everyone, this game mode is unwinnable, yes, okay, no chat, follow me or you will die, okay, but I need to complete this video, you don't have a task here, okay, you chose death, I don't leave any doubt, girls.
I will follow you, this says that everyone abandons me, come on, well I don't have time to wait and watch you do your tasks, okay, yes, we are all administrators, that is a very smart idea. I'm leaving, look how big this table is. Okay, it's funny, stay here. on the corner near the vein it's actually in the cafeteria they're in the cafeteria it's okay you're lying you're telling the truth they're not in the cafeteria okay I'm not going to go to the cafeteria everyone dive here come On your police officer, Follow me, there's ventilation, no, no, no, I'm going in here, I don't know where they are, wait, are you the zombie?
You're acting, no, scary draco, you have to calm down in situations like this, yeah, how are you? people, how are people supposed to survive an apocalypse with Draco's screams what a greenhouse I'm fine I'm fine don't go down there I think you're going up guys I'll beat my homework come on I'm almost done, I just did it? I want to go to the castle, come on, come on, I have to wait, let's do this, let's do this people, oh yes, many of us are alive, this is a good thing, is this a good thing? That just means more people will have to be inspected.
I saw a zombie, they're running to the locker room guys, I already did my homework, I already did my time, I need all this milk, hey, I just have to live, give me that almond milk, come on, I have one more homework, I'm done, Jacob, come on . Hide Draco, you know where to go secretly. I'm hiding in the cafeteria. He is the biggest. Yes, it's me, oh why did I just see Draco Dumpling Boy on the satellite dish? Come in, come in, okay, calm down, calm down, hey, you shouldn't say where we're hiding. What happens if the lunar rainbow is infected?
Oh, who is that? I am not infected. Where are you going? I have one more mission. Just stay still, don't move, don't move, what's okay? Okay, Draco, Draco, hide your dumpling, boy, it's sticking out of the wall. I can see your dog's paws. Oh, I'm moving my dog. I guess you guys shouldn't have pets during an apocalypse no no no no no no no no no no no no you didn't see that I don't see us I'm scared in the cafeteria you don't know you know you don't No, you don't go out, come here, you don't know, no You know, I think that's rainbow, please come on guys, when I need to win, please, who has a job?
Delete my place, I hate you, rainbow. It sucks, I'm rainbow and I would have won if rainbow hadn't discovered my best hiding place. That was crazy, oh yeah, no, what is that? She is infected. Everyone will stay. No, no, no, no, I'm not infected, I swear. I'm sorry and you know you're the only one infected you know it's true oh yeah I'm going to the security camp now oh wait jericho hey everyone do you think I'm a noble zombie? I'm not, I'm an infected zombie and all I want to do is eat brains all day oh don't you want to be like what kind of zombie are you?
You know in the movie? oh I'm a member, oh man, now I'm infected, oh man, oh man, oh man, wait, you know what, let's close all the doors, you can't sabotage, that was rude, that's how the rule is, oh, it really is Well, why are you always breaking the rules? Yeah, buddy, last time, the lights now, that's right, huh? I'm sorry, oh where is it? No, it's because it's funny that he locked the door. She has sabotaged. Hey, you guys should be nice zombies. There has never been a movie about a friendly zombie. That's because we don't have the brains to be nice.
Okay, the big-brained zombie is talking right now. Listen. one in security one in electricity today I will be the friendly big brain zombie I will talk about how to be friendly I didn't even do anything how to be friendly you don't be friendly you

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